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Unit3Isthisyourpencil apencilbox adictionary aschoolbag abook aneraser apencil baseball watch computergame IDcard notebook ring 1 pencil 2 pen 3 books 4 eraser 5 ruler 6 pencilbox 7 schoolbag 8 dictionary c f b g e d a i Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 练一练 填一填 1 Thisismybook Thisbookismine 2 Thatishisdictionary Thatdictionaryishis 3 Isthisherruler Yes it shers 2 Isthisapencil Yes itis Isthataruler No itisn t It sakey Arethesepens Yes theyare T Ss Arethosepencilboxes No theyaren t Theyarerulers Isthatyourschoolbag No itisn t It shis his hisschoolbag Isthisyourpencil Yes itis It smine mine mypencil Aretheseyourbooks No theyaren t They rehers hers herbooks my our your your hisherits their 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词 mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs 形容词性物主代词 名词 名词性物主代词 物主代词 Isthisyourpencil Yes itis It smine 或No itisn t It shis hers Grammarfocus Grammarfocus Isthishisgreenpen Yes itis 或No itisn t Thebluepenishis Grammarfocus Isthatyourschoolbag Yes itis 或No itisn t It shis Grammarfocus Aretheseyourbooks Yes theyare 或No theyaren t They rehers Grammarfocus Arethoseherkeys Yes theyare 或No theyaren t They remine Tim Excuseme Grace Isthisyour Sonia Yes thankyou Andthosearemy Tim AndJane isthisyour Jane No itisn t It sherruler Tim OK andthesearemy Andthisisyour Jane pencil erasers ruler books pencilbox 用方框里的单词补全对话 Excuseme和I msorry Excuseme用于向对方提出请求 询问或打扰对方 Excuseme where sthehospital 打扰一下 请问医院在哪 sorry I msorry用于由于某种失误 错误或不能为别人效劳而向对方道歉 I msorry I mlate 对不起 我迟到了 I msorry Idon tknow 对不起 我不知道 谢谢与不用谢 Thankyou Thanks Thankyouverymuch Thanksalot Manythanks 回答 You rewelcome That sallright That sOK Notatall 含有be动词肯定句变一般疑问句口诀 将be动词提至主语前 原主语大小写和人称 句末用问号 用升调读 1 Iamastudent Areyouastudent 2 Heisastudent Isheastudent 一调 二变 三问号 SectionB1a baseball 2 watch putergame 7 ring 8 pen 9 bag 4 IDcard 5 key 6 Notebook A What sthis B It sawatch A Howdoyouspellit B W A T C H A Isthisyourwatch B Yes itis It smine No itisn t It sJim s Pairwork inEnglish Spellit please A What sthisinEnglish B Itabaseball A Howdoyouspellit B B A S E B A L L A Isthisyourbaseball B Yes itis No itisn t 按要求转换句型 1 Thisisapen 变为一般疑问句 2 Isthisyourpen 肯定回答 3 Howdoyouspell ruler 回答 4 Isthatherpen 否定回答 Isthisapen Yes itis R U L E R No itisn t 1 Tom isthis book A hisB youC your 2 Isthis exercise book A youB heC her 3 Isthisyourkey A Yes itis B No itis C Yes itisn t 4 Isthishispencil A Yes Iam B No itisn t C Yes it smypencil c c A B 单项选择 Exercises 1 Isthisyourpen A Yes thisis B Yes this s C No thisisn t D No itisn t 2 Isthataruler It sasharpener A Yes thatis B No itis C No thatisn t D No itisn t 3 What sthis A Yes itis B No itisn t C It saeraser D It saneraser 4 What sname nameisMaLing A your MyB your myC your ID you my D D D A 一 ChoosetheCorrectanswer 单项选择 二 Completethesesentenceswith am is are 1 thishisbook Yes it 2 Whatthat Itabook 3 Howyou Ifine thankyou 三 Makeupsentences 用所给单词和标点组成句子 1 your is book this 2 pen that his is Is is is is are am Isthisyourbook Thatishispen Pleasehaveatry 1 这是你的铅笔吗 是的 它是 your Yes is 2 那是他的尺子吗 不 不是 那是我的尺子 Is ruler it ruler 3 这个东西用英语怎么说 这是字典 this It s 4 你怎么拼写 棒球 you baseball Is this pencil it that his No isn t That s my What s in English a dictionary How do spell 2creadthenoticesagainandwritedowntheitems Thencheck LostorFound Item Lost Found acomputergame somekeys watch schoolIDcard 1 E mailsbat 信箱地址在 邮箱给某人写邮件2 must表示主观上的必须 后边跟动词原形 表示必须做某事3 asksbforsth向某人要某物 向某人索取某物 4 callsb给某人打电话callsbat 电话号码 1 在学校图书馆里 2 向老师要它 3 我丢了我的学生 4 我必须找到它 5 给我打电话 6 给我发电子邮件 7 在教室里 8 一些钥匙 intheschoollibrary asktheteacherforit IlostmyschoolIDcard Imustfindit callme e mailme inclassroom somekeys 3aCompletethenoticeswiththewordsorphonenumberinthebox Please meat Mynotebook call My isDavid 679 8871 Lost name asetofkeysArethese CallJennyat Found yours 284 5486 书面表达 1 Gina丢了手表 拾到者打电话063 76548 不胜感谢 2 Mike拾到一只书包 电话为054 66334 Pleasecallmeat watch Lost My Mynameis 063 76548 Gina 寻物启事 Gina丢了手表 拾到者打电话063 76548 不胜感谢 Please meat Aschoolbag Found Isthisyours Aretheseyours 054 663


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