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BBC News with Roy Lamar. World oil prices have fallen below 60 dollars a barrel is seen as an indication that investors are worried that the recovery of the global economy may not be as strong as hoped and it comes as the recession in the US hit a new low with this years budget deficit now more than $1 trillion. Robin Smith reports. For all the signs of optimism from the international think tanks, therere still many conflicting signals about the state of the global economy and the prospects for long-term recovery. The drop of more than a tenth in oil prices in recent days reinforces this uncertainty as both cause and effect. The oil price shot up 40% from March to June, hitting 73 dollars a barrel. Now oil analysts are forecasting the price to fall back to 55 dollars and to stay there until therere better signs of recovery in the global economy. Robin Smith.President Obama said that the allegations of allies of the US military in Afghanistan killed as many as 2, 000 Taliban prisoners had not been properly investigated. The killings took place in 2001 and are said to be overseen by the Afghan warlord, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, who fought alongside the US troops. John Donaldson reports from Washington. In 2001, General Dostum was a commander with Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, working with American forces in the fight against the Taliban. The allegations against him say he oversaw the suffocating of up to 2, 000 Taliban prisoners who have been transported in Northern Alliance container trucks. They were then apparently buried in mass graves. When asked about it in a television interview, President Obama stop short of calling for a formal investigation, but said hed asked his security advisers to gather report of the facts. Five people have been killed in an attack by Nigeria militants on an oil depot in the main city Lagos. Its the first such incident outside the Niger Delta where militants say theyre fighting for a greater share, share of oil revenues. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta said it carried out the attack. Henry Okah thought to be the leader of MEND has been released from jail after the government dropped treason charges against him. With more details, here is Caroline Delphi. Henry Okah has been in jail for a month, facing charges that carry the death penalty here in Nigeria. His lawyers have done a deal with Nigerian government and he accepted an offer of amnesty. What he now says may sway the minds of other militants in the Delta. The government wants all of the armed groups in the Niger Delta to accept an amnesty and to disarm. MEND say they are now entering a new phase of campaign of violence alongside political negotiations. And to prove their point, they attacked the primary oil depot serving Lagos, blowing up its supply channels. Caroline Delphi. This is World News from the BBC. The President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe and his Prime Minister and former rival Morgan Tsvangirai have jointly addressed the media, calling for unity and condemning disturbances at a meeting to discuss a new constitution. Mr. Mugabe said the government wouldnt accept further disturbances, adding it was necessary to complete the update of the charter. Earlier the opening session of discussions about the new constitution had to be abandoned after supporters of President Mugabe disrupted it, dancing and singing revolutionary songs. Israeli Arab politicians have criticized the plan by the Israeli government to remove traditional Arabic and English place names from road signs and replace them with transliterations from Hebrew. Under the new system, Jerusalem will be identified only as Yerushalaim in stead of Jerusalem in English, and al-Quds in Arabic. Israeli authorities said the aim was to end confusion over spelling variations. The Burmese ambassador to the United Nations, Than Swe has told the UN Security Council that his government will release political prisoners to allow them to take part in elections next year. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described the move as “encouraging. From New York, Laura Trevelyan. Using careful, bureaucratic language, Burmas ambassador Than Swe announced following Ban ki-moons request, the Burmese government was processing the granting of an amnesty to political prisoners so they could take part in the 2010 elections. The ambassador didnt say how many of the estimated 2, 100 prisoners would be released and nor did he say whether the most famous of them, the jailed opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, would be included. That seems unlikely. The ambassador warned that only appropriate recommendations from Mr. Ban would be implemented. Laura Trevelyan reporting from the UN in New York. BBC World News.