



1.美国殖民时期1)Why did the Virginia Company create the House of Burgesses?1)为什么弗吉尼亚公司创建市民的房子吗?The settlers complained about taking orders from the Virginia Company in London.居民抱怨弗吉尼亚公司在伦敦接受订单。2)How did the Native Americans help the Pilgrims?2)如何土著美国人帮助朝圣者?Squanto and Samoset showed the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans, and pumpkins and where to hunt and fish. Helped the Pilgrims make a treaty with the Wampanoag people who lived in the area.Squanto萨莫塞特表明他们如何种植玉米,豆类,南瓜,打猎和钓鱼。帮助朝圣者和万帕诺亚格人居住的地区签订条约。3)Name two things that colonial leaders offered to attract settlers.3)名的东西有两个,殖民地领袖吸引移民。To attract settlers, the proprietors offered large tracts of land and generous terms. They also promised freedom of religion, trial by jury, and a representative assembly. The assembly would make local laws and set tax rates.为了吸引定居者,业主提供了大片土地和慷慨的条款。他们还承诺宗教自由,由陪审团审判,和代表大会。大会还将制定地方法规,确定税率。4)What were Sir George Calverts two main reasons for establishing Maryland?4)卡尔弗特爵士的原因主要有两个方面建立马里兰是什么?He wanted to establish a safe place for his fellow Catholics. He also hoped that a colony would bring him a fortune.他想建立一个安全的地方,他的同胞天主教徒。他也希望能给他带来财富的殖民地。2美国革命。1)What did the British do to keep colonists from moving westward?1)英国做什么让殖民者向西移动?Westward expansion would go on in an orderly way, and conflict with Native Americans might be avoided. Slow colonists moving away from the colonies on the coast, keep 10,000 troops in America.向西扩张将继续有序推进,并与土著人的冲突是可以避免的。缓慢的殖民者离开殖民地的海岸上,让美国10000部队。2)What incident caused the British Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts?2)什么事件引起英国议会通过强制行为?The Boston Tea Party波士顿茶党3)When, where and why was the Second Continental Congress held?3)时,在哪里和为什么是第二次大陆会议召开?the summer of 1775, in Philadelphia.1775夏天,费城。4)What are the four sections of the Declaration of Independence?4)独立宣言的四部分是什么?3.美国立宪1)Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.1)总结优势和邦联条例的弱点。The governmentconsisting of the Congresshad the authority to conduct foreign affairs, maintain armed forces, borrow money, and issue currency. Yet it could not regulate trade, force citizens to join the army, or impose taxes.政府由国会有权管理对外事务,维护军队,借钱,和发行货币。但它不规范交易,强迫公民参军,或征税。2)According to the Virginia Plan, how was the legislature to be set up?2)根据弗吉尼亚计划,立法机关应设置是怎样的?The members of the lower house of the legislature would be elected by the people. The members of the upper house would be chosen by the lower house. In both houses the number of representatives would be proportional, or corresponding in size, to the population of each state.对议会下院的议员是由人民选出的。奕居酒店的成员将由众议院选。在两院代表人数会成比例,或相应的大小,对每个国家的人口。3)What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?3)五分之三的妥协是什么?Count each enslaved person as three-fifths of a free person for both taxation and representation.计算每个被奴役的人对于税收和代表自由的人五分之三。4)What powers did the Constitution leave in the hands of the state governments?4)什么样的权利是宪法在国家政府手中离开?5)How does the system of checks and balances work?5)如何制衡工作系统吗?The Court became a check on Congress and the president by ruling on the constitutionality of laws and presidential acts. The system has been successful in maintaining a balance of power among the branches of the federal government and limiting abuses of power. If any one of the three branches starts to abuse its power, the other two may join together to stop it,the Constitution gives each of these two branches enough power to prevent the other from acting on its own.法院成为国会的检查和对法律和总统的行为的合宪性执政的总统。该系统在维持在联邦政府的分支和限制权力的滥用权力的平衡是成功的。如果三个分支一开始滥用其权力,其他两一起阻止它,宪法赋予每个这些两枝足够的力量阻止其他作用于自己。4美国政治制度。1)What are the major political parties in America?1)在美国的主要政党是什么?2)What are the three branches of American government?2)美国政府的三大部门是什么?3)How long are the terms for the President, the Congressman and the Senator respectively?3)为总统的任期多长时间,国会议员和参议员的分别?4)In the impeachment of American president, who proposes the impeachment and who determines whether the president is guilty?4)在美国总统的弹劾,谁提出谁决定弹劾总统是否有罪?5美国内战。1)What advantages did the North have in the war?1)有什么优点是北方在战争中?2)What advantages did the Confederate states have in the war?2)有什么优点是南部邦联在战争中?The North enjoyed the advantages of a larger population, more industry, and more abundant resources than the South. One of the main advantages of the South was the strong support its white population gave the war. Southerners also had the advantage of fighting in familiar territory。The military leadership of the South, at least at first, was superior to the Norths.朝鲜享有更多的人口,更多的行业的优势,比南方更丰富的资源。南部的主要优点是它的白人人口给战争的强有力的支持。南方人也有优势,在熟悉的领土而战。南方的军事领导,至少在最初,优于北方的。3)What did the Emancipation Proclamation state?3)解放宣言的国家做了什么?In 1862 Congress passed a law allowing African Americans to serve in the Union army. As a result both free African Americans and those who had escaped slavery began enlisting.1862,国会通过了一项法律,允许非裔美国人担任联邦军队。由于自由的非裔美国人和那些逃跑的奴隶开始招募。4)How did the Civil War hurt the Souths economy?4)为什么内战伤害韩国经济?Because most fighting occurred in the South, Southern farmland was overrun and rail lines were torn up. By the end of the war, large portions of the South lay in ruins and thousands of people were homeless因为大部分的战斗发生在南部,南部的农田已经超支了,铁路被撕碎。到战争结束时,在废墟和数千人南下大部分是无家可归的人5)What terms of surrender did Grant offer to Lee?5)什么投降条件并授予给李?The Confederate soldiers had to lay down their arms, but then were free to go home. Grant allowed them to keep their horses so that they could, as he said, “put in a crop to carry themselves and their families through the next winter.” Grant also ordered three days worth of food sent to Lees hungry troops.南军士兵放下武器,但后来被免费回家。格兰特允许他们保持他们的马,他们可以,就像他说的,“放在作物携带自己和家人度过接下来的冬天。”格兰特还订购了三天的干粮送到李饥饿的军队。6第一世界大战。1)What countries belonged to the Allies?1)哪些国家属于盟友?The major Allied Powers of World War I are Britain, France and Russia.主要的盟国一战的是英国,法国和俄罗斯。2)What countries belonged to the Central Powers?2)哪些国家属于中央的权力?In World War I, Germany formed the Central Alliance with Austria-Hungary, and received later support from the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.在第一次世界大战中,德国形成了以奥地利匈牙利中央联盟,和以后收到的支持从奥斯曼帝国和保加利亚。3)What were the three major factors that drew America into the war?3)三大因素将美国拖入战争是什么?Economic interests: The transition from debtor to creditor. Political interests: Expand the international influence. Potential risks: Mexico entered the war would threaten American.经济利益:从债务人向债权人转移。政治利益:扩大国际影响。潜在风险:墨西哥参战会威胁美国。4)Name two main points proposed by President Wilson in his Fourteen Points.4)名称主要有两点提出的威尔逊总统在他的十四分。The removal, of all economic barriers and the establishment of equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of af


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