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无锡太湖学院 毕毕业业设设计计 论论文文 开开题题报报告告 题目 题目 精密平面磨床微进给及微位移精密平面磨床微进给及微位移 工作台设计工作台设计 信机 系系 机械工程及自动化 专专 业业 学 号 0923150 学生姓名 邱文浩 指导教师 范圣耀 职称 副教授 职称 副教授 2013年1 月15日 课题来源课题来源 自拟题目 科学依据科学依据 1 课题科学意义 当代社会 制造业特别是机械制造业是国民经济的支柱产业 现代制造业正在 改变着人们的生产方式 生活方式 经营管理模式乃至社会的组织结构和文化 由于中国潜在的巨大市场和丰富的劳动力资源 世界的制造业正在向中国转移 中国正在成为世界的制造大国 我国在家电等若干产品的产量已居世界第一位 但是在自主知识产权的创新设计 先进制造工艺和装备及现代化管理等方面仍 然存在很大差距 所以我们还没还不是领先于世界的制造强国 机械制造业是国民经济和社会发展的物质基础 是一个国家综合国力的重要体现 伴随经济全球化 我国正在成为世界机械制造业的中心 但是与发达国家相比 我国机械制造业不仅制造工艺装备陈旧 生产自动化技术落后 企业管理粗放 缺 乏自主创新产品与先进技术等 而且在快速 高品质 低成本 以及优质服务方面 也有较大的差距 因此正确分析我国机械制造业的品牌优势 技术优势和成本优势 并依据不同 类型制造业的特点 有针对性地提出制造业的信息化战略对策具有重要意义 2 精密加工技术的研究状况及其发展前景 精密和超精密制造技术是当前各个工业国家发展经济的核心技术之一 因此了解 精密与超精密加工的国内外发展状况及发展趋势对我国发展装备制造业具有十分重 要的意义 目前精密加工所能达到的加工精度距加工的极限还有相当的距离 国外有人声 称已开发了以原子级去除单位的加工方法 但目前还未在实际生产中得到应用 为了促进精密加工技术的发展 应深入研究和探讨下列几个问题 即发展前景 1 努力开发加工单位极小的精密加工方法 2 开发精密的机械机构 3 开发高精度的检测系统 4 开发适用于精密加工并能获得高精度 搞表面质量的新型材料 研究内容研究内容 设计一台精密数控平面磨床 用砂轮周边磨削平面 也可以磨削台阶平面 能用 于机械制造业及工具磨具制造业 能加工各种难加工材料 如陶瓷材料 磨床总体设计方案确定 绘制机床总体布局图 砂轮修整器设计计算 垂直进给机构的设计 伺服电机和滚珠丝杠副设计计算 绘制垂直进给机械结构的装配图 结合数控技术的微位移工作台的设计 拟采取的研究方法 技术路线 实验方案及可行性分析拟采取的研究方法 技术路线 实验方案及可行性分析 实验方案 设计一台精密数控平面磨床 用砂轮周边磨削平面和台阶平面 用于机械制造 业及工具模具制造业 且能加工各种难加工材料 确定了该精密平面磨床工作台的 各个部件及其功能分配 完成了该平面磨床的传动选择以及总体布局设计 利用滚 珠丝杆为主要器件 结合梯形螺纹丝杆压杆来检测其稳定性 通过压电 电致伸缩 器件在微位移系统中的压电耦合效应和砂轮修整器特性提高了该工作台的加工精度 将 840D 数控技术作用于平面磨床工作台并选择西门子 IFK6 交流伺服电机作为为进 给机构和微位移系统的电力源 完成了精密平面磨床微进给及微位移工作台的设计 研究计划及预期成果研究计划及预期成果 研究计划 2012 年 10 月 28 日 2012 年 11 月 28 日 学习并翻译一篇与毕业设计相关的英文材 料 2012 年 12 月 01 日 2013 年 01 月 30 日 按照任务书要求查阅论文相关参考资料 填毕业设计开题报告书 2013 年 01 月 25 日 2013 年 02 月 10 日 填写毕业实习报告 2013 年 02 月 20 日 2013 年 03 月 20 日 按照要求修改毕业设计开题报告 2013 年 03 月 20 日 2013 年 04 月 30 日 微进给机构微位移系统设计 2013 年 05 月 01 日 2010 年 05 月 21 日 毕业论文撰写和修改工作 预期成果 这套低成本 高效率 高可靠性 人性化精密平面磨床 能在市场竞争中处于 有利地位 微进给及微位移技术的应用范围广泛 其推广应用社会经济效益十分显著 国内制造业水平有显著的提高 特色或创新之处特色或创新之处 使用 840D 数控系统 效果明显 方便改变参量 能有效的提高加工工件的精度 采用固定某些参量 改变某些参量来研究问题的方法 思路清晰 简洁明了 行之 有效 已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题 图书馆中提供了大量的资料 包括前辈们辛苦的劳动成果 使得我可以像站在 巨人肩膀上一样来设计课题 当然 由于学生的条件约束性 不能到工厂进行实际 装配操作 理论依据也有待完善 指导教师意见指导教师意见 指导教师签名 年 月 日 教研室 学科组 研究所 意见教研室 学科组 研究所 意见 教研室主任签名 年 月 日 系意见系意见 主管领导签名 年 月 日 英文原文英文原文 THE PROGRAMMES OF MODERN MECHANICAL DESIGN The mechanical design of products that is not purely mathematical calculations using the methods also difficult to use mathematical models to describe the complete and must be in accordance with product features Formal description help design expert knowledge and experience for reasoning and decision making Thus for the purpose of computer aided design products the need to address the use of computer storage and product design knowledge and design experts and other parties to the decision making problem The resulting product characteristics of knowledge based design methods At present the intelligent design method is to use 3D graphics software and virtual reality technology in design visualization better Users can develop early in a certain degree of direct participation in the design but systemic poor and parts of the structure shape Size location to determine the reasonable demand software with high degree of intelligence or have extensive experience in the designers 2 the modular design structure From the perspective of planning products definition of design tasks to the functional structure based products The product has been used solutions such as common parts and components etc to describe the design task That the decomposition of tasks on each task to consider whether there are corresponding to the product solution so that in the product planning stage design tasks to eliminate potential conflicts early production forecasts costs and the development of the design process of adjustment which can improve design efficiency and reliability while also reducing the cost of new product Feldmann will describe the design of the function of the product mix is divided into four tiers 1 Product 2 functional components 3 major functional components 4 functional components And using application oriented features of the directory structure the functional components for more specific qualitative and quantitative description Meanwhile developed products suited to the development of an early design stage and the use of the software tools STRAT That the majority of machinery specialized functions can be used existing product solutions and with the new solution is only a small number of special features Therefore the exclusive use of mechanical design functions of the product mix machinery