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中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业设计外文资料翻译 系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 张宏宝 学 号: 05211513 2015年 3 月 9 日 2 外文资料翻译译文 圆锥破碎机 圆锥破碎机适合破碎各种中等或中等以上硬度的矿石和岩石。弹簧圆锥破碎机,颚式破碎机相比,结构稳定,效率高,调整方便,和经济的使用等破碎 机弹簧保险系统作为超载保护系统使金属通过,以免损坏圆锥破碎机破碎腔。安全系统采用干油和水两种密封形式,使石膏粉和发动机油分开,以确保可靠的性能。这种类型的破碎腔的大小取决于喂养和粉碎产品的纯度。标准型( PYB)适用于中碎,介质类型适用于中等或细碎,短头型适用于细碎。 弹簧圆锥破碎机的工作原理: 圆锥破碎机粉碎依靠动锥和定锥工作表面之间的材料。因此,它是更先进,效率高于颚式破碎机。动锥球状支持轴承和固定设置在偏心套挂直立轴和轴套上设置停止推轴承。由偏心轴驱动动锥和直立轴套在一起。由偏心轴套带动水平轴和 fimbriated 齿轮,轮输送带是由电机驱动,通过 V 带。安装在竖井下部偏心套。当偏心套筒旋转时,有一个圆锥形轴表面内衬。何时动锥附近的固定锥,岩石研磨成块,当锥叶,研磨材料出院孔排出。定锥可以上升或下降由调整设置调整泄水孔的宽度,因此输出的大小取决于泄水孔的宽度。 激烈的竞争和原材料价格的强烈波动,采矿业带来一个恒定的努力,以找出更多的精力和成本效益的解决方案。山特维克矿山工程参与这方面的发展,以满足客户的需求。于 2009 年推出多项新产品,包括圆锥破碎机的创新解决方案。山特维克 Flexifeed 是一个独特的,专利 的设计和功能,提高生产力和提高挤压材料的质量与地幔的新类型。地幔提供了更好地利用破碎腔和整个腔的磨损更均匀,使用寿命延长 20和 50之间,根据不同的应用。 山特维克圆锥破碎机是设计先进的破碎机,它的体积小并且性能好。他们有很高的效率,并有非常好的产品的形状。它可以与液压调整的 CSS 结合,自动化选项,选择几个不同的破碎室,还有其他许多高性能的特点,每个模型是通用的,对用户有利并且高生产力。山特维克 CS-CH 系列圆锥破碎机具有广泛的使用领域,因为他们可以很容易地在生产中的变化,通过正确的选择破碎腔和偏心距相匹 配。我们的圆锥破碎机是理想的二级和三级破碎机,结构紧凑,易于设计到服务,是作为移动装置的理想选择。我们的破碎机提供过载自动保护,并可以与我们的自动设置系统 ASRI 的配备配合。该系统优化圆锥破碎机的效率高,可以自动适应破碎机的饲料条件的变化。通过不断为破碎机衬板磨损的测量和补偿, ASRI 让您充分利用破碎机衬板和时间表衬板更换,以配合计划的维修站。 ASRI 也有助于保持您的破碎物料储备。这最大化岩石破碎功能,这有助于优化您的最终产品的质量。 高性能、最低的总成本 液压调整 CS 的 CH 山特维克生产破碎机的特 点是强大的设计和高性能。它可以与中电的破碎室组合,高功率电机给这些破碎机提供足够的能力,它可以在大多数情况下,与其他的,更大的破碎机相媲美。中电的优点是: 恒饲料接受能力 -增加产出 -增加高品质的产品 -增加班轮生活 -降低的总成本 。 山特维克圆锥破碎机,可配备自动设定系统, ASRI,这可以提高性能更加,也提供了集成先进的工厂控制系统。电破碎腔。中电表示定班轮性能。几乎垂直剖面的进料口区是指腔的形状,保持整个穿着寿命大致维持不变。 我们的圆锥破碎机具有广泛的使用领域。每个模型可用于多种标 准破碎腔,破碎机 3 可以很容易地在生产中的变化,通过正确的选择破碎腔和偏心距相匹配。山特维克圆锥破碎机是结合的二次破碎机颚或主旋回破碎机,或在第三或第四破碎阶段的最佳选择。由于其内置的多功能性,这些破碎机将让你应付大多数的生产需求在不断变化的未来。 有几个标准的破碎腔破碎机,可以很容易地匹配生产的变化,正确的选择破碎腔和偏心距。 完全控制的过程 Hydroset 系统提供安全和设置调节功能,并采用了重型液压缸,它支持的主轴,并调整其位置。 Hydroset 系统提供过载自动保护,允许通过的流浪汉铁或其他不可 破碎的的材料。然后系统会自动返回到原来的位置主轴顺利。配备自动设置系统, ASRI 时,圆锥破碎机,破碎破碎机内的实际负载的连续监测。这使得它可以让您在任何时候都挤从你的机器的最终性能优化破碎机 utlilization。 可以配备破碎机与 ASRI,监控式破碎机的负荷。这使结果大大改善和优化破碎机的利用率。 易于操作和维护 已经支付给容易破碎机操作和维护尽可能多的关注。所有的服务和检查开展以后,这使得工作更容易和维护成本更低。强大的密封式破碎机的内部力学,提供更有效的保护,防止灰尘和其他有害微粒 -减少了维护和提高破碎机的使用寿命。自动设置调节系统 ASRI,不仅优化了生产,也使衬板磨损的轨道。这使得它容易计划班轮变化,并最大限度地减少生产中断。除了高容量,山特维克 CS 和通道式破碎机结构紧凑,这使得它们很容易移动和安装。 强大的密封式破碎机的内部力学,提供更有效的保护,防止灰尘和其他联合国通缉颗粒 -减少了维护和提高破碎机的使用寿命。 建立强大的客户关系是高度优先考虑,在我们的日常工作,以帮助您保持您的山特维克破碎系统在运作,以提高您的正常运行时间和生产率,降低成本,并为您提供最好的, 可能的经济总量。 -山特维克拥有丰富的经验和遍布全球,以提供完全支持你的球队。 -山特维克拥有一个高效的,全球性的服务和分销网络,以确保所有必要的零件和耗材可供您根据自己的需要。 -山特维克提供密集的训练课程,量身定制,以适应您的需求,以帮助实现最佳的设备性能。 -山特维克提供高效,具有成本效益的维修和重建服务,当它成为必要,更经济,有利于环境的设备维修,检修或重建。无论您需要什么,无论你在哪里,无论时间,山特维克在这里支持你。 容量、速率 性能数据都是近似值,并给予指示式破碎机可以产生什么。它们适 用于开路干燥物料的破碎与 1600 kg/m3 的散装密度。据推测,比破碎机的封闭端设置( CSS)的材料更精细的饲料中删除。我们咨询关于破碎机的应用,因为选择的偏心距,还原度,材料的可破碎性( WI),饲料的粒度分析,在饲料中的任何二次破碎的电路和水分含量的设计都影响性能破碎机这使得市场上的圆锥破碎机的最好的功能 一个易于维护的破碎,从上面的维护和检查。破碎机具有破碎腔为标准的电。一个上部外壳是用于所有的破碎腔。坚固的设计提供了必要的粉碎了额外的硬质材料的强度和稳定性。设计也导致了维护成本低。检查孔提供在 下部外壳。准备安装,自动设置调节系统 ASRI。 1。从特殊合金锰钢衬板,使用寿命长。 2。一个过载自动保护系统是标准的。 CH880 具有限压阀。其他的尺寸有一个累加器。 3。由自润滑密封环式破碎机的内部保护灰尘。 4。下部外壳武器有特殊合金钢衬板。 