



同步总复习小学英语小升初模拟试卷IV卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 请区分划线部分的读音,如有一种写“1”;两种读音,填“2”;三种读音,填“3”;四种读音,填“4”1. (1)_A. yet B. yes C. cry D. silly2. (2)_A. early B. hear C. near D. ear3. (3)_A. mended B. invited C. called D. arrived4. (4)_A. choose B. chess C. watch D. chemistry5. (5)_A. key B. keep C. wine D. west6. (6)_A. wash B. fat C. about D. after7. (7)_A. fact B. cut C. cost D. ceiling8. (8)_A. above B. moment C. to D. opposite9. (9)_A. trip B. trick C. tree D. metre10. (10)_A. see B. best C. discover D. miss2. My grandparents live_(at, in, on) a town.3. The panda has been _(die) for about two months.4. 选出下面词中不属于同类的一项( )A .yesterdayB .last MondayC .tomorrow5. _are the socks? They are 25 yuan.6. You must pay attention _ the traffic lights.A .atB .inC .to7. - What _ he do?- He _ pears on the farm.A .does; pickB .did; picksC .does; pickedD .did; picked8. _ there a bookstore near here?A .AreB .DoC .Is二、词语练习(30分)9. 当你向别人问路时,应先说:A .How are you?B .Excuse me.C .Hello!D .Who are you?10. 选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词A .thirteenB .theyC .thinkD .thank11. I was at the club yesterday, but I _you. A .do not seeB .did not seeC .did not sawD .will not see12. 根据对话内容填入所缺单词,使对话意思完整,每空只填一词。A: Good afternoon, Tom.B: Good afternoon, Lucy. Nice _ see you here.A: I _ to this neighbourhood last Monday.B:_ to my neighbourhood.A: Thank you. _ the way, I want to _ some food for supper. Where is the grocery shop?B: Go _ _ this road. When you _ to the main street, turn right. Andturn right _. You will see a blue building on the left. Its _ tofind.A: Thank you very much.B: Not at all.13. They _back last Sunday.A .cameB .comeC .coming14. Do you know_?A .who he isB .who is heC .what he likeD .what does he like15. Christmas is the most important festival in w_ countries.三、提升练习(30分)16. My sister _(study) English every week.17. Im 1.72meters(米). Summer is 1.70 meters(米).Im _ than(比) Summer.A .hotterB . taller18. I dont like these skirts. Can you show me ?A .other oneB .another onesC .another oneD .the other one19. Sam a parrot and played with it.A .sawB .seesC .seeing20. doctor told him to take medicine three times day.A .An; the; aB .An; the; theC .The; the; aD .The; a; the21. _ Timmy _(visit) his friends next Sun


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