specialized for the evaluation of the design manufacturing risks are very favorable Promotion of the product function on the basis of the analysis will be divided into products with a particular function in one or several of the basic modular structure through options and combinations of these basic modular structure formed into different products These basic structures can be parts components or even a system Ideal modular structure should have a standardized interface Department of connectivity and tie and is serialized and generalized integrated hierarchical flexible economy interchangeability is compatibility and relevance China s combination of software component technology and CAD technology design and deformation of composite design combined according to the classification modular theory machine processing center will be divided into small and product level component level component level and component level and the use of expert knowledge and technology to their CAD portfolio into different varieties the functional module specifications by the combination of these functional modules into different processing center overall program The design for the directory as a choice variation mechanical structure tools design elements for the solution of integrity Structure of the organization formed Solution Set design catalog And the solution set design directory listed a comment on each of Additional Information Solutions is very conducive to the solution design engineers to choose elements According to the mechanical parts connectivity features be grouped into four types 1 direct inter positioning components and self adjustment of components 2 structure common to the assembly 3 having a nested structure and nested components connectivity 4 modular structure with modular components and connectivity And the potential use of symbols said typical components and the connecting element rules This realization of the connection between the components of the algorithm and the concept of visualization Mechanical systems during the design the functional establishment of a module to function decomposition and a functional decomposition of the best pills with the degree of functional institutions type correspondence Structure establishment of a module as a functional solution of choice in order to achieve mapping algorithm 2 the characteristics of knowledge based Product design knowledge based product design characteristics of the main features using computers to identify the language to describe the characteristics of the product and its design experts in the field of knowledge and experience corresponding inference engine and knowledge base Reuse stored domain knowledge and reasoning mechanism established by the Computer Aided Design program Mechanical systems design is mainly based on the products with the characteristics and the design of experts in the field of knowledge and experience in policy making and implementation capacity completing the type consolidated To achieve this stage of the computer aided design research must automatic acquisition of knowledge expression integration coordination management and use To this end scholars at home and abroad design mechanical systems design knowledge of automated processing done a lot of research work The method can be summarized in the following several 2 1coding method Under the conversion campaign functions functions to organizations classified and the use of codes to describe functional yuan and the institutional category which established the System Design Expert System knowledge base On this basis binary logic and fuzzy theory combined the establishment of the expert systems of the reasoning mechanism and work spaces for four Special Machine Design program Use of the theory of biological evolution through natural selection and sexual reproduction to the evolution of organisms principle At the institutional design the use of network theory to map the structure of expression topology map and through the coding technology put the structure and properties of individual chromosome into a binary string of a few and prepared in accordance with the design requirements fitness use of the theory of biological evolution control reproductive mechanism through selection crossover sudden variations and other means adapt to the low value out unsuitable individuals a rapid evolutionary process is the optimal adaptive individual that is the best design requirements of agency programs 2 2 knowledge mixed expressions Complex mechanical