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句子成分与基本句型 作用role主语subject谓语predicate宾语object间接宾语indirectobject直接宾语directobject定语attribute状语adverbial d v bi l 补足语complement表语predicative句子结构sentencestructure分析analyze名词noun形容词adjective d iktiv adj 动词verb副词adverb dv b adv 不及物动词transitiveverb vi 代词pronoun pron 及物动词intransitiveverb vt 冠词article连系动词linkverb介词preposition prep zi n prep 助动词auxiliary g zilj ri verb连词conjunction k n d k n conj analyzethestructureofthefollowingsentences thetimepassedquickly hegothereyesterday wegetupathalfpastsixeverymorning it srainingheavily 5 myfriendhelpedmealot shecouldn thearwhatyoursaid theflowersstartedtocomeoutyesterday mylittlebrotherenjoyslisteningtomusicverymuch hewasveryunhappyatlast 10 lilyandjohnareinbluemoonrestaurant 11 theideasoundswonderful 12 herfaceturnsredatthenews 主 谓 s v vi 主 系 表s v linkverb p 主 谓 宾 s v vt o 13 momboughtmeacomputerformybirthday 14 ilentaninterestingstorybooktomyfriendyesterday 15 wewillmakeourcitymorebeautiful 16 iheardmyneighborshoutingandlaughingloudly 17 isawanoldladyknockedbyacar 18 theinternetmakesitpossibleforustoworkathome 19 onceuponatimetherewasacastle 20 therewillbeanexhibitionintheteachingbuildingthedayaftertomorrow therebe s 主 谓 间宾 直宾 s v vt io do 主 谓 宾 宾补 s v vt o oc 总结 基本句式 1 主 谓 s v vi thetimepassedquickly hegothereyesterday wegetupathalfpastsixeverymorning it srainingheavily 此句型中常有副词或介词短词作状语 2 主 系 表 s v linkverb c 常见系动词 be seem feel appear look smell taste sound remain stay keep become get turn go 1 最后他非常不开心 2 这个想法听起来很好 3 她们在蓝月亮饭店 hewasveryunhappyatlast theideasoundswonderful theyareinbluemoonrestaurant 名词 代词 形容词 介词短语 数词等可以充当表语 3 主 谓 宾 s v vt o 1 myfriendhelpedmealot 2 shecouldn thearwhatyoursaid 3 theflowersstartedtocomeoutyesterday 4 mylittlebrotherenjoyslisteningtomusicverymuch 代词 从句 不定式 v ing 名词 代词 不定式 从句 v ing等可以充当宾语 4 主 谓 间宾 直宾 s v vt io do 改写句子1 momboughtacomputerforme 2 ilentaninterestingstorybooktomyfriendyesterday momboughtmeacomputer ilentmyfriendaninterestingstorybookyesterday 用for指动作的方向 表朝着 对着某人 用to指动作的受益者 表为了某人 替某人 bring give lend hand offer pass pay promise return send show teach tell write ask等 buy call cook choose draw find get make order sing save spare等 5 主 谓 宾 宾补 s v vt o oc 1 昨晚我听到有人在哭 2 我看到他过了马路 3 我觉得这本书很有趣 4 互联网使我们在家工作成为了可能 5 老师总是要求我们按时完成作业 iheardsomeonecryinglastnight isawhimcrosstheroad theinternetmakesitpossibleforustoworkathome ifindthebookinteresting teachersalwaysaskustofinishhomeworkontime see watch notice observe lookat catch hear listento feel have keep leave find get sb sth doingsth find feel make think consider it adj n todosth see watch notice observe lookat hear listento feel have make let sb sth dosth find feel make think consider sb sth adj n 6 therebe s 表示 某地有某物或某人 强调该物或该人的存在 1 therearemanybooksonthedesk 2 therearemanytreesgrowinginthegarden 将下列句子补充完整 1他十五岁就成为有名的钢琴家了 hebecameafamouspianist 2 你在工作中可以依赖他 youcan himinyourwork 4 我们大家都认为她很乐于助人 allofusconsiderher 3所有的同学都认为汤姆很优秀 allofourstudents 5 我觉得学好数学很重要 ifeel important at the age of fifteen depend on think tom excellent glad to help others it to learn maths well 运用所学的基本句式翻译下列句子 1 布朗夫人看起来很健康 2 每天下午有许多学生到图书馆借书 3 他把笔记给同桌看 4 很难回答这个问题 5 我觉得在学校很容易交朋友 6 我已经决定离开这里了 7 我看到他们在马路中间争吵 argue mrs brownlooksveryhealthy everyafternoonmanystudentsgotolibrarytoborrowbooks heshowedhisnotestohisdeskmate itisdifficulttoanswerthequestion ifinditeasytomakefriendsatschool ihavedecidedtoleavehere isawthemarguinginthemiddleoftheroad 1 diedof lastwinter old twohundred people cold2 a she beautiful made dress me for3 stopped bus the suddenly4 twothirdsof guangzhou from come us5 there oncomputers greatchanges havebeen inthelastfewyears6 must reading you intwoweeks finish thesebooks7 heard someone i me calling justnow8 me mybrother a skirt beautiful sent to9 threeletters thisterm to i myparents havewritten 将给出的词连接成句子 twohundredoldpeoplediedofcoldlastwinter 2 shemadeabeautifuldressforme thebusstoppedsuddenly twothirdsofuscomefromguangzh


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