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高一上期末重点句子复习资料Unit 1(报纸第一期)1. 他毫不犹豫地回答了我的问题。(hesitation)He answered my question without (any) hesitation.2. 你提醒我这次会议真是太好了。(remind)It is nice of you to remind me of the meeting.3. 要注意老师在课上所教的。(attention)Pay attention to what the teacher teaches in class.4. 缺乏运动使他比以前不健康。(lack)Lack of exercise makes him less healthy than before.5. 这家美术馆允许游客在工作日进入。(be admitted)Visitors are admitted into the art gallery on weekdays.(第二期)1. 昨天,Jenny告诉我她喜欢游泳胜过跳舞。(prefer . to .)Yesterday, Jenny told me that she preferred swimming to dancing.2. Debbie毫不犹豫地选择成为一名教师。(hesitation)Debbie chose to be a teacher without hesitation.3. 网络已经改变了人们工作、学习的方式。(the way)The Internet has already changed the way people work and study.4. 那位穿着考究的顾客说:“这里的雇员让我感觉很满意。”(remark)The well-dressed customer remarked, “The employees here make me feel satisfied.”5. 上课时不要把头倒在桌上,你会给老师留下不好的印象。(rest)Dont rest your head on the desk in class, or you will leave the teacher a bad impression.(报纸3期)1. 众所周知,好的学习习惯是成功的关键。(key)As is known to all, a good learning habit is the key to success.2. 饮食不规律以及缺乏锻炼使他失去了健康。(rob)Eating irregularly and lack of exercise robbed him of his health.3. 为了确保考试中取得好成绩,我按时复习课本上的知识。(ensure)To ensure (that I can get) good marks in exams, I review / go over the knowledge in the textbooks in time.4. 在与他人交谈之时,保持眼神交流并避免直视别人是明智之举。(wise)When you talk to / with others, it is wise of you to maintain eye contact and avoid staring at them.5. 一般而言,充足的睡眠和平衡的膳食有助于让我们的头发亮泽,锻炼也一样。(so)Generally speaking, adequate sleep and a balanced diet help (to) make our hair shiny and so does (doing) exercise.(报纸4期)1. 找到一份适合你自己的工作并不是一件容易的事。(suit)Its not easy to find a job that suits yourself.2. 勤洗手是预防疾病的有效方法之一。(regularly)Washing hands regularly is one of the effective ways to prevent diseases.3. 多喝水能防止头发变得干燥,此外,也能让我们身体更健康。(keep; addition)Drinking more water can keep hair from being dry; in addition, it can also make us healthier.4. 当看到许多有着悠久历史的建筑在地震中被破坏了,老人情不自禁地留下了眼泪。(damage)When the old man saw many buildings with a long history were damaged in the earthquake, he couldnt help crying.5. 由于缺乏训练,大多数队员都没有顺利通过测试而无法参加下周的比赛。(lack)Lack of training made most team members fail to pass the test and take part in the match next week. / For lack of training, most team members failed to pass the test and were unable to take part in the match next week.(报纸第5期)1. 西方文化中,缺乏目光交流表示紧张,而保持目光交流展示出自信。(signal) In western cultures, a lack of eye contact signals nervousness, while maintaining eye contact shows confidence.2. 虽然我们不能以貌取人,但是衣着得体的雇员能给同事留下良好的印象。(impression)We cant judge a man by his appearance, but a well-dressed employee can leave a good impression on his colleagues.3. 有些微妙的情况下,一个人说话的方式是成功交际的关键。(the way)In some subtle situations, the way one speaks is the key to successful communication.4. 我们应该避免盯着权威人士看,因为这通常被认为是粗鲁的。(consider)We should avoid staring at people in authority, as it is often considered to be rude.5. 为了确保考试中取得好成绩,我定期复习所学知识。(ensure)To ensure that I can get good marks in the exams, I regularly review my lessons.(报纸第6期)1.当他年轻时,他对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。(interest) When he was young, he showed a special interest in English.2. 在课上,老师告诉了每个学生学习外语的重要性。(inform) The teacher informed each student of the importance of learning a foreign language in class.3. 在炎热的夏天,保护食物的最有效的方法是将食物放在冰箱里。(preserve) On a very hot summer day, the most effective way to preserve food is to leave food in the refrigerator.4.请走那条路。前面的路段正在施工。(construction) Go that way, please. The road ahead is under construction.5. 汽油的供应短缺导致了该地区的冲突。(rise) The shortage of gas has given rise to much violence in that area.(报纸第7期)1. 登上那座山,你就可以俯瞰全城的风景了。(overlook)You can overlook the city once you reach the top of the mountain.2. 那个事故的原因直到现在都不知道。(until)The reason why the accident occurred wasnt known until now.3. 那座老城被人们遗弃了之后,就变成了废墟。