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TED:睡眠不足会发生什么? In 1965, 17 year-old high school student Randy Gardner stay awake for 264 hours, thats 11 days ,to see how hed cope without sleep. On the second day his eyes stopped focusing. Next he lost the ability to identify objects by touch. By day three, Gardner was moody and uncoordinated. At the end of the experiment, he was struggling to concentrate, had trouble with short term memory, becameparanoidand startedhallucinating. Although Gardner recovered without long termpsychologicalor physical damage, for others losing shut-eye can result inhormoneimbalance, illness, and extreme cases, death. Were only beginning to understand why we sleep to begin with, but we do know its essential. Adults need 7 to 8 hours sleep at night, andadolescentsneed about 10. 1965年,17岁的高中生兰迪加纳德持续264小时,也就是11天不睡觉,想看看会发生什么。在持续不睡的第二天,他的眼睛停止了聚焦。随后,他丧失了通过触摸鉴别事物的能力。到了第三天,加纳德变得焦躁且笨拙。实验结束时,他已经不能集中注意力。短期记忆力出现问题,变得偏执且开始出现幻觉。虽然实验并未对加纳德造成任何心理或生理上的长期损伤,但对有些人来说,不睡觉会导致激素分泌失调,疾病甚至死亡。一开始我们只是意识到人类需要睡眠。却不知道其根本原因。成年人每晚需要7至8小时的睡眠,青少年则需要10小时。 We grow sleepy due the signals from our body telling our brain we are tired, and signals from the environment telling us its dark outside. The rise in sleep inducing chemicals, likeadenosineandmelatonin, send us into a light dose that grows deeper.Making our breathing and heart rate slow down and our muscles relax. This non REM sleep is when DNA is repaired and our bodiesreplenishthemselves for the day ahead. In the United States, its estimated that 30% of adults and 66% of adolescents are regularlysleep-deprived. This isnt just aminorinconvenience. Staying awake can cause serious bodily harm. When we lose sleep, learning, memory, mood, and reaction time are affected.Sleeplessnessmay also causeinflammation,hallucinations, high blood pressure, and its even been linked todiabetesandobesity, in 2014, a devoted soccer fan died after staying awake for 48hrs to watch the world cup. While his untimely death was due to astroke, studies show thatchronicallysleeping fewer than 6 hours a night increasing stroke risk by 4.5 times, compared to those getting consistent 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye. For a handful of people on the planet who carry a rare inherited geneticmutation, sleeplessness is a daily reality. This condition is known as fatal familyinsomnia. Place the body in a night mirror state of wakefulness, forbidding it from entering thesanctuaryof sleep. Within months for years, this progressively worsening condition leads todementiaand death. 我们觉得困倦时因为身体向大脑发出了疲倦的信号。也因为外界环境给予了我们天黑的信号。人体则加量分泌能增进睡意的化学物质,如腺苷和褪黑激素。让我们的呼吸和心跳频率降低并使肌肉放松。这种非快速眼动睡眠发生在DNA修复以及身体自我补给时。调查发现美国30%的成年人与66%的青少年睡眠不足。可别小看了睡眠不足的后果。一直不睡觉会严重损害身体健康。当我们长时间不睡觉时,学习能力、记忆力、情绪以及反应能力将受到影响。缺乏睡眠也可能导致炎症、幻觉、高血压,甚至糖尿病和肥胖都与睡眠不足有关。2014年就有一位足球死忠粉在持续48小时观看世界杯后死亡。虽说他的早逝归根结底是因为中风,但研究表明夜间睡眠少于6小时的人同长期保持7-8小时睡眠的人相比,中风的风险会增加4.5倍。对那些携带罕见病变遗传基因的人来说失眠是常事。这种被称作致命性家族性失眠的现象,能让身体在夜里处于清醒状态,禁止其入睡。不出数年这种逐渐恶化的症状会导致精神错乱和死亡。 