5。安静的操作和硬化,螺旋截齿锥齿轮的寿命长,感谢。 6。产品曲线和能力,可以优化,通过调整破碎机附带的偏心率 TRIC套管。 7。大型饲料开幕。两个上部外壳武器对特殊合金钢的强劲衬垫磨损保护。 8。主 4 轴通过替换能够套和内部 headnut 的的保护。 9。电破碎腔设计维护整个进料口的衬 的整个生命。 10。齿隙容易调整。 11。稳健设计的齿轮轴集会。建成一个单一的单位,可以不拆除破碎机外的齿轮轴的轴承。 12。油罐单位?过滤?冷却和加热吗?循环泵吗?显示器的温度和流量?联锁润滑 A.独立蜘蛛轴承的润滑。 B.油箱装置自动保持油流的各种轴承。此系统可充分润滑前启动以来泵是独立的破碎机,破碎机本身。自动过滤和冷却的油。为润滑和 Hydroset 系统的油箱是一个自足的单位,纳入过滤器,加热和冷却设备,水泵,温度和流量监视器和电气联锁。 C.的齿轮轴单位具有独立的润滑。 山特维克是一家全球性的工业集团,拥有先进 的产品和世界领先地位,在选定的领域 -金属切削加工,采矿和建筑行业,不锈钢材料,特种合金,金属和陶瓷电阻材料以及工艺系统设备和工具的工具。集团在 2009 年有 130 个国家的约 44,000 名员工和代表年销售额近瑞典克朗 72000 M。山特维克矿山和建设,是山特维克集团内的业务领域和全球领先的设备供应商,水泥硬质合金工具,服务和为挖掘和大小的岩石和矿物的采矿和建筑行业的技术解决方案。 2009 年度的销售总额中号约 32600 亿瑞典克朗,拥有约14,400 名员工。 我们的圆锥破碎机具有广泛的使用领域。每个模型 可用于多种标准破碎腔。破碎机,可以很容易地在生产中的变化,通过正确的选择破碎腔和偏心距相匹配。山特维克圆锥破碎机作为二级破碎机的最佳选择。这个“专门设计”。“山特维克 CH890 圆锥破碎机山特维克 CH895 圆锥破碎机的新主轴,从一个新的高强度材料制成,能够承受恶劣的开采强度优化底部外壳 设计要求,同时允许更大的负载。简单地说,两个新的 CH 系列圆锥破碎机的破碎锥模型。这些新配备 1100 马力和 1400 马力发动机,这使他们在世界上最大和最强大的圆锥破碎机破碎机。新的 CH 圆锥破碎机使用众所周知的山特维克hydroset 概念,为线路设置。 山特维克圆锥破碎机是先进的设计,小体积和高容量大小。他们有很高的效率降低,并给予非常好的产品的形状。与 CSS 的液压调整,自动化选项,选择 7 个不同的破碎室,和其他许多高性能特点,每一个模型是通用的,用户友好和高生产力。 每个山特维克圆锥破碎机是一个诀窍和经验,通过三维 CAD 和有限元分析( FEA)优化产品。的应力,应变,冲击,变形,热负荷,振动和噪音广泛的负载条件下,几乎每个模型进行测试。在现实的结果是出色的可靠性。 山特维克新的移动圆锥破碎机的发展计划完成田间 试验 .非常成功的山特维克厘米 1208i 移动下颚现由 CM H4800i 称赞。业务改进设计,包括一个扩展的接驳料斗,从以前的颚式破碎机或接受能力从轮式装载机的饲料,如果作为一个独立的单元操作,非常灵活的单位,以应付激增饲料。 完全自动化的 CM4800i,启动和关闭顺序自动执行。单元操作进行监控和管理的 “ 智能 ” 控制系统,还提供了一个完整的生产,经营,服务和故障历史。此信息提供了极大的支持,运营商以及服务工程师。操作, CM4800i 是在它的应用非常灵活,允许从特粗腔选择与名义 230 毫米饲料, 美术室为第三产业的最终聚集。此外,饲料破碎机安排的事态发展,确保提高减少和能力,共同操作的新 CM4800i 汇集了两个最强大的,可以作为完整的单位运输破碎机在他们的阶级,让网站的运行轨道和轨道场外。 山特维克移动破碎范围正在扩大与引进 QH440 期待已久的轨道式圆锥破碎机,目的是在最苛刻的总制片。 在这种革命性的模型的中心,坐落在山特维克 CH440 圆锥破碎机,已使用超过 50 年的最艰巨的静态应用。它可以处理高达 215 厘米的材料和优秀减少比例和 cubicity 的,是能够产生高达 388 TPH。本机是专为便于移动,运 输和快速设置时间,这使得它适应性强,以达到最偏远的地区内部和外部的采石场。 5 主要特点包括: 重型,耐磨输送带液压折叠 ; 双线圈金属探测器 ; 自动化材料最大的生产,减少和形状的饲料控制 ; 两个卡特彼勒 C13 层 3A 及 3B 发动机提供 440 马力, 328 千瓦 ; 直接驱动,以确保最大的电力输送和燃油效率 ; 从 “ 我 ” 梁重型底盘构造,以确保最大的耐久性 ; 配有四个顶腿最大的稳定性 ; 广泛的选择,以适应各种气候和需要选装 ; 最新的 EC 标准设计,操作人员的安全,作为一个优先事项 ; 全球售后支持标准的零件库存,以确保最大的正常运 行时间 ; QH440 有 选择 6 个不同的粉碎室,从细额外的课程,与 8 个不同的灌木设置范围从16mm 到 44 毫米配对。对产品的形状和分级可以很容易地调整改变的罚球,以确保机器提供了确切的质量和所需材料的数量,二级和三级应用。这些独特的功能,使 QH440 移动圆锥破碎机在市场上最灵活。 山特维克 QH440 圆锥破碎机所有这些突出的特点,是注定要成为市场的领导者,将进一步巩固香港作为优质移动式破碎机和安检制造商山特维克的威信 最大的山特维克圆锥破碎机将安装在纳米比亚的铀矿 - 中国最大的山特维克圆锥破碎 机, CH880s 第九是被安装在新建 Trekkopje 在纳米比亚的铀矿项目。顺序如下交付突破性六塔蒂镍矿于 2007年在博茨瓦纳类似破碎机,根据加文 哈里斯,山特维克矿山工程为非洲区域销售经理。 超过 USD700中号纳米比亚项目 - 拥有全球的法国能源集团 Areva - 是一个非常大的,低档的,浅层的铀源,包括两个存款 ; Trekkopje 存款和克莱 Trekkopje 存款,位于相距约七公里。该矿有望成为世界十大铀矿山,当它全面投产,这也将是一个低成本的五大露天矿在世界铀操作之一。 采矿矿权覆盖面积超过 30,000公顷,位于以南 35公里的属性和新开发的兰格海因里希铀矿位于东南 81公里的罗辛铀矿。 六山特维克破碎机,将用于处理 100,000吨矿石,每天从一个开放的坑位于干旱的沙漠地区内陆从斯瓦科普蒙沿海镇约 65公里的操作,将在瑞典山特维克厂房及生产通过纳米比亚的沃尔维斯湾港口交付给矿。安装定于今年十月( 2010年)。 Trekkopje 矿,去年开始生产少量的铀氧化物,预计到 2012年达到满负荷生产。采矿活动,包括表土和覆盖层去除,钻孔,爆破,装载,矿石处理厂喂养。从坑中取出的矿石将被运到附近的 一个可移动的初级破碎,然后输送到两山特维克 CH880破碎为二级破碎,四 CH880破碎机,三级破碎,生产前的最终产品 -38毫米大小材料传递到agglomerators 和堆浸垫。 据山特维克采矿设备供应商全球范围内行之有效的高效率和可靠性 CH880破碎机的丰富经验,加文 哈里斯,山特维克获得订单的主要原因。 “ 这是由阿海珐矿业放置在非洲的第一山特维克秩序,我们很高兴能够 Trekkopje 矿供应商之一。由于阿海珐矿业是在该领域全球最大的公司之一,这将是一个重视采矿设备供应商山特维克参考, “ 哈里斯说。 6 外文原文 Cone Crushers Cone Crusher is suitable to crush various kinds of ores and rocks of medium or above medium hardness.Compared with Jaw Crusher, Spring Cone Crusher is of stable structure, high efficiency, easy adjustment,and economical using etc. The spring safety system of crusher acts as an overloading protection system that allows metals to pass through the crushing chamber so as not to damage the Cone Crusher. The safety system uses dry oil and water as two kinds of sealed formation to make plaster powder and engine oil separated to make sure reliable performance. This type of crushing chamber depends upon the size offeeding and fineness of the crushed product. The standard type (PYB) is applied to medium crushing, themedium type is applied to medium or fine crushing and the short head type is applied to fine crushing. Working Principle of Spring Cone Crusher: Spring Cone Crusher crushes materials by the working surface between the movable cone and fixed cone.So it is more advanced and efficiency than Jaw Crusher. The movable cone is supported by spherical bearing and fixed on an hanging erect shaft which is set in the eccentric sleeve, and the sleeve is set on the stopping and pushing bearing. The movable cone and erect shaft are driven by the eccentric shaft sleeve together. The eccentric shaft sleeve is driven by horizontal shaft and fimbriated gear, and thwheelof the conveyor belt is driven by motor through v-belts. The lower part of vertical shaft is installed in theeccentric sleeve. When the eccentric sleeve rotates, there is a conical surface lined out by the shaft. When the movable cone comes near the fixed cone, rocks are grinded into pieces, when the cone leaves, grindedmaterials is discharged from the discharge hole. The fixed cone can be ascended or descended by adjusting setting to adjust the width of discharge hole; consequently the output size is determined. Intense competition and strong fluctuations in the price of raw materials entail a constant endeavor by the mining industry to identify more energy and cost-efficient solutions. Sandvik Mining and Construction is participating in this development to meet the demands of customers. A number of new products were launched in 2009, including an innovative solution for cone crushers. The Sandvik Flexifeed is a new type of mantle with a unique, patented design and functionality that boosts productivity and raises the quality of crush material. The mantle offers better utilization of the crushing chamber and more uniform wear of the entire chamber, extending the service life by between 20 and 50%, depending on the application. Sandvik cone crushers are of advanced design with a small footprint and high capacity in relation to size. They have high reduction efficiency and give very good product shape. With hydraulically adjusted CSS, the option of automation, a choice of several