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中国国家标准名称2返回 119火灾报警系统通用技术条件 General technical conditions for 119 fire alarm system 固定式灭火系统基本术语 Fundamental terminology of fixed extinguishing systems 医药工业洁净室(区)悬浮粒子的测试方法 Test method for airborne particles in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry 医药工业洁净室(区)浮游菌的测试方法 Test method for airborne microbe in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry 医药工业洁净室(区)沉降菌的测试方法 Test method for settling microbe in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry 大气污染物综合排放标准 Integrated emission standard of air pollutants 民用机场环境卫生标准 Environmental health standard for civil airport 船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物急性毒性试验方法 Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping-Acute toxicity testing methods for aquatic organism 船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物积累性试验方法 Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping-Bioaccumulation testing method for aquatic organism 船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物沾染试验方法 Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping-Taint testing method for aquatic organism 船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 哺乳动物毒性试验方法 Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping-Toxicity test method for mammal 船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 危害性评价程序与污染分类方法 Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping-Assessment procedure and determination of pollution category X线诊断中受检者放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standard for the examinee in X-ray diagnosis 育龄妇女和孕妇的X线检查放射卫生防护标准 Radiological health protection standards for X-ray examinations of child-bearing age women and pregnant women 儿童X线诊断放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for the children in X-ray diagnosis 医用射线远距治疗设备放射卫生防护标准 Radiological health protection standard on-Gamma-beam teletherapy equipment in medicine 一次性医疗用品射线辐射灭菌标准 Standards for -rays radiation sterilization of disposable medical appliances 含放射性物质消费品的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for consumer products containing radioactive substances 使用密封放射源的放射卫生防护要求 Radiological protection reguirments for using sealed radioactive sources X射线衍射仪和荧光分析仪放射卫生防护标准 Radiation protection standards for X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis equipment 地下建筑氡及其子体控制标准 Standard for controlling radon and its daughters in underground space 工业X射线探伤放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for industrial X-ray detection 油(气)田非密封型放射源测井放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for unsealed radioactive sources logging in oil and gas-field 放射性发光涂料的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standard for radioactive luminescent paint 临床核医学放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standard for clinical nuclear medicine 临床核医学中患者的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for the patient in clinical nuclear medicine 体外射束放射治疗中患者的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for the patient in external beam radiological therapy X射线防护材料屏蔽性能及检验方法 Shielding performance and test methods of protection material against X-rays 后装源近距离治疗放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standard for gamma-ray afterloading brachytherapy 离子感烟火灾探测器放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for ionization smoke fire detectors 汽灯纱罩生产的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological health protection standards for producing gas mantles 地热水应用中的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for using geothermal water 含密封源仪表的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for gauges containing sealed radioactive source 医用电子加速器放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standard for using of medical electron accelerator 金属非金属露天矿山安全规程 Safety regulations for metal and nonmetal opencast mines 金属非金属地下矿山安全规程 Safety regulations for metal and nonmetal underground mines 粉尘云爆炸下限浓度测定方法 Determination for minimum explosive concentration of dust cloud 粉尘云最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率测定方法 Determination for maximum explosion and maximum rate of pressure rise of dust cloud 粉尘层电阻率测定方法 Determination for electrical resistivity of dust in layer 粉尘云最小着火能量测定方法 Determination of the minimum ignition energy of dust cloud 粉尘云最低着火温度测定方法 Determination of the minimum ignition temperature of dust cloud 粉尘层最低着火温度的测定方法 Determination of the minimum ignition temperature of dust layer 半导体少长针消雷装置使用的安全要求 The safety demands of using semiconductor lightning eliminator 振动与冲击 人体的机械驱动点阻抗 Vibration and shock-Mechanical driving point impedance of the human body 振动与冲击 人体Z轴向的机械传递率 Vibration and shock-Mechanical transmissibility of