



江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎实验中学2011-2012学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题第i卷(共55分) 一、选择填空,每题1分,共15分( )1.tomorrow is sunday. why _play football with us? a not you b dont c not to d not( )2.shanghai is larger than _in china a. any city b. all other cities c. other cities d. any other city( )3.there an exciting softball match on tv this evening. a. will have b. are going to have c. are going to be d. is going to be( )4.there are many tall buildings on side of the busy street. a. both b. all c. each d. every ( )5.i have money than you, but i have friends than you. a. more; more b. less; more c. fewer; more d. more; less( )6. she always looks_now shes looking _at her new drawing ahappy;happy bhappy;happilychappily;happily dhappily;happy( ) 7. last year this piece of music _him _one of the most famous singers. a. makes , become b. make, become c. made , became d. made, become( ) 8. -what do you think of the dish? - it looks _and it tastes _too.a. tasty, well b. well, delicious c. well, nicely d. tasty, good( )9. -would you like _ milk in your coffee? -yes, just _.a. any, a few b. some, a little c. any, a little d. some, a few( )10.the beef is _dear. dont buy _.a. much too, too much b. much too, much too c. too much, too much d. too much, much too( )11.what do you think of mr lis teaching? no one is _a. good b. better c. best d. the best( )12. i never feel _ when he is with me because his words are so_.a. boring , bored b. bored, boring c. boring , funnyd. bored, funny()13.jack had a wonderful time _one place after another in beijing and he had much time _the city.a. to visit, to enjoy b. visiting, to enjoy c. to visit, enjoying d. visiting, enjoying( )14. climbing is one of_,i think athe most difficult activity bthe most difficult activities cmost difficult activity dmost difficult activities( )15 .he waited_ waited,_saw nothing and nobody at 1ast aor;but band;or cand;but dor:and二、完形填空 先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从a, b, c, d四个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分) everyone needs friends. we all like to 16 close to someone. it is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. _17_sometimes we need to be alone. we dont always want people 18 . but we could feel lonely if we never had a friend.no two people are just the same. friends 19 dont get on well. it doesnt mean that they no longer 20 each other. most of the time they will make up and become friends again.sometimes friends move away. then we feel very 21 .we miss them very much, but we can 22 them and write to them. and we can make new friends. it is surprising to find out 23 we like our new friends when we get to know them.there is more good 24 for people who have friends. they live longer than people who dont. why? it 25 be that they are happier. being happy helps people stay well. or it could be just knowing that someone cares. if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.() 16. a. watch b. feel c. look d. see() 17. a. nearly b. hardly c. certainly d. suddenly () 18. a. around b. alone c. away d. above() 19. a. always b. never c. sometimes d. usually () 20. a. know b. think c. hate d. like() 21. a. angry b. sad c. happy d. surprised() 22. a. ask b. call c. tell d. order() 23. a. how much b. how long c. how many d. how often() 24. a. time b. thought c. knowledge d. news() 25. a. must b. will c. couldnt d. need三、读下列三篇短文,从四个选项中选出符合题意的最佳答案。(每题2分,共30分) (a)i get to sew and cook at schoolwalk into my school, and you will smell food cooking, this is the class where we learn how to sew and cook.in the sewing class, we first learn simple things, like the parts of the sewing machine and how to sew with a needle. for the first sewing project we made a simple bag, to make the bag ,we had to learn to use the sewing machine.projects are easy in grades 6 and 7, but become harder and harder gradually. in grade 8,we have to use what weve learned in grades 6 and 7 (and maybe some new things, too) to put together an even more difficult project.the cooking part is usually our favorite. we learn about the ingredients(原料),like flour and baking soda (发酵粉),and what they are used for. the teacher tells us how to use them. then, we learn how to measure (估量) ingredients. but, sometimes, we have to guess the right measurements with our own eyes.there are many groups in the cooking class. each group has a small kitchen to work in. we use the equipment(设备)in the kitchen to make all kinds of food. some of the food smells good and tastes delicious. other food made by the students is too terrible to eat!later, we need to wash and dry dishes and clean up the kitchen. it is our duty. after all, its not all fun!( )26. in which class do we use needle?a. english. b. sewing class. c. cooking class. d. math.