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TRANSLATION BETWEEN CHINESE AND ENGLISH FOR ADVANCED LEARNERS(January, 2013) Students name_ Total score_I. Fill in these blanks with appropriate words (each blank is meant for one word only) (17 points) (任选17小题)1. On the other hand, a writer too can choose to write either from a realistic point of view or as a member of _avant-garde, whether to adhere to the grassroots or to explore his own inner world.2. I believe that to be avant-garde is not a goal in itself. Its rather a means _new possibilities for literary expression.3. _ has often happened in literary history, the emergence of a group of new writers ought to mean a positive addition _ the older forms of expression. But this doesnt seem to be the case in this country.4. When the day of departure came, the five of them gather together at the airport. To the surprise of all, _ is wearing _ suit exactly the same as the next one!5. In this way the writer will lose the initial impulse which often leads to the creation of _ we call good literature.6. Give up your attempt to write. On the contrary, try not to write anything _. Go out into the real world-be a pirate, a Brahmin king or a laborer in Soviet Russia.7. Although it is seldom openly declared that this aspect of learning is just not important, reports of the natural sciences being favored _ the humanities and social sciences are all too common. Why, then, is the prevalent ignorance _ the latter?8. My prompt reaction to what Li Xiaofei had done must have taken him by surprise. Now Lan Ye tickled Lis armpit to make him laugh. I _ my part clutched Mou Linsens shoulders and let my hot tears trickle down his back.9. Some writers hold up their own works as the only model of good literature, and reject anything written by others as worthless. This all-exclusiveness _ their part reveal their horror of - and failure to adapt to - the newly emerged buyers market.10. Through what I perceived for myself, I thought I would know what should do and how. I would be answerable for whatever I obtained, _ it happiness or unhappiness. 11. They didnt even try to meet peoples eyes with their _. When they looked at you just as you _them, you would find that the look in their eyes was _innocence and serenity.12. Lan Ye had not come back to our room to sleep any of the previous nights, but she _ an exception tonight.13. We made to hug each other like lovers, but when we scrutinized each other _ closer quarters, this mutual attempt _ intimacy suddenly crumbled.14. The Tibetans seated themselves on the ground in circles, some drinking buttered tea, others eating barley-cakes, _others producing roasted legs of mutton from the folds of their clothes and savoring them.15. With the blue sky and white clouds brightening up, prayer flags had begun to flutter in the wind and dust _ rise.16. He is obviously under the impression that he is supporting criticism from below and doing a good thing and he certainly has the best _ motives.17. From the way he spoke, I found _ him such laudable qualities as foresight, intelligence and composure. I sat there listening, until I began grasping the meaning of his words.18. It was large and functional. The paint shone bright, the height was just right for me. _, whenever I sat before this brand new thing, I was sorry that the things connected with the past had vanished into thin air, like the old desk itself.19. Then came the season when the canopy gradually dispersed, letting in spots of sunshine here and there. The autumn wind would blow a few yellow leaves in _ the window.20. While amazing us with its dizzying beauty, the fountain puts us in mind of even more strenuous heights _ to be scaled.21. The lake and the dyke set each other off beautifully, forming a picture of absolute harmony between heaven and humans. One cannot _ recall, in all vividness, Xi Shi washing her pure white gauze at Ruoye Stream.22. He set up a fish farm here and also raised his own food crops. Later on, he wrote the worlds first fish book, Tips on How to Raise Fish; _ his honorable title Fish Father.23. The Xi Shi Residence, the Lihu Dyke displaying the local fishing culture, and the Xidi Dyke, Fishing Fathers Islet and Xi Shi Garden in Lihu Lake Park built in both of _ honor, have all been the manifestations of undying human faith.24. A lake of science education - for nature is, after all, the best teacher life _ to offer. 