Web (virtools BB模块汉语翻译及用法详解).doc_第1页
Web (virtools BB模块汉语翻译及用法详解).doc_第2页
Web (virtools BB模块汉语翻译及用法详解).doc_第3页
Web (virtools BB模块汉语翻译及用法详解).doc_第4页
Web (virtools BB模块汉语翻译及用法详解).doc_第5页
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WebBackVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a back in the Web Browser Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.Back go to back to the previous page, if the content is hosted in a web browser.See Also: Web Behaviors.Web返回在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个返回操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程结束时则被激活回到之前浏览的页面,如果在网络浏览器中满足主机Web Behaviors也是如此BrowserScript Version 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Scripting DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Executes a script in the Web BrowserBrowserScript.cmo + BrowserScript.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the behaviors process.Out: is activated when the behaviors process is completed. Script: script to be executed.Language: langage used for the script : JSCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT or VBSCRIPT (with Netscape browser only JAVASCRIPT is available).This building block execute the specified script (JSCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT or VBSCRIPT) on the web page containing the Virtools Web Player. With Netscape browser only JAVASCRIPT is available.See Also : Web Behaviors.浏览器脚本程序在Web/Scripting中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个脚本BrowserScript.cmo + BrowserScript.htm技术信息In:触发该行为进程Out:当进程结束时则被激活Script:被执行的脚本Language:对脚本使用的语言:JSCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT或者是VBSCRIPT(在Netscape浏览器下,只有JAVASRIPT是可见的)这个BB执行了一个指定的脚本(JSCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT 或是 VBSCRIPT)在包含Virtools网络播放器的页面上。在Netscape浏览器上只有JAVASCRIPT是可用的Web Behaviors也是如此Web Virtools EventVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a Fire Event in the Web Browser Fire Virtools Event.cmo + FireVirtoolsEvent.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the behaviors process.Out: is activated when the behaviors process is completed. Event Name: name of the event.Event Data: data to be send with the event.This building block fire an event that can be catched by the host application.This function isnt avaible with Netscape broswers.See Also : Web Behaviors.网络Virtools事件在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个事件Fire Virtools Event.cmo + FireVirtoolsEvent.htm技术信息In:触发该行为继承Out:当进程结束时则被激活Event Name:事件的名称Event Data:被随着事件发送的数据这个BB触发了一个事件能够被主机的应用程序所获取这个功能不能使用于Netscape浏览器Web Behaviors也是如此ForwardVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a Forward in the Web Browser Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.This building block to go to Forward to the previous page, if the content is hosted in a web browser.See Also: Web Behaviors.前进在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个前进的操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程结束时则被激活这个BB是用来前进到浏览的页面,如果在网络浏览器中满足主机Web Behaviors也是如此GetURLVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Returns the URL of the current application (vmo or cmo file). Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the behaviors process.Out: is activated when the behaviors process is completed. URL: the current URL as a string. RemarksThis building block get the current vmo/cmo file URL, if the content is hosted in a web browser. The vmo/cmo file URL can be different from the html file URL. See Also : Web Behaviors.获取URL在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象获取当前URL地址(vmo或是cmo文件)Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该行为进程Out:当行为进程完成时则被激活URL:现有的URL字符串评论这个 BB获取一个现有的vmo/cmo文件地址,如果在网络浏览器中使主机满意。Vmo/cmo文件URL能够和html的文件URL不相同Web Behaviors也是如此Go To Web PageVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Opens the default Internet browser and navigates to the given location Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.URL: URL that will be passed to the browser.See Also: Web Behaviors.