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Unit4LookintoScience Lesson25 Let sDoAnExperiment Doyouthinkwhatwillhappen experimentn 实验 试验 Anexperimentshowswhathappens theoryn 理论 学说 Atheoryisanidea jarn 广口瓶 罐子 fillv 装满 Pleasefillthejarwithwater upsiden 上部 上边 upsidedown的意思是 向下翻转过来 Youholdthebookupsidedown 你把书拿倒了 rightsideup是 正面朝上 的意思 Thatpictureisupsidedown provev 证实 证明 Let sdoanexperimentandprovewho sright observev 观察 监视 PleaseobservecarefullywhatIdo scientificadj 科学的 methodn 方法 办法 That scalledthescientificmethod Vocabulary 科学 theoryn experimentn 实验 试验 fillv scientificadj jarn upsiden provev observev methodn 广口瓶 罐子 理论 学说 装满 证明 证实 上部 上边 观察 监视 科学的 方法 办法 sciencen Fillintheblankswiththerightwordsandthefirstletterisgiven 1 Let sdoane 2 BrianhasonetandDannyhasanother 3 Theycanpwho sright 4 Iturnthejarudown 5 Pleaseocarefully xperiment heory rove pside bserve Howdotheydotheexperiment steps WhatdoBrianandDannyneedwhentheydotheexperiment fill in cover with turn upsidedown water ajar apieceofcardboard 1 2 3 1 WhatwillBraindo Hewilldoanexperiment 2 WhydoesDannysaytheyshoulddothisexperimentoutside BecauseDannythinksthefloorwillgetwet 3 What sBrain stheory Brianissurethefloorwon tgetwet QUESTIONS Readthetextandanswerthequestions 1 What sthemeaningoftheword theory 2 What sthemeaningoftheword experiment 3 WillBriandotheexperimentinsideoroutside Why A theory isanidea An experiment showswhathappens Inside Becauseheissurethefloorwon tgetwet Readandtellhowtodotheexperiment 1 Fillthejarwithwater 2 Coverthetopwithapieceofcardboard 3 Turnthejarupsidedowncarefully 4 Moveyourhandawayquickly 1 Ifillajarwithwater 我用水把瓶子装满 fill with 用 装满 主语是人 befullof befilledwith 主语是物或容器 同义句转换 1 Theroomsarefullofthestudentsnow Therooms thestudentsnow 2 Mypocketisfilledwiththemoney Mypocket themoney 选择3 Canyou thebox books Afill withBfull withCfilled withDfull in4 Theglass themilk A filledwithB isfilledwithC fullofD isfullwith arefilledwith isfullof Finishofftheseexercises 1 用 把 装满 2 用 把 盖住 3 我 不 确信 4 正面朝上 5 把 翻转 6 getwet 7 doanexperiment 8 apieceofcardboard 9 inside 反义词 10 theory 复数 11 careful 副词 11 science 形容词 fill with cover with Iam not sure rightsideup turn upsidedown turn over 变湿 做一个实验 一块硬纸板 outside theories carefully scientific LANGUAGEPOINTS 2 cover with becoveredwith fill with 用 装满 befilledwith befullof 充满 装满 Afterhearingthenews Hereyeswerefilledwithtears 3 Iturnthejarupsidedown upsidedown倒置向下翻转过来e g Thatpictureisupsidedown 1 Ifillajarwithwater 4 Iamsurethefloorwont tgetwet sb besure that从句的意思是 认为 一定 sb benotsure 疑问词引导的从句 e g IamsurethatyouwillstudyEnglishwell IamnotsurewhenIwillcomebackagain Tomissurethathewillwinthegame PRACTISE He thestockings christmaspresents 用 装满 Pleasepassmeabottle water A fullwithB filledofC fillingwithD fullof Mymotherisholdingthebook 倒着 我弟弟用一块玻璃盖住了那个杯子 Mybrother theglass apieceofglass 我肯定他会来 hewillcome filled with D upsidedown covered with Iamsure Newwords sciencescientificexperimentfillprovemethodtheoryjarobservePhrases befilledwith befullofcover with turn upsidedownSentencePatterns sb besure that从句 sb benotsure 疑问词引导的从句 Let sdoaninterestingexperiment First I ajar adesk it water then thetop apieceofcardboard WhenI thejar canyouguesswhatwillhappen put on fill with cover with turn upside down Howdowedotheexperiment Let sdoit Workingroupsandthinkofthisexperiment Discussitandwritedownhowwedidit Step1Preparation Makealistofthematerialsandtoolsthatwewereusedintheexperiment Step2Theories Writedowntwodifferenttheories 1 Thefloorwillgetwet 2 Thefloorwon tgetwet Water ajar apieceofcardboard Let sdoit Step3Mainsteps Writedownthestepsofdo
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