



精选优质办公范文20XX年cctv杯英语演讲大赛演讲第一篇:cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿let my speech be an overture to the grand symphony of man and anturegood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:when the topic “people and nature” first caught my eye, i was remindedof a story about myself and my violin.i began learning to play the violin when i was eight years old. atfirst, it was a very hard thing for me. after my continued efforts, i wasable to play a lot of musical pieces very soon. i felt so proud of myself that i began to behave arrogantly.my violin teacher noticed this and told me: “to be a good violin player,you should first of all love and respect your violin. you should obey therules of playing it so as to make harmonious melodies. remember, play theviolin not only with your hands, but also with your heart and soul. ”ladies and gentlemen, i believe that nature is to people what my violinis to me. isnt it true that people deal with nature just as i play theviolin? isnt it true that we have been so arrogant that we take libertieswith nature, which brings about the discord between nature and ourselves?since my violin and i have finally reached harmony, why cant people andnature head toward the same direction?ladies and gentlemen, we cannot wait. nor can we afford to wait untilthe day when we find no city, no hilton hotel, no lecture hall to hold anyspeech contests in. let us love and respect nature, nature that is theviolin people have played for thousands of years. let us treasure it, andplay it with our heart and soul. let us observe its rules while developingour industry, modernizing our traffic system, and improving our livingconditions, so that one day, people and nature will together produce themost beautiful and peaceful music.on that day, i am sure to be there with my violin, to join the worldorchestra, in playing the ode to harmony, the eternal harmony betweenpeople and nature.let my speech today be an overture to that grand symphony.thank you.第二篇:20XX年cctv杯英语演讲大赛季军演讲演讲题目make your dream


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