



2014年春学期期中教学调研七年级英语试卷同学们好!又到了收获季节了,让我们一起参加期中检测吧!相信自己,你一定更棒!注意事项:1. 本试卷包含第i卷选择题(第170题)、第ii卷非选择题(第71120题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为150分。考试形式为闭卷。2. 本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分。3. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。第i卷(共80分)一、听一听(共25分,每小题1分)a. 请帮助hobo选出所听到的内容。1. sunshine zoo is _ of sunshine middle school.a. eastb. northc. west2. simon would like to buy some _ cards for daniel.a. table tennisb. basketballc. football3. amy can spend five more minutes in the _.a. living roomb. bedroomc. dining room 4. there are about _ families in lucys town.a. two thousandb. three hundredc. two hundred5. we are going to have a “helping hands” meeting on the afternoon of _.a. 15 marchb. 5 marchc. 3 may b. 请帮助hobo根据所听到的对话选出正确的答案。a. b. c.6. whats simons favourite sport? .a. b. c.7. whats kitty wearing today? a. b. c.8. how can the woman get to sunshine zoo? a. b. c.9. which room does stephen like best? a. b. c. 10. whats peter going to be?11. where are they talking?a. in a library.b. in a shop.c. in a hospital.12. where will they go?a. the shopping mall.b. the cinema.c. the museum. 13. what is lilys father doing now? a. hes cleaning his car.b. hes fixing his car.c. hes cleaning his room.14. what is in the tree?a. a big bird.b. a kite.c. a model plane.15. what time is it now? a. its 6:40 p.m.b. its 7:00 p.m.c. its 7:20 p.m.c. 请帮助hobo根据所听的一段对话和两篇短文选择正确的答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。16. what will they do in the park? a. fly kites.b. play basketball.c. row a boat.17. where will they meet? a. in front of the school gate.b. in front of the park.c. at the bus stop.听下面一篇短文,完成第18至20小题。根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。andys school lifeclassmateandy is new and he has many new classmates. they are very 18 to him.teachermr. green is from 19 . he teaches english. friendrickys family are from japan. his mother is a teacher and his father is a 20 .18. a. politeb. friendlyc. good19. a. canadab. englandc. america20. a. policemanb. doctorc. manager听下面一篇短文,回答第21至25小题。21. where are the woman and the man?a. at a shop.b. at a cinema.c. in a library.22. whats the man doing?a. he is looking for something on the floor. b. he is talking with his friend. c. he is eating a piece of chocolate.23. whats the relationship(关系) between the man and the woman?a. they are friends.b. they are classmates.c. they dont know each other.24. why does the woman give the man a piece of chocolate?a. because the man wants to eat it. b. because she wants the man to keep quiet. c. because she thinks the piece of chocolate on the floor is dirty now.25. what does the man really want to find?a. his glasses.b. his books.c. his teeth.二、选一选(共25分)a1. 判断下列各组单词中的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的涂答案a,不同的涂b。26. chair, hair 27. near, wear 28. watches, buses29. think, there 30. bread, weathera2. 选出单词中划线部分的正确读音。31. feela. / ei /b. / i: /c. / e / d. / /32. autumna. / u: /b. / /c. / : /d. / ju: /33. knowa. / /b. / u: /c. / /d. / a /34. child a. / / b. / /c. / / d. / t/35. teachera. / / b. / : / c. / : /d. / :/b. 下面有一些单项选择题,爱动脑筋的你帮hobo选选看,要认真考虑哟! 36. the house is very nice. does it have _ garden? a. /b. ac. and. the 37. i would like to be a doctor, because i want to help _ people. a. youngb. poorc. sickd. old38. they will build a new bridge _ the river in front of my house.a. onb. nearc. besided. over39. use your head, _ you will find a way. a. butb. andc. ord. so40. thanksgiving day is their festival, not _.a. web. usc. oursd. our41. there _ a party the day after tomorrow.a. is going to beb. will havec. is going to haved. has 42. i like this pair of shoes. can i _?a. put it onb. put them onc. try it ond. try them on 43. do you have any _? yes, i like singing and playing volleyball best.a. jobsb. problemsc. hobbiesd. duties44. _ are you going on may day? to nanjing. a. whenb. whyc. whichd. where45. this meat smells very _. who cooked it? oh, my mum. she is good at cooking. a. wellb. goodc. badd. badly46. _ is it from your home to the nearest supermarket? about ten minutes walk.a. how oftenb. how longc. how muchd. how far47. my uncle has a new car. it _ yours.a. looks afterb. looks likec. looks ford. looks up48. you must _ the answers when you finish the exam. a. fixb. lookc. checkd. see49. welcome to our restaurant. what would you like? id like to _ a pizza and a bowl of noodles. a. makeb. cookc. selld. order50. hello, may i speak to jimmy, please? _a. this is jimmy speaking.b. whats the matter? c. im jimmy.d. who are you?三、读一读(40分)a. hobo不小心将咖啡洒到了一些单词上,他有点吃不准了。帮他选一选吧!