转到网页在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个页面导航操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程完成时则被激活URL:将要通过浏览器的URL地址Web Behaviors也是如此HomeVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a Home in the Web Browser Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.This building block to go to Home to the previous page, if the content is hosted in a web browser.See Also: Web Behaviors.主页在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个主页导航操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程完成时则被激活这个BB能去到一个主页,如果浏览器的主机上有这个内容Web Behaviors也是如此NavigateVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a Navigate in the Web Browser Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.This building block to go to Navigate to the specified URL, if the content is hosted in a web browser.Or it opens the URL in the default web browser if the content host is not a web browser. See Also: Web Behaviors.页面导航在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个页面导航操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程结束时则被激活这个BB将去到一个指定的URL中去,如果被网络浏览器的主机满意或者在默认的浏览器中打开一个URL地址,如果满足的主机不是一个网络浏览器Web Behaviors也是如此SearchVersion 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Navigation DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Performs a Search in the Web Browser Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htmTechnical InformationIn: triggers the process.Out: is activated when the process is completed.This building block to go to Search to the previous page, if the content is hosted in a web browser.See Also: Web Behaviors.搜索在Web/Navigation中将其分类描述适用于交互对象在网络浏览器中执行一个搜索操作Navigation.cmo + Navigation.htm技术信息In:触发该进程Out:当进程结束时则被激活这个BB将去寻找一个之前浏览过的页面,如果被网络浏览器的主机满意Web Behaviors也是如此Web Download Version 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Server DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Downloads a file from a webserver.Web Download.cmoTechnical InformationStart: starts downloading the specified file.Stop: stops the current download.Finished: activates when the file has finished downloading.Stopped: the download has been stopped.Incoming: activates each time a new packet is received; the Current pOut is updated at the same time.Failed: activates if downloading the file fails; the error pOut is updated at the same time.URL: the internet address of the file to download.(e.g. /myfile.nmo).Relative to URL ?: if TRUE, the URL of the downloadable file is built using the URL of the current vmo played in the Virtools 3D Life Player. For example if the current vmo played in the Virtools 3D Life Playeris/myapp.vmo and you set this pIn to TRUE, to reference /myfile.nmo you simply have to set URL pIn to myfile.nmo.网络数据下载在Web/Server中将其分类描述适用于一个交互对象从一个网络服务器中下载一个文件Web Download.cmo技术信息Start:开始下载指定的文件Stop:停止当前的下载Finished:当文件下载完成时则被激活Stopped:被停止的下载Incoming:每次一个新的数据包被接收时则被激活;在相同的时间现有的pOutFailed:如果下载文件失败则被激活;在相同的时间错误的pOut被更新URL:文件下载的网络地址(e.g. /myfile.nmo)Relative to URL:如果为真,将会在Virtools3D播放器中播放现有的vmo文件。举个例子如果现有的vmo文件在Virtools 3D播放器中播放/myapp.vmo,并且你设置这个pIn为真,涉及到的/myfile.nmo,你简单的设置他的URL pIn为“myfile.nmo”Proxy Login: Login used to be authentified by the client proxy. By default leave it empty and check Error (Proxy need authentication) to known if a proxy need the user to be authentified.Proxy Password: Password used to be authentified by the client proxy. By default leave it empty and check Error (Proxy need authentication) to known if a proxy need the user to be authentified.Server Login: Login used to be authentified by the server. By default leave it empty and check Error (Server need authentication) to known if the server need the user to be authentified.Server Password: Password used to be authentified by the server proxy. By default leave it empty and check Error (Server need authentication) to known if the server need the user to be authentified.Extension: File extension to use for the local filename name (see Filename). Leave Extension empty to use the default extension specified by URL. This pIn is very useful is following example: If URL pIn points to a php script that generates a png file (e.g. /generate_png.php) - and you leave the Extension pIn empty, the local filename will have php as its file extension. Since the php script generates a png file, you need to set the Extension pIn to png (so that Virtools PNG loader will be able to load the downloaded file).Error: error code.Filename: the file name and absolute file path on the local hard drive, used to load the file into the Virtools 3D Life Player after downloading using Object Load BB (nmo), Texture Load BB or Sound Load BB.Current: number of bytes already downloaded, updated when a new packet arrives.Max: the size of file downloading, in bytes.Block Size: maximum size of packets downloaded, in bytes. A value between 10000 and 20000 bytes is recommended.Proxy Login:通过委托代理使用可靠的登陆。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的代理)来知道如果一个代理需要一个可靠的用户Proxy Password:通过委托代理使密码更加可靠。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的代理)来知道如果一个代理需要一个可靠的用户Server Login:通过服务器进行可靠的登陆。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的服务器)来知道如果一个服务器需要一个可靠的用户Server Password:通过代理服务器使得密码更加可靠。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的服务器)来知道如果一个服务器需要一个可靠的用户Extension:文件扩展使用了一个本地的文件名称(看文件名)。离开扩展为空使用指定URL的默认的扩展。这个pIn对以下例子是很有用的:如果URL的pIn到一个php脚本产生一个png的文件(/generate_png.php)-当你离开扩展的空pIn,本地文件名将有“php”像他的文件扩展一样。当php脚本产生一个png文件,你需要设置扩展pIn到“png”(以致Virtools的PNGLoader将 能够下载文件)Error:错误的代码Filename:在本地硬盘驱动上的文件名和绝对路径,使用载入一个文件到3D播放器中在下载使用的Object Load BB(nmo),Texture Load BB或是Sound Load BB。Current:准备好下载的字节数,当一个新的数据包接收时则被更新Max:下载的文件的尺寸,以字节为单位。Block Size:下载的数据包的最大尺寸,以字节为单位。推荐一个在10000和2000字节之间的值RemarksError codes are listed below: OK: no error Cannot get tmp path: the manager failed to generate a temporary filename to store the download file. Network error: the network connection failed. Cannot create thread: the manager failed to create a thread to download the file. Invalid URL: the URL pIn is invalid. Stopped: the download has been stopped. Cannot read request: the network connection failed. Cannot initialize request: the network connection failed. Not authorized: the current user cannot access the current URL. Cannot get manager: the manager is not accessible. Internal error: an internal error occurred. Array invalid: the array used to store data (Web Get Data BB) is invalid (ie bad format). Proxy need authentication: the client system is configured to use a proxy. The proxy request an user authentication. Set Proxy Login and Proxy Password and restart Web Download BB. Server need authentication: the server request an user authentication. Set Server Login and Server Password and restart Web Download BB. See Also: Web Get Data.评论错误代码的清单:OK:没有错误Cannot get tmp path:管理器没有产生一个临时的文件名来存储一个下载的文件Network error:网络连接的错误Cannot creat thread:创建一个下载文件的管理器失败Invalid URL:URL pIn被初始化Stopped:下载被中断Cannot read request:网络连接失败Cannot initialize request:网络连接失败Not authorized:现有的用户不能进入现有的URL中Cannot get manager:管理器不能被进入Internal error:一个初始的错误发生Array invalid:用来存储数据的阵列(Web Get Data BB)被初始化(ie bad format)Proxy needauthentication:委托的系统被调节到一个代理中。代理要求一个可靠的使用者。设置代理登陆和代理的密码并重置Web Download BBServer need authentication:服务器要求一个可靠的用户。设置服务器登陆和服务器密码并重置Web Download BBWeb Get Data也是如此Web Get Data Version 1.00 - VirtoolsCategorized in Web/Server DescriptionApply to a BEOBJECT.Retrieves the content of a web page associated with a URL (and optionally sends data to the URL).Web Get Data.cmoTechnical InformationIn: Triggers the behaviors process.Succeed: Activates when the data has been retrieved.Failed: Activates if process fails; the errorpOut is updated at the same time.URL: The URL processed to retrieve the data.Relative to URL ?: if TRUE, the processed URL is built using the URL of the current vmo played in the Virtools 3D Life Player. For example if the current vmo played in the Virtools 3D Life Player is /myapp.vmo and you set this pIn to TRUE, to reference /myfile.php3 you simply have to set URL pIn to myfile.php3.