( )27. we learned to use the sewing machine for the _. a. needle b. class c. simple bag d. project( )28. projects are hardest in grade _.a. 6 b. 7 c. 6 and 7 d. 8( )29. who tells us how to use flour and baking soda?a. father. b. mother. c. the teacher. d. classmates.( )30. what should we do after cooking?a. play games. b. clean up the kitchen. c. wash and dry dishes. d. b and c. (b)heres an advertisement from the newspaper. read and choose the right answer to each question. wanted: babysiterdo you like children? do you have free time in the afternoon? we need a babysitter for our son. he is six years old. hours are monday to friday, 3.00p.m. to 6.00p.m. sometimes you will work at the weekend. pay is $10 per hour.for the job, you will:* watch our son* read to him* play with himyou will work at our house. we live in london, near 10 downing street.please call (020)296-8956. ask for miss smith (b) () 31.on friday, the babysitter will _a. not work b. work three hours c. earn $10 d. live in london() 32. which is not part of the job?a. cooking for the child b. working at the childs house c. reading books to the child d. taking care of the child() 33. the babysitter must _a. go to the persons office b. drive a car to work c. work every saturday and sunday.d. play with the child() 34. which of these sentences is true?a. pay is more at weekends.b. the babysitter must work six days a week.c. the person must call mr. smith first.d. the child is less than nine years old.() 35. the best babysitter for the job_a. cannot read storybooks.b. is busy on wednesday afternoon.c. wants $15 per hour.d. enjoys playing with children (c)a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. he held up a sign which said, “i am blind, please help.”there were only a few coins in the hat. a man was walking by. he took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. he then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. he put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.soon the hat began to fill up. a lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. that afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. the boy heard his footsteps and asked, “were you the one who changed my sign this morning? what did you write?”the man said, “i only wrote the truth. i said what you said but in a different way.”what he had written was, “ today is a beautiful day but i cannot see it.” do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?of course, both signs told people the boy was blind. but the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. the second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.the first sign simply said the boy was blind. the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.( )36.a blind boy sat on the steps of a building in order to_. a. wait for some people b. get money from others c. make the writer help him d. hold up a sign( )37.the man _when he saw the blind boy. a. took away the blind boys money b. gave the boy a new hat c. brought the boy a sign d. gave the boy some money and wrote some words on the sign( )38. what happened to the blind boy after the man wrote the words on the sign? a. the boy was taken away by the police b. nobody gave the blind boy money any more c. more people dropped money into the boys hat d. the blind boy could see the beautiful day( )39. what do you think of the sign written by the man?a. it has the different meaning to the first signb. it has the same meaning to the first sign and is expressed in another better way.c. the mans sign tells people it is a beautiful dayd. people know the boy is blind after reading the mans sign( )40. what can we learn from this passage?a. its helpful of us to help people in needb. there are many poor people in the world like the blind boyc. its a good way to make money by holding a signd. we should learn to speak to others in a suitable way第二卷(共45分)四,根据句意,填写适当的单词。每题1分,共10分。1. i am always angry at those_(广告) when i watch a tv play.2. the question is too difficult. none of us can answer it _(正确).3. mr. zhu is always kind enough to help us_(解决)some problems.4. millie is one of the _(亲密)friends of theirs.5. a lot of foreign visitors show great _(兴趣) in the great wall.6. mike was sad because he did even _(糟糕)in this exam.7. how _(令人惊讶) the harbour bridge looks in the photo!8. _(不幸运), he fell off the bike and hurt himself.9. dont leave the little girl by _.(自己)10. the white house is a beautiful building _(有)a lot of flowers and trees.五,翻译下列句子,每句3分,共15分。1在所有的科目中哪一门最重要呢?2学唱英文歌比玩电脑游戏有趣。3他会尽力来算出这道数学题。4在14岁的时候,我的表姐自学如何打好垒球。5约翰总是和别人分享他的快乐并且帮助有需要的人。六,书面表达15分)假设你是millie,根据以下内容,给网友jane写一封信。 1苏州是一个有着悠久历史的古老城市,有许多名胜古迹。 2有许多博物馆、园林和购物中心。 3公园里都是绿树。这使苏州的生活更舒服。 4上个月邀请了叔叔tom再次游览苏州。他为人慷慨,有幽默感。 5tom叔叔玩得很愉快。他认为苏州比任何一个城市都漂亮。6. 希望jane能来苏州。注意:1)短文必须包括所有要点。 2)词数90左右,可适当增加细节,使句子通顺、连贯。dear jane, _yours,millie江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎实验中学2011-2012学年八年级上学期期中考试英语答案一, 选择填空,每题1分1-5 dddcb 610


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