(fall into ruin)After it was abandoned, the old city fell into ruin.4. 长城被誉为是世界上的第八大奇迹。(wonder)The Great Wall has been said as the eighth wonder of the world.5. 最微小的行动也比最壮丽的空谈有效。(more . than)The smallest action is more effective than the most magnificent talk.(报纸第8期)1. 他被誉为艺术大师。(know)He is known as a master of art.2. 我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。(honour)I have cooked a special dish in honour of the guests.3. 幽默感在交流中起到一个非常重要的作用。(role)A sense of humour plays an important role in communication.4. 即使他们面对的是这么大的困难,他们也要把这些人带到安全的地方去。(face)Even if they are faced with such a big trouble, they will take these people to safety.5. 随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的塑料将被使用于人们的日常生活。(use)With the development of science and technology, more and more plastic will be used in our daily life.(报纸第9期)1. 她说话的方式给我们留下了深刻的印象。(impression)The way she spoke left us a deep impression.2. 你最好尽快向学校申请奖学金。(apply)Youd better apply to school for the scholarship soon.3. 由于缺乏经验那个小男孩没有成功。(lack)Because of lacking experience, the little boy didnt succeed.4. 比起去海边度假,我宁愿和你们一起去购物。(prefer)I prefer to go shopping with you rather than go to the beach for a holiday.5. 此外,均衡的饮食和充足的锻炼对身体健康有很大的影响。(effect)In addition, a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise have a great effect on health.(报纸第10期)1. 是该坐早班车去上班的时候了。(time)Its time to take the early bus to go to work.2. Debbie告诉我她能提前一周完成这项工作。(ahead)Debbie told me that she could finish the work one week ahead of time.3. 导游让游客坐下后,开始告诉她们她的安排。(seat)After the guide seated all the tourists, she began to tell them her arrangement.4. 若是你总是这样消磨时间,就会永远一事无成。(achieve)If you are always killing time like that, you will achieve nothing forever.5. 他小声地告诉我他的同桌在考试中作弊了。(whisper)He whispered to me that his deskmate cheated in the exam.(报纸11期)1. 老板安排他去接待外国的专家,可是他迟到了。(arrange)2. 我们学校对面的公园每星期二免费向公众开放。(opposite)3. 由于近年网上支付越来越普及,人们不再需要经常去银行了。(no longer)4. 他们只剩下一个礼拜的时间准备毕业典礼。(go)5. 在一个观众被屏幕包围的剧院里,你能够身临其境地欣赏电影。(surround, feel like)1. The boss arranged for him to meet the foreign experts, but he was late.2. The park opposite our school is open to the public for free every Tuesday.3. As online payment is getting more and more popular, people no longer need to go to the banks very often / regularly.4. There is only one week to go for them to prepare the graduation ceremony.5. In the theatre where audience is surrounded by the screen, you can feel like part of the action to appreciate the film. / when you watch a film.(报纸12期)1. 他因缺少食物而感到头晕。(faint)2. 我们充分利用时间努力学习,以满足未来社会的需要。(so that, demand)3. 上海的商业繁荣给所有的游客留下了深刻的印象。(leave)4. 众所周知,与录音机相比,MP3的使用是一大进步。(compare)5. 他在奥运会上打败了其他对手,创造了一项新的世界纪录。(record)1 He felt faint for lack of food.2 We should take full advantage of time to work hard so that we can meet the demands of the future society.3 The booming business in Shanghai leaves a deep impression on all the tourists.4 As is known to all, compared to tape recorder, the using of MP3 is a big step forward.5 He beat the other contestants in the Olympic Games and set / created a new world record.(报纸13期)1. 所有在场的听众被她的美妙歌声迷住。(audience)2. 请允许我把我的好朋友介绍给你们。(introduce)3. Simon以低沉的声音说他的儿子该独立生活了。(It is time .)4. 这个音乐厅能容纳3000名观众。(seat)5. 不久,我们很快会见面的。(before)1. All the audience present were fascinated by her beautiful songs.2. Please allow me to introduce my best friend to you.3. Simon boomed that it was time for his son to live on his own.4. The concert hall can seat an audience of 3000.5. It wont be long before we meet.(报纸14期)1. 他冒着犯心脏病的危险吃了过多的奶制品。(risk)2. 凡高对现代绘画的发展有着重大的影响。(influence)3. 村民们被警告暴风雨即将来临,十分危险。(warn)4. 经理安排我把高品质的产品介绍给顾客。(arrange) 5. 校长用洪亮而低沉的声音说道,“如果你不努力,将一事无成。”(achieve)1. He ran the risk of having a heart attack to have too many dairy products.2. Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.3. The villagers were warned of the great danger of the coming storm.4. The manager arranged for me to introduce the high-quality product to customers. 