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第一册对话练习第1课对话一A: Long time no see. 好久不见。B: Great to see you. 很高兴见到你。A: So good to see you. 看见你真好。B: Good to see you, too. 看见你真好。A: Whats going on? 有什么事发生?(打招呼)B: Nothing much. :没什么事。A: Whats up today? 今天有什么计划?B: Ive got a lot of things to do. 我有很多事要做。A: Anything exciting? 有好玩的事吗?B: Not really. 没什么事。对话二A: Great to see you. 很高兴见到你。So good to see you. 看见你真好。Whats going on? 发生什么事?B: Nothing much. 没什么事。A: you look great. 你看起来很棒。B: so do you. 你也是。A: you look high-spirited. 你看起来精力充沛。B: Im really happy with my job. 我很喜欢我的工作。A: You look like youre ready for anything. 你看起来准备好要做任何事了。B: Always. 一直都是。对话三A: Great to see you. 很高兴见到你。B: Its good to see you. 见到你真好。Im glad to see you. 很高兴见到你。Youre looking good. 你看起来气色很好。A: Whats going on ? 有什么事发生?B: Not much. 没什么。Same old thing. 老样子。Im keeping busy. 我一直都很忙。A: Whats up today? 今天有什么计划?B: Nothing special. 没什么特别的。Just my regular schedule. 只是平常会做的事。Just the same routine. 都只是例行公事。A: Anything exciting. 有没有什么好玩的事?B: Nothing that I know of. 据我所知都没有。Same old,Same old. 老样子,老样子。Im just doing what I normally do. 我只是做平常做的事。第2课A: Great class. 好棒的一课。Thank you,teacher. 老师,谢谢你。You are the best. 你最棒。B: Thanks for the compliment. 谢谢你的赞美。A: I like your class. 我喜欢上你的课。I learn so much. 我学到好多东西。You can really teach. 你真是会教。B: I do whatever I can for you. 我尽力为你们做。A: You are interesting. 你真有趣。You make it fun. 你上课很风趣。B: I try my best. 我尽力。A: You are a terrific teacher. 你教得很好。B: Thank you. 谢谢。I appreciate that. 我很感谢。第3课对话一A: Youre an excellent teacher. 你教的很好。B: Thats nice to hear. 听到你这么说真高兴。Thanks for the compliment. 谢谢你的称赞。Im glad you like the class. 我很高兴你喜欢这堂课。A: Youre never dull. 和你在一起绝不会无聊。B: Thats good to hear. 听到你这么说真高兴。Thats music to my ears. 很高兴听到你这么说。You made my day. 你们让我很快乐。A: You keep us on our toes. 你让我们专心上课。B: Thats my job. 那是我的工作。Thats why I am here. 那就是为什么我会来这里。Im glad to hear that. 我很高兴听到你这么说。A: I like your teaching. 我喜欢上你的课。B: Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢。I appreciate hearing that. 感谢你这么说。Its nice of you to say so. 你这么说真体贴。对话二A: Your material is great. 你的教材真好。B: Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢。We try hard. 我们尽力。Material is very important. 教材是很重要的。A: Your methods are useful. 你的方法很有用。B: I like to hear that. 听你这么说,我很高兴。I do my best. 我尽力。Thats my goal. 那是我的目标。A: Youre full of pep. 你充满活力。B: I like what I do. 我喜欢我的工作。I try my best. 我尽力。I enjoy teaching very much. 我非常喜欢教书。A: I like your style. 我喜欢你的方式。B: Thats nice to hear. 听你这么说,我很高兴。Its nice of you to say that. 你这么说人真好。You made my day. 你使我非常高兴。第4课A: Youre doing fine. 你做得很好。B: Thank you. 谢谢你。Thats nice to hear. 很高兴听你这么说。I appreciate it. 感谢你。A: Keep on going. 再接再厉,继续努力。B: I will. 我会的。Ill do my best. 我会尽力。Ill keep going. 我会不停地努力。A: Am I doing this correctly? 我做的对吗?B: You got it . 你懂得怎么做。Thats the way. 你的做法对。Thats how to do it. 就是这么做。A: Keep working hard. 继续努力。B: OK. 好,No problem. 没问题。You got it. 没问题第5课对话一A: Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?B: Lets go. 我们走吧。A: Lets jet. 我们走吧。B: After you. 你先走。A: Lets get out of here. 我们离开这里吧。