25. The size of Lihu Lake used to dwindle due to reclamation of its bottomland to plant crops or raise fish. Worse still, the ponds used for the _ purpose were heavily implanted with nets or bamboo fences.26. To thoroughly transform the lake area, the municipal and regional governments promoted the process _ peasant families who had used to dwell apart in scattered natural villages were allowed to become urban citizens and began living together in concentrated new quarters.27. The purpose of looking back on our own strenuous past, at least for a moment or two, is to try to understand that segment of history with a discreet mind. Only when this has been achieved can we construct a better future and a _ better tomorrow.28. We are _ than grateful to the municipal Urban Renewal Office, Urban Construction Archives, Lihu Neighborhood Committee, Institute of Cartography and many amateur photographers, who have selflessly contributed photographic or painted pictures _ their private stocks.29. The right _ exclusive use of a registered trademark shall be limited to trademarks which have been approved _ registration and to goods on which the use of a trademark has been approved.30. If a party disagrees with the decision of the administrative department for industry and commerce to impose a fine _ the provisions of Article 31, 33 or 34 of this Law, it may bring a suit in a peoples court within 15 days after receiving the notification of the decision. If, at the expiration of _ a period, the party has neither brought a suit nor complied _ the decision, the relevant administrative department for industry and commerce shall apply to the peoples court _ compulsory enforcement of its decision.31. An official invitation of the Symposium will be sent by the Local Organizing Committee _ request. However, this invitation does not include payment of any expenses, such as registration, travel or hotel accommodation for the Symposium.32. Responsibilities have included the designing and supervision of the Concord Garden, a noble private house honored _ one of the citys top 10 construction projects, and guiding routine operations at the Institutes buildings designing section.33. Both Parties shall _ provide the documents of investment intention of enterprises, liaise with investors in the host country, participate in the negotiations between investment partners, draft investment contracts, and coordinate efforts towards the establishment of joint ventures.34. On July 23, the rain falling into the Baimaguan and Mengniu Rivers amounted to 260 mm, causing a mountain flood and a mudflow, which destroyed 5199 houses as well as 1667 hectares of farmland, and claimed 103 human lives. Up to 370 thousand kg of grain was washed away and 3411 head of livestock were drowned or _ lost.35. The altitudes of the area vary _ 300 to 1500 meters above sea level and over 50% of the slopes exceed 25 degrees. The project zone has a semi-humid monsoon continental climate, with the average annual temperatures ranging _ 8.5 C and 9.5C, and the accumulated annual temperatures _ 3385C and 4210C.36. To excel _ market competition, SISU Group will continue to expand its sphere of endeavor, diversifying _ the development of new technologies, domestic and foreign trade, and real estate agency. SISU Group warmly welcomes opportunities to cooperate with other business groups and individuals in establishing joint ventures or cooperative enterprises.37. This tea prevents illnesses in _ cardiovascular and nervous systems, and is effective _ reducing blood fat.38. Soft and savory, red tinged with brown, spiced spareribs remain a gourmets favorite in _ and many other countries. They are prepared from a traditional recipe and with modern scientific methods, thus preserving their natural flavor completely.39. Maotai Spirit38% (V/V) is one of the line products _ the brand name of Guizhou Maotai Spirit.It contains the same old stuff but is brewed with modern scientific methods. It is mellow and intrinsically pure-a quality unique _ real Maotai.40. Today, living in an outer space era, man enjoys truly broad vision and cherishes the wildest ambitions ever known _ him. But carved images, with their carefully chosen materials and superfine craftsmanship, still appeal _ collectors of Chinese treasures. With one such article in your own house, you will get _ than value for money.41. With its minimum noise, full efficiency