5. The principal boomed out, “If you dont work hard, you will achieve nothing.”(报纸15期)1. 我不认同这样的生活方式。(identify)2. 应采取有效措施禁止暴力电影。(ban)3. 我不得不承认我的学习比玛丽差。(inferior)4. 据估计,300多个人参加了这次的运动会。(estimate)5. 我们拥有的激情越多,可能体验的快乐也就越多。(the more . the more)1. I dont identify with this way of life.2. Effective measures should be taken to ban violent movies.3. I have to admit that I am inferior to Mary in study.4. It is estimated that more than 300 people took part in the sports meeting.5. The more passions we have, the more happiness were likely to experience.(报纸16期)1. 16岁以下未成年人禁止进入网吧。(ban)2. 如何处理废品已经成为现代社会的一大难题。(handle)3. 有人估计,这次交易大约在150万美元左右。(estimate)4. 污染对人体有害,所以我们要采取行动控制污染。(action)5. 越来越多的人开始意识到暴力电视节目对儿童的成长有着不良影响。(effect)1. Children under 16 are banned from going to net bar.2. How to handle waste has become a difficult problem for modern society.3. It is estimated that this deal is worth 1.5 million dollars.4. Pollution is harmful to our health, so we should take action to control it.5. More and more people begin to realize that violent TV programmes have a negative effect on the growth of children.(报纸17期)1. 大多数人不愿意介入这场毫无意义的争论。(involve)2. 大部分的因特网用户受益于像谷歌之类的有效搜索引擎。(benefit)3. 科学家们警告我们缺乏某种食物是危险的,尤其是小孩。(warn)4. 教育家们建议父母亲尽早教会孩子明辨是非的能力。(advise, tell)5. Jack领先于另一名参赛选手一分,这让我们欣喜若狂。(ahead, which)1. Most people arent willing to get involved in this meaningless argument2. Most of the Internet users benefit from such effective search engines as Google.3. Scientists warn us that a lack of certain kinds of food is dangerous, especially for children.4. Educators advise parents to teach their children to tell right from wrong as early as possible.5. Jack was ahead of the other contestant by one point, which made us feel on top of the world.(报纸18期)1. 母亲节每年都不是固定的。(vary)2. 我希望你在收到礼物后不会失望。(hope)3. 在春节期间能看见大街上挂着很多红灯笼。(hang, major)4. 人们相信中国新年会带来好运、更多的机会和新的挑战。(It is believed)5. 圣诞节传统上用火鸡或大鹅来庆贺。(celebrate)1. The Mothers Day varies its date each year.2. I hope you would not be disappointed after you got my gift.3. In the spring festival many red lanterns are seen hanging in the major streets.4. It is believed that the traditional Chinese new year would bring good luck, more chances and new challenges.5. The Christmas is usually celebrated with turkeys and geese.(报纸19期)1. 请注意我正在说的话。(attention)2. 他避开了这次会议,为了不让自己卷入这场争执。(involve)3. 政府正努力使更多的人从国家的发展中受益。(benefit) 4. 事实上,学会用英语与他人交际更为重要。(communicate)5. 一张微笑的脸能传递各种信息,如赞同、友好或者高兴。(a variety of)1. Please pay attention to what I am saying.2. He avoided the meeting in order not to be involved in the argument.3. The government is trying to make more people benefit from the development of the country.4. In fact / As a matter of face, it is more important to learn to communicate with others in English.5. A smiling face / A face with smiles can communicate a variety of messages, such as approval, friendliness, or happiness.(报纸20期)1. 你从小组活动中收获了什么?(gain)2. 每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。(access)3. 上下班高峰时期出现交通不畅很正常。(normal)4. 我还没来得及提醒他要保守秘密他就匆匆挂了电话。(before)5. 我们的物理老师讲课总是生动有趣、清晰明了,学生们受益匪浅。(benefit)1. What have you gained from group work / activities?2. Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education. 3. It is normal to have terrible / bad traffic during rush hours. / It is normal that traffic is terrible / bad during rush hours. 4. He hung up the phone in a hurry before I could remind him to keep the secret.5. Our physics teacher always gives his lessons in a lively and clear way, which greatly benefits his students / and his students greatly benefit from him. Workbook Unit11. 你应该主意你站和坐的方式。(the way)You should pay attention to the way you stand and sit.2缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of, signal) Lack of eye contact can signal nervousness.3 长城给他们留下了深刻的印象。(impression)The Great Wall left a deep impression on them.4. 