How can sleepdeprivationcause suchimmensesuffering? Scientists think the answer lies with the accumulation of waste products in the brain. During our waking hours, our cells are busy using up our days energy sources, which get broken down into variousby-products, includingadenosine. As adenosine builds up, it increases the urge to sleep, also known as sleep pressure. In fact,caffeineworks byblockingadenosinereceptorpathways. Other waste products also build up in the brain, and if theyre not cleared away, they collectively overload the brain and our thought to lead to the many negativesymptomsof sleep deprivation. So whats happening in our brain when we sleep, to prevent this? Scientists found something called theGlymphaticSystem, a clean-up mechanism that removes this build up and is much more active when were asleep. It works by usingcerebrospinalfluid to flush awaytoxicby-products that accumulate between cells.Lymphatic vessels, with serve as pathways for immune cells have recently been discovered in the brain, and they may also play a role in clearing out the brains daily waste products. While scientists continue exploring therestorativemechanisms behind sleep, we can be sure that sleeping intoslumberis a necessity, if we wanna maintain our health and oursanity. 睡眠不足为何如此痛苦呢?科学家们认为其原因为大脑中废物的累积。当我们清醒时,细胞正忙于消耗我们一天中产生的能量。而这些能量的产生会分解出各种副产品,例如腺苷。腺苷的不断产生会使睡眠欲望增加。这样的欲望也被称作睡眠压力。事实上,咖啡因就是通过阻碍腺苷的接收途径来发挥作用的。其它的垃圾产物也会在大脑中堆积。而如果它们不被清理掉,大脑将超负荷运转。同时可能引起许多睡眠不足的不良症状。所以当我们睡着时,大脑是如何防止这种情况发生的呢?科学家们发现了脑部的类淋巴系统。它是一种可以清除这些垃圾产物的清洁机制。并且在我们睡眠时比较活跃。这种机制利用脑脊髓液将细胞间积累的有毒副产品冲刷掉。最后研究员发现在大脑中作为免疫细胞通道的淋巴血管。这些血管可能也起到了清理大脑日常垃圾的作用。尽管科学家们还在继续探索人睡着后的修复机制,我们可以肯定的是,如果我们想保持健康的身心良好的睡眠是非常必要的。序号生词音标词性Definition中文解释1paranoid/per.nd/adjCharacterized by or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia多疑的;恐惧的;患偏执症的;有妄想狂的2hallucinate/hlusnet/VERBNO OBJECTExperience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present, typically as a result of a mental disorder or of taking drugsvt. 使产生幻觉3psychological/skldk()l/adjOf, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a personadj. 心理的; 精神上的,精神(现象)的; 心理学(上)的; 关于心理学的4hormone/hmn/nA regulatory /rjlt()ri/ 调整的; 监管的 substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids组织液 such as blood or sap/sp/(植物体内运送养分的)液,汁 to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.n. 荷尔蒙; 激素5adolescent/.dles()nt/nAn adolescent boy or girl青少年6adenosine/dn()sin/NOUNMASS NOUN BiochemistryA compound consisting of adenine combined with ribose, present in all living tissue in combined form as nucleotides.n. 腺苷7melatonin/mltnn/NOUNMASS NOUN BiochemistryA hormone secreted by the pineal gland which inhibits melanin formation and is thought to be concerned with regulating the reproductive cycle.松果体分泌的一种激素,抑制黑色素的形成,被认为与调节生殖周期有关。n. 褪黑激素8replenish/rpln/VERBWITH OBJECT1. Fill (something) up again:1.1 Restore (a stock or supply) to a former level or condition:vt. 补充; 重新装满; 把装满;9sleep-deprivedADJECTIVESuffering from a lack of sleep:睡眠不足的;睡眠严重不足的;剥夺了睡眠的10deprived/dprvd/ADJECTIVESuffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits11minor/mn/ADJECTIVELesser in importance, seriousness, or significance:adj. 较小的,少数的12inconvenience/nknvinns/NOUNMASS NOUNThe state or fact of being troublesome or difficult with regard to ones personal requirements or comfort:n. 不方便; 麻烦; 为难之处; 麻烦事13Sleeplessness/sliplsns/NOUNMASS NOUNInability to sleep; insomnian. 失眠,警觉14inflammation/nflme()n/NOUNMASS NOUNA localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infectionn. 医炎症; 燃烧; 发火15hallucination/hlusne()n/nAn experience involving the apparent perception of something not presentn. 