the human body in the z direction 黄磷包装 Packing for yellow phosphorus 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废骨料(试行) Environmental protection control standard for importod scrap material-Waste animal bone as raw material 进口废物环境保护控制标准 冶炼渣(试行) Environmental protection control standard for importcd scrap material-Slag as raw material 进口废物环境保护控制标准 木、木制品废料 Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap wood and wooden products as raw material 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废纸或纸板(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap paper and board as raw material 进口废物环境保护控制标准 纺织品废物(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap cotton and cloth as raw material 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废钢铁(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Iron and steel scraps 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废有色金属 Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Nonferrous metal scraps 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废电机(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap motor 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废电线电缆(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Waste electrical line and cable 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废五金电器(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Metal and electrical appliance scraps 进口废物环境保护控制标准 供拆卸的船舶及其他浮动结构体(试行) Environmental protection control standard for importedscrap matcrial-Scrapping ships and floating facilities 进口废物环境保护控制标准 废塑料 Environmental protection control standard for lmported scrap material-Plastic scrap as raw material 水质 石油类和动植物油的测定 红外光度法 Water quality-Determination of petroleum oil, animal and vegetable oils-Infrared photometric method 水质 硫化物的测定 亚甲基蓝分光光度法 Water quality-Determination of sulfide-Methylene blue spectrophotometric method 高炉喷吹烟煤系统防爆安全规程 Safety regulations for the explosion precautions of bituminous coal injection into blast furnace 自给式空气呼吸器 Self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus 海船救生安全标志 Safety signs for life-saving on sea-going ship 文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范 Designed criterion of security and alarm enginering for cultural museums series 防盗报警中心控制台 Security alarm centre control stations 潜水员水下用电安全技术规范 Technical regulations for divers safe use of electricity under water 干粉灭火系统部件通用技术条件 General technical specifications for components of powder extinguishing systems 二氧化碳灭火系统及部件通用技术条件 General technical specification for components of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems 柜式气体灭火装置性能要求和试验方法 Performance requirements and test methods for cabinet gas fire extinguishing equipment 银行营业场所安全防范工程设计规范 Security and alarm enginering specification for banking business place 报警图像信号有线传输装置 Transfer equipment of alarm picture signal through cable 工程机械 噪声限值和测定 Earth-moving machinery-Noise limits 工程机械 定置试验条件下机外辐射噪声的测定 Measurement of exterior noise emitted by earth moving machinery-Stationary test conditions 工程机械 定置试验条件下司机位置处噪声的测定 Measurement at the operators position of noise emitted by earth-moving machinery-Stationary test conditions 工程机械 动态试验条件下机外辐射噪声的测定 Measurement of exterior noise emitted by earth moving machinery-Dynamic test conditions 工程机械 动态试验条件下司机位置处噪声的测定 Measurement at the operators position of noise emitted by earth-moving machinery-Dynamic test conditions 机械安全 急停 设计原则 Safety of machinery-Emergency stop-Principles for design 机械安全 安全标准的起草与表述规则 Safety of machinery-Rules for the drafting and presentation of safety standards 耐油防护鞋通用技术条件 General technical requirements for resistance oil protective footwar X射线防护服 X-ray protective clothing 排风罩的分类及技术条件 The classification and technical specification of exhaust hood 安全防范报警设备 安全要求和试验方法 Safety requirements and methods for security alarm equipment 消防联动控制设备通用技术条件 General technical conditions of control for fire protection equipment 防火膨胀密封件 Fire intumescent seals 可燃气体报警控制器技术要求及试验方法 Technical requirements and test methods for combustibic gas alarm control units 钢质防火窗 Steel fire windows 保险柜耐火性能试验方法 Test methods for fire resistance of cotainers 低压锅炉水处理设施运行效果与监测 Running result and the monitoring and testing of low-pressure boilers water-treatment equipment 消防电子产品 环境试验方法及严酷等级 Environmental test methods and severities for fire electronic products 电气火灾原因技术鉴定方法 第1部分:宏观法 Technical determination methods for electrical fire cause Part 1: Macroscopic method 电气火灾原因技术鉴定方法 第2部分:剩磁法 Technical determination method for electrical fire cause Part 2: Residual magnetic method 电气火灾原因技术鉴定方法 第3部分:成分分析法 Technical determination methods for electrical fire cause Part 3: Component analytic method 电气火灾原因技术鉴定方法 第4部分:金相法 Technical determination methods for electrical fire cause Part 