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1. 担保函1TO: VISA SECTIONDear official,Hereby we certify that Mr. (or Ms).WANG XIAOMING is an employee (doctor, teacher, etc.) of our company. He started the job in 2001(从哪年开始这份工作). He (or She) has asked for 14 days off (from 01st Jul, 2011 to 15th Jul, 2011), during which he (or she) would like to go to your country and some other Schengen countries to spend his (or her) vacation. He himself (or She herself) will cover all the travel expenses. And his (or her) position in our company will be kept. We guarantee that he (or she) would (if he/she has the chance to go to your country) obey all your local laws and return to China before the visa expired. It would be greatly appreciated if you could grant him (or her) the visa. NameSexDate of BirthPassport NumberAnnual Income*M1970-01-01GRMBYours sincerely,(领导的中文签名及英文签名) XXXX Chairman of the Board* Co., LtdAdd: *Tel No.: *Fax No.: * 2. 担保函2公司担保函致德国驻北京大使馆签证处:应德国屋面工程协会的邀请,我公司特派遣xxx于2011年7月28日至2011年7月11日出访德国,执行考察xxxxx的任务,并洽谈相关合作事项,为期xx天。兹证明xxx先生姓名及性别称呼系xxx有限公司总经理工作单位及职位,年收入人民币 建议填7-20万之间,格式150,000,用逗号隔开百和千位数元。本公司担保xxx于赴德期间,能遵守德国法律,并保证他按性别选择填写他或她能按时回国。在德考察期间的所有费用包括食宿、交通和医疗保险等均由我公司自行承担。特此证明。 总经理:xxxx xxxxx有限公司工作单位 2011年5月15日Embassy ofThe GermanyVisa Departmentin BeijingLetter of CertificationUpon the invitation of xxxxxxx, We, xxxxxx Co.,Ltd.贵公司英文名,可参照德方邀请函注明的公司, will send Mr. xxxx to visit Germany for the purpose of researching on xxxxxxx and discussing cooperation matters. Mr. xxxx is General Manager职位英文名 of our company. His男士用His;女士用Her annual income is RMB 格式比如150,000. His男士用His;女士用Her visit will last xxx days from xxxx, 2011 to xxxx, 2011. During his 同上 visit, all the cost such as accommodation, transportation and medical insurance will be at our own account. Thank you for your assistance.Xxxxxx Co.,Ltd.贵公司英文名xxxxxGeneral Manager职务英文名May 15, 20113. 在职证明证 明 书 兹证明*先生/女士是我 单位的 *(职位)。他/她将于*年*月和*月期间到欧洲旅游。我们保证其旅行期间遵守欧洲法律及法规并如期回国。我们将保留其职位。如有滞留不归现象,我单位愿意承担由此产生的一切责任。此次旅行费用由其本人/公司承担。请批准其签证,谢谢!姓名 性别 出生日期 护照号码 月薪 工作年限* * *年*月*日 * 人民币* *年此致 *(单位盖章)年 月 日负责人签名:负责人职务:负责人直线电话:地址:注:如果信笺纸上没有单位地址和电话,要在信笺纸上写( 单位负责人签名,单位公章,如负责人也出游,由另一位负责人签名)CERTIFICATION 2 SEP, 2011This is to certify that the following staff member of our (office政府)company is/are allowed to have a visit to Europe Countries from August and September 2007. We guarantee that he/she /they will abide by the laws and regulations and return to China on schedule. All the expense is on he/she /they accountsPlease kindly issue him/her /their visa.Thank you in Advance. Name D.O.B. P.P. No. Profession Salary/Month Y.O.SMs.* 21-Oct-1955 * Vice President RMB7000 4Years 单位名称(英)Name of the boss:XXXXTel: 0XXXXAdd: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4. 出资证明TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr. * works in our company from June, 1998. His wife XXX will be on travelling purposes visiting your country from September 30th, 2011 to October 9th, 2011. All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by *. His wife will be back on time as schedule planned after the visit to Schengen countries.NameDate of BirthPositionAnnual Income*D/M/19*¥*Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader: XYZPosition of the l


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