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省统考英语考试A卷样卷 I. Listening Comprehension 10% Directions: In this part, you will hear some sentences and short conversations. After each sentence and conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D, and decide which is the best answer. 1. I think that she stuck to the topic. Besides, she had a _ of humor. A. sensor B. sense C. scene D. sensory 2. Maybe thats why she could make the _ topic sound so easy to us. A. different B. definite C. directed D. difficult 3. You can go fishing, _ and also enjoy this beautiful clean air. A. camping B. swimming C. shopping D. skating 4. So if we want to start a _ with a stranger, wed better start talking about the weather or a recent football match. A. conversation B. chat C. conservation D. talk 5. Dont insist that there have to be just one right _. A. resolution B. way C. solution D. method Conversations: 6. A. A local hospital. B. The school clinic. C. A walk-in clinic. D. A clinic of traditional Chinese medicine. 7. A. Teaching. B. Studying. C. Working. D. Visiting. 8. A. This week. B. Next week. C. This month. D. Next month. 9. A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Surprising. D. Exciting. 10. A. Table tennis. B. Basketball. C. Football. D. Tennis. II. Vocabulary and Structure 20% There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 11. In China, almost all the children _ their parents for food and clothing. A. depend on B. call on C. come on D. take on 12. The English teacher encouraged the students to take an _ part in the group discussion. A. act B. active C. actively D. activity 13. Experts advise us to learn _, which means not depending on the book or the teacher. A. sincerely B. immediately C. intelligently D. independently 14. You are so careless in your work. If you _ like this, youll make big mistakes some day. A. follow B. succeed C. go on D. advance 15. Bob is very active and often _ new questions in class. A. mentions B. puts C. brings up D. speaks 16. Be sure to _ the lamp when you leave the room. A. close B. turn off C. shut D. cut off 17. The Summer Palace _ many foreign visitors every year. A. attacks B. affects C. affords D. attracts 18. He is merely an ordinary clerk. There is nothing to _. A. boast of B. break off C. bring up D. back up 19. They _ along the road to the park this morning. A. took a rest B. took a chance C. took a bath D. took a walk 20. These rules are set up to _traffic accidents A. save B. prevent C. protect D. keep 21. This department _ many close contacts with the chemical industry. A. remains B. restores C. maintains D. stays 22. I got five _ to my advertisement about the bicycle for sale. A. returns B. receipts C. results D. responses 23. A drugstore sells beauty products _ medicine. A. except B. except for C. as well as D. beside 24. The task looks a bit difficult, but I think I can _ with it. A. copy B. cooperate C. cope D. correspond 25. We are looking for a man _ a large umbrella. A. carried B. being carried C. is carrying D. carrying 26. A tile _ from the roof hit him on the head. A. fell B. fall C. fallen D. falling 27. This novel about the undersea war is the best of its kind _ . A. having ever written B. having ever being written C. ever written D. ever been written 28. .My baby sister never cries _ she is hungry. A. unless B. if only C. otherwise D. since 29. Theory is valuable _ it can provide a direction for practice. A. even though B. in that C. as long as D. now that 30. She _ her key the whole time, but she _ not _ it yet. A. looked forhasfound B. has been looking forhasfound C. has looked for didfind D. has been looking for didfind Reading Comprehension The following passages have been chosen from the textbook and are followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. 1. How to Give an Invitation? People in the United States like to entertain people at home. They invite friends for a meal, a party or even a cup of tea. Sometimes, however, people use expressions that sound like an invitation, but actually are not. For example, “please come over for a drink sometime.” In fact, it is only just a polite way of ending a conversation. It is not a real invitation, because it does not contain a specific time or date. It just shows that the person speaking is friendly. So when you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. When you accept or reject an invitation, it is polite to show pleasure at receiving the invitation. When you cannot accept the invitation, it is better to offer a vague excuse, such as an appointment with a certain friend, some other work to do, or a prior engagement. 31The sentence “please come over for a drink sometime” is . Aa real invitation Bonly a polite way of ending a conversation Ca vague excuse Dan invitation for a drink 32A real invitation should contain . Aa specific time or date Ba meal, a party or even a cup of tea Ca polite way of ending a conversation Dfriendliness 33When you receive an invitation, you should . Aaccept it Breject it Cshow pleasure at receiving it Dlisten carefully 34If you cant accept the invitation, you should . Ahave an appointment with a certain friend Bhave prior engagement Coffer a vague excuse Dhave some other work to do 35The authors main purpose of writing this passage is . Ato give an invitation Bto give us some idea about how to give and accept an invitation Cto tell us that Americans like to entertain people at home Dto give us some information about Americans way of life 2. On the Stock Exchange The London Stock Exchange has always been famous as a place for men only, and women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a mans castle, is gradually opening its doors to the other sex. On November 16, 1971, a great decision was made. The Stock Exchange Council ( the body of men that administers the Stock Exchange) decided that women should be allowed onto the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the “castle” had not been completely conquered. The first girls to work in “The House” were not brokers or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become partners in stock-broking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators. Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years. Several votes have been taken in “ The House” to see whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members, but the answer has always been “ No”. There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted, although in a very junior capacity. Two firms of jobbers made an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission was finally given: “the new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with space for a telephone and typewriters. Therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operators. So women must be allowed in.” This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step in the right direction. The Chairman of the Stock Exchange said, “I think that the opening of the new building will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It is only a matter of time; it must happen.” 36. The Stock Exchange seemed to be a mans castle(城堡) because _. A. men had completely conquered it by force B. women were simply junior clerks and telephone operators C. men were rich and strong enough to build it D. women were strictly forbidden to enter 37. The Stock Exchange Council made a decision that _. A. they would gradually open its doors to the other sex B. women were allowed to work in the Stock Exchange from 1971 C. women should be allowed to work in the new Stock Exchange set up in 1973 D. women were not allowed to become partners in stock-broking firms 38. The House took the vote to see _. A. whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members B. how many women wanted to work in the Stock Exchange C. whether they need typists and telephone operators D. whether the application made by two firms of jobbers was reasonable 39. Women are admitted because _. A. women are badly needed in the new building B. they have been trying to be administrators of the Stock Exchange for many years C. two firms of jobbers made an application for girl clerks after women had tried hard for a long time D. women agree to take junior positions 40. The opening of the new building is significant because _. A. it is a new trading floor B. it means a great victory in the war for equal rights for women C. it will allow women to be typists and telephone operators forever D. it will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange 3. A World Language About three hundred and fifty million people use the English language as a mother tongue(母语):about one-tenth of the worlds population, scattered(散布)across every continent and surpassed(超越)in numbers only by the speakers of the many varieties(多种多样)of Chinese. Three-quarters of the worlds mail, and its telexes(直通电报)and cables(海底电报),are in English. So are more than half the worlds technical and scientific periodicals(期刊):it is the language of technology from Silicon Valley(硅谷)to Shanghai. English is the medium(媒介物,手段)for eighty percent of the information stored in the worlds computers. Nearly half of all the business deals(交易)in Europe are conducted in English. It is also the language of sports:the official language of the Olympics. Five of the largest broadcasting companies in the world(CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBC)transmit(播送)in English to audiences that regularly exceed one hundred million. To people in Africa, Asia, and South America, English is an important foreign language to master, not merely because it is the language of Britain or the United States, but because it provides ready access to world scholarship(学术成就)and world trade. It is understood more widely than any other language. Its true, then, that a great many peopleand a great many peoplesare involved in the use of English. Millions of men and women in four continents have English as their first language, and millions in every part of the world use it as their second or foreign language. This gives us some idea of the importance of English, and it shows both the United States and Britain that the language is not the possession(所有物)of these two nations alone. It is also the property(所有物)of the Canadian and the Indian, the Australian and the Nigerian(尼日利亚人). It belongs to all those who use it. 41. About how many people are there who speak English as their first language? A. 350,000,000,000. B. 350, 000,000. C. 305,000,000. D. 530,000,000,000. 42. Which of the following statements is true, when English is compared with Chinese including various dialects(方言)? A. There are less people speaking Chinese language as a mother tongue in the world. B. There are fewer people speaking Chinese as a mother tongue in the world. C. There are more people speaking Chinese as a mother tongue in the world. D. There are as many people speaking Chinese as a mother tongue in the world. 