and affordability, the window-type air conditioner is perfectly suitable _ use in a private house or a company office.42. When the shreds turn _ brownish color, sprinkle some rice wine and pour some chili sauce onto them.43. The dish is _ named because the sauce used on it has a distinctive fish flavor.44. Sitting on benches along one wall were a line of young women, decked out in their finest attire. Like a row of bright flowers in the summer breeze, they leaned one way and then the other _ as they talked, whispered and laughed with their neighbors.II. Fill in definite articles where necessary: (7 points) _ initial election to _ Committee shall be held no later than six months after _ date of _ entry into _ of _ present Convention and thereafter every second year. At least four months before _ date of each election, _ Secretary-General of _ United Nations shall address a letter to States Parties inviting them to submit their nominations within _ two months. _ Secretary-General shall subsequently prepare a list in _ alphabetical order of all persons thus nominated, indicating States Parties which have nominated them, and shall submit it to _ States Parties to _ present Convention.III. Translate each of the following into English: (10 points) (任选10小题,不允许照抄以前发给大家的参考答案,必须提供自己的译法)1. 浪漫一身(时装广告。注意“身”、“声”发音相似)2. 光彩人生,源于光源!(荧光棒广告)3. 小商品,大感受。(家具配件广告。要求前者处理为形容词加名词,后者为形容词加介词加名词)4. 放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。要求前者译成动宾结构,后者译成动词加副词)5. 人人为我,我为人人!(某著名企业的财富观)人曾是佛,人不能成佛。女卑为奴,女又可称奴。(就中文而言,是个拆字游戏。要求译文反复使用首韵法)日本,当以何为本?印度,难求大国之度(文章标题,含文字游戏)金日在手中,万事好成功!(口服液广告。要求译文押韵) 今天购买,就在今天享用!(商家促销口号。要求译文押尾韵)10 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。(洗衣机广告。要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配)11. 先点击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏)12. 你不理财,财不理你。(某财金杂志广告,其中“理”字含双关)13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。要求三个关键短语都以R开头)14. “美的”家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻底。(家用电器广告。要求“全面”、“彻底”都译成相当于汉语“从到”的格式)15. “三优”牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头)16茅台一开,满室生香。17衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行“龙卡”广告)18非常可乐,非常选择。(饮料广告。要求译文重复两遍字母F和C)19皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮件制品广告。必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通)20要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(护肤霜广告)IV. Translate these legal document (or official agreement) titles into English: (3 points)1. 中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法2. 计算机软件保护条例3. 中华人民共和国渤海学院与美利坚合众国纽约大学医学院建立学术交流计划的协议书V. Revise each of the following translated versions: (7 points) (任选7小题)1. Due to the zonal distribution of plants, their ecological adaptability is usually limited to narrow range of natural environment. (由于这些植物的地带性分布,其生态适应性通常局限于很窄的自然环境。)2. The new cultivar is more tolerant of droughts, saving 15% of water comparing with the ordinary cultivars. (新品种更加抗旱,较常规品种节水15%。)3. Biologists usually have different opinions on the concept of species of microorganisms. Since the lack of fossil record, it is usually difficult to define a species and to create phylogenetic relations. (生物学家对微生物种的概念通常有着不同的观点。由于缺少化石记录,很难确定其系统发育关系并定义一个种。)4. In 1975, after the harvest of masson pine trees and the plantation of some native legume trees, plant species number increased rapidly. Up to 1982, they reached 119 species. (1975年,砍伐马尾松并栽植当地豆科树种后,植物种类的数量迅速增加,至1982年已达到119个种。)5. They believed that the thoughts of ecological agriculture in developed countries had little scientific contents and was not feasible in practical production. (他们认为,发达国家的生态农业缺少科学内涵,在生产实践上不可行。)6. Biologists of China are also considering to strengthen the basic researches on biodiversity. (中国的生物学家亦在考虑加强生物多样性的基础研究。)7. If factors 1-9 are caused by objective factors, the factor 10is put up by managers subjective factor such as no perfect managed organization, unable to play the subjective initiative aole of managers. (如果说第1至9项是由于客观因素所致,那么第10项则完全是由管理人员的主观因素(包括没有完善的管理组织,没有明确的发展目标,没有足够的资金投入,没有可行的管理措施,与当地居民没有建立合作关系,不能发挥管理人员的主观能动性等)所造成的。8. Sustainable agriculure and rural development is one of the fields with important applying and theoretical values at the present world. Although it has a short story, it has received great attention from the agricultural environment and resource department of various governments. (持续农业与农村发展是最重要的理论和应用领域之一。它虽然历史很短,但已受到许多国家政府的环境与资源部门的高度重视。)