人教PEP版英语三年级下册《Unit 6 At the Zoo》课件_第1页
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Unit6AttheZoo 人教PEP 三年级英语下册课件 Zoo动物园 HomeofPigs HomeofCats HomeofMonkeys HomeofElephants HomeofCats HomeofBirds Lookatthecat It sSOfat Lookatthemonkey It s 如此 funny so Lookatthepig It sso 大 Lookatthepig It sso 小 big small big small Lookatthecat It ssofat Lookatthepig It ssobig Lookatthemonkey It ssofunny Lookatthemouse Inmyhouse Ahhh Let schant Thebirdsays Ihaveasmallnose Ihavebigeyes Ihavesmallears Canyousaylikethebird 你也能像这只漂亮的鸟这样说吗 Ihavea nose Ihave eyes Ihave ears 你能选用big small long short funny这些形容词 Lookattheear It sSO 大的 Lookattheeye It sSO 小的 Lookatthenose It sSO 长的 Lookatthetail 尾巴 It sSO 短的 Lookattheelephant It sSO 有趣的 big small long funny short 春天到了 天气暖和了 许多小动物出晒太阳了 Whatanimalscanyousee Whatanimalscanyousee Icanseea Ithas Icanseea Ithas Icanseea Ithas dog smalleyes rabbit ashorttail mouse bigears Lookattheelephant Ithas Ithas Ithas Ithas 3 1 4 2 alongnose ashorttail smalleyes bigears Let sfind 找一找 我们去动物园 小动物们很害羞 不肯出来与我们见面 请你根据所给的提示 找出是哪种小动物 Comeon children It ssosmall It swhite Ithasshortlegsandlongears Ithasasmallmouthandtworedeyes Whatisit Comeon children Ithasshortlegsandashorttail Ithastwobigandblackeyes It ssobig andit sblackandwhite Itlikesbamboo 喜欢竹子 Whatisit Comeon children Itissobig Ithasalongnoseandashorttail Ithassmalleyesandbigears Whatisit Comeon children Itlookslike 看起来像 atiger butit ssmall Ithasbigeyesandalongtail Itlikesmice 老鼠 Whatisit Comeon children Let sread 读一读 MissWhite Comeon children Lookattheelephant ZhangPeng Wow It ssobig MissWhite Look Ithasalongnoseandashorttail Sarah Ithassmalleyesandbigears Mike Oh it ssofunny Let sact 读一读 请小朋友打开课文 翻到第


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