B: Im with you. 我跟你一起走。A: Where are you going? 你要去哪里?B: Im heading home. 我要回家。A: Want to get a bite to eat? 要不要吃点东西?B: Sure. Why not? 当然好。为什么不?A: I could use a snack. 我有点想吃点心。B: So could I. 我也想。A: Lets go eat. 我们去吃吧。B: Good idea. 好主意。对话二A: Lets go. 我们走吧。B: OK. 好的Im ready. 我准备好了。Lets get going. 我们走吧。A: Are you heading home? 你要回家吗?B: Yes, I am. 是的,我要。Im going home. 我要回家。Ive got a lot to do. 我有很多事要做。A: Want to get a bite to eat? 要不要去吃点东西。B: Sure. 好。That sounds great. 听起来不错。Im with you. 我同意。A: I could use a snack. 我有点想吃点心。B: Me too. 我也是That sounds good. 听起来不错。Lets get a snack. 我们去吃点心吧。第6课A: Lets grab a bite. 我们去吃点东西吧B: Good. Im hungry ,too. :好。我也饿了。A: What do you feel like eating? 你想要吃什么?B: You decide. 你决定。A: What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?B: Something fast and convenient. 要又快又方便的。A: How about McDonalds? 麦当劳如何?B: Good idea. 好主意。第7课对话一A: Are you ready to order? 您准备好点餐了吗?B:Yes, Ill have a Big Mac. 是啊,我要一个麦香堡。A: Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?B: Ill have a samall fries and a large Coke. 我要一份小薯条和一大杯可口可乐。A: Is that for here or to go? 是要在这里用还是外带?B: Thatll be for here. 是要在这里用的。A: What would you like to drink? 您想要喝点什么?B: Id like a milk shake. 我要一杯奶昔。A: What flavor would you like? 您要什么口味的?B: Make it strawberry. 要草莓的。对话二A: I want a McChicken, small fries,and a small Coke. 我要一个麦香鸡,一份小薯条,和一小杯可口可乐。B: OK, right away. 好的,马上来。A: Can I have extra ketchup? 我可以多要一些番茄酱吗?B: Sure. Here you are. 当然。拿去吧。A: Can I have more napkins? 我可以多要一些纸巾吗?B: Of course. Here you are. 当然。拿去吧。A: Thank you. 谢谢你。B: You are welcome. 不客气。第8课对话一A: This is delicious. 真好吃。B: I agree. 我同意。Its tasty. 真好吃。Its very nice. 非常好吃。A: The flavor is awesome. 味道真棒。B: It sure is. 的确是。Its outstanding. 太棒了。Its fantastic. 太棒了。A: Its out of this world. 太棒了。B: Youre right. 你说的对。Its very delicious. 真好吃。Its the best Ive ever tasted. 这是我所尝过最好吃的。A: I could eat this all day. 太好吃了。我不会吃腻。B: Me too. 我也是。It really tastes great. 真是好吃。I could eat this every day. 我每天吃这个东西也不会腻。对话二A: This tastes great! 真是可口!B: Doesnt it ? 可不是吗?It sure does. 的确是。Its simply delicious. 真是好吃。A: I love it. 我太喜欢了。B: I like it, too. 我也喜欢。It tastes great. 真好吃。The flavor is excellent. 味道真棒。A: Its mouth-watering. 真是好吃。B: It really is. 的确是。Its just great. 真是太棒了。I like it a lot. 我很喜欢。A: I cant get enough我欲罢不能。B: Me either. 我也是I just love it. 我太喜欢了。I cant stop eating this. 我真是欲罢不能。对话三A: This fish is out of this world. 这鱼真是好吃极了。B: It sure is. 的确是。Its delicious. 真好吃。It tastes wonderful. 味道真棒。A: I love this restaurant. 我非常喜欢这家餐厅。B: Me too. 我也是。Its very nice. 这家餐厅很好。Its an excellent restaurant. 这是一家很棒的餐厅。A: Mmmmm. It makes my mouth water. 恩!真是好吃。B: Mine too. 我也觉得。Its superb. 真是太棒了。It tastes great. 太好吃了。A: I could eat this all the time. 这个东西我永远也吃不腻。B: So could I. 我也是。I really like this. 我非常喜欢。I could eat this every day. 我每天吃这个东西也不会腻。第9课对话一A: Have some more. 再多吃一点。B: Im full. 我吃饱了。Im stuffed. 我吃得很饱。I cant eat another bite. 我一口也吃不下了。A: Eat more. 再吃一点。B: I ate too much. 我吃太多了。I need a rest. 我需要休息。I need to take it easy. 我需要轻松一下。A: Dont be polite. Take some more. 不要客气。多吃点。