4: Metallographic method 能量为300keV?25MeV电子束辐射加工装置剂量学导则 Guide for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300keV and 25MeV 除尘器 术语 第一部分:共性术语 Dust collector-Terminology Part 1: Common ones 除尘器 术语 第二部分:惯性式、过滤式、湿式除尘器术语 Dust collector-Terminology Part 2: Inertial dust collector,porous dust collector and wet scrubber 除尘器 术语 第三部分:电除尘器术语 Dust collector-Terminology Part 3: Electrostatic precipitators 机械安全 控制系统有关安全部件 第一部分 设计通则 Safety of machinery-Safety related parts of control systems-Part 1: General principles for design 机械安全 风险评价的原则 Safety of machinery-Principles for risk assessment 水的混凝、絮凝杯罐试验方法 Coagulation-Flocculation jar test of water 生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准 Stnadard for pollution control on the landfill site for domestic waste 石油罐导静电涂料电阻率测定法 Standard test methods for electrical resistivity of antistatic coating in petroleum tanks 密目式安全立网 Fine mesh safety vertical net 小型工业企业建厂劳动卫生基本技术条件 Elementary technological conditions of labour health for constructing small industrial enterprises 水泥生产防尘技术规程 Code of dust control for cement producting 氧气及相关气体安全技术规程 Safety technical regulation for oxygen and relative gases 粉尘物性试验方法 第1部分:试验尘样的采集 Methods of dust character test-Part 1: Dust sampling 粉尘物性试验方法 第2部分:有效密度的测定 比重瓶法 Methods of dust character test-Part 2: Determination of effective density-Pyknometer method 粉尘物性试验方法 第3部分:堆积密度的测定 自然堆积法 Methods of dust character test-Part 3: Determination of bulk density-Natural bulk method 粉尘物性试验方法 第4部分:分散度的测定 安德逊移液管法 Methods of dust character test-Part 4: Determination of dispersivity-Andreason pipette method 粉尘物性试验方法 第5部分:安息角的测定 注入限定底面法 Methods of dust character test-Part 5: Determination of reposeful angle-Poured angle of restrictive pile 粉尘物性试验方法 第6部分:吸湿性的测定 吸湿率法 Methods of dust character test-Part 6: Determination of hygroscopy-Hygroscopicity method 粉尘物性试验方法 第7部分:含湿量的测定 干燥法 Methods of dust character test-Part 7: Determination of moisture content-Dry method 粉尘物性试验方法 第8部分:浸润性的测定 浸透速度法 Methods of dust character test-Part 8: Determination of immersion-Immersion speed method 粉尘物性试验方法 第9部分:粘结性的测定 垂直拉断法 Methods of dust character test-Part 9: Determination of cohesion-Normal pull rift method 粉尘物性试验方法 第10部分: 比电阻的测定 圆盘法 Methods of dust character test-Part 10: Determination of electrical resistivity-Disk method 粉尘物性试验方法 第11部分: 工况粉尘比电阻的测定 过滤式同心圆环法 Methods of dust character test-Part 11: Determination of field resistivity-Concentric rings method by means of filtration 放射性废物近地表处置的废物接收准则 Acceptance criteria for near surface disposal of radioactive waste 电击防护 装置和设备的通用部分 Protection against electric shock-Common aspects for installation and equipment 二次供水设施卫生规范 Hygienic specification for facilities of secondary water supply 车间空气中岩棉粉尘卫生标准 Hygienic standard for rock wool dust in the air of workplace 车间空气中碳酸钠卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sodium carbonate in the air of workplace 车间空气中焦炉逸散物卫生标准 Hygienic standard for coke oven emissions in the air of workplace 车间空气中砷及其无机化合物卫生标准 Hygienic standard for arsenic and its inorganic compounds in the air of workplace X射线行李包检查系统的放射卫生防护标准 Radiological protection standards for X-ray luggage inspection system 作业场所空气采样仪器的技术规范 Technique specifications of sampling instruments for air in the workplace 车间空气中锡及其无机化合物的火焰原子吸收光谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of tin and its inorganic compounds-Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy 车间空气中锑及其化合物的火焰原子吸收光谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of antimony and its compounds-Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy 车间空气中甲硫醇的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of methyl mercaptan-Gas chromatography method 车间空气中偏二甲基肼的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of l,l-dimethylhydrazine-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中二乙胺的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of diethylamine-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中三氧化二砷原子吸收光谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of arsenic trioxide-Atomic absorption spectrometric method 车间空气中甲酸的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of formic acid-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中丙酸的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of propionic acid-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中苄基氯的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of benzyl chloride-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中苄基氰的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of benzyl cyanide-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中对硝基苯胺的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of P-nitroaniline-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中环已酮的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of