



.牛津 7A 重点短语和句型归纳 7A Unit One 重点短语1. read this book 看这本书 2. look after 照顾3. 12 years old 十二岁 4. meet my new classmates 见见我的新同学5. love reading 喜欢读书 6. play football 踢足球7. be good at 擅长 8. live with my family 和我的家人住在一起9. over there 在那边 10. listen to the music 听音乐11. love dancing 喜爱跳舞 12. all the lessons 所有课程13. in Grade 7 在七年级 14. welcome to 欢迎到来15. wear glasses 戴眼镜 16. tall and slim 又高又苗条17. like sports 喜爱运动 18. after school 放学后7A Unit One 重点句型1. I love e-dogs. 2. Nice to meet you. 3. They are all very nice. 4. Her hair is long.5. I have short hair. 6. He is from Nanjing. 7. He is good at Maths. 8. This is my cousin Andy. 9. Welcome to Class 1, Grade 7. 10. I often play football after school. 11. Whats your name? My name is Hobo. 12. Good morning. /Good afternoon. /Good evening. 13. I come from Nanjing, but now I live with my family in Beijing. 14. I like all the lessons at Sunshine Middle School, and I am good at Math. 7A Unit Two 重点短语1. walk to my bowl 步行到我的碗 2. many times a day 一天好几次3. go swimming 去游泳 4. a new member of 一位新成员5. come from 来自 6. my favourite football player 我最喜欢的足球运动员7. look strong 看上去强壮 8. watch our games 看我们的比赛9. make him happy 使他高兴 10. a lot of (=lots of) interesting books 许多有趣的书11. come true 实现 12. at/on weekends 在周末13. talk about/of 谈论 14. my hero 我的偶像15. table tennis 乒乓球 16. enjoy listening to music 喜欢听音乐17. of course 当然可以 18. many of my students 我的许多学生 19. be inclub 在俱乐部 20. in his free time 在他的空闲时间 7A Unit Two 重点句型1. Eddie, do you like any sports? Yes. I like walking. 2. I enjoy swimming. 3. Whats your favourite sport?4. What about you? 5. It makes me feel great. 6. I hope his dream comes true. 7. Li Hua wants to play in the nest World Cup. 8. What else do you like to do? 9. Reading is fun. 10. Li Hua is my favourite football star. 11. He also enjoys listening to music. 12. How does he look? 13. He looks strong and plays football very well.14. We often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on TV. 7A Unit Three 重点短语1. parents meeting 家长会 2. at the school gate 在学校门口3. after class 课后 4. show sb. around 带领某人参观5. in front of 在前面 6. borrow books from the library 从图书馆借书7. on the ground floor (英)在底层 8. look modern 看上去时髦的9. have meetings 开会 10. at two oclock in the afternoon 在下午两点11. let me see 让我想想 12. all kinds of books 各种各样的书13. on the phone 通电话 14. reading room 阅览室15. a few 一些 16. far away from 远离17. on foot 步行 18. go to school 去上学19. all the best 一切顺利 20. fromto 从到21. look at 看一看 22. pictures of my friends 我朋友的照片23. play with them 和他们玩 24. in the football team 在足球队7A Unit Three 重点句型1. What time is it? 2. Whos that man in the white shirt?3. This way. Mum. 4. Let me show you around.4. Id like to say hello to her. 6. Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.7. Youre good friends, right? 8. Its a long way from my home to the school?9. Which is your favourite subject, Eddie? I like Maths.10. Whats the date today, Millie? Its 9 October. 11. It takes me about an hour to get to school.12. Can you come, Mum? Yes, Id like to. 13. Whats the building over there? Its the school hall. 14. When is it open? Its open from 8 a. m. to 5: 30 p. m., but the reading room is only open in the afternoon.7A Unit Four 重点短语1. wake up 醒来 2. best wishes 致以最美好的祝愿 3. go walking 去散步 4. on Wednesday afternoon 在星期三下午5. go out 外出 6. do after-school activities 进行课外活动7. have fun 玩得开心 8. need a good rest 需要好好休息一下9. get up 起床 10. have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭11. go on a picnic 去野餐 12. learn a lot about 学到很多关于的情况13. go roller skating 去溜旱冰 14. have too much homework 有太多的家庭作业15. once a week 一个星期一次16. at a quarter past eight 在八点一刻17. visit a museum 参观博物馆 18. go to her dancing lessons 去上她的舞蹈课19. start lessons 开始上课20. have a good time 玩得很开心21. have lessons/classes 上课 22. from Monday to Friday 从星期一到星期五23. go to bed 去睡觉 24. play in the playground 在操场上玩25. be late for 迟到 26. do morning exercises 做早操27. be nice to sb. 对某人好28. chat with each other 互相聊天29. be good for sb. 对某人有益30. get ready for sth. 为做好准备27. in the morning/afternoon/evening 在下午/下午/晚上7A Unit Four 重点句型1. Is it time for breakfast? 2. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 3. Usually we do morning exercises first. 4. I am not tall, so I cannot play it well.5. I also like playing volleyball. 6. I can learn a lot about the world. 7. They help us get ready for the day. 8. I would like to tell you about my life here. 9. Wish our team good luck! 10. Sandy doesnt have much time to play tennis.11. I am in the school volleyball team. 12. We do not have lessons on Saturday or Sunday. 