different crushing chambers, and many other high-performance features, each model is versatile, user-friendly and highly productive. The Sandvik CS- and CH-series of cone crushers have a wide field of use as they can easily be matched to changes in production through the proper selection of crushing chamber and eccentric throw. Our cone crushers are ideal for secondary and tertiary crushing and the compact and easy-to-service design makes 7 them a perfect choice for mobile installations. Our crushers provide automatic overload protection and can be equipped with our automatic setting system ASRi. This system optimizes cone crusher efficiency and automatically adapts the crusher to variations in feed conditions. By continuously measuring and compensating for crusher liner wear, ASRi allows you fully utilize crusher liners and schedule liner replacements to coincide with planned maintenance stops. ASRi also assists in keeping your crusher choke fed. This maximizes rock-on-rock crushing, which helps to optimize the quality of your final product. High Performance Lowest Total Cost: The hydraulically adjusted CS & CH cone crushers manufactured by Sandvik are characterized by robust design and high performance. In combination with the CLP crushing chambers, high motor powers give these crushers capacities which are in most cases comparable with those of other, larger crushers. The CLP advantages are: Constant feed acceptance capability Increased output High-quality products Increased liner life Lowest total cost Sandvik cone crushers can be equipped with an automatic setting system, ASRi, which can improve performance even more and also provides integration with sophisticated plant control systems. CLP crushing chamber. CLP stands for Constant Liner Performance. The almost vertical profile of the feed opening area means that the shape of the chamber remains virtually unchanged throughout the wearing lifeExcellent Versatility Our cone crushers have a wide field of use. Several standard crushing chambers are available for each model. The crushers can easily be matched to changes in production through the proper selection of crushing chamber and eccentric throw. Sandvik cone crushers are an excellent choice as secondary crushers in combination with a jaw or a primary gyratory crusher or in the third or fourth crushing stage. Thanks to their built-in versatility, these crushers will enable you to cope with most production requirements in a changing future.Several standard crushing chambers are available. The crushers can easily be matched to changes in production by the proper selection of crushing chamber and eccentric throw. Full Control of the Process The Hydroset system provides safety and setting adjustment functions, and incorporates a heavy-duty hydraulic cylinder which supports the mainshaft and adjusts its position. The Hydroset system provides automatic overload protection to permit the passage of tramp iron or other