【志鸿优化设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes教学案 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
【志鸿优化设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes教学案 外研版必修2.doc_第2页
【志鸿优化设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes教学案 外研版必修2.doc_第3页
【志鸿优化设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes教学案 外研版必修2.doc_第4页
【志鸿优化设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes教学案 外研版必修2.doc_第5页




module 6films and tv programmes1_ n.喜剧_ n.悲剧2_ n.角色;人物_ n.特征;特色3_ adj.女性的;女的_ adj.男性的;男的4_ adj.勇敢的_ n.勇敢5_ adj.感人的_ adj.感动的6_ adv.有时;偶尔_ adj.偶尔的_ n.场合;机会7_ vi.争论_ n.争论8_ adj.有趣的;令人愉快的_ n.娱乐_ vt.使欢乐1it was _(勇敢)of you to speak in front of all those people.2her mother is a quiet woman with _(优雅的)manners.3in the story,the main _(角色)left his girlfriend at last.4his wife had a _(女的)baby last week.he named his daughter alice.5the smaller animals can easily _(跳跃)from tree to tree.6we are both very busy so we only see each other _(偶尔).7while watching tv,he is always changing _(频道).8charles chaplin is famous for his _(喜剧).9mary shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror _(杰作)frankenstein.10tv programmes for children nowadays are much more _(有趣)than they used to be.1_出版;出现2_令某人吃惊的是3_讲述,关于4_爱上;喜欢5_ 在受欢迎6_发生;产生;进行7_远到;直到8_有时;偶尔9_吃惊地10_关心,注意1the action takes place on peking rooftops,and in places _ the deserts of western china.这些打斗发生在北京的屋顶上,也发生在偏远的中国西部沙漠等地。句型提炼:as.as结构可表示“多达、长达、高达、重达”,用来强调程度之深。2_,xiulian is the character we care about most.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。句型提炼:形容词brave,good and strong作状语,说明原因。3but _,_ he,more than anyone else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”但人们通常认为,他比电影史上其他任何人更能理解“娱乐”这个词的含义。句型提炼:it is agreed that.意为“人们一致同意;据认为”,类似的句式还有it is said/thought/reported/believed/hoped/announced that.等。1marry vt.&vi.嫁;娶;结婚表示与某人结婚时,应说marry sb.,不可说marry with sb.。he married miss smith last month.上个月,他与史密斯小姐结了婚。she didnt marry until she was over fifty.她直到五十多岁才结婚。温馨提示(1)marry和get married(to.)不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。(2)be married(to.)可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。she got married to a teacher last month.上个月,她与一名教师结了婚。they have been married for ten years.他们结婚十年了。反馈1.1miss fang has been engaged _ mr li and she is going to marry _ him next year.ato;to bto;withcwith;with dto;/反馈1.2mary is getting married _ jeff next year.ato bwithcby don反馈1.3by his next birthday,he _ married for ten years.ahad been bhad gotcwill have been dwill have got2come out出现;出版;结果是a new model will come out this summer.今年夏天将有新的型号问世。when will the dictionary come out?这本字典什么时候出版?it came out that hed been telling lies.后来才知道他一直在撒谎。用法拓展come on 开始;进展come up to达到come up with找到;拿出;提出(建议)come up走近;上来;发芽;被提出come to oneself苏醒;恢复理性come over顺便访问;过来come off离开;分离come across偶然碰见come about发生come at攻击;扑向the project is coming on fine.这项工程进展顺利。he is a general who has come up from ranks.他是一位从军队中一级一级晋升上来的将军。a button has come off your coat.你的上衣掉了一颗扣子。we came across an old man lying on the road.我们碰见一位老人躺在路上。反馈2.1(2013福建漳州芗城中学月考,22)the book which _ at the end of last year turned out to be a great success in shanghai.acame about bcame upccame out dcame around反馈2.2one day i _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an english professor at a nearby state college.acame across bcame aboutccame after dcame at反馈2.3how did it _ that the car fell off the bridge into the river?acome out bcome aboutccome across dcome up反馈2.4 newcomer as you are,if you spend a little more time on your work,i am sure youll _ ahead in the end.acome up bcome aboutccome through dcome out3to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是to our surprise,he visited us suddenly.让我们吃惊的是,他突然来拜访我们。