广东省中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 情感与情绪课件.ppt_第1页
广东省中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 情感与情绪课件.ppt_第2页
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广东省中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 情感与情绪课件.ppt_第4页
广东省中考英语冲刺复习 话题专题训练 情感与情绪课件.ppt_第5页
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高频单词 情感与情绪 常用句子 完形填空 阅读理解 短文填空 读写结合 高频单词 1 iwassoexcitedtoseeliyuchuninguangzhouyesterday 昨天我很兴奋能在广州见到李宇春 2 don tbeangrywithme iwon tmakethesamemistakeagain 不要再生我的气了 我不会再犯同样的错误 3 heisnervousbecausehewilltakeanimportantexamtomorrow 他感到紧张因为他明天有个重要的考试 4 agoodfriendmakesmehappy 好朋友让我开心 5 ican tgetonwellwithmyfriends 我与朋友相处不好 常用句子 完形填空 1 a cutdownb cutoffc cutind cutup 2 a withoutb byc ond with 3 a spareb devotec influenced waste 4 a happyb sadc excitedd nervous 5 a worriedb guiltyc interestedd curious 6 a struggledb supportedc lostd completed b a d b a c 7 a howb whyc whend whether 8 a lifeb workc studyd wish 9 a comedownb comeoutc cometrued comeup 10 a noneb littlec muchd more b c a a a 阅读理解 1 ifyouwanttobealittlebitbraver thefirstthingyoushoulddoisto a tellpeopleyou reshyb smiletoeveryonec saysomethingniceaboutpeoplearoundyoud getyourattentionelsewhere 2 whenyousmiletothepeople theywillthinkyouare a outgoingb shyc friendlyd happy 3 whenyoucan tstarttalkswithothers youmaytoleadin a tellpeopleyou reshyb smiletoeveryonec saysomethingniceaboutpeoplearoundyoud getyourattentionelsewhere a c c 4 thepurposeofthepassageisto a askyoutogetattentionelsewhereb askyoutosmiletoeveryonec helptheshypersontobebraved helpthebravepeopletobeshy 5 fromthepassageweknowthat a it snecessarytohideyourshynessb peoplestayawayfromtheugly lookingpeoplec youshouldworryaboutwhetherpeoplelikeyoud fourwayscanhelpyouovercomeshyness c d b 6 thosewhohavebighousesmayoftenfeel a happyb lonelyc freed excited 7 whenyoufalldowninapeclass bothyourteacherandyourclassmateswill a laughatyoub beproudofyouc quarrelwithyoud helpyouup 8 what sthemeaningof revolving a 两面的b 旋转的c 玻璃的d 不动的 b d a 9 whichofthefollowingisnottrueaccordingtothepassage a peoplewhohavecarswouldneverliketowalkintheopenair b youcangethelpfromotherswhenyoumakemistakes c youcanstillbeahappypersonevenifyouhavelittlemoney d happinessisalwaysaroundyouthoughdifficultiescometowardsyou 10 thebesttitleofthispassageis a badluckb goodluckc happinessd life a c c 配对阅读 b e a g f 短文填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 hard worried failed patient angry avoid zero reading afraid himself a 信息归纳 读写结合 informationcard thepressurefromeducation joborfamilywillbeheavierandheavier keepasmileonyourface softandgentlemusic three 3 howtokeepyourselfagoodmood b 书面表达假如你是john 你的朋友mike写信告诉你他经常心情不好 与同事家人相处也较差 又容易生病 阅读上文后 请你写一封80词左右的信 告诉他如何才能保持好的心情 内容包括 1 描述mike的实况 2 向mike提出三条建议 dearmike howareyou fromyourletteriknowyouareofteninabadmood youcan tgetonwellwithyourfamilyorworkmates youalsogetilleasily that stoobad nowiwillgiveyousomeadvice first youcangototheplaygroundandplaybasketballhard it sagoodwayforyoutorelaxyoursadness secon


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