uncrushable material. The system then automatically returns the mainshaft smoothly to its original position. When the cone crusher is equipped with our automatic setting system, ASRi, the actual crushing load inside the crusher is continuously monitored. This makes it possible to optimize crusher utlilization allowing you to squeeze the ultimate performance from your machine at all times. The crushers can be equipped with ASRi, which monitors the load on the crusher. This gives considerably improved results and optimum crusher utilization. Easy to Handle and Maintain Much attention has been paid to making our crushers as easy to operate and maintain as possible. All service and inspection is carried out from above, which makes the work easier and the maintenance costs lower. Robust sealing to the inner crusher mechanics provides more effective protection against dust and other unwanted particles reducing maintenance and increasing the life of the crusher. The automatic setting regulation system ASRi, not only 8 optimizes production, it also keeps track of liner wear. This makes it easy to plan liner changes and minimize interruptions in production. In addition to the high capacity, Sandvik CS & CH crushers are compact, which makes them very easy to move and to install. Robust sealing to the inner crusher mechanics provides more effective protection against dust and other un-wanted particles reducing maintenance and increasing the life of the crusher. Easy to Handle and Maintain Much attention has been paid to making our crushers as easy to operate and maintain as possible. All service and inspection is carried out from above, which makes the work easier and the maintenance costs lower. Robust sealing to the inner crusher mechanics provides more effective protection against dust and other unwanted particles reducing maintenance and increasing the life of the crusher. The automatic setting regulation system ASRi, not only optimizes production, it also keeps track of liner wear. This makes it easy to plan liner changes and minimize interruptions in production. In addition to the high capacity, Sandvik CS & CH crushers are compact, which makes them very easy to move and to install.Robust sealing to the inner crusher mechanics provides more effective protection against dust and other un-wanted particles reducing maintenance and increasing the life of the crusher. Customer Satisfaction Building strong customer relationships is highly prioritized in our daily work to help you keep your Sandvik crushing system in operation, to improve your uptime and productivity, lower your costs and provide you with the best, possible total economy. - Sandvik has vast experience and teams spanning the globe in order to provide you with total support. - Sandvik has a highly efficient, worldwide service and distribution network to make sure all essential parts and consumables are available to you according to your needs. - Sandvik offers intensive