systems design adoption of hybrid knowledge expression to describe the design of all types of knowledge is particularly well suited This has been our design many scholars consensus In the development of complex product design intelligent decision support system DMDSS to the rules frameworks process and neural network methods of knowledge representation and combined with the design to suit different types of knowledge described Of a single variety of methods of knowledge representation rules the framework and process according to the object oriented programming principles with the framework of the slots said the attribute with the rules said the dynamic characteristics of objects using a process that knowledge A mixed composition of the knowledge expression patterns and successfully developed the object oriented NC milling machine gearbox design GBCDIS intelligent system and change Speed box structure design expert system GBSDES 2 3 the use of knowledge based development tools Coupling in the CAD system the use of knowledge based development tools NEXPERT DCOM using the object oriented methods the creation of object oriented database design Coupling of designers for the design and structural design provides a broad and reliable design spectrum NEXPERT is using the linear guide describes the design needs to be based on knowledge of the design This seeking out of knowledge based solutions and develop linear guideway design expert system 2 4 Design of Contents Construction of modules functional element solution and body three progressive design directory This will be three progressive design directory as a mechanical transmission programs Intelligent Design Theory of Knowledge Base system design and development support tools 2 5 Based on the example of the method In the development of expert system based design of the knowledge base using the basic description of the predicate design requirements conditions and design of the selected program frame structure described engineering practice and various concept entity through case based reasoning technology to generate candidate solutions to the allocation aspirin products design requirements 3 Intelligent Design Intelligent Design is the main features design theory using 3D graphics software Intelligent design software and virtual reality technology and multimedia hypermedia tools for product development design Expression product ideas describing the structure of products In the use of mathematical theory at the same time in consideration of the theory of systems engineering product design technology and systems development methodologies VDI2221 developed for product design in the early development of the multimedia system software MUSE Automatic teller machines during the design the entire product development process as product planning development and production planning stage three and full use of existing CAD cutting edge technologies virtual reality technology 1 Product Planning concept products Its task is to determine the external product characteristics such as color shape surface quality ergonomics etc and the idea of using the initial three dimensional CAD model shows that the establishment of products to reflect the shape of a simple model The model can establish virtual environment using data cap and 3D mouse Users also to some extent involved in the environment and can quickly generate different shapes and colors Detection is a three dimensional model of the effect of the external shape as well as a design variable geometry shows that the basis for the same time the process of developing various types of analysis 2 development design products According to the main stage Synthesis System principle a three dimensional model of the configuration and integration solution elements Solutions based on the design elements of the different goals have different meanings it is the basic elements such as bolts or wheel shaft connected it can also be a composite elements such as mechanical electrical and electronic components control technology or software components of the drive system It may also be requested character shape and so on To achieve functional solution of the key elements of the three dimensional distribution model will be the configuration of products design model solution to the relations between elements Product Configuration analysis is integrated product planning and development an important means of the results 3 production planning processing and assembling products At this stage mainly