获取网络数据在Web/Server中将其分类描述适用于交互对象通过URL关联来获取数据Web Get Data.cmo技术信息In:触发该行为进程Succeed:当数据被重新获取时则被激活Failed:如果进程失败则被激活。在相同的时间,错误的pOut被更新URL:URL被加工并重新取回数据Relative to URL:如果为真,加工的URL被通过使用在Virtools 3D 播放器中的vmo文件而加工。举个例子,如果在Virtools 3D播放器中播放/myapp.vmo并且你设置这个pIn为真到/myfile.php3你简单的要设置一下URL的pIn为“myfile.php3”Proxy Login: Login used to be authentified by the client proxy. By default leave it empty and check Error (Proxy need authentication) to known if a proxy need the user to be authentified.Proxy Password: Password used to be authentified by the client proxy. By default leave it empty and check Error (Proxy need authentication) to known if a proxy need the user to be authentified.Server Login: Login used to be authentified by the server. By default leave it empty and check Error (Server need authentication) to known if the server need the user to be authentified.Server Password: Password used to be authentified by the server. By default leave it empty and check Error (Server need authentication) to known if the server need the user to be authentified.Post: This pIn is available if Post? setting is TRUE. This pIn represents the data (as a string) to be posted to the URL.Array: This pIn is available if Result As Array? setting is TRUE. This pIn represents the array to store the result of the process in (instead of the Data pOut).Error: Error code.Data: This pOut is available if Result As Array? setting is FALSE. This pIn represents the string containing the result of the process if Succeed has been activated.Post?: Should data be sent to the URL using the post method? (read remarks below).Result As Array?: Should data be retrieved as an array or a string?Proxy Login:通过委托代理使用可靠的登陆。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的代理)来知道如果一个代理需要一个可靠的用户Proxy Password:通过委托代理使密码更加可靠。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的代理)来知道如果一个代理需要一个可靠的用户Server Login:通过服务器进行可靠的登陆。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的服务器)来知道如果一个服务器需要一个可靠的用户Server Password:通过代理服务器使得密码更加可靠。默认值为空并且钩选错误的(需要可靠的服务器)来知道如果一个服务器需要一个可靠的用户Post:如果是Post的方式这个pIn是否能够使用?设置为真。这个pIn代表一个数据(像一个字符串)被发送到URL中Array:如果结果像一个阵列一样这个pIn是可用的?设置为真。这个pIn代表一个阵列被储存在进程的结果中(代替数据pOut)Error:错误的代码Data:如果结果像阵列一样,这个pOut是可用的?设置为假,这个pIn代表一个包含着如果被成功激活的进程结果的字符串。Post?“应该一个数据被通过post方式发送到URL中去吗?(参照下面的评论)Result As Array:应该数据被重新取回像一个阵列或是一个字符串?RemarksThe Post? setting: This BB is used to retrieve the content of a web page (associated with a URL) that can be a simple HTML file or most likely a script file (PHP, ASP, JSP, CGI, etc.) that may (or may not) provide an access to a database. This BB is can also send data using the GET or the POST method. For example, lets say you have a script called score.php3 which need a parameter called id to display a string like score=5. This parameter is the identifier of the player you want to know the score of your game. The score.php3 file would looks something like this: Note: instead of filling an array, in most cases, a data base connection is made instead.评论Post?的设置这个BB用来取回一个网页的内容(和一个URL关联)能够被一个简单的HTML页面或是大部分的脚本文件(PHP,ASP,JSP,CGI等等)可以(或者不可以)提供一个可以进入的数据库。这个BB也能通过Get或是Post方式发送数据举个例子,你使用一个叫做score.php3的脚本需要一个参数被叫做id来展出一个字符串像“score=5”。这个参数是你想要了解的你的游戏的总份的鉴定人。score.php3文件将看起来以这样的格式:提示:在大部分案例中代替填充一个阵列,一个数据库的连接被代替If you want to retreive the result of the script with Virtools you can proceed in two ways: using the GET method: o set URL to /score.php3?id=3 for example (where 3 is t


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  • 5. 人人文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。
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