43、 listen to the English programs transmitted by the five largest broadcasting companies in the world. A. More than one hundred million people B. Less than one hundred million people C. One hundred million people D. People in Africa Asia and South America 44、The wide use of English in the world shows that . A. English is only in the possession of the US and Britain B. English is not only in the possession of the US and Britain C. English is the property of the Canadian and Indian D. English belongs to the Austrian and Nigerian 45、The main idea of the passage is . A. we must learn English very hard B. English is an important international language C. nearly half of all the business deals in Europe are connected in English D. more than half the worlds technical and scientific periodicals are in English 4. A Foreigners Visit to Nanjing Although Nanjing lacks the grandeur and variety of Beijings cultural centers, it is an excellent place to be introduced in the fascinating history of China. The first thing you notice in Nanjing, of course, is the wall surrounding the city. It is not just a wall in the usual sense, and I had seen plenty of walls in Europe. No, this wall was so tall and thick, and so large was the area it encompassed that I cant remember ever seeing the like anywhere I had ever been. Fortunately, we had easy access to this wall because it was so close to the institute where we stayed. It was definitely an interesting experience to walk into the heart of a structure that was so old. In Alaska, we describe a building as historical if it was built during the Second World War! We did a lot of looking about the stores while we were in Nanjing. Were not normally big shoppers although to find some nice cheap silk shirts to help us survive the hot and humid weather was a necessity from the start. We normally like to look at the stores because its a good way to get a look at how people live or would like to live, except for my son. Whenever he gets a chance to shop for shoes, he is eager to take the opportunity, and so, of course, we had to visit practically every shoe store in Nanjing, which proved to be frustrating for my son. No matter what shoe he lusted after, they never had his size. His feet were simply too darned big. Nanjing was very hot and humid when we arrived, which I liked, but towards the end of the month it truly started to become the “oven” city it was reputed to be. It was definitely time to return to the cooler climes of Alaska. One of the last things we did was purchase a rug. I had long wanted a beautiful Asian-style carpet to decorate our northern home and in Nanjing, we fell in love with a beautiful green silk masterpiece that was big enough to cover our floor and light enough for me to hand-carry because it was made from silk. I had carried it on my back through half of Asia, but the best thing we carried back to Alaska was our memories. It was a wonderful first look at China. So I returned, and, yes, I have learned how to speak Chinese. 46. The first attraction in Nanjing is _. A. its grandeur B. its variety C. its wall D. its history 47. The phrase “the like” (line 3, paragraph 2) probably means _. A. the wall she liked B. a similar wall C. her favorite wall D. the best wall 48. In Alaska, people describe a building as historical if _. A. it was built in Middle Ages B. it was built during the First World War C. it was built in ancient times D. it was built during the Second World War 49. They normally like to look in the stores because _. A. they want to find some nice cheap silk shirts B. they want to get a look at how people live and would like to live C. they want to buy shoes for their son D. they want to pass their spare-time 50. The best thing they carried back to Alaska was _. A. a beautiful Asian-style rug B. some nice silk shirts C. shoes of their son D. good memories of China . Cloze Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D under the passage. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. As you are receiving my note by E-mail, its wise to remember how easily this wonderful technology can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with 51 consequences. 52 the case of the Illinois man 53 left the snow-filled streets of Chicago 54 vacation in Florida. His wife 55 on a business trip and was planning to meet him there 56 next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided 57 his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the scrap (小片) of paper 58 which he had written her E-mail address, he 59 his best to type it in 60 memory. Unfortunately, he 61 one letter and his note was 62 instead to an elderly preachers(传道士)wife 63 husband had passed away only the day 64 . When the grieving widow checked her E-mail, she 65 one look at the monitor, let 66 a piercing scream, and 67 to the floor in a death faint. On hearing the 68 , her family rushed 69 the room and saw this note on the 70 : DEAREST WIFE: JUST GOT CHECKED IN. EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL TOMORROW. P.S. SURE IS HOT DOWN HERE. 51. A. important B. honest C. happy D. serious 52. A. Consider B. Considering C. To consider D. Considered 53. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 54. A. from a B. for a C. for the D. from the 55. A. will be B. being C. was D. is 56. A. by B. a C. the D. at 57. A. to be sent B. sending C. to send D. sent 58. A. with B. at C. on D. in 59. A. made B. took C. gave D. did 60. A. by B. out of C. to D. from 61. A.


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