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Module8 Unit1 Damingwasn tchosenfortheteamlasttime 1 hurdling badminton taekwondo highjump longjump boxing sportingevents 2 politeclevertrainhardfriendlynevergiveuppatienttalented Whoisyoufavouritesportsstar Whatsportdoeshe shedo Whydoyoulikehim she 3 1 WhatdoesNBAstandfor 代表 NBAstandsforNationalBasketballAssociation 2 WhodidSPURSplayagainst 和 比赛 SPURSplayedagainstCUPPERS 3 Whatwasthescore 比分是多少 ThescorewasSPURS89pointstoCUPPERS85 4 Whowonthematch SPURSbeatCUPPERS 5 Whowasthebestplayer Leonardwasthebestplayer hescored26pointsinthismatch Hehasagreatability 能力 inplayingbasketball Adifficultmatch sportsmen 4 1 Canyoudescribeit trainmakeadicision 5 2 P64 Listenandcompletethesentences 1Tony sbasketballmatchesareheld Saturday 2IfaschoolteaminBeijingwinsitsmatchorscoresover pointsinamatch itcanplayinthecompetition 3Tony steamBIGstandsforBeijing Giants 4BIG s thinktheyarefantastic every fifty International fans 6 Listenandanswerthequestions 1 WhydoesTonylooktired HeistrainingwithBIGforthebigmatchnextweek 2 WhichteamisTonyon BIG3 Whenisthematch It snextSaturdayatnoon 4 WhichteamdoesLinglinghopewillwinthematch BIG 7 Readthesentencesfromtheconversation Saywhotheunderlinedwordsreferto 1 Youlooktired 2 Didn ttheybeatyoulasttime 3 Areyoucoming 4 You vegotnochance 5 Idohopetheywinthistime Tony BIG Betty Lingling maybe BIG BIG 8 Listentotheconversationagainandcompletethetable HASBIG HAS98BIG52 nextSaturdayatnoon BIG 3 9 4 Completethesentences Tonylookstiredbecause 2 BettyhasseenHASplaythisseason andshethinks 3 TonyhopesBIGwill 4 BettyandLinglingsaythatHASwillwinbecausetheywantTonyto he strainingforthebigmatchnextweek it llbeadifficultmatch win tryhardertowin 10 IfBetty s 1 iscorrect HASwonthelastmatch BIGdidnotplayverywellbecauseDamingwasleftoutoftheteam anditwasabad 2 Thecomingmatchwillstartat 3 nextSaturday soifBettyandLinglingwanttowatchthematchandhavegood 4 theyhadbettergetthereby11 30 LinglingtellsTonyheshouldnot 5 theball butthrowit Tonyisso 6 atBettyandLinglingthathewilltryhardertowin decisionkickmadmemorynoonseats memory decision noon seats kick mad 5 Completethepassagewiththewordsinthebox 11 一般将来时的被动语态的结构 1 Whenwillthematchbeheld 2 Youwon tbeallowedtowatchwithourfansifthat swhatyouthink 3 WewillbeaskedtoplayintheOlympicGames 肯定句 will be ppbegoingto be pp否定句 won t be ppbenotgoingto be pp一般疑问句 把will放在句首 在句末用问号 12 1 Youweredefeatedlasttime 2 Iwasn tchosenthistime 肯定句 was were pp否定句 wasn t weren t pp一般疑问句 把was were放在句首 句末用问号 一般过去时的被动语态的结构 13 Completethesentences 1 早期的奥运会只允许男人观看 IntheearlyOlympicGames onlymen thegames 2 你们外出时将由史密斯先生照顾你的狗 Yourdog byMrSmithwhileyou erawayonholiday 3 WTO代表什么 doesWTO 4 别让孩子们影响你 letthechildren you 5 他们将开个会来讨论这个问题 They ameetingtodiscussthisproblem wereallowedtowatch willbetakencareof What standfor Don t getto willhave 14 1 The30thOlympicGames inLondonin2012A isheldB washoldC willbeheld 2 Hisnewbook nextmonth A willbepublishedB ispublishingC isbeingpublished 3 Theoldbridgeinmyhometown nextmonth A isgoingtoberebuiltB willrebuiltC aregoingtoberebuilt C A A 二 选择填空 15 SodoI 1 Shelikesswimming hersister 2 Ihaveseenthefilm Betty 3 Icanfinishmywork he Sodoes Sohas Socan So be 助动词 情态 sb 我也是 倒装句 表示某人也是 SoIdo 我确实 So sb be 助动词 情态 1 Shelikesswimming she 2 Theyhaveseenthefilm Betty 3 Tonycanfinishthework he 倒装句 表示主语确实是 Sodoes Sohas Socan 16 Stress重读 英语句子一般由多个单词构成 这些单词的重读一般遵循以下规律 名词 形容词 数词 动词 副词 代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读 人称代词 连词 冠词 介词 以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读 当然有少数例外 17 6 P65 Listenanddecidewhichwordsareweakandwhichwordsarestrong Underlinethestrongwords 1 Yes I mtrainingforthebigmatchnextweek 2 It snextSaturdayatnoon butifyouwantgoodseats youshouldcomeby11 30 3 He ssomadatusthathe lltryhardertowin justtoshowwe rewrong Nowlistenagainandrepeat 18 Workinpairs Talkaboutyourfavouritesportsteamsorsportsstars Talk Whotheyare 7 P65 Whatsporttheydo 19 Forexample Myfavouritesportsteamis Theyalwaystryhardto Yes Iagreewithyou AndIthink Otherusefulpatterns Iagree Ithinkyou reright It strue SodoI Idon tagree 20 1 Thebook sbyT C Smith Whatdoesthe T C 2 Youshouldn tdoso It s theschoolrules 3 IbetthatLiuTaowill thesingingcompetition 4 Ireallycannot withyoubecauseIdon tthinkthat saniceidea winstandforagainstagree 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空 standfor against win agree 21 根据


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