(10分)do you know “homestay”? what is a homestay? when people travel to another country, they sometimes 51 in the homes of the local people. this is called a homestay. its great because you can learn something new 52 the country and its people.i am wan li from china. i came to 53 with other exchange students for a short visit. we are living with an old english couple (夫妇),mr. and mrs. green, in west london. they have a 54 old house. it has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a 55 with many beautiful flowers and tall trees in it. i have a bedroom of my own. i like 56 books or drawing pictures in my bedroom.there are some 57 near the house, we sometimes taste delicious western food there. mrs. green 58 does the housework. she washes the clothes and cooks meals for us. at the weekend, my friends and i sometimes teach mrs. green 59 to cook chinese food. we are living a happy 60 together. i think a homestay may be fit for you if it is your first time to go abroad. you will get to know more about the culture of another country. (选编自补充习题)51.a. sitb. goc. stay d. work52.a. aboutb. with c. atd. for53.a. canadab. japanc. americad. england54.a. small b. bigc. tall d. short55.a. garden b. balcony c. kitchend. living room56.a. seeing b. watchingc. lookingd. reading57.a. restaurants b. theatres c. post officesd. zoos 58.a. never b. seldom c. sometimes d. usually59.a. what b. where c. how d. which60.a. houseb. lifec. visit d. foodb. hobo可喜欢阅读了!一起和他读下面的两篇短文并选出每题的正确答案吧。(20分)b1i live in a small town near yancheng. you cannot find it on a map of china, because it is too small. the air here is fresh and clean. there are not so many tall buildings in our town. the best building is at our school and there are 30 classrooms in the building. there are 1,000 students and 105 teachers in our school. in the front of our school, there is a big playground. i sometimes play basketball with my classmates on it. there is a garden behind our school. we can grow flowers and plant trees in the garden. every day, we can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing there. next to the garden, there is an orange orchard (果园). in autumn, we often pick oranges there. there is a river not far from our school. sometimes we row a boat there. in summer, we usually go swimming in it with our good friends.in the western part of the town, there are many new houses around a nice lake. all the people in our town are hard-working and friendly. we enjoy our life here. 61. there is in the front of the school.a. a riverb. a tall buildingc. a playgroundd. a garden62. in autumn, we often in the orange orchard.a. fly kitesb. pick orangesc. grow flowersd. plant trees63. where are the new houses?a. behind the school.b. around a lake. c. not far from our school.d. near the garden.64. which of the following is not mentioned(未提及) in the passage?a. an orchard.b. a river.c. a school.d. a factory.65. what can be the best title (标题) for the passage?a. a nice town.b. a nice building.c. a nice school.d. a nice garden.b2 mikes father, mr. lee, is a farmer. he lives on the farm. he is happy to see his son move to a new flat in the city. one day, mr. lee comes to visit his son with a big orange pumpkin, about 10 kg. he grows it all by himself. “ill let my son share it with his neighbours. everyone likes pumpkin. then mike and his neighbours will become good friends,” mr. lee thinks.at noon, mr. lee gets to the community centre. the building is so tall. there are twenty floors. mike lives on the sixteenth floor. but he is not at home.mr. lee thinks, “ill give the pumpkin to mikes neighbours. they will be glad too see the gift.” and he does it. but to his surprise, the neighbour on the left says coldly, “thank you, but i dont like it at all.” the woman on the right says nothing and closes the door quickly.the old man feels sad. at last, he goes to the market, sells it and goes back home. “are they really neighbours?” he says to himself. he doesnt know why.66. where does mr. lee live?a. on the farm. b. in the city.c. on the sixteenth floor of a flat. d. on the right of a woman.67. who grows the big pumpkin?a. mike.b. mikes neighbour. c. mikes mother.d. mikes father.68. what does mr. lee want mike to do with the pumpkin?a. he wants mike to share it with his neighbours.b. he wants mike to make a pumpkin lantern.c. he wants mike to cook it and eat it by himself.d. he wants mike to sell it at the market.69. where does the pumpkin go at last?a. the woman on the right gets it. b. mr. lee sells it at the market.c. mr. lee takes it back home. d. mike gets it when he comes back. 70. which is right?a. mikes neighbours are polite to his father.b. mikes neighbours dont want the pumpkin because it is too small.c. mr. lee thinks neighbours are always friendly and kind. d. mr. lee will bring some pumpkins to mikes neighbours again.第卷(共70分)c. 任务型阅读理解(10分)there are lots of things to do in sunshine town.would you like to stay in a quiet town? the air is fresh here. you can see many trees, lakes. the hills are green here. there is also a beautiful park in the town centre. local people like jogging in the morning. sunshine town is not far from the centre of beijing. people spend about twenty minutes when they go to the centre of beijing by underground.would you like to do some shopping? there are lots of nice shops in our town. most things are not expensive, so you can buy your family and friends wonderful presents there.would you like to eat chinese food? beijing duck is very popular. would you like to try some? there are many chinese restaurants here. if you do not like chinese food, there are also some western restaurants.would you like to enjoy beijing opera? why dont you visit our local theatre and enjoy beijing opera? if you want to learn more about chinese art, dont miss the opera shows there.welcome to our town. we are looking forward to meeting you soon.根据短文内容,在下表中的每个空格内填入一个适当的单词。