training courses tailored to fit your needs in order to help achieve optimum equipment performance. - Sandvik offers efficient, cost-effective repair and rebuilding services when it becomes necessary, more economical or environmentally beneficial to repair, overhaul or rebuild the equipment. Whatever your needs are, wherever you are and whatever the time is, Sandvik is here to support you. Dont compromise. Genuine parts payoff! Capacity, MTPH Performance figures are approximate and give an indication of what the crusher can produce. They apply to open circuit crushing of dry material with a bulk density of 1600 kg/m3. It is assumed that material much finer than the crushers closed side setting (CSS) is removed from the feed. Consult us regarding the application of the crusher since the chosen eccentric throw, degree of reduction, the materials crushability (Wi), the size analysis of the feed, the design of any recrushing circuit and the moisture content in the feed all affect performance of the crusher. Features which make our cone crushers the best on the market An easy-to-maintain crusher. Maintenance and inspection from above. The crusher has a CLP crushing chamber as standard. One topshell is used for all crushing chambers. The robust design provides the strength and stability necessary for the crushing of extra-hard materials. The design also results in low maintenance costs. Inspection holes are provided in the bottomshell. Prepared for the installation of ASRi, the Automatic Setting Regulation system. 1. Long life from liners of special alloy manganese steel. 2. An automatic overload 9 protection system is standard. The CH880 has a pressure limiting valve. Other sizes have an accumulator. 3. The interior of the crusher is protected from dust by a selflubricating seal ring. 4. The bottomshell arms have liners of special alloy steel. 5. Quiet operation and long life thanks to bevel gears with hardened, spiral-cut teeth. 6. Product curve and capacity can be optimized by adjusting the eccen tric bushing supplied with the crusher. 7. Large feed opening. The two topshell arms are protected against wear by robust liners of special alloy steel. 8. Mainshaft protected by replace able sleeve and inner headnut. 9. CLP crushing chamber design maintains feed opening throughout the entire life of the liners. 10. Easy adjustment of gear backlash. 11. Robust design of the pinionshaft assembly. The pinionshaft and its bearings are built as a single unit which can be removed without taking the crusher apart. 12. Oil tank unit ? filtration ? cooling and heating ? circulation pump ? monitors for temperature and flow rate ? interlocks Lubrication A. Separate lubrication for the spider bearing. B. The oil tank unit automatically maintains oil flow to the various bearings. This system permits full lubrication even before the crusher itself is started since the pump is independent of the c
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