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Room Escape Proposal1. Introduction1.1) Theme: Prison1.2) Background story:Alexander is well-known for his ability to escape from all kinds of prisons, hes therefore always invited to get into jail in purpose and escape from it to test the security level of the prison. However, after getting into Orange Hall Jail, Alexander disappeared, like he has vanished from the planet. Being Alexanders apprentices, you decide to follow your masters footstep and get into Orange Hall Jail. You must escape from it and discover the truth about your missing master!(呀駿是一名逃獄專家,經常被邀請假裝入獄然後越獄來測試監獄的安全性。不過,在進入了橙宿監獄後,他便人間蒸發。作為呀駿的徒弟,你們決定跟隨師傅的腳步,進入橙宿監獄,誓要逃出監獄並找出事情真相! )1.3) Truth of the incidentAlexander is in fact a double spy. Not only is he an undercover agent working for the government, but also a member of a Middle East terrorist organization. The organization sent Alexander to explore different prisons, so as to break into them with better plans. Unfortunately, Alexanders secret exposed, the government therefore set him up and want to keep him in the perfectly designed Orange Hall Prison. Alexander discovered this and even escaped successfully, but hid himself in order to be alive.(呀駿的身份其實是雙重間碟,除了是政府派往監獄,假裝是犯罪者的臥底之外,更是中東恐怖分子派到當地的間碟。恐怖組織一直委派呀駿查探各監獄的設計,以便策劃刧獄行動。但呀駿身份被曝,政府將計就計希望把他困在最完美的橙宿監獄,呀駿發現後仍然能夠逃脫,但為了保命便自己人間蒸發。)2. FlowI. Participants being locked in the toilet.II. Coming out from the toilet, participants can find hints from the books telling them to turn off the light.III. Password written with luminous paint can be seen on a poster, it is for opening the suitcase.IV. A small locked box can be found inside the suitcase.V. The poster is of a broken toothbrush, reminding participants to look for it. On the toothbrush is password for opening the lock of a chain tying the fridge.VI. A key hidden in the ice cube can be found in the fridge, it is for opening the small locked box in (IV).VII. Open the small box, a recorder is inside and participants get to know way to escape and truth of the incident by listening to the recording.I. 參加者被鎖在廁所II. 逃離廁所後找到書中提示指要關廳中的燈III. 關燈後海報上的夜光密碼顯示, 用作打開行李箱IV. 行李箱內藏著一個上鎖小盒V. 海報上圖片提示要找出斷開的牙刷, 該密碼可開啟綁著雪櫃的鐵鏈上的鎖VI. 在雪櫃內有一個冰盒, 內藏(IV)上鎖小盒的鎖匙VII. 打開小盒, 內有錄音機, 告訴參加者呀駿去向及逃出方法3. Details of tasksI. Toilet:- Participants hands or legs are handcuffed, one locked to a fixed point (e.g. the shower curtain rail), others one locked to another. - Participants eyes are covered with eye-patches.- Keys for handcuffs are hidden in the toilet.- Left-to-right reversed numbers are written on the glass. 參加者的手或腳被鎖, 雙眼被蒙, 站於廁所; 一位的手被鎖於固定處 (如:浴廉頂), 其他一個連著一個;手扣鎖匙散於廁所各處;鏡上寫著數行左右反轉的數字II. Books- Numbers on the toilet glass represents clues hidden in the books.Book No. 4Page 98th row20th word- E.g. 4 9 8 20- Group together all the words found, the hint Light in darkness appears.- Participants should turn off the light. 鏡上數字代表著書本中的提示4號書第9頁第8行第20個字例: 4 9 8 20併合後找出提示: Light in darkness;參加者應該關上燈;III. Password hidden on poster- After turning off the light, password written with luminous paint can be seen on the poster on the wall.- The password is for opening the suitcase. 關燈後海報上以夜光筆寫的密碼顯現;密碼用作打開行李箱IV. Suitcase- Inside the suitcase, there are clothes, hair dryer and all other kinds of stuff, covering a small locked box.- At this point, participants do not have the key for the box yet, therefore they have to look for another clue to continue. 行李箱內藏有衣服、風筒、雜物等, 蓋著一個上鎖小盒;在這時參加者未有打開小盒的鎖匙, 所以需要尋找另一個線索V. Drawing on poster- The poster mentioned in (III) is of a broken toothbrush, reminding participants to look for it. - The toothbrush is being broken into two parts, hidden somewhere on the bed (e.g. inside the pillow case).- Half of the password is on each piece of the toothbrush, combining the two parts reveal the whole password and it is for opening the lock of a chain tying the fridge. (III)的海報上畫著一支被截開兩邊的牙刷, 提示參加者要找到;在床上、枕頭袋內等地方找到兩段牙刷;有半個密碼寫於每邊的牙刷上, 合併兩段後就可找到完整密碼, 用作開啟鎖著雪櫃的鐵鏈VI. Fridge- Unchained the fridge and open it, participants can see an ice cube.- A key for opening the small locked box found in (IV) is hidden in the ice cube.- Participants can use the hair dryer to melt the ice cube or use other ways they can think of to get the key. 打開雪櫃後可看見內有一個冰盒;冰盒內藏著(IV)中上鎖小盒的鎖匙;參加者可以用風筒或其他自己的方法取出鎖匙VII. Recording- By opening the small locked box found in (IV), participants discover a recorder.- Play the recording recorded by Alexander, participants get to know way to escape and the truth of the incident. 以找到的鎖匙打開(IV)的小盒, 內有錄音機;錄音者為呀駿, 向再被關進此監獄的人提供逃出方法並交代自己的去向4. Floor plan and detail of designchained fridge with box of ice and key insidebooksposter on wall *2suitcase with small locked box, clothes (prisoner costumes), hair dryer insidepillow with hidden toothbrush3D sticker on wall *3bookshelfcanvas bed with hidden toothbrushspider net *1spider net *1spider net *1*1 Spider net *2 Poster:xxxx: password for the suitcase written with luminous paint*3 3D sticker5. Material list and budgetItemNo.Buy fromPricehandcuff 手扣8Taobao 淘寶 $80book 書5-10self-provide 自備bookshelf 書架1self-provide自備luminous paint pen 夜光筆1Taobao 淘寶 $5poster 海報1Print 印刷 $10small box 小盒 (for錄音機)1Stationary Shop文具舖 $10toothbrush 牙刷1Welcome 惠康 $5suitcase 行李箱1self-provide 自備clothes 衣服5-10self-provide 自備prisoner costume 囚犯衣4Taobao 淘寶 $500hair dryer 風筒1self-provide 自備fridge 雪櫃1borrow from Pong 借用recorder 錄音機1self-provide自備lock 鎖4Metal work shop五金舖 $40canvas bed 帆布牀1Ikea $350pillow 枕頭1Ikea $150chain 鐵鏈3mMetal work shop五金舖 $20eye-patch 眼罩 4borrow (17/F muti-room)借用box for ice cube 冰盒8Man Fung 萬豐 $20spider net 蜘蛛網3Taobao 淘寶 $303D sticker 3D貼紙1Tao
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