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资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除Requirements for HandlingElectrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive(ESDS) Devices拿取ESD敏感元器件的要求ForewordThis standard was prepared to standardize the requirements for a comprehensive Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control program for handling ESD-Sensitive (ESDS) devices. The requirements within this standard were derived from existing industry standards, specifications, test methods, and input from various industry reviews.The intent of this document is for users to incorporate these minimal requirements into their ESD control program to provide a consistent ESD protection level for their products.This standard replaces JESD625-A and JEDEC Standard No. 42 (formerly JEDEC Publication 108-B, Distributor Requirements for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Devices).前言本程序是说明一个综合性的ESD控制程序要求。这些要求源自于当前的行业标准,规范,测试方法。这个标准的内容包含ESD控制的最低要求,及对应的ESD防护等级。本标准替代JESD-625A和JESD标准42(前版本JESD 108-B,经销商ESD敏感元器件拿取要求)1. ScopeThis standard establishes the minimum requirements for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control methods and materials used to protect electronic devices that are susceptible to damage or degradation from electrostatic discharge (ESD). The passage of a static charge through an electrostatic-discharge-sensitive (ESDS) device can result in catastrophic failure or performance degradation of the part. Device sensitivity to ESD is determined by test methods for Human-Body Model (ANSI/ESDA-JEDEC JS-001) and Charged-Device Model (JESD22-C101). ESDS devices with HBM or CDM sensitivities of less than 200 volts may need additional protective measures beyond those specified in this standard.1. 范围本标准提供了,对于防护易受静电损伤/降级的电子器件的控制方法及材料选用的最小要求。部分章节,讲到静电荷穿过“静电敏感元器件”会导致其严重损伤或功能降级。对ESD敏感的元器件定义在“人体模型(ANSI/ESDA-JEDECJS-001)和放电元器件模型(JESD22-C101)”,ESDS 元器件的HBM及CDM敏感性需低于200V可能需要额外的保护措施(本标准外的保护要求)1.1 Applicable usersa) Semiconductor Manufacturers - from wafer electrical probe through shipment of finished devices. NOTE The requirements of this standard are not imposed prior to probe. Prior to probe, the manufacturer should take appropriate ESD precautions to minimize damage to devices.b) Semiconductor Processing/Testing Facilities - from receipt through shipment of finished devicesNOTE 1 ESDS Device Distributors and Users may use this standard or ANSI/ESD S20.20NOTE 2 All ESDS devices shall be handled in accordance with this document until they are considered scrap.1.1适用对象a)半导体制造,从晶圆电性针测到成品出货备注:此标准对于电性针测前的制程不强制要求,但制造商需应用适当的防护措施已减少ESD损伤。b)半导体加工/测试工厂-从接收到出货。备注1:ESDS经销商及使用者可应用此文档或 ANSI/ESD S20.20备注2:所有ESDS产品均需按照此标准要求去执行拿取动作,直到产品被报废。1.2 Applicable device typesThe device types for which these requirements are applicable include, but are not limited to, ESD sensitive discrete and integrated circuit semiconductors, multi-chip modules, optoelectronic devices, and thin film passive devices.1.2适用的仪器类别包括但不限于ESD敏感元器件,分离式、集成电路、多芯片,光电设备,薄膜无源器件1.3 Personnel safetyThe procedures and equipment described in this document may expose personnel to hazardous electrical conditions. Users of this document are responsible for selecting equipment that complies with applicable laws, regulatory codes and both external and internal policy. Users are cautioned that this document cannot replace or supersede any requirements for personnel safety. