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浙江工商职业技术学院教案用表授课日期: 年 月 日课程大学英语周次授课班级授课教师课题Unit 8 Applying for a job (1)Listening and speaking计划课时2教 学目的和 要求1. Make the students read and understand job interview given as samples.2. Make the students read short dialogues and fulfill the five tasks in Act Out.3. Complete oral exercises in Put in Use.4. Make the students find the correct choices and answer the questions by listening to and understanding Dialogue 1.5. Make the students complete the sentences and do the multiple choice exercise by listening to and understanding Dialogue 2.重点难 点All the five points above are important.Listening skill and practice: Job interviewSpeaking ability: talking about applying for a job and giving and taking an interview.授课方法ExplanationGroup discussion授课手段Tape, recorder作业1. Review new words and expressions2. Complete Ex 1, 2,3 of Secion13. Preview Being All Ears in Section II and Passage 1 in Section III复习提问Do you know how to apply for a job?Do you know how to give and take an interview?教学后记 Unit Eight Apply For a Job1st and 2nd Periods: Listening and SpeakingTeaching Procedure:Step 1: Warm upYou will graduate two years later. And you will face applying for a job. A job interview is very important for you if you want to find a good job. So today we are going to learn how to apply for a job and how to take a job interview. After learning it, Im sure you can take an interview successfully and find a satisfactory job.Step 2: PresentationNow I give you two samples of job advertisements. I ask you to read them carefully and talk about what information is included in a job advertisement. (the position needed, duties, qualifications, the companys address) Phrases:looking for a job= hunting for a job full time job/ part time job had better do something graduate from + school name apply for my major is/ I major in be interested in hear from somebodyUseful expressions: Could you introduce yourself to me? Why do you want this position? I want to apply for the position advertised by your company. I have been working as a salesman for one year after graduation. Wed like you to give your views on the use of computers in our business.Step 3: PracticeNow you know how a job advertisement looks like and see how to apply a job and have a job interview. Now lets move on to something more challenging.I will give you five oral tasks. Please fulfill them based on the dialogue given on Page 127 (the teacher can ask the students to do pair work and make dialogues).Task 1: Talk with your partner about your imagined experience as a salesman.Task 2: Talk with your partner about why you are interested in the job as a teacher.Task 3: Think of a job tell your partner why you are suitable for it.Task 4: Tell your friend about your reason for choosing to be a traveling sales agent.Task 5: Discuss with your partner how to answer the question “ Tell us your idea about this job”?Some useful expressions the teacher should explain and stress.1. Can you tell me sth about your education?2. graduate from3. major in4. accountant5. be in hotel industry6. editor7. apart from8. at the same time9. be OK with sb10. first of allStep 4: ExercisesYou have fulfilled the five tasks very well. Now I want to put you in some special situations and do some oral exercises.1. Now look at Exercise 1 on Page 130. Brain is interviewing Zhou Yan. Complete the following responses given below.2. Now look at Exercise 2 on Page 131. Imagine you are an applicant asking for a job. You have got everything ready for the interview. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided.3. Now look at Exercise 3 on Page 131. Imagine you are Xu Yang attending an interview. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets.Step 5: PresentationSo just now we talked about how to apply for a job and how to have a job interview. Now we are going to take a look at more job interviews:Liangs company advertised in the newspaper to look for a new employee. Winston saw the ad and he wanted to apply for the job. What is the conversation supposed to be like?Some useful expressions the teacher should explain and stress:1. Can I have your name?2. make an appointment for an interviewStep 6: PracticeListen to Dialogue 1 and decode the message by finding the correct choices in the blanks according to what you hear.Listen to Dialogue 1 again and answer the questions on Page 132.Step 7: PresentationDo you what a job interview is? Can you give it a definition? Maybe it is a difficult task for you. Now we will listen to a short passage about job interview.Step 8: PracticeListen to Dialogue 2 and try to complete the statements on Page 133.Listen to Dialogue 2 again and try to do multiple choice exercises on Page 134.Step 9: ConsolidationToday we have talked about