比起游泳来,我更喜欢打网球。(preferto) I prefer playing tennis to swimming.6. 林先生的演讲持续了两个小时。(last)Mr. Lins speech lasted 2 hours.7. 有时说话方式是成功交际的关键。(the key to)The way you talk can sometimes be the key to successful communication.8. 经理叫他的秘书提醒他下周参加一个重要会议。(remind)The manager asked his secretary to remind him to attend an important meeting next week.9. 为了避免困惑,你最好向她清楚地解释这个问题。(avoid, confusion)To avoid confusion, youd better explain the problem to her clearly.10. 为了更好地与同事交流,王先生决定改进他说话的方式。(improve)To communicate better with his colleagues, Mr. Wang has decided to improve the way he talks.11. 杨小姐被认为是一个好的商店售货员,因为她和每一个顾客都高兴地打招呼。(consider, greet)Miss Yang is considered a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully.Workbook Unit21. 多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keepfrom)Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry.2. 河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。(damage)The only bridge on the river was damaged in the earthquake.3. 一定要选择适合你发质的护法用品。(sure)Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your type of hair.4. 过度使用电吹风对头发伤害非常大。(overuse)Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair.5. 这家商场里所有的电子产品均保质三年。(guarantee)All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years.6. 你穿绿色的很漂亮,看起来绿色很适合你啊。(suit)You look nice in green. It seems that green suits you very much.7. 在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜。(apply)In the dry winter, dont forget to apply cream to your face after you wash it.8. 城市里有空气污染,因此经常洗头是明智的。(shampoo, it is wise forto)City air is polluted, so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often.9. 用了许多种药以后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药。(remedy)After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.10. 为了保持健康,你必须要有均衡膳食。此外,经常锻炼身体也是很重要的。(in addition)To keep fit, you must eat a balanced diet. In addition, it is also important to get plenty of exercise.Workbook unit31.The Great Wall is the pride of China.长城是中国的骄傲。2.Any trip to Europe must include a visit to Paris.去欧洲一定要去巴黎游玩。3.After the factory was burnt down, it was abandoned.工厂被焚毁之后就被废弃了。4.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower overlooks the Huangpu River.东方明珠电视塔俯瞰黄浦江。5.The new park in our community is beginning to take shape.我们小区里的新公园逐渐成形了。6.It took ten years to complete the construction of the building.这座建筑花了10年时间才建成。7.Only a few people can be admitted to this jewelry exhibition each day.这次珠宝展每天只允许少数人参观。8.Do you know how many people this stadium can hold?你知道这个体育馆能容纳多少人吗?9.We should help to preserve the historical buildings in Shanghai.我们应该帮助保护上海的历史性建筑。10.You cannot imagine the greatness of the pyramids until you see them with your own eyes.你只有亲眼所见,否则就不能想像金字塔的伟大。Workbook unit41他们决心干下去,直到成功。(until)They are determined to work hard at it until they succeed.2.玛丽提前三天完成了任务。(ahead of)Mary finished her task three days ahead of time.3.她太累了,看着电视就睡着了。(while)She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV.4.每次打网球,我总能赢我表哥。(beat)I could always beat my cousin at tennis.5.曼迪兴奋得怎么也坐不住了。(keep still)Mandy was so excited that she could hardly keep still.6.天花板上吊着一盏漂亮的灯。(suspend)A beautiful light is suspended from the ceiling.7.自从毕业以来,他们一直都保持联系。(since)They have been in contact since they left school.8.你最好别把他们两个安排在相邻的位置上。(seat)You had better not seat them next to each other.9.他们只剩下一个礼拜的时间准备颁奖典礼。(to go)There is only one week to go for them to complete preparations for the award ceremony.10.有了MP3播放机,你能在旅行的时候欣赏到高质量的音乐。(with)With an MP3 player, you can listen to high-quality music while you are travelling.Workbook unit51.这里不准吸烟。(must)You must not smoke here.2学生不该上学迟到。(should)Students should not be late for school.3整个超市都挤满了顾客。(crowd)The whole supermarket was crowded with customers.4午饭我要吃牛排和沙拉。(have)I will have the steak and a salad for lunch.5.手术以后,他没有胃口吃东西。(appetite)He lost h


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