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and other safety protection should be considered wherever personnel might come into contact with electrical sources. Electrical hazard reduction practices should be exercised and proper grounding nstructions for equipment shall be followed.1.3 人员安全本程序和要求的描述可能使人员暴露在有害的电子条件下。本文件的使用者有责任选择适当的设备,这个设备需符合适当的法律法规及内外部方针。使用者需注意,此文件不能取代任何有关人员安全方面的要求。接地故障断流器(GFCI)和其他安全防护需要被考虑,只要人员有可能被连接到电源上。需演练减少电性危害,设备接地的说明也需要遵照执行。2 Technical ReferencesUnless otherwise specified, the following documents of the latest issue, revision or amendment, form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. EIA-471 Symbol and Label for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (JEDEC, JC-10)ANSI/ESD-S541 Packaging Materials Standards for ESD sensitive ItemsANSI/ESD-STM3.1 Standard for Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items -IonizationANSI/ESD-S4.1 Standard for Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items -Worksurfaces - Resistive CharacterizationANSI/ESD-S6.1 Standard for Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items -Grounding - Recommended PracticeANSI/ESD-S7.1 Standard for Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items - FloorMaterials - Resistive Characterization of MaterialsANSI/ESD-S8.1 Standard for Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items Symbols ESD AwarenessANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) SensitivityTesting StandardJESD22-C101 Field Induced Charged Device Model Test Method for ElectrostaticDischarge Withstand Threshold for Microelectronic DevicesMIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and StorageANSI/ESD S20.20 Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protectionof Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (ExcludingElectrically Initiated Explosive DevicesIEC 61340-5-1 Specification for the Protection of Electronic Devices from ElectrostaticPhenomena - Section 1: General Requirements.ESD TR53-01-06 Compliance Verification of ESD Protective Equipment and MaterialsESD Handbooks and User GuidesESD TR 20.20 Technical Report - Development of an Electrostatic Discharge ControlProgram for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies andEquipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices - HandbookIEC 61340-5-2 Specification for the Protection of Electronic Devices from ElectrostaticPhenomena - Section 2: User Guide.2 技术参考文件3 Terms and definitions3 名词定义For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply.air ionizer: A source of charged air molecules (ions). 3.1antistatic material: Refers to the property of material that inhibits triboelectric charging. 3.2NOTE A materials antistatic property does not necessarily correlate with its resistivity or resistance. Unlike thedissipative and conductive properties, antistatic is not defined by a measurable resistance range.auxiliary ground: A separate supplemental ground conductor for use other than general equipmentgrounding. 3.3conductive material: A material that has a surface resistance less than 1x104 ohms or a volumeresistance less than 1x104 ohms. 3.4NOTE A conductive material is not necessarily antistatic.electrostatic charge: Electric charge at rest. 3.5electrostatic discharge (ESD): The transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies or surfaces that are at different electrostatic potentials. 3.6ESDS device: electrostatic-discharge-sensitive device. 3.7electrostatic field: Lines of force surrounding an electrically charged object. 