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thegreatwall mickeymouse donaldduck disneyland sectiona unit9 haveyoueverbeentoanamusementpark discuss whichoftheseplaceshaveyoueverbeento anamusementpark anaquarium aspacemuseum azoo haveyoueverbeentothezoo yes ihave i vebeentothezooalotoftimes awaterpark haveyoueverbeentoawaterpark no ihaven t ihaveneverbeentothewaterpark 那你 anamusementpark aspacemuseum anaquarium azoo awaterpark mickeymouse donaldduck disneyland newwordsandphrases thegreatwall 1awhichoftheseplaceswouldyouliketovisit rankthemfrom1to5 spacemuseum amusementpark aquarium zoo waterpark listen havethesestudentseverbeentotheseplaces check theboxes listen havethesestudentseverbeentotheseplaces 1cpairwork a haveyoueverbeentoanaquarium b no ihaven t howaboutyou a meneither neitherhavei ihaven tbeentoanaquarium either 我也不注意 neither adj pron adv conj 两者都不 的 也不 1 neither n 单数 2 作主语视为单数 三者或以上 都不none 3 也不 放句首构成部分倒装neither 助 be 情 s 主 也不 so 助 be 情 s 主 也 4 neither nor 既不 也不 连接同一性质的单词和短语 作主语时 谓语动词要就近原则 1cpairwork a haveyoueverbeentoanaquarium b yes ihave howaboutyou a metoo sohavei ihavebeentotoanaquarium too 我也是 askandanswerquestionsabouttheplacesinthepictureabove waterpark anamusementpark spacemuseum anaquarium zoo a haveyoueverbeento b yes ihave no ihaven t zoo aquarium amusementpark waterpark spacemuseum 2alookatthemapofthetown listenandcircletheplacesyouhear 2blistenagainandcirclet fortrue orf false conversation1 conversation2 conversation3 tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf a haveyoueverbeentothespacemuseum b no ihaven t i mgoingtoanaquarium a howareyougoingthere b iamgoingtherebybus a haveagoodtime b thankyou 2cpairwork lookatthemapandroleplayconversations talkaboutwhereyouhavebeen whereyouwanttogo andhowyouaregoingtogetthere trytofindthesentencesusingthepresentperfecttensefromthelisteningin1b haveyoueverbeentoanamusementpark yes ihave haveyoueverbeentoawaterpark no ihaven t sarah haveyoubeentothezoo i vebeentothezooalotoftimes andi vebeentotheaquariumalso sohavei sarah i vebeenthere 现在完成时 1 过去对现在 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果 常与alreadyjustyeteverneverbefore等词连用 结构 主语 have has 动词的过去分词 一般疑问句 haveyoueverbeento yes ihave no ihaven t hassheeverbeento yes shehas no shehasn t 现在完成时 2 过去到现在 表示从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态 可以和表示延续的时间状语连用 如for since等引导的时间状语 注意 句中谓语动词要用延续性动词 for 一段时间forayearfortwoweeks 过去的某一时刻since一般过去时的时间状语从句 注意 for和since所引导的时间状语都表示一段时间 对划线部分提问都用howlong 区分havebeento havegoneto 现在完成时态中 havebeento和havegoneto都是指已经去了某个地方 但是havebeento强调的是曾经去了某个地方并回来了 havegoneto强调的是去了某个地方还没有回来 haveatrychoosethebestanswer 1 whereisbruce isheathome ithinkhe school a hasgoneb hasbeenc hasgonetod hasbeento2 ihaveneverbeentoeuropeancountries whatabo
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