what is an job advertisement, how to apply for a job and how to have a job interview. You should remember all the useful sentences weve learned today. It will be very useful after your graduation and when you want to find a job.Step 10: Homework:1. Review new words2. Complete Ex 3 of Section 13. Preview passage 1 in Section 3浙江工商职业技术学院教案用表授课日期: 年 月 日课程大学英语周次授课班级授课教师课题Unit 8 Applying for a job (2)Passage I Applying for a new boss计划课时2教 学目的和 要求1. Make the students fill in the blanks, match the information and write out the general idea by listening to and understanding the dialogues and passage.2. Make the students comprehend the first passage through reading and be able to do exercises in Read and Think correctly.3. Make the students have a mastery of the words and patterns included in passage 1 through reading and be able to do exercises in Read and Complete.重点难 点Listening skill and practice: Job InterviewReading comprehensionImportant phrases: 授课方法 Analysis授课手段Tape recorder作业Ex of Section III (1) in the textbook.复习提问 Check the answers to Put in use.教学后记 Unit Eight Applying For a Job3rd and 4th Periods: Passage I Applying for a New BossTeaching Procedure:Step 1: Warm upSo during last period we talked about how to apply a job and how to attend a job interview. Today were going to continue this topic. Ask the students three questions:1. What is the most common way for people to know a job position?2. What do you think is the most important step for job application?3. When you are having a job interview, what you should pay attention to?Step 2: PresentationIf you have graduated from this university, and want to look for a job, do you know how to find a good boss? The author of the passage will help you find a good boss.1. Now I ask one question for each paragraph. The students read the passage paragraph by paragraph and then give their answers to my question.Question for Para 1: What is the authors opinion about a good teacher?Question for Para 2: What is the authors opinion about a great boss?Question for Para 3: What is the authors advice to job hunters?Question for Para 4: What qualities should a great boss have?Question for Para 5: Why does the author think Angela is the best boss he has ever had?Question for Para 6: What does Tom mean by saying “You can sleep when you are deed.”? Question for Para 7: Whats the main idea of this paragraph?2. The students are asked to complete the following sentences.Features of a great boss:1) He can turn the day-to-day uninteresting jobs into_.2) He can convince you that _.3) He can give you _.4) He is willing and able to _.5) He can both give_. 3.Then the teacher will ask the Ss to read the passage Para by Para and explain some difficult words and sentences. Finish Read and Simulate Ex. And explain the patterns.1) It doesnt matter, just2) turn into3) convince sb that4) bothand5) Do sth and see if6) If, why arent And also explain some words1. come alive: start to be aliveeg. None of his characters actually comes alive.2. matter: v. be importanteg. Your happiness, that is the only thing that matters.3. assume responsibility: take responsibilityeg. He is going to assume his new responsibility next week.4. bound for: be certain foreg. The young man was trying to catch the train bound for his hometown.5. get/be promoted: be given a more important job in the organization one works for eg. Thanks to his achievements, he has been promoted to manager of the department.6. lighten up: become more careful, happy and relaxedeg. Having heard the good news, we all lightened up.7. let sb. in(on, into): tell sb. stheg. The mother didnt let her son in on the bad news yet.8. be yourself: behavior just as what you areeg. When you are taking part in an interview, yous better be yourself and relaxed.Step 5: Practice1. Finish Ex.2 to fill in the blanks in the passage on page 136 without referring to the original passage.2. Finish Ex3 to complete each of the following statements according to the passage. Step 6: ConsolidationIf time permitting, let the Ss have a summary of the passage. ( they can do the task one part by one part, or they can ask another group any questions about the passage. ) The teacher will comment on them. Step 7: HomeworkFinish Ex.4 and Ex.5 Preview Passage II 浙江工商职业技术学院教案用表授课日期: 年 月 日课程大学英语周次授课班级授课教师课题Unit 8 Applying for a job (3)Passage II Beginning the business计划课时2教 学目的和 要求1. Make the students review passage one and be able to do exercises in Read and Complete, Read and Translate and Read and Simulate2. Make students be able to do Read and Rewrite and Read Translate exercises based on passage 140 through reading comprehension重点难 点Reading comprehensionTranslation: deliver sth. to sb., be somebody, be the X out of N, go into a partnership with, take over, in large quantities etc.