精品课译林6A unit 3 Holiday fun (story time)教学设计.doc_第1页
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精品课译林6A unit 3 Holiday fun (story time)教学设计.doc_第3页




Unit3 Holiday fun(Story time)教学设计合陈中心小学 徐小花一、教材内容:译林出版社义务教育教科书英语六年级上册Unit3 Holiday fun第一课时Story time二、教材分析:本课的话题是谈论节日,通过Liu Tao和Mike的对话讲述在国庆节发生的事情,课文内容贴近学生现实生活,学生容易理解和接受。主要语言功能是引导学生尝试运用过去式描述过去发生的事情。在教学中,教师应尽可能地创设与实际生活相似的场景,引导学生运用本课所学内容谈论他们节假日所做的事情。在学生熟练听说的基础上,鼓励学生在日常生活中运用所学内容Where did you go? What did you do ? Did you .? Yes, I did.等日常交际用语。注重社会交往和文化渗透,能够体现英语新课程标准的人文性和工具性。三、教学目标1.知识与技能1)能通过联想、迁移、构词法等学习策略初步掌握过去式:gowent, visit-visited, see-saw, pick-picked, catch-caught, eat-ate及词汇:bund, museum.2)能在具体的情景中运用句型:Where did you go? What did you do? Did you ?提问并用过去式结构回答,并运用这些句型就节日话题与他人交流。3)能模仿课文录音,增强英语语感。4)能尝试运用英语描述发生在过去的行为。5)能借助图片和文字听懂、读懂和朗读课文,能对课文进行提问。四、教学重点1.借助图片,通过预测故事、完成填空,同桌相互对课文提问,学生能理解课文。2.通过不同形式的读、根据板书复述课文,学生能用正确的语音语调朗读故事或表演故事。五、教具准备多媒体课件、图片六、教学过程Step 1. Warming up and lead in谈论节日,引出新知Lets enjoyT:I have some pictures about the festivals. Do you still remember them ?师展示图片,生说出节日的英语T:We have a lot of fun during these festivals. And sometimes we can have a holiday. Today our topic is Holiday fun生齐读Unit 3 Holiday fun (板书) Lets talkT: Just as we can see, we have many festivals every year. Whats your favourite one?S: Its T: Look at the picture. Its the first day of October. What festival is it ?S: Its National DayT: And we can have a seven-days National holiday.Step 2 Presentation and practice 逐层推进,学习新知T:The National Day holiday is coming. Where will you go ? I have some pictures about some famous places in China, you can guess师展示景点图片,教授新单词Bund, Great Wall, Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum, Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square注意首字母大写T: Now come to the story time. 师PPT展示内容:The students came back to school after the National Day holiday.Task 1. Read and guess让学生看课文插图预测故事内容 Who are they? What are they doing ? S:LiuTao and Mike. They are talking about the National Day holiday.Task 2. 生精读第一段,圈出刘涛去了哪里?做了哪些事? 生自读,反馈。 师根据反馈完成板书(思维导图)Task 3. Self study. 生自学第二段,协助完成第二部分思维导图。Task 4. Listen and write 根据思维导图,完成28页think and write 生反馈Task 5.Read , ask and answer 跟读,师领读。 回答问题:1. Where did Mike go for the holiday? 2. Did Mike catch a big fish? 3. Why did Mike call Liu Tao? 4. Where was the fish at last?(学习方法提示:当我们在阅读时,如果遇到不认识的新单词或短语,可以尝试根据上下文和语境推测词义)生反馈:1. He went to a farm near Star Lake 2. Yes, he did. He caught a big fish. 3. Because he wanted to give Liu Tao the fish. 4. Mike ate it在生反馈的过程中,讲解细节点: Star Lake 星星湖, catch过去式caught, eat 过去式 ateStep 3. Consolidation 根据课文内容,归纳总结,完成填空 It (is) the National Day holiday last week. The students (come) back to school after the holiday. Mike and Liu Tao (are) in the classroom. They (talk) about their National holidays. Mike (call) Liu Tao, but Liu Tao (isnt) at home. He (go) to Shanghai and (visit) his aunt. He (go) to the Bund and (visit) the Shanghai Museum. He (see) many interesting things in the museum. Mikes holiday (is) great fun. He and his family (go) to a park near Star Lake. They (pick) some apples and (go) fishing. Mike (catch) a big fish and he (want) to give it toLiu Tao, but at last(最终) he (eat) it. Step 4 Homework Try to retell the story according to the mind map.教学反思:Holiday fun是六A第三单元的教学内容。对于story time第一课时的教学,我在设计上遵循了“以人为本”的理念,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,在教学过程中注重小组合作互助学习,将课堂与生活相互结合。在处理文本的时候,学生在小组里讨论Liu Tao和Mike在国庆节里分别做了什么事情;小组交流后,请小组代表上讲台,其余学生听,并有任务要完成,即回答我的问题:What diddo for the holiday ?对全班学生提问,这样局集中了绝大


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