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2013高考英语二轮单项选择-通用题+动词专题(1)(答案)46. when i met my classmate ten years later, the happy time we spent together came _ my memory. a. tob. overc. byd. on 47. they had a pleasant chat _ a cup of coffee. (2003北京) a. forb. withc. duringd. over48. i had a pleasant chat _ my friends last night. a. forb. withc. duringd. over49. my friend and i had a pleasant chat _ a long time last night. a. forb. withc. duringd. over50. the conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area. (2003上海) a. in b. onc. atd. with51. in order to change attitudes _ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws. (2004北京春) a. aboutb. ofc. towardsd. on52. in order to change the attitudes _ the clerks, the company is bring in new rules. a. aboutb. ofc. towardsd. on53. - im very _ with my own cooking. it looks nice and smells delicious. - mm, it does have a _ smell. (2002北京) a. pleasant; pleasedb. pleased; pleasedc. pleasant; pleasantd. pleased; pleasant54. the salesgirls always gives customers _ smile and the customers are very _. a. pleasant; pleasedb. pleased; pleasedc. pleasant; pleasantd. pleased; pleasant55. americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (2002上海春) a. more than twiceb. as twice as manyc. twice as many asd. more than twice as many56. boris has brains. in fact, i doubt whether anyone in the class has _ iq. (2002全国) a. a highb. a higherc. the higherd. the highest57. allen had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home. (2003全国) a. much too heavyb. too much heavyc. heavy too muchd. too heavy much58. although i can walk about, there is still a _ pain in my leg. (2004上海春) a. weakb. slightc. tenderd. soft59. the patient said something in a very _ voice. a. weakb. slightc. tenderd. soft60. finnish president said finland-china relation had progressed _ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields. (2004上海春). a. peacefullyb. highlyc. quietlyd. smoothly参考答案4650adbab 5155cbdad5660babad*结束1(2012江苏新建二中期中考试)the petrol in the car _ on our way to the beach, so we had to walk there.agave up bgave outcgave in dgave off解析give out 用完,耗尽。句意:我们汽车里的汽油在去海滩的路上用完了,因此我们不得不走到那儿。答案b2(2012山西太原市测评)however busy he is, he will _ some time for exercise every day.no wonder he is always so energetic.aput away bturn outcbring in dset aside解析set aside 挤出,匀出,符合句意。上句句意:无论他多么忙,他总是每天挤出一些时间进行锻炼。答案d3(2012山东济宁高三一模)last year, the advertising rate _ by 20 percent.a. raised b. arousedc. arose d. rose解析本题考查动词词义辨析。raise vt.“上升,提高”;arouse vt.“唤醒,激起”;arise vi.“出现,产生”;rise vi.“上升,提高”。由语境可知,此处表示广告率自身的提高,故用 rise。rise by 意为“上升了”,指上升的比率;rise to 指“上升到”,后接具体的数字。答案d4(2012山东潍坊阶段性教学质检)the rich only _ themselves in making money and had no eye for the needs and welfare of their workers.a. devoted b. occupiedc. enjoyed d. concerned解析句意:有钱人只是忙于自己赚钱,很少关注他们的工人的需求和福利。devote“投入;热爱”,常用结构是 devote oneself to“致力于”;occupy“占据;忙碌”,常用结构是 occupy oneself in (doing) sth. 指“忙于干某事”;enjoy“喜欢,欣赏”,enjoy oneself“玩得高兴”;concern“关心,忧虑”。由句意和结构可知b项正确。答案b5(2012山西太原测试)even though mark has lived in china for many years, he still can not _ himself to the chinese customs.aadopt baccountcadapt daccept解析adapt oneself to.使自己适应。答案c6(2012山东济宁邹城二中月考)when it _ advertising, consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers.acomes up bcomes aboutccomes out dcomes to解析when it comes to. 当谈及时,为固定句型。答案d7(2012合肥八中第二次月考)she thinks women have to do more than men do when they _ for jobs or honours.a. select b. competec. store d. charge解析本题考查动词词义辨析。select vt.“选择”,指“精挑细选”;compete vi.“竞争”,常用结构是 compete for“为而竞争”;store vt.“贮存”;charge vt.“索价;指控,指责”。句意:她认为当为工作或荣誉竞争时,女性得比男性做得多得多。可知b项正确。答案b8(2012湖北黄冈期中考试)thanks to mrs james, the father and son eventually _ after ten years cold relationship between them.atook up bmade upcgot up dturned up解析make up 和好。句意:多亏了詹姆斯夫人,这对父子在十年的冰冷关系后,最终和好了。答案b9(2012合肥一中月考)what really _ is not failure itself, but the attitude we have towards it.a. matters b. appliesc. stresses d. functions解析matter 要紧,重要;apply, 运用;申请;stress 强调;function 起作用。由句意:真正重要的不是失败本身,而是我们对待失败的态度。故a项正确。答案a10(2012山西大同一中,同媒一中联考)panasonic plans to lay off 35,000 employees globally within 2 years.the cuts _ 9% of the companys staff.amake up btake overchold back dcome out解析make up 构成。第二句句意:裁员占公司员工的9%。答案a11(盐城一调)because of the rain, well have to _ the football match.im free next sunday if you would like to play then.a. advance b. postponec. abandon d. advocate解析句意:因为下雨,我们不得不推迟足球比赛。如果你到时想踢的话,我下周日有空。advance 前进,推进;postpone 推迟,延期;abandon 舍弃,遗弃;advocate 提倡;鼓吹。由句意可知b项正确。答案b12(温州十校期末联考)while the book is welcomed by scholars, it will also _ to the general readers.a. adapt b. appealc. addict d. apply解析adapt to 适应;appeal to, 吸引;addict 常用结构 be addicted to“沉迷于”;apply to“应用”。句意:这本书受到了学者们的欢迎,它也会吸引大众读者。故b项正确。答案b13(2012沈阳二中期中考试)now and then they would _ our house and have a talk with us.acall on bdrop in atcdrop in on ddrop in解析drop in at 顺便参观某地。drop in on 顺便看望某人;drop in 顺便来;call on 看望某人。答案b14(济宁质检)at the end of the year everyone should think what has been _ and what is left undone.a. abandoned b. accumulatedc. acknowledged d. accomplished解析abandon 舍弃,遗弃;accumulate 积累,积聚;acknowledge 承认;答谢;accomplish 完成,实现。句意:在年底每个人都应该想想什么已经完成了,什么事还没做。故d项正确。答案d15(济南质检)excuse me! how can i get to the nearest post office?walk along this road for a few minutes, and youll_ it there.a. make b. getc. take d. miss解析句意:请问,我怎么去最近的邮局?沿着这条路走几分钟,你就会到那儿的。make it 为固定搭配,意为“及时到达,赶上;成功”,符合语境。答案a16(许昌期末)before tom left home, his mother kept telling him to _ his manners at the party.a. care b. mindc. catch d. notice解析句意:汤姆离家之前,他妈妈不断地告诉他在宴会上要注意自己的行为举止。mind ones manners 为固定搭配,意为“注意行为举止”。答案b17(合肥一检)everyone should learn something about first aid, because every second _ in an emergency.a. urges b. costsc. needs d. counts解析句意:人人都应该了解一点急救知识,因为在紧急情况下,每一秒钟都很重要。urge 催促,力劝;cost 花费;need 需要;count 本身意义很多,此处意为“很重要,很有价值”。答案d18(杭州一检)after hours of searching, their patience was _ a


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