国际油价下跌到每桶60美元以下,这被视为投资者担心全球经济复苏不像希望的那样强劲。而且美国的财政赤字已经超过1兆美元,让人担心美国的经济衰退达到新的低点。Robin Smith报道。尽管国际智囊团宣布出现乐观迹象,然而对于全球经济状态和长期状况仍然有很多冲突信号。近日油价下跌超过10%,更加深了这种不确定性。从三月份至六月份,油价上升了40%,达到每桶73美元。现在,石油分析家预测油价将重新下跌到55美元,而且一直保持该价位,直到全球经济复兴出现更乐观的迹象。美国总统奥巴马表示,对于美国驻阿富汗盟军杀害2,000名塔利班囚犯的指控尚未进行适当调查。杀戮事件发生在2001年,据说,与美军并肩作战的阿富汗军阀Abdul Rashid Dostum负责监视这一过程。John Donaldson在华盛顿报道。2001年,Dostum将军是阿富汗北方联盟的指挥官,与美国军队一起打击塔利班分子。对他的指控称,北方联盟用封闭集装箱运送战俘致使他们窒息死亡,随后集体埋葬。在接受电视采访时,奥巴马总统没有要求进行正式调查,但是他说,他已经要求安全顾问收集相关报告。尼日利亚好战分子在首都拉各斯一家油库发动袭击,已造成5人死亡。这是尼日尔三角洲以外发生的首次袭击事件。好战分子称他们希望争取石油收益的更大份额。尼日尔三角洲解放运动称他们发动了这次袭击。由于政府取消了对其叛国罪的指控,尼日尔三角洲解放运动领袖Henry Okah被从监狱释放。Caroline Delphi报道详细信息。Henry Okah在监狱被囚禁一个月,面临死刑判决。其律师与尼日利亚政府达成协议,随后Henry Okah得到特赦。政府希望尼日尔三角洲所有军队组织均接受该特赦令并解除武装。尼日尔三角洲解放运动称,他们已进入暴力运动与政治协商并行的新阶段。为了证明他们的观点,他们袭击了拉各斯城内主要油库,炸毁其供应管道。Caroline Delphi。BBC世界新闻。津巴布韦总统穆加贝和总理及前竞争对手摩根茨万吉拉伊联合向媒体发表讲话,在讨论新宪法的会议中呼吁统一,谴责动乱。穆加贝称,政府不会接受进一步的动乱。他补充说,完成宪章的更新是非常必要的。此前,由于总统穆加贝的支持者用舞蹈和演唱革命歌曲进行扰乱,不得不放弃了关于新宪法的公开讨论会议。以色列政府计划将路标上传统的阿拉伯和英文地名取消,换成希伯来语直译,该计划引起了以色列阿拉伯政治家的批判。按照新的体系,耶路撒冷在英语中只能写作Yerushalaim,而不是Jerusalem,而用阿拉伯语表示则是al-Quds。以色列当局表示,此举是为了消除拼写多样化引发的混乱。缅甸驻联合国大使Than Swe告诉联合国安理会,缅甸政府将释放政治囚犯,允许他们参加明年的选举。联合国秘书长潘基文称此举非常“鼓舞人心”。纽约,Laura Trevelyan报道。缅甸大使Than Swe使用了小心翼翼,官僚化的语言宣布,应联合国秘书长潘基文的要求,缅甸政府决定特赦政治囚犯,让他们得以参加2010年的选举。Than Swe没有表明,大约2,100名囚犯中有多少可以得以释放,也没有表明其中最著名的反对派领袖昂山素季是否包括在内。这似乎是不可能的。这位大使表示,他们只会执行潘基文的建议中比较合理的部分。Laura Trevelyan在联合国报道。1.deficit n.赤字, 不足额例句:A sleep deficit may be impossible to make up. 睡眠不足很可能根本无法补救。 2.optimism n.乐观主义, 乐观, 乐天例句:China, for its part, surveys the future with uncharacteristic optimism. 就中国而言,它对未来是异常的乐观。3.prospect n.景色, 展望例句:A build-down agreement would sharply change this prospect. 降低建筑高度的合约会大大改变未来的发展前景。 4.reinforce v.加强, 增援, 补充例句:The technicians will reinforce the workers in dealing with the circuit problems. 技术员将会帮助工人解决电路问题。5.forecast v.预想, 预测, 预报例句:Our company was not able to forecast the current market situation and suffered a great loss. 我们公司没能预测到现在市场的形势,因此蒙受了不少损失。 6.amnesty n.大赦, 赦免例句:Only offering amnesty to these bandits would not work. 对于这些土匪,仅仅招抚是没有用的。 7.sway v.摇动, 支配, 弄歪, 使倾斜, 使动摇, 影响例句:It was difficult to sway John over to our side because of his fierce loyalty to the boss. 让约翰倒向我们这边很不容易,他对自己的老板忠心耿耿。8.address v.发表(演说或讲话), 对付, 写地址9.confusion n.混乱, 混淆, 无秩序例句:He was arrested in the confusion which followed. 他在接下来的一片混乱中被捕了。10.bureaucratic a.官僚的例句:Dont talk to me in bureaucratic jargon, because I dont buy it. 你别总跟我说官话,我不吃这套。11.appropriate a.适当的例句:All vehicles must display the appropriate parking permit for that space. 所有的机动车在那儿停车都得出示相应的许可证。12.implement v.实现, 使生效, 执行例句:Your job is to determine the strategy and implement it. 你的工作是定下战略并将其付诸实施。1.The allegations against him say he oversaw the suffocating of up to 2, 000 Taliban prisoners who have been transported in Northern Alliance container trucks. up to多达,相当于as many as例句:In appreciation of your feedback, your name will be entered in a draw to receive up to $750 in complimentary services. 为了感谢您的反馈,您的名字将计入抽奖名单中,届时您将有机会获得价值750美元的免费服务。up to还有另外一个意思,由某人决定做某事Its up to sb to do sth.2.When asked about it in a television interview, President Obama stop short of calling for a formal investigation, but said hed asked his security advisers to gather report of the facts. stop short of决定不做某事例句:I may not like her but I would stop short of calling her names. 我可能不喜欢她,但我不会再骂她了。3.The Burmese ambassador to the United Nations, Than Swe has told the UN Security Council that his government will release political prisoners to allow them to take part in elections next year. allow sb to do允许某人做某事例句:That is why we do not allow people to oppose socialism. 所以我们不会容忍有的人反对社会主义。take part in参与, 参加例句:The city council monitors were not allowed to take part in the meeting. 市议会监督员不允许参加这个会议。1.World oil prices have fallen below 60 dollars a barrel is seen as an indication that investors are worried that the recovery of the global economy may not be as strong as hoped and it comes as the recession in the US hit a new low with this years budget deficit now more than $1 trillion.参考翻译:国际油价下跌到每桶60美元以下,这被视为投资者担心全球经济复苏不像希望的那样强劲。而且美国的财政赤字已经超过1兆美元,让人担心美国的经济衰退达到新的低点。语法学习:World oil prices have fallen below 60 dollars a barrel是主语从句,省略了引导词that.that investors are worried是indication的同位语从句。that the recovery of the global economy may not是worried的宾语从句。with this years budget deficit now more than $1 trillion.独立主格结构,一部分是名词或代词,起逻辑主语的作用;另一部分是非谓语动词分句(现在分词、过去分词、不定式)或无动词分句(名词、形容词、副词、介词短语),表示前面名词或代词的动作或状态。 基本形式是:名词普通格/代词主格+现在分词/过去分词/不定式/名词/形容词/副词/介词短语,with引导的复合结构。例如:The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside for a while. I heard that she got injured in the accident, my heart full of sorry. 2. Henry Okah thought to be the leader of MEND has been released from jail after the gover
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