幻觉,幻想; 错觉16diabetes/dbitiz/NOUNMASS NOUN(also diabetes mellitus /dbitiz mlts/)A disease in which the bodys ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.There are two main types of diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, the body lacks the cells which produce insulin in the pancreas. In Type 2 diabetes (which is more common, and often develops later in life) the cells of the body fail to respond to insulin normally and the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. See also diabetes insipidusn. 糖尿病;17obesity/()bisti/NOUNMASS NOUNThe state of being grossly fat or overweightn. 肥胖,过胖; 肥胖症18stroke/strk/nA sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, especially through thrombosisn. 中风;一击; 击球; 划水动作;19chronically/krnk()li/ADVERBUSUALLY AS SUBMODIFIER(In relation to illness) in a persistent and recurring way(关于疾病)是一个持久的和经常性的方式次修饰语,就是强调副词,用在形容词前面修饰形容词的.adv. 慢性地,习惯性地,长期地20mutation/mjute()n/NOUNMASS NOUNn. 变化; 转变; 突变; 变异21insomnia/nsmn/NOUNMASS NOUNHabitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.n. 医失眠,失眠症22sanctuary/sa(k)tjri/nRefuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other dangern. 避难所; 庇护所; 圣所; 庇护23dementia/dmn/NOUNMASS NOUN MedicineA chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.大脑疾病或损伤引起的精神过程的一种慢性或持续性的紊乱,并有记忆障碍、人格改变、推理障碍。n. 医痴呆,精神混乱24deprivation/dprve()n/nThe damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a societyn. 剥夺; 丧失; 免职,废止25immense/mns/adjExtremely large or great, especially in scale or degreeadj. 极大的,巨大的; 浩瀚的,无边际的; 口非常好的; 弘道26by-productsnn. 副产品( by-product的名词复数 ); 意外结果,副作用27caffeine/kfin/NOUNMASS NOUNAn alkaloid compound which is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system.n. 药咖啡因; 咖啡碱; 茶精(兴奋剂)28blocking/blk/NOUNMASS NOUNThe action or fact of blocking or obstructing someone or something堵塞( block的现在分词 ); 阻碍29receptor/rspt/NOUNPhysiology生理学An organ or cell able to respond to light, heat, or other external stimulus and transmit a signal to a sensory nerven. 生感受器,受体; 电感受器,接收器; 化接受器; 感觉器官30symptoms/sm(p)tm/nA physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient:n. 症状( symptom的名词复数 ); 征兆31Glymphatic systemna functional waste clearance pathway for the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS)脊椎动物中枢神经系统的功能性废物清除途径32Lymphatic/lmftk/adjPhysiology Relating to lymph or its secretion:adj. 淋巴的; 分泌淋巴的; 输送淋巴的; (指人)苍白无力的33cerebrospinal/srbr()spn()l/ADJECTIVEAnatomyRelating to the brain and spine.adj. 脑脊髓的34toxic/tksk/adjPoisonousadj. 有毒的; 中毒的; 因中毒引起的35vessel/vs()l/nAnatomy & Zoology A duct or canal holding or conveying blood or other fluid. See also blood vessel.解剖及动物管或管有或输送血液或其他液体。又见血管。医血管,脉管36restorative/rstrtv/adj1. Having the ability to restore health, strength, or well-being:2. Surgery & Dentistry Relating to the restoration of form or function to a damaged tooth or other part of the body.adj. 有恢复健康作用的,滋补的37slumber/slmb/nA sleepn. 微睡,安眠,熟睡; 蛰伏38sanity/snti/NOUNMASS NOUNThe ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental healthn. 神志正常; 心智健康; 头脑清楚; 通情达理39paranoia/parn/nA mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.妄想狂; 偏执狂; (对别人的)瞎猜疑; 疑神疑鬼40delusions/dlu()n/nn. 欺骗; 谬见; 错觉; 妄想41persecution/pskjun/nHostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression:n. 迫害或受迫害,烦扰; 苛求,困扰42Hostility/hstlti/


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