9. Cured tobacco, apples, wool and sweet potatoes are the four main farm products in Yanan, the annual output value is of 312 million yuan and accounts for 52.5% of the total agricultural output value. (烤烟、苹果、羊毛和甘薯是延安的四大农产品,年产值3.12 亿元,占农业总值的52.5%。)10. The conditions and factors that have influences on the agent to remove arsenic from waste water were discussed. The result showed that the production and application of the agent are simple, effective and economical. Therefore, there is a good spectacle of opening up and application. (探讨了这种净水剂在含砷废水处理中的应用条件和影响因素。结果表明,该净化剂的生产及处理含砷废水的工艺简单、经济、高效,具有良好的开发、应用前景。)VI. Point out the instance(s) of rationalization in the following English version; the Chinese original is also provided here for your reference: (3 points)1. Dunduns hair was combed until there was not a strand out of the place, his suit was spick and span and his black leather shoes gleamed. The only thing that spoiled this very passable turnout was the dull and vacant look in his eyes. But he did not do anything particularly stupid at the banquet. When he went around the tables offering toast, he dutifully repeated the three expressions his mother had taught him. (墩子的头发梳得一丝不乱,一身笔挺的毛料中山服,皮鞋乌光黑亮。除了脸上有一股呆滞之气,整个人倒也说得过去。到每桌敬酒时,他严格照娘教他的三句话说,倒也没显出什么傻气。)VII. Revise each of the following translated versions: (10 points) (任选10小题)1 While extremists on both sides shout slogans, the moderates tend to agree that all the possible sources of energy will eventually be developed and that nuclear energy will play its part.双方的极端分子高呼口号,温和主义者则倾向一致,认为各种可能利用的能源最终都将得到开发,核能将起到自己的作用。2 If that man had any sense, wouldnt he try to look attractive enough to make me want to hire him? Is he too lazy to make the effort? In that case, what kind of a worker can he be? Does he feel so bad about himself, and could his judgment be correct? 如果那人有点头脑的话,他难道不会打扮得楚楚动人,让我想雇佣他?他是不是太懒了,不愿花力气呢?倘若是那样的话,那他会成为什么样的工人呢?他是否觉得自己不得志?他的这个判断能不能纠正过来?3 It would seem that not only is degree of worker contribution an important factor there, but it is also one we can do something about.由此可见,工人可作贡献的大小不仅是提高生产率的重要因素,而且对此我们也是能进行调节的。4 There are two pairs of words here. In each case, the first of the pair emphasizes the literal sense of the verb, and the second the figurative sense. 这里给出了两对词。在每一种情况下,每一对的第一例都强调该动词的字面意义,第二例强调比喻意义。5 People in Britain tend to know far more about American English than people in America know about British English.与在美国的人知道英国英语相比,在英国的人倾向于更加多得多地知道美国英语。6. Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail or snow which reaches the ground. 降量,一般称为降雨量,是以雨水、冰雹或雪的形式降落到地面的水量的计量单位。7. In many languages, discourse-based relationships such as “topic” and “comment” determine word order rather than grammatical relations such as “subject” and “object” as is the case in English.在许多语言中,以话语为基础的关系,例如“主题”和“述题”,决定了词序,而不是诸如英语中的“主语”和“宾语”之类的语法关系。8. Selections made from the indigenous and imported materials will usually provide suitable populations for the next step, i.e. the more formal work, which should be started on the broadest possible base. 下一步工作是在最广泛的不同基础上开始较正规的育种工作,并使用从土生土长或外来材料中选出的种子作为合适的品种。9. But I am denied that deeper understanding of them which I am sure would come through sight of them, through watching their reactions to various expressed thoughts and circumstances, through noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and countenance.但是,我不认为对于我所深知的人,要想更深入地了解他们,只能通过亲眼见到他们,亲眼看见他们对各种思想和环境的反应,亲眼看到他们的眼神和表情的即时的瞬间的反应。10. There is another problem in referring to the USA, since some Latin American countries are also United States: 在指美国这方面还有一个问题,因为某些拉丁美洲国家也是“美国”: 11. Our colleague on the Sunday people had been exonerated by the Press Council for writing in her column that an actress had little piggy eyes. It was a moment of keen and necessary judicial wisdom: for where would our great profession be without the constitutional right to slag off anyone who gives us the pip?我们的一位在星期日人民报供职的同事已为新闻委员会所开释,因为她曾在她的专栏里写道:某位女演员长着一对“小小的猪一般的眼睛”。那是个 的需要法官般智慧的时刻:因为如果没有宪法所规定的权利来驱除任何使我们不舒服的人,那我们伟大的职业将会处境如何?12. Bogey played in his own Bogey way that was not at all Harriets. Harriet could never leave anything alone, and Bogey liked things to be alone and behave themselves in their own way. For instance, he played with lizards and grass snakes; 鲍吉有他自己的完全不同于哈丽特的玩法。要哈丽特不管闲事是不可能的,可鲍吉则喜欢事物栩栩如生各具情态。例如,他爱玩蜥蜴和青草蛇;13. Not even the exploring Phoenicians could have guessed that what was always true of the suns posi


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