discusses the assembly process of CAD technology proposed using computer image display solution elements in the corresponding location of the assembly process through virtual assembly model reveals fashion and the relationship between the assembly which found difficulties and problems and find a way to solve problems and that technology will be integrated CAD product development for the three stages the design process can be integrated with the analysis of the product planning development and production planning to the alternating row Therefore it can be found in all the earlier stages of the problems that exist so that their products in the development process of continually refined and improved China s use of virtual reality technology is still in the design phase has just begun The use of object oriented technology focus on the chronology of the agencies synthesis package design expert system and with the help of high performance graphics and the ability to handle the exchange of OpenGL technology in 3D environment from all angles right expert system design program for observation If inter agency campaign convergence position of conflict and so on Construction of the standard modules overall product structure and its manufacturing process and use the design see Figure 1 as rapid prototyping technology Recommended in the product development process will be rapid prototyping technology multimedia technology and virtual expression and neural networks used in various stages of the process required for the occasion combined application With that computer software and hardware to keep on improving will be possible to multimedia graphics processing technology for product development For example 3D graphics 3D model to replace assembly demolition and design Connector when the three dimensional structure of the imagination and so on Intelligent CAD system SIGRAPH DESIGN as a development platform product development process is divided into conceptual design assembly design and components design and design variables to technology as the foundation a cam linkage Offset conceptual model From the literature on the research work the concept of the model is to determine the type of institutions a number of consolidated basis using software SIGRAPH DESIGN design variables for the function With the diagram so that the structure and change parameters and the concept of model parameters passed to the assembly under one model parts design Network technology to flourish Collaborative Design and Manufacturing and the users of products from the functional requirements Design processing finished assembling the parallel project of the possible However to achieve these objectives by one of the important prerequisites for that product design effect of 3 D visualization To this end 3D graphics software intelligent design software used in more and more products to the design Virtual reality technology and multimedia hypermedia tool is the design of products began to bear fruit Currently Germany and other developed countries are focused on research media technology product data exchange standards STEP and the standard Virtual Reality Modeling Language VRML Virtual Internet platform environment based on the standard exchange format Product design applications Mechanical Products programs are moving towards computer aided design to achieve Intelligent Design Collaborative and meet the needs of design and manufacturing direction product design computer method of a late start but there were no mature to achieve the above objectives of the program design software tools The writer believes that the integrated use of four types of text is designed to achieve this objective effective way Although these methods are integrated use of the field more not only with the mechanical design of the domain knowledge but also to the theory of systems engineering artificial intelligence computer hardware and software engineering Network technology and other fields of knowledge it is still necessary product design efforts Abroad in research in this area has achieved initial success My design scholars have been aware of CAD technology and international exchange and cooperation of the importance and the measures that should be taken THE NUMBER CONTROLS THE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 1 numerical controls programming and its development The number controls to weave distance is one of the link that current CAD CAPP the CAM system inside
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