3.8electrostatic discharge shielding: A barrier or enclosure that limits the passage of an ESD current to the stored or contained devices. 3.9equipment ground: The entire low-impedance path (electrically equivalent to the equipment grounding conductor) from a piece of electrical equipment to a hard-ground electrode (e.g., the third wire (typicallygreen) terminal of a receptacle). 3.10ESD ground: The point, electrodes, bus bar, metal strips, or other system of conductors that form a path from a statically charged person or object to ground. This ground is one of the following: a) AC Ground, b) Auxiliary Ground, or c) Equipotential bonding system. 3.11ESD- work area: A defined location with the necessary materials, tools, and equipment capable of reducing static electricity to a level that minimizes damage to ESD susceptible items. 3.12ESD-protected workstation: A work position with the necessary materials, tools and equipment capable of controlling static electricity to a level that minimizes damage to ESD susceptible items. 3.13ESD-protective packaging: A packaging system that provides electrostatic discharge protection and limits triboelectric charging to levels that do not result in device damage. 3.14ESD-protective worksurface: A table top or other surface that minimizes damage to ESD-susceptible items. 3.15ground: (1) A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth or some conducting body that serves in place of earth.(2) The portion of an electrical circuit at zero potential with respect to the earth.(3) A conducting body, such as the earth or the hull of a steel ship, used as a return path for electric currents and as an arbitrary zero reference point. 3.16groundable point: A designated connection, location, or assembly used on an ESD-protective material or device that is intended to accommodate electrical connection from the device to ESD ground. 3.17insulative material: A material having a surface or volume resistance equal to or greater than 1 x 1011ohms. 3.18static: A short form of electrostatic. 3.19static dissipative material: A material having a surface resistance between 1 x 104 ohms and 1 x 1011 ohms or a volume resistance between 1 x 104 ohms and 1 x 1011 ohm centimeters. 3.20NOTE A static-dissipative material is not necessarily antistatic.static electricity: Electrical charge at rest. 3.21NOTE The electrical charge is due to the transfer of electrons from one body to another.surface resistance: The dc voltage divided by the current passing between two electrodes of specified configuration that contact the same side of an insulative material or item. 3.22NOTE Surface resistance is expressed in ohms.triboelectric charging: The generation of electrostatic charges when two pieces of material in intimate contact are separated (where at least one is an insulator). 3.23NOTE Substantial generation of static electricity can be caused by contact and separation of two materials or by rubbing two substances together.unprotected ESDS device: An ESDS device that is not in an ESD protective package. 3.24volume resistivity (rv): The dc voltage per unit thickness, applied across two electrodes in contact with a specimen, divided by the current per unit area passing through the system. 3.25NOTE Volume resistivity is expressed in ohm centimeters.离子风扇:电荷气流发生源(离子)抗静电材料:材料具备防止摩擦起电的特性。备注:材料的抗静电特性与电阻率或电阻有关联。它与消散及导体特性也不同。抗静电材料不能由阻抗量测值来定义。