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单元整合训练(一)语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1What did the doctor say?He told(tell) Jim to lie(lie) in bed for two days.2David threatened to report(report) his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.3Mr Brown said he would see(see) me the next week.4He was accused of stealing(steal) the money.5He told us that he went(go) to college in 1994.6Shakespeares play Hamlet has been made(make) into at least ten different films over the past years.7The question is difficult to answer(answer)8He objected to being treated(treat) as a child.9Being protected(protect) by a wall, he felt quite safe.10The library needs cleaning/to be cleaned(clean), but itll have to wait until Sunday.完成句子1It is very considerate of you to remember my birthday.你真体贴,还记得我的生日。2What I want to do is (to) have a good rest我想做的是好好休息一下。3Why do you think he was late again?你认为他为什么又迟到了?4I think you must have seen the TV series You Who Came from the Star.我想你一定看过来自星星的你这部电视剧。5At no time should you give up studying.在任何时候你都不应放弃学习。.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务1上周一见证了来自自然保护区的一头狮子挣脱牢笼逃离动物园,此事引导了人们的恐慌。2据说失去控制的狮子非常危险。3鉴于人们的生命受到威胁,警方主张孩子们除了乘车上学外均需待在家里。4最终,因为警方采用一位猎人的方法,把这头狮子困在陷阱里。5要是没有这位猎人的帮助,这头狮子不会这么快被捉住。 【参考范文】Last Monday saw a lion from the natural reserve broke away from its cage and fled the zoo,which led to a panic.The lion beyond control was believed to be very dangerous.Given that peoples lives were threatened,the police advocated that children stay at home apart from going to school by bus.At last,adopting a hunters means,the police trapped the lion in a trap.Without the hunters help,the lion couldnt have been caught so soon.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解The Day After TomorrowWritten by Whitley Strieber,this novel is an adventure based on the film of the same title.Jack Hall,a scientist,is studying some ice samples (样本) in Antarctica.Suddenly the ice plates of Antarctica break and move.He never thought that a disaster would happen in his lifetime,but as it turns out,one is on the way.Jacks 17yearold son,Sam Hall,is ready to go to New York for a competition.He does not know that he is going to be in great danger.Soon the weather around the world takes a turn for the worse.There are natural disasters everywhere,destroying everything and resulting in millions of deaths.New York is no exception to the terrible weather.It starts to rain and snow so heavily that New York is soon covered in snow.It is the start of the new Ice Age.Sam and his friends take shelter in a library where there are many books to burn for fire.Sam calls his father and is told not to go out.Yet many of his friends do not listenthey go outside and freeze to death.Worried about his son,Jack decides to find Sam although there are very dangerous storms.Meanwhile,people in the rest of the country are told to head south as far as possible.Jack takes a dangerous journey and finally finds Sam.All of the people that stay in the library are safe.Soon the storm is over and the sun appears.More and more people are found alive.It is a miracleThis is an inspiring book that reminds people about the results of global warming and the importance of environmental protection.Are we doing enough to protect the world we live in? This book is suitable for all ages and for anyone who enjoys adventure,excitement and suspense (悬疑)【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一部以地球环境为主题的小说后天。1. The text is talking about a AfilmBscientistCbookDwriterC细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Written by Whitley Strieber,this novel.”可知,文章介绍的是一本书。2. How do Sam and his friends survive?AThey keep warm by burning books in a library.BThey go outside to find a way out.CThey ask Sams father for help.DThey encourage each other.A细节理解题。