13. Millie, when do you go to school every day? I usually go to school at 7:20. 14. What time do you start lessons? At a quarter past eight. 7A Unit Five 重点短语 1. dress up as 装扮成 2. shout “trick or treat” 大喊“不招待,就使坏”3. on October 31 在10月31日 4. give us some candy as a treat 用糖果招待我们5. get together 聚会 6. paint our faces 把我们的脸涂上颜色7. eat moon cakes 吃月饼 8. knock on/at the door 敲门9. enjoy the full moon 赏月 10. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节11. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 12. have a big dinner 吃大餐 13. lion dance 狮子舞 14. a special day 特别的一天 15. find out 发现、查明 16. make out of 用制作17. play a trick on them 捉弄他们 18. have a party 举办一个聚会19. let/set off fireworks 燃放烟火 20. Chinese New Year 春节 21. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 22. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 23. at night 在夜里 24. on the evening of 在的晚上25. take photos 拍照片 26. lots of interesting things 许多有趣的事情7A Unit Five 重点句型1. Great! Lets celebrate. 2. Thats not very interesting. 3. Which is your favourite festival, Tommy? 4. Why do you like it? Because we always get lots of nice presents at Christmas. 5. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 6. We knock on their doors and shout “trick or treat”. 7. If they dont give us a treat, we play a trick on them. 8. We always have a party on the evening of October and enjoy nice food and drinks.9. Happy New Year! 10. What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing? 7A Unit Six 重点句型1. keep fit/healthy 保持健康 2. eat fish and vegetables 吃鱼和蔬菜3. feel hungry 感到饿 4. have milk and bread for breakfast 早饭喝牛奶、吃面包5. too much sugar 太多的糖 6. less than 3 times a week 少于一周三次7. plan to do sth. 计划做某事 8. a swimming pool 一个游泳池9. a packet of salt 一包盐 10. dance for half an hour 跳舞半小时11. four kilos of meat 四公斤肉 12. have a look at the menu 看一看菜单13. take a walk 散步 14. eat more healthy food 吃更多的健康食物15. give me energy 给我能量 16. six bottles of juice 六瓶果汁17. taste good 尝起来不错 18. more than 9 hours 多于九小时19. between meals 在两餐之间 20. be good/bad for 对有益/有害21. need to do sth 需要做某事 22.like playing computer games 喜欢玩电脑游戏23. two bags of rice 两袋大米 24.three to six times a week 一周三到六次7A Unit Six 重点句型1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 2. Its good for our health. 3. I seldom eat cakes or sweets. 4. Would you like some ?5. This helps me start the day well. 6. I dance for half an hour every day.7. Healthy food is important for me. 8. I need to change my lifestyle now.9. I plan to go swimming every week. 10. Mum, what do we need to buy?11. How long do you watch TV every day? 12. What would you like to order, Andy?13. Thats fine. Apple juice tastes good. 14.This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon. 15. How often does Kitty dance? She dances every day.7A Unit Seven 重点短语1. carry all the bags 提所有的包 2. buy Simon a present 给西蒙买一个礼物3. just a minute 稍等片刻 4. be interested in 对感兴趣5. a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 6. different from 与不同7. bus stop 汽车站 8. youre welcome 不用谢9. take/have a look 看一看 10. pocket money 零花钱11. try on 试穿 12. different kinds of 不同种类的 13. come with me 跟我来 14. five floors of 五个楼层的15. two yuan each 每样两元 16. poor areas 贫困地区17. wait for 等待 18. have enough money 有足够的钱 19. paper cups 纸杯 20. go well with 与相配 21. far away from 离远 22. fit very well 非常适合23. each floor 每层 7A Unit Seven 重点句型1. Thats enough. 2. Heres my wallet. 3. Christmas is coming.4. Do you like shopping, Eddie? No, I hate it.5. Well, Id like to go shopping, but I dont have enough money.6. Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 7. Whats your size? Size 40. 8. How much do they cost? Theyre two yuan each.9. Oh, these clips are beautiful, and they match her pink coat!10. Would you like to help the children in some poor areas?11. There are five floors of shops and each floor is big.12. The mall is a good place to meet friends sand have fun.7A Unit Eight 重点短语 1. think about 考虑 2. lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 3. a pair of trainers 一双运动鞋 4. among young people 在年轻人当中5. look cool 看起来酷 6. a yellow cotton blouse 一件黄色的棉衬衫7. both of them 他们两个 8. both.and 和都9. be made of 由制成 10. write to 写信给 11. wait for 等待 12. look for 寻找 13. have to 不得不 14. go for a dinner 去参加一个宴会15. fit for. 适合 16. think of 认为17. dark blue 深蓝色 18. go well w


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