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火力发电厂论文:火力发电厂运行管理系统设计与实现【中文摘要】激烈的市场竞争对发电企业加强内部成本分析、预测和控制,减少损耗,降低发电直接成本提出了更高要求。基于此我们开发了多业务管理平台的主要子系统运行管理系统,本系统涵盖了火力发电厂生产运行中需要监测的大量实时信息,便于生产人员及时掌握系统运行动态,为管理人员提供多种辅助决策信息和清晰的成本依据。在文中,作者首先分析了系统的开发背景以及国内火力发电厂现有的运行监控系统发展情况,并对系统所需要解决的主要问题进行了简要概述,以及阐述了系统所使用的主要的技术以及系统对火力发电厂运行管理方向的技术研究所作出的主要贡献。作者严格使用统一建模语言UML来对系统进行了设计。系统需求分析部分,作者使用了用例图以及活动图来清晰地表示了系统用户主要的需求,在架构设计的部分,作者灵活地使用用系统顺序图和系统部署图来对系统架构进行表述,在系统的详细设计部分,作者则使用关系类图来对系统的静态结构进行表述,用状态图来对系统的动态结构进行表述。在系统的实现部分,系统是采用J2EE架构,集成于华电国际多业务管理平台之下,用户在IE地址栏中输入地址即可进入系统,充分体现了访问浏览的快捷和方便,方便在企业内部进行推广。本系统首次将发电厂各种主辅设备的运行、运行设备的切换试验和维护、机组启停等重大操作的处理、发电量耗煤量耗油量统计等功能用一个有机的整体系统来集成,形成了完整生产实时管理信息系统,实现了集成创新。在物理隔离装置隔离状态下,首次开发了具有软件控制台监控功能及数据包监视分析功能的接口,解决了处于高安全区的运行管理系统功能在低安全区的管理侧的高质量镜像同步展示问题;通过运行管理系统的实现,实现了众多生产管理信息数字化、量化,能够使管理人员对运行中的机组任意时段、任何部分的运行状况及时准确、客观的了解,及时做出各种决策,使企业信息化水平迈上了一个新台阶。【英文摘要】The sharp conflict in the market has set an even higher demand for the power plant including:to strenghten the analysis of the forecast and control of the cost, as well as reduce the wastage and lower the costs. Based on this we have developed multi-platform business management major subsystems-operation management system, the system covers planty of the informations that which are needed to be monitor in the power plant, in order to help the operator control the operating state in time, to provide managers with more kinds of decision support information and a clear cost basis.In the article, the author first analyzes the development background of the system and the present situation of the development of the power plants monitoring control system, also gave a brief overview of the main issues that need to be solved of the system along with the explaination of the great contribution made by the major technology and system to the research in the area of power plant. Strict use of Unified Modeling Language UML to design the system. System requirements analysis, the author uses the use case diagrams and activity diagrams to clearly express the system users the main demand in the architecture design part, the writer use the system sequence diagrams and deployment diagrams of system flexibly as well as in the architecture, in detailed design of the system,the writer used the relationship class diagram to express the static structure, with the state diagram to the dynamic structure of the system representation. Implementation part of the system, the system used J2EE architecture, integrated under the multiplatform business management of Huadian Group, the user could enter the system as long as inputing the address in the IE address bar, this reflect the quick and convienence in interviewing and also easy to promote.The system gathered all of the functions as an organism, incuding the operation of the core and auxiliary equipment, switching test, maintainance of the equipment togather with starting/stopping of the generating unite and the amount of generation, cost of fuel and oil for the first time. This system has formed a complete real-time monitoring system for operation, it has realized integratted innovation. Physical isolation devices in isolation, the first time developed a software package console monitoring and data analysis capabilities to monitor the interface to address the high security zone in the operation and management system features low-security zone in the high quality of the management side of the mirror sync display problem; achieved by running the management system to achieve a large number of digital information production and management, quantitative, enabling managers to run the unit any time, any part of the operation in a timely accurate and objective understanding of a variety of timely decision making so that the level of enterprise information onto a new level.【关键词】火力发电厂 运行管理 实时数据监控【英文关键词】Coal-fired power plants Operation management Real-time data monitoring【目录】火力发电厂运行管理系统设计与实现摘要8-9ABSTRACT9-10第1章 绪论11-151.1 系统开发背景111.2 运行管理系统目前国内状况11-121.3 运行管理系统的意义121.4 本文的主要创新点12-131.5 本文的主要技术131.6 本文的组织结构13-15第2章 系统需求分析15-222.1 系统需求概述15-182.1.1 系统的业务模型15-162.1.2 系统的业务流程16-172.1.3 系统的总体需求17-182.2 系统目标18-192.3 系统功能性和非功能性需求19-222.3.1 系统功能性需求19-202.3.2 系统非功能性需求20-22第3章 系统架构设计22-313.1 系统目标和原则22-233.1.1 系统的设计目标22-233.1.2 系统的设计原则233.2 系统的技术架构设计23-253.2.1 系统总体架构23-243.2.2 数据架构243.2.3 部署架构24-253.3 系统功能架构设计25-313.3.1 值班日志管理25-273.3.2 各专业岗位记录273.3.3 定期工作管理27-283.3.4 公用信息管理28-293.3.5 小指标管理293.3.6 运行管理系统维护29-31第4章 系统详细设计31-374.1 系统建模31-344.1.1 系统的静态结构图31-334.1.2 系统的动态结构图33-344.2 系统数据库设计34-374.2


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