根据文章第三段首句以及第四段第二句可知,Sam和他的朋友之所以幸存下来是因为他们在图书馆烧书取暖。3. The underlined word “miracle” in the fourth paragraph means Asomething interestingBsomething frighteningCsomething shockingDsomething amazingD词义猜测题。上文提到很多人被冻死,但是暴风雪一结束,太阳出来之后,发现很多人还活着,这不得不说是一个奇迹。4. Whitley Strieber wrote the story to Ainspire people to enjoy adventureBcall on people to protect the environmentCintroduce his experienceDinform people about first aid skillsB写作目的题。由最后一段可知,Whitley Strieber写这部小说的目的是警示人们地球环境越来越糟,人们应该行动起来保护地球。.完形填空In my early childhood, my parents and teachers taught me to be persistent(执着) in every task I devoted myself to. I was 1 that persistence is the only way towards success. But a small incident made me change my mind.One day my twoyearold son 2 at a dozen of “stood” color markerpens, cheered excitedly,“Mummy,look!I did it.”Afterwards,he collected some ballpens 3 to do the same. Hard though he tried,the ballpens just lay 4 . He turned to me for help.Noticing they had either sharp or round ends, I said 5 ,“Mummy cant help you.”To my 6 , he wouldnt listen and continued trying. I was struck by his persistence.My sons behaviour reminded me of George who was always 7 in his work and rarely talked to anyone. To him 8 , there was no such thing called weekends or holidays. Our boss praised 9 about him and 10 us to look up to him as a role model.One day I met George.“Gonna work late again tonight?”“Probably cant leave till midnight,”he said.“How many hours have you put in here each week,eighty or ninety?”“ 11 ”“Dont you have time to be with your family at all?”He shook his head slowly and 12 a sigh. “Its not what I wanted. But I have worked on it for so long. Its much too 13 to even think about letting go. ”A year later I resigned. The 14 thing I heard about him was that his wife divorced him. Since then Ive never seen him. But occasionally his aged 15 would come to my mind.Until that day 16 knowing why the ballpens couldnt stand up,the twoyearold had 17 the impossibility after many failures. He put aside all the ballpens and kept only those water markers for his “game” 18 , he already learned to let go of his previous 19 attempts.In our daily life,many headaches can be avoided if we know how to 20 them and then let go of them immediately.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己儿子以及以前一位同事的例子说明,当意识到目标无法实现时,应该学会接受失败、懂得放手的道理。1A.convincedBconfidentCconsciousDconsistentA根据文章第一句可知,我相信执着是通向成功的唯一途径。convinced确信的,坚信的。故选A。2A.shoutingBpointingCscreamingDlaughingB根据下文孩子所说的话“Mummy,look!I did it.”可知,孩子指着自己立起来的一打彩色记号笔,想让妈妈看。point指着。故选B。3A.intendingBinsistingCrequiringDurgingA根据语境可知,他打算再立起来一些圆珠笔。intend打算。故选A。4A.stillBsilentCquietDflatD根据上文“Hard though he tried”可知,不管怎么努力,圆珠笔就是躺在那里。这里应和前面的stood对应,flat平躺。故选D。5A.deliberatelyBenthusiasticallyCcasuallyDunintentionallyC根据下文“Mummy cant help you。”可知,他向我求助,我看到圆珠笔的头要么是尖的,要么是圆的。我就随口说:“妈妈帮不了你。”casually随意地。故选C。6A.contentBdisappointmentCsurpriseDsorrowC根据空后的“.he wouldnt listen and continued trying.”可知,他不听我的话继续尝试,所以令人惊奇。surprise惊讶。故选C。7A.buriedBinterestedCdevotedDbusyA根据下文“.rarely talked to anyone.”可知,George总是埋头工作,不太和人说话。be buried in埋头于。故选A。8A.howeverBthereforeCotherwiseDthoughB根据上文“.who was always in his work and rarely talked to anyone.”可知,他总是忙,所以就没有假期、周末之说。therefore因此。故选B。9A.littleBwellCmuchDhighlyD我们老板对他高度赞扬。praise highly about sb.意为“高度赞扬某人”。故选D。10A.orderedBinspiredCpromisedDappealedB根据下文“.look up to him as a role model.”可知,老板激励我们以他为榜样。inspire激励。故选B。11A.At randomBAt timesCAt mostDAt leastDat least最少;此处表示他每周最少工作80或者90小时。故选D。12A.let outBlet offCsent offDsent outA根据下文“Its not what I wanted.”可知,他摇头然后是叹气。let out a sigh发出叹息声。故选A。13A.encouragingBcomfortableCpainfulDashamedC根据前面“But I have worked on it for so lon


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