辅助接地:独立开的辅助接地导体(设备接地除外)导电材料:一种材料,表面阻抗小于 1*104,或体积电阻小于 1*104备注:导体材料不一定抗静电静电电荷:静止状态的电荷静电放电(ESD):静电荷由于电位差在样品或样品表面转移的过程ESDS 元器件:静电放电敏感元器件静电场:带电物体周围的磁力线静电放电屏蔽:一个屏障或是包围,他可以限定静电电流的通路,以保护元器件设备接地:完全低阻抗的通路(相当于设备接地)从电气设备的一端到一个接地线(例如插座的第三根线,一般是绿色的)ESD接地:点、电极、母线、铁条或其他导体系统构成的通路,将地与带有静电荷的人或物理连接。接地如下:a) 交流电接地;b)辅助接地;c)等电位接地系统ESD-工作区:一个指定的工作区域,应用必要的材料、工具和设备,以减少静电荷到一个等级,是静电不会损伤ESDS器件的等级。ESD-保护工作区:同上。ESD-保护包装:一个包装系统,可以提供静电放电保护和阻止摩擦放电,以避免元器件损伤。ESD-保护工作表面:桌面或表面可以最小化对静电敏感元器件的损伤。接地:(1)是一个导体连接,无论是有意还是无意的情况下,在电路或设备与地球或其他导体之间,用于代替地球效果的连接。(2)是零电位与地球之间的电路的一部分。(3)是一个导体,例如地球或金属罩子的外壳,作为电流的回路,或是作为任意的零基准电位。接地点:一个指定的连接、位置、或是装配,用在ESD防护材料或是元器件上,是用于连接ESD接地和元器件之间的导电连接。绝缘材料:一种材料其表面或体积阻抗大于等于 1*1011 欧姆静电:静电场的一个较短小的形态静电消散材料:表面阻抗或体积阻抗是1*104 1*1011备注:静电消散材料不一定抗静电静电电流:静止状态下的电荷备注:电子由一个母体到另一个母体的转换时,产生的电荷。表面电阻:直流电压除以经过的电流,电流是指绝缘材料或绝缘物体的同一表面上的两个电极之间的电流。备注:表面电阻是以欧姆表示摩擦放电:当紧密接触的两片材料被分离时产生静电荷的过程(至少一片材料是绝缘体)。备注:静电产生的本质是两个材料的接触与分离,或是两种物质的摩擦造成的。无保护ESDS元器件:ESDS元器件(静电敏感元器件)不是ESD保护包装。体积电阻率(V):直流电压除以电流,每单位厚度的电压,横穿接触样品的两个电极的电压。电流是每单位面积的电流。备注:体积电阻率用欧姆厘米表示。4 inspection, measuring and test equipment4.1 Recommended inspection, measuring and test equipment typesThe recommended test equipment types and capabilities are listed below:a) A Go/No-go tester, a meter, an in-line monitor, or equivalent resistance path measuring equipment shall be capable of measuring the resistance of each connection path (e.g., wrist strap, heel strap or ESD protective footwear) (see 5.5.1 and 5.5.2) within the limits specified in Table 2.b) When continuous wrist strap or worksurface monitoring equipment is used, it shall alarm (audio and/or visual) when the monitored item exceeds the limits specified in Table 2 and when there is a broken or missing connection to ground.c) When continuous e-field monitors are used at the ESD work station it shall alarm (audio and/or visual) when e-field exceeds the limits specified in Table 2 is detected. ESD static voltage surveys are not required where e-field monitor is used.d) Electrostatic field meters shall be capable of verifying the presence of electrostatic fields in the work environment.1) Electrostatic field meters used in ionized air streams shall be constructed (e.g., chopperstabilized) to operate in that environment.2) Items with measured electrical field greater than +/- 1000 volts/in are to be kept at least 30 cm (12 in) from unprotected ESDS devices. This refers to measurements of made per the manufacturers instructions, typically at one inch.3) For insulators within 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) of a device the measured electric field shall be less than +/- 250 volts/in.e) Meters used to verify ESD ground continuity shall be capable of verifying resistance values less than one ohm.f) Meters used to measure resistance to ground and resistance point to point shall be capable of verifying resistance values within the limits specified in Table 2.g) Charged plate monitors shall be capable of measuring the charge neutralization properties of ionization equipment within the limits specified in Table 2.4.检验、量测和测试设备4.1 建议的建议、量测和测试设备的类型推荐的测试设备类型和能力如下表:a)“通过/不通过”测试机,仪表、在线监控器,或等同阻抗量测设备,具备量测每个连接阻抗的能力(例如,手环、脚环、或是ESD防护靴)规格定义在表2中。b)若使用手环或是工作面监控设备时,需要有预警功能(音频或视觉上的警报)当监控的项目超过表2中限定规格时,可以检出线断开或是接地连接断开。c)当使用电场监控器时,监控器也需要有预警功能,当电场超过表2的规格时。若使用电场监控器时,不需要调查ESD静电压。d)静电场量测仪需能够验证工作环境内静电场的存在。1)离子气流中使用的静电场检测仪需要被安装(例如斩波稳定放大器)运行。2)无保护的静电敏感元器件需要远离至少30cm(12英寸),当量测到的静电场强度超过1000v/英寸时。这是引用生产商的指导书上的量测值,一般是1英寸。3)对于绝缘体来说,一个元器件的2.5厘米(1.0英寸)内量测到的静电场强应该小于250v/英寸e)用于量测ESD接地稳定性的仪器应该有能力读出小于1欧姆的读值。f)对地阻抗和点对点阻抗量测仪器,需要能读值在表2的规格内。g)放电荷面板检测器需要能量测到离子设备的电荷中和能力,如表2所示的规格。