(71) to sunshine townyou can do lots of things in sunshine town!stay in a quiet townyou can see many trees, lakes and (72) hills. local people like (73) in the morning.it takes people about twenty minutes to get to the centre of beijing by (74) .go (75) there are lots of nice shops. you can buy your family and friends wonderful presents (76) most things are very cheap.eat chinese foodbeijing duck is very (77) , you can try some.if you dont like chinese food, there are some (78) restaurants, too. enjoy beijing operayou can visit our (79) theatre to enjoy beijing opera.if you watch the opera shows there, you can learn more about chinese (80) .四、写一写(60分)a. 词汇(30分)a1. 根据句意和所给的音标、中文或单词提示, 用适当形式完成句子中所缺的单词。(15分)81. tokyo is the / kpitl / city of japan.82. that / sandz / like a good idea to me.83. wendys / eld / brother is an office worker. 84. the students are flying kites / insaid / the park.85. i love to sit there and look at the / bi: t / and the sea.86. some families (饲养) cows and others grow wheat in our town.87. china is (出名的) for the great wall.88. when i go to the park, my pet dog often (跟随) me.89. simon is (幸运的) to live in a good neighbourhood.90. people often meet at the community centre and share their (技能) . 91. my family live on the (nine) floor of that tall building.92. his father and uncle work in the post office, they are both (postman).93. there are three (knife) in my kitchen.94. vegetables and fruit are (health) food for us.95. we should be careful when we walk (cross) the street.a2. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分)96. my computer is broken, i (ask) a computer engineer to check it tomorrow.97. i usually spend two hours (walk) in the park at the weekend.98. listen! our teacher (sing) an english song.99. the park is a good place (meet) friends and fly kites.100. daniels uncle usually (drive) him to school in the morning.a3. 根据短文内容及所给首字母,填写所缺单词,每空格填一词。请在答题卡上写出包括首字母在内的完整单词。(10分) we are now at shanghai wild animal park. the park is very big. there are over 1,0000 animals in it. we are (101) t a special bus to go around the park. i can see some giraffes beside our bus, they are (102) q tall. their long necks can help them eat the (103) l from trees. the elephants are drinking water. their large (104) e are moving like fans. there are some (105) d animals, such as lions and tigers. lions are the (106) k of the animal world. remember never go near them. there is also an (107) a in the park for people to walk around. you can see lovely animals there. the pandas are lazy, but they are really cute. they like to eat bamboo and (108) l down all day long. every year, many (109) v come here to see them. a monkey is putting a hat on the head. it looks funny and is making all of us (110) l ! we are having a great time!b. 句型转换 根据要求,完成句型转换,每空只填一个单词。(10分)111. li pings father is a doctor. (对划线部分提问) li pings father do?112. my house is in front of li mings. (改为同义句)li mings house is .113. lucys grandparents will visit some western countries next month. (改为否定句)lucys grandparents visit western countries next month. 114. tom usually plays football with his friends at the weekend. (用now改写) tom football with his friends now. 115. my computer does not work well. (改为同义句) there is with my computer. c. 完成翻译,每空只填一个单词。(10分)116. 我们的老师都乐于帮助我们,所以我们不担心我们的学习。our teachers are helpful to us, so we dont our studies.117. millie经常在英语方面帮助lucy。millie often lucy her english. 118. 妈妈此刻正在厨房为我们准备晚餐。my mum is dinner us in the kitchen now.119. 明天我将领他们参观我的学校。i am going to them my school.120. 箱子不大,但是很重,因为里面装满了书。the box is not big, but its very heavy because its books.d. 书面表达(10分)假如你是millie,根据下列表格内容给你的朋友 john ,写一封60词左右的邀请信,邀请他参加你的生日聚会。信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。eventa birthday partytimeat five next sundayplacemillie homeactivitieseat cakes, play gamesrouten0.2 bus the second street the first crossing turn left a post office on your right behind the post officedear john, i am looking forward to seeing you at the party.yours,millie (恭喜你顺利完成答卷!再检查一遍吧!)2014年春学期期中教学调研七年级英语听力材料a. 请帮助hobo选出所听到的内容。本部分共有5小题,每小题你将听到一句话。在听每句话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1. sunshine zoo is north of sunshine middle school.2. simon would like to buy some football cards for daniel.3. amy can spend five more minutes in the living room.4. there are about two hundred families in lucys town.5. we are going to have a “helping hands” meeting on the afternoon of the fifth of march.b. 请帮助hobo根据所听到的对话选出正确的答案。本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。6. w: whats your favourite sport, simon?m: i like playing basketball best.7. w: kitty is wearing a new dress today.m: yes, she looks very cute.8. w: how can i get to sunshine zoo? m: turn right and then cross the bridge. 9. w: stephen, which room is your favourite in your house?m: kitchen, of course. my family and i often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.10. w: what are you going to be in the future, peter?m: im going to be a policeman.11. w: what can i do for you, sir? m: i would like to buy a pair of shoes for my son.12. w: the exchange students are coming. shall we take them to the cinema?m: sure. we can watch some wonderful films there.13. w: whats your father doing, lily?m: hes


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