B: No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。Ive had enough. 我已经吃饱了。Thats plenty for me. 我已经吃很多了。A: you can eat more than that. 你还可以吃更多。B: I already ate too much. 我已经吃的太多了。Ill gain weight. 我会变胖。I dont want to get fat. 我不想变胖。对话二A: Im full. 我吃饱了。B: I dont believe you. 我不相信。Keep eating. 再继续吃。Try some more. 多吃点。A: I ate too much. 我吃的太多了。B: Take a rest休息一下。Have a drink. 喝杯饮料。Wait a little while. 等一下再吃。A: Ill gain weight. 我会变胖。B: Dont worry about it. 别担心。You wont get fat. 你不会变胖。You dont do this every day. 你又不是每天都这样。A: I need to walk it off. 我需要用散步把它消耗掉。B: Thats a good idea. 好主意。Ill join you. 我和你一起去。Lets take a walk. 我们去散步吧。第10课对话一A: Lets go for a walk. 我们去散步吧。B: Sounds great. 听起来很好。Lets do it. 走吧。I love to go for a walk我爱散步。.A: Lets get some exercise. 我们去做些运动。B: Thats a great idea. 好主意。I like that. 我喜欢。That sounds good to me. 听起来不错。A: A walk would do us good. 散步对我们有好处。B: I agree. 我同意。Im with you. 我同意。Youre exactly right. 你完全正确。A: Walking is great. 散步很棒。B: Thats true.没错。I totally agree. 我完全同意。I cant agree with you more. 我非常同意。对话二A: walking is healthy. 散步有益健康。B: It sure is. 的确是。I know that. 我知道。I walk as much as I can. 我尽可能多散步。A: Walking is the best exercise there is. 散步是最好的运动。B: Thats so true. 没错。I cant argue with that. 你说的对。You can say that again. 你说的真对。A: Where shall we go? 你说我们去哪里?B: You choose. 你选择。You decide. 你决定。Any place is fine. 任何地方都可以。A: Any place in mind? 你有没有想到任何地方?B: Anywhere is fine. 任何地方都可以。Ill go anywhere. 我任何地方都去。Where would you like to go? 你想去哪里?第11课对话一A: Im beat. 我好累。B: Take a break. 休息一下。Take a rest. 休息一下。Rest a while. 休息一下。A: I need to go home. 我必须回家。B: I understand. 我了解。Its getting late. 时间不早了。You have lots of things to do. 你有很多事情要做。A: I need to get back. 我必须回去。B: please stay. 请留下来。Dont go. 不要走。Keep me company. 和我做伴。A: Lets call it a day. 我们今天到此为止。B: Good idea. 好主意。I agree. 我同意。Its time to go. 是该走的时候了。对话二A:Im bushed. 我好累。B:I understand. 我了解。I know youre tired. 我知道你累了。Get some rest. :休息一下。A: Im exhausted. 我好累。B: Take it easy. 放轻松。Go get a drink. 去喝杯饮料。Take a little break. 休息一下。A: I cant stay. 我不能留下来。B: Why not? 为什么?Its early. 时间还早。Please stay with me. 请留下来陪我。A: I have to go. 我得走了。B: Are you sure? 你确定吗?Cant you stay? 你不能留下来吗?Stay a while, please. 请在多留一会儿。对话三A: I need to go eat. 我需要去吃东西。B: Would you like some company? 你想找人做伴吗?Can I join you? 我可以和你一起去吗?Lets eat together. 我们一去吃吧。A: I need to go get a haircut. 我需要去理发。B: I understand. 我知道。Go ahead. 你去吧。See you later. 待会儿见。A: I have things to do. 我有事情要做。B: No problem. 没问题。Do what you have to do. 做你必须做的。Take care of your business. 去处理你的事吧。A: Lets call it quits. 我们今天到此为止。B: Good idea. 好主意。I agree. 我同意。Lets stop. 我们停止吧。第12课对话一A: Im home. 我回来了。B: Welcome home. 欢迎回家。Im glad youre here. 我很高兴你回来了。Its good to see you. 很高兴看到你。A: I had a great day. 我今天过的很愉快。B: Good for you. 很好。I am glad to hear that. 很高兴听到你这么说。Im so happy for you. 我很为你高兴。A: Everything went right for me. 我每件事都很顺利。B: Great. 太棒了。You deserve it. 你应得的。Thats good to hear. 听到你这么说真高兴。A: Its been a long day. 今天真是漫长的一天。B: you must be tired. 你一定很疲倦了。Y


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