授课方法 Explanation授课手段Tape, recorder作业1. Prepare how to write a resume复习提问1. Review key words and expressions learned in last period 2.How to write a resume?教学后记 Unit Eight Applying For a Job5th and 6th Periods: Passage II Beginning the BusinessTeaching Procedure:Step 1: revision1. Last period we have learned the passage “Applying for a new boss” and have known how to look for a good new boss. Now today we will first review the key words and expressions in the passage.1. as long as2. come alive3. turn into4. assume responsibility5. in short6. advice for7. bound for8. get promoted9. lighten up10. let sb. in on11. be yourself2. Check the homework Ex 4-6. (The teacher can ask the students to do pair work or group work to fulfill the practice above.)Step2: Presentation1. What do you want to do after graduation?2. What do you think are the necessary qualities for a person to start his own business?3. The students form groups and make up some wh-questions on the following hints according to the information given in Para. 1.About Stews father: (What did Stews father use to be ?/ What happened to him?)About Stew:1) his wish: (What did Stew want to do from childhood?) 2) his education: (From which university did Stew graduate?) 3) his major: (What did he study in the university?) 4) his work: (What did he take over from his brother?)4. The students fill in the table with the information from Paras.2-3.1) The cause for the changing situation of the dairy: _.2) The facts Stew found through his survey: (1) _- was doing well.(2) Customers wanted _ rather than _.3) Stews decision:(1) To redesign_.(2) To create_.4) Something about his milk product:(1) The milk was bought from_.(2) It was processed in a _.(3) It was sold with _.5. Explain important words and expressions 1. deliver v. take goods to peoples house, speak or read aloud to people listening ,fulfilleg: Will you deliver the goods or do I have to come to collect them? Professor Smith is delivering a lecture to Computer Department students.2. Take over: gain control of and assume responsibility for somethingEg: Who do you think will take over now that the manager has been dismissed? The agency tried to take over another company.3. On the premises: do something on the very locationEg: Food bought in this shop may not be eaten on the premises. Some of the food was grown on the premises.4. entertain v. amuse and interest, esp. by giving a public performance; give a party for; accepteg: The movie failed to entertain its audience. We entertained our neighbors at our home this evening.5. proclaim v. make something known publicly, show clearlyeg: He proclaimed his intention of attending the ceremony, despite their opposition. The government proclaimed a state of emergency.6. Explanation of difficult sentencesFrom childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, want to be noticed and appreciated.Analysis: To be somebody means to become an important or well-known person.Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children.Analysis: It has something to do with is used to indicate a relationship.Step3: Practice1. Read the story and do true/false exercise.2. Write out the general idea of the passage in one paragraph. Step 4: SummaryThe important language points in the passageStep 5: HomeworkReview Passage IIPrepare how to write a resume浙江工商职业技术学院教案用表授课日期: 年 月 日课程大学英语周次授课班级授课教师课题Unit 8 Applying for a job (4)Writing and Grammar计划课时2教 学目的和 要求1. Make the students write a resume by simulating the given sample2. Make the students be familiar with topic sentence and supporting sentences重点难 点Grammar: topic sentence and supporting sentencesWriting ones own resume授课方法 ExplanationWriting授课手段Tape, recorder作业Write a resume of your own复习提问 Review the words and expressions learned last lesson 教学后记 Unit Eight Apply For a Job7th and 8th Periods: writing and grammarTeaching Procedure:Step 1: Warm up You will go out looking for a job one year later. So you may start to prepare for a resume. Its necessary that you prepare an English version. So this period we will learn how to write an English resume.Step 2: PresentationContents of a resume: A resume usually consists of personal details, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, and reference.Step 3: PracticeWrite a resume according to the following information 江淮明,男,未婚,身体健康,1974年3月出生于山东青岛,97年7月从西南职业学院环境工程专业毕业。爱好读书、足球和旅游。 99年3月至7月,在东京大学进行关于污水分析的专业培训,获培训证书。97年7月至99年2月在黄河发电厂任助理工程师,负责污水控制。99年9月至今,在河南农业研究所工作。 欲寻求与环境保护有关的工作。 地址:中国河南郑州黄河路27号 电话:0371 4587902The answer please see page 219 on the teachers book.Step 4: Presentation Top sentence tells the main idea of a passage. It is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. While supporting sentences are surroun


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