cyclohexanone-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中乙醛的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of acetaldehyde-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中丁醇的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of butyl alcohol-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中异丁醇的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of isobutyl alcohol-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中硫酸二甲酯的溶剂解吸液相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of dimethyl sulphate-Solvent desorption liquid chromatographic method 车间空气中三硝基苯酚的高效液相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of trinitrophenol-Liquid chromatographic method 车间空气中乙酸甲酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of methyl acetate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中乙酸乙酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of ethyl acetate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中乙酸丙酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of propyl acetate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中乙酸丁酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of butyl acetate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中乙酸戊酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of amyl acetate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中2-甲氧基乙醇的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of 2-methoxyethanol-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中2-乙氧基乙醇的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of 2-ethoxyethanol-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中2-丁氧基乙醇的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of 2-butoxyethanol-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中钼的等离子体发射光谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of molybdenum-I CP-A ES method 车间空气中N-甲基苯胺的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of N-methylaniline-Solvent desorption gas chromotrographic method 车间空气中N,N-二甲基苯胺的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of N,N-dimethylaniline-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中三氯乙烯的气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of trichlorethylene-Gas chromatographic method 车间空气中丁酮的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Worplace air-Determination of butanone-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 车间空气中丙烯酸乙酯的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法 Workplace air-Determination of ethyl acrylate-Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method 室内空气中细菌总数卫生标准 Hygienic standard for bacterial total in indoor air 室内空气中二氧化碳卫生标准 Hygienic standard for carbon dioxidemin indoor air 室内空气中可吸入颗粒物卫生标准 Hygienic standard for inhalable particulate matter in indoor air 室内空气中氮氧化物卫生标准 Hygienic standard for nitrogen oxides in indoor air 室内空气中二氧化硫卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sulfur dioxide in indoor air 居住区大气中酚类化合物卫生检验标准方法 4-氨基安替比林分光光度法 Standard method for hygienic examination of phenols in air of residential areas-4-Aminoantipyrine spectrophotometric method 水质 挥发性卤代烃的测定 顶空气相色谱法 Water quality-Determination of volatile halogenated organic compounds-Headspace gas chromatography 水质 1,2-二氯苯、1,4-二氯苯、1,2,4-三氯苯的测定 气相色谱法 Water quality-Determination of 1,2-dichlorobenzene,1,4-dichlorobenzene,1,2,4-trichlorobenzene-Gas chromatography 环境 甲基汞的测定 气相色谱法 Environment-Determination of methylmercury-Gas chromatography 水质 硫化物的测定 直接显色分光光度法 Water quality-Determination of sulfide-Direct development of the spectrophotometry 土壤质量 总砷的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of total arsenic-Silver diethyldithiocarbamate spectrophotometry 土壤质量 总砷的测定 硼氢化钾-硝酸银分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of total arsenic-Spectrophotometric method with silver salt 土壤质量 总汞的测定 冷原子吸收分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of total mercury-Cold atomic absorption spectrophotometry 土壤质量 总铬的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of total chromium-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 土壤质量 铜、锌的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of copper,zinc-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 土壤质量 镍的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of nickel-Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 土壤质量 铅、镉的测定 KI-MIB萃取火焰原子吸收分光光度法法 Soil quality-Determination of lead,cadmium-KI-MIBK extraction flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 土壤质量 铅、镉的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法 Soil quality-Determination of lead,cadmium-Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry 放射卫生防护监测规范 第1部分: 工业X射线探伤 Radiological pr


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