用法拓展该结构为“to ones名词”,表示“让某人的是”,常用于该结构的名词有:joy,delight,sorrow,disappointment,relief,regret等。该结构也可表达为to the名词of sb.。温馨提示 to ones surprise/joy.这类表达加强程度的方法有两种:much to ones surprise/joy.或to ones great surprise/joy.much to my surprise/to my great surprise,he came out first.令我大为吃惊的是,他居然得了第一名。反馈3.1_,he has passed the driving test.agreat to my surprisebmuch to my surprisecto my surprise greatdmuch for my surprise反馈3.2to the great _ of the citizens,no one else was infected with h1n1 except the 12 confirmed cases.arelaxation bdisappointmentcrelief dsurprise4belong to属于;为的一员belong不及物动词,一般搭配介词to使用,不可用于进行时或被动语态。china belongs to the third world.中国属于第三世界。he belongs to the football club.他是足球俱乐部的会员。反馈4(2013河北邯郸一中期中,22)the diaoyu islands,in the east china sea between china and japan,_ to china since ancient times.ais belonged bhave belongedcare belonging dbelonged5the action takes place on peking rooftops,and in places as_far_away_as the deserts of western china.这些打斗发生在北京的屋顶上,也发生在偏远的中国西部的沙漠等地。as.as结构可表示“多达、长达、高达、重达”,用来强调程度之深。along the southeastern coast,the rainfall can be as much as 1,500 millimetres a year,while the northwest may only get as little as 50 millimetres over a whole year.在东南沿海地区,每年的降雨量可多达1500毫米,而在西北地区,整个一年的降雨量可能只有50毫米。we went for a walk as far as the foot of the mountain.我们出去散步,一直走到山脚下。用法拓展as far as还可意为“据(所知)”;as long as还可意为“只要”。as far as i know,7 chinese were kidnapped.据我所知,有7名中国人遭到绑架。ill go climbing as long as it doesnt rain.只要天不下雨,我就去爬山。反馈5.1after supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for _ an hour,thinking of her young and happy days.aas long as bas soon ascas much as das many as反馈5.2have you got any idea for the summer vacation?i dont mind where we go _ theres sun,sea and beach.aas if bas long ascnow that din order that反馈5.3what a fish youve bought!it _ _ three kilograms.aweighs;as many asbis weighed;as much ascweighs;as much asdis weighed,as many as6brave,good_and_strong,xiulian is the character we care about most.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。该句中三个形容词brave,good and strong作状语,说明原因。afraid of difficulties,they prefer to take the easy road.由于害怕困难,他们愿意走容易的道路。surprised and afraid,tom ran out of the room.又惊又怕,汤姆从房间里跑了出去。用法拓展形容词也常作状语,说明谓语动词所处的状态。he spent seven days in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.他又冷又饿地在风雪中度过了七天。反馈6.1_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.ashy and cautiousbsensitive and thoughtfulchonest and confidentdlighthearted and optimistic反馈6.2after the long journey,the three of them went back home,_.ahungry and tiredly bhungry and tiredchungrily and tiredlydhungrily and tired参考答案基础梳理整合词汇拓展1comedy;tragedy2character;characteristic3female;male4brave;bravery5moving;moved6occasionally;occasional;occasion7argue;argument8entertaining;entertainment;entertain语境记词1brave2graceful3character4female5leap6occasionally7channels8comedies9masterpiece10entertaining短语回顾1come out2to ones surprise3tell of4fall/be in love with5be popular in6take place7as/so far as8every now and then9in surprise10care about典句分析1as far away as2brave,good and strong3it is generally agreed;that考点归纳拓展1.1 dbe engaged to表示“与订婚”;marry表示“与某人结婚”时,通常为及物动词,后面不接介词。1.2 aget married to sb.表示“与某人结婚”。1.3 c根据时间状语by his next birthday判断该题应用将来时;get married不能与一段时间状语连用,所以答案为c项。2.1 ccome about意为“发生”;come up意为“走上前来;被提出”;come out意为“出现;出版”;come around意为“苏醒;周而复始”。根据句意判断应选c项,表示“去年年底出版的书”。2.2 acome across“偶尔看到(读到、想到、碰到)”;come about“发生;造成”;come after “跟踪;继之后”;come at“攻击,扑向”。2.3 bhow does it come about that.?为常用句型,意为“怎么回事?”其中it是形式主语,代替that从句。该句意为:汽车怎么从桥上掉到河里了?2.4 dcome up意为“走近;发芽;被提出”;come about意为“发生”;come through意为“康复”;come out意为“出现;出版;结果是”。根据句意判断应选d项,表示“出人头地”。3.1 bto ones surprise意为“令某人吃惊的是”,如果要加重语气,可以表达为much to ones surprise或to ones great surprise。3.2 crelax


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