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菏泽语法十四交际用语 考点1问候 1 面对面问候 Howareyou Howdoyoudo Howiseverythinggoing Howareyougettingon I mfine OK thanks Thankyou 2 间接问候 Pleasegivemybestwishes regards loveto Sure Iwill Ofcourse 1 2016 云南中考 Tim howisitgoingwithyou I mhavingfun A TerribleB BoringC VerytiringD Prettygood D 考点2打电话 1 打电话一方用语Could May CanIspeakto Who sthat speaking Is athome I mcallingtotell askyouto 2 接电话一方用语Hello thisis speaking Waitforamoment Holdonforamoment I mafraidhe snothere he soutnow CanItakeamessage 2 2017 徐州中考 Hello MayIspeaktoRoseplease Iwillgoandgether A SpeakingB Holdon pleaseC Idon tknowD Hurryup please B 考点3感谢和应答 1 表示感谢Thankyou verymuch Thanks alot Manythanks It ssokindofyou Thankyouallthesame 2 应答Notatall Mypleasure It sapleasure That sOK That sallright You rewelcome Don tmentionit 表示感谢的应答语Mypleasure It sapleasure 是表示感谢的应答语 不是请求帮助的应答语 考生经常在这一点上触雷 3 2017 徐州中考 Thanksforlisteningtomyproblemandgivingmeyouradvice Amy That swhatfriendsarefor A MypleasureB WithpleasureC NevermindD It sniceofyou A 4 2017 邵阳中考 Gina yournewdresslookssonice A No noB ThankyouC Yes B 考点4道歉和应答 1 道歉Excuseme Ibegyourpardon Sorry I m so sorry Ireallyfeelbadabout 2 应答Itdoesn tmatter Noproblem Forgetit Nevermind That sallright That sOK 5 I msosorrythatIhadlostyourstorybooklastnight Istillhaveanotherone A MypleasureB PrettygoodC Itdoesn tmatter C 6 2016 白银中考 I msorry Dad Ilostthatwalletyougaveme A ThesametoyouB It smypleasureC NicetoseeyouD Well nevermind D 考点5祝贺和应答 1 祝贺别人取得成功Congratulations 2 祝别人旅途愉快 玩得开心Haveagoodtrip Haveagood greattime Enjoyyourself Havefun 3 祝福别人顺利通过考试等Goodluck 7 2017 天津中考 Wehavewonthefirstprizeinthematch A Nevermind B Nicework C Haveagoodtrip D Waitamoment B 8 2017 天津中考 MyfriendsandIwillgofishingtoday A Mypleasure B Thanksalot C Haveaniceday D Nicetomeetyou C 9 2017 上海中考 Congratulations A Sorryforbreakingtheglass B Howareyoufeelingtoday C Iwasawardedfirstprizeinthewritingcontest D Whynottaketheundergroundtotheuniversity C 考点6请求允许和应答 1 请求允许Can Could MayI IwonderifIcould can 2 允许Yes Sure Certainly Ofcourse That sOK Allright Goahead 3 不允许I msorry but You dbetternot No pleasedon t I mafraid 10 2017 临沂中考 Couldyoupleasetakeouttherubbish ButIwanttodrinkacupofwaterfirst A ThankyouB Sure noproblemC You rewelcomeD No Ican t B 11 2017 宜昌中考 MayIhavealookatthemagazineChinaToday Certainly A HereyouareB It sapityC ThankyouD I dliketo A 12 2017 南京中考 Hello Helen CanIseeMr Smith I lltellhimyouarehere A NevermindB ItsoundslikefunC JustaminuteD Sorrytohearthat C 13 2017 十堰中考 Wouldyoumindmyopeningthewindow I vegotacold A NevermindB You dbetternotC AllrightD Withpleasure B 考点7邀请和应答 1 邀请Will Would Could Canyoucometo Wouldyouliketo MayIinviteyouto 2 接受邀请 Yes I dlove liketo Yes It sveryniceofyou Thatwouldbenice 3 拒绝邀请No thankyou I dlove liketo but It ssokindofyou butI 14 2017 烟台中考 Couldyougoswimmingwithmethisafternoon Jane butIhavetodothechoresfirst A I dliketoB OfcoursenotC Idon tmindD It snothing A 15 2017 渝北中考 Let swatchTVafterdinner A Yes I dlovetoB Sorry I mnotC Idon tknowD Soundslikeagoodidea D 16 2017 渝北中考 Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat I vehadenough A Yes IwouldB Yes pleaseC No Iwouldn tD No thanks D 17 2017 曲靖中考 Shallwegoforapicnicorstudyforthetestthisweekend A That sitB It suptoyouC Idon tthinksoD Iguessso B 考点8劝告 建议和应答 1 劝告 建议You dbetter not dosth Youshould not dosth Whydon tyoudosth Whynotdosth How Whataboutdoingsth Shallwe Let s 2 同意劝告 建议Great Whynot It sagoodidea Soundsgreat It suptoyou 3 不同意劝告 建议I mafraidthat I mafraidnot 18 2017 苏州中考 I mafraidIcan tcometoyourwedding Julia Butwhy A HowhappyB HowluckyC WhatapityD Whatnicenews C 19 2016 德州中考 I llhaveanimportantmeetingthisweekend soIcan tgofishingwithyou Ithoughtwecouldhaveanicetimetogether A It sapleasureB You rewelcomeC WhatapityD Iamsure C 20 2016 泰安中考 Let sgoswimmingonSaturday Jack Oh Ihavetoworkonasciencereport A whatapity B withpleasure C goahead D howcome A 考点9问路和应答 1 问路Excuseme whereis HowcanIgetto Couldyoutellmehowtogetto Couldyoupleasetellmethewayto WhichbuscanItake 2 应答It soverthereontheleft right It snextto infrontof between and behind Goalongthisroad Youcan tmissit Turnright leftand Sorry I mnewhere I mastrangerhere 21 2016 德州中考 Excuseme I dliketotakeexercisebutI mnewhere Couldyoupleasetellme Followme Iwilltakeyouthere A howIcangettotheairportB wherethesupermarketisC howtogettothepolicestationD whichthewaytothesportscenteris D 考点10喜好和厌恶 1 喜好Whichonedoyouprefer likebetter Ilike betterthan Wouldyoulike What syourfavourite Whydoyoulikeit 2 厌恶Idon tlike atall Ipreferto ratherthan 22 2017 随州中考 Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Iwatchthemeveryweek A Ican tstandthemB IlovethemC Idon tthinksoD Iagreewithyou B 考点11情感 1 高兴I mhappy excitedtohearthat It swonderful amazing That sgreat 2 满意Welldone Perfect That sfine better 3 忧虑和关切What swrong withyou What sthematter withyou Whatshouldwedo AreyouOK Don tworry 4 遗憾与同情Whatapity shame That stoobad I msorrytohearthat I msosorry 23 2017 滨州中考 OurteamlostthebasketballgameandIfeelverysad Ibelieveyoucandobetternexttime A It srightB It sexcitingC It snotabigdealD It snotagoodidea C 24 2017 龙东中考 Mygrandmotherwasillinhospitalyesterday A That sallrightB I msorrytohearthatC That sagoodidea B 25 2017 鄂州中考 Ihadapleasanttriplastweek A Oh that sverykindofyouB It sapleasureC CongratulationsD I mgladtohearthat D 26 2


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