5 Facilities for ESD protected areas and workstations5.1 Minimum requirementsThe minimum requirements for ESD protected areas and workstations are listed in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1.Table 1 Minimum requirements for ESD protected areas and workstations5 ESD防护区域及防护工作站的厂务设施5.1 最小的要求如表1 及图1表1 最小要求ITEMITEM1. ESD Protective WorksurfaceESD防护工作表面The grounded static dissipative protective worksurface shall have a resistance to ground of greater than or equal to 105 ohms and less than 109 ohms . Use of conductive surfaces is not recommended. When used the conductive surface may have a resistance to ground of less than 105 ohms.接地的静电消散保护桌面需要对地阻抗在105109欧姆。不建议使用导体桌面。若使用导体桌面,其阻抗可能小于105欧姆。2. ESD Protective Flooring or Floor MatsESD 防护地板或地毯Grounded flooring or floor mats are required when personnel or mobile ESD protective workstations utilize floor grounding methods.当有人活动或使用可移动的ESD防护工作站时,应使用地板或地毯接地。3. Personnel Grounding人员接地Each person handling unprotected ESDS devices shall be grounded using当拿取ESDS器件时的人均需要被接地:EITHER:如下条件需满足a) Wrist straps that shall:手环1) Provide a continuous electrical path from the user to ESD ground. 在使用者和接地端设置一个不间断的通路2) Have an integral resistance at the wrist band end of the grounding wire that will limit current to less than 0.5 mA through that specific path to ground at the highest power supply voltage that may be encountered. 在接地线的手环末端需要有一个电阻,这个电阻可以限定电流到0.5ma以下,避免可能遭遇的大电压对人体的损伤。3) Be worn by operators handling unprotected ESDS devices when seated.人员坐着拿取ESDS器件时需要带好手环b) ESD protective footwear (heel straps, toe straps or shoes) that shall: ESD防护靴(脚环、脚趾带或鞋子)1) Provide a continuous electrical path from the user directly to the ESD protective flooring or floor mat. 直接连接使用者到ESD保护地板或保护地毯上。2) Be worn on both feet. 双脚据需要穿戴3) Limit current through that specific path to ground appropriate for the highest power supply voltage that may be encountered. 需要限定电流到适当的数值,避免遭遇高电压损伤NOTE ESD protective footwear shall NOT be relied upon for grounding of seated personnel.备注:坐着员工的接地不能依靠ESD防护靴来接地。4 Static generating sources and charged surfaces静电产生源和带电表面a) Nonessential and personal items shall not be placed on ESD protective worksurfaces. (Items which are essential are determined by the process engineer and/or ESD coordinator) 不相干或个人物品不能放到ESD保护区域内(可以放置的物品由工艺工程师或ESD专员决定)b) For insulators within 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) of a device the measured electric field shall be less than +/- 250 volts/in.原器件2.5cm(1英寸)内的绝缘物品,需要量测其静电场,需要小于 250V/英寸c) Operations, equipment or clothing generating electrostatic field greater than 1000 volts/inch within 30cm (12 inches) of unprotected ESDS devices shall be neutralized or reduced to less than 1000 volts/inch.c)对于静电敏感器件的30cm(12英寸)范围内的操作、设备或衣物产生的静电压若超过1000时,需要被中和或消散到小于1000。5. ESD ProtectiveSmocks (optional)ESD防护服(可选)When ESD protective smocks are required, they shall cover all personal garments above the waist except at the neck area.当需要穿着ESD防护服时,需要覆盖住人员的个人衣物,并在腰部以上,脖子除外。6. ESD Protected AreaESD保护区域ESD protected areas shall be clearly identified at the entranceESD保护区域在入口处就需要被明确的分辨出7. Grounding / Bonding(See Figure 1)接地/结合Equipment Grounding Conductor (G1) per ANSI/ESD S6.1 shall have impedance less than 1.0 ohmANSI/ESD S6.1中定义的设备接地(G1)需要小于1欧姆Auxiliary Ground (G2) resistance to Equipment Grounding Conductor shall beless than 25 ohms per ANSI/ESD S6.1ANSI/ESD S6.1中定义的辅助接地(G2)到设备接地导体的


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