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中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(I)Iai pron. 我:I am a college student. 我是一名大学生。 / I am very busy.我很忙。/ I see. 我明白了。iceais n. 冰:I am learning to skate on real ice! 我正在真正的冰上学溜冰。/ It is dangerous to walk on thin ice. 在薄冰上行走很危险。/ Would you like some ice in your drink? 你要在饮料里加些冰块吗?ID7ai5di: n. 身份证:Please show your ID. 请出示你的身份证。/ If someone appears saying he is a policeman, ask for ID. 如果有人说他是警察,可要他出示身份证。【说明】ID的完整形式为identity card。ideaai5diE n. 主意;想法;意见:An idea crossed my mind. 我突然产生了一个念头。/ Thats not a good idea; it wont work. 这不是一个好主意,它行不通的。ifif conj. 如果;是否:Well go if the weather stays fine. 如果天气好我们就去。/ I wonder if he is at home. 我不知道他是否在家。【注意】当if作“如果”解时,用来引导条件状语从句;当作“是否”解时,相当于whether,常用来引导宾语从句。illil adj. 病的:He has been ill for a long time. 他病了很久了。/ She is ill, so she cant come. 她病了,所以不能来。 【辨析】ill和sick两者均表示“有病的”,ill只用作表语,而sick既可用作定语,也可用作表语。表示“病人们”,用 the sick(具有复数意义)而不用the ill。如:They have come to see the sick. 他们已来看望过病人。imaginei5mAdVin v. 设想;想像:You can imagine my surprise when they told me the news. 你能想像得出当他们把那则消息告诉我时我是多么惊讶。/ There is nobody following us you are just imagining it. 没有人跟踪我们你只不过是猜想而已。importantim5pC:tnt adj. 重要的;重大的:It is very important to keep your teeth in good condition. 保护牙齿完好是很重要的。【注意】 表示“对重要”,可用介词to, for。如:The dictionary is important to for her. 这本字典对她很重要。improveim5pru:v v. 提高;改善:We should improve the living conditions of the people. 我们应改善人民生活。/ It will help to improve your speaking. 这会帮助提高你的口语能力。inin prep. 在里内;上;用表示:There is no cloud in the sky. 晴空万里无云。 / Ill be ready in an hour. 我一小时以内准备好。increasein5kri:s v. 增加;增长:The number of students has increased since last year. 自去年以来学生的人数增加了。/ The population of the earth is increasing very fast. 地球上的人口在急骤增加。India5indjE n. 印度:India became a republic in 1950. 印度在1950年成为共和国。Indian5indjEn adj. 印度的;印度人的:Recently Indian films have also become popular outside India. 近年来印度电影在国外也很流行。information7infE5meiFn n. 信息;情报:He gave me all the information he had. 他把所有的信息都告诉我了。/ Ive just been sent a whole lot of information. 刚刚给我送来了大量的资料。【用法】information是不可数名词,因此不能与不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。若要计数,可用 a piece of / a bit of。如:This is a useful piece of information. 这是一则有用的情报。insidein5said prep. 在的里面:He was standing just inside the door. 他恰恰站在门里面。/ We went inside the gate of our school. 我们走进学校的大门。inspectorin5spektE n. 警官;监督员:A ticket inspector got on the train. 一位查票员上了火车。insteadin5sted adv. 代替,顶替:He is tired, let me do it instead. 他累了,让我代做吧。/ If we cant go to Huangshan, well go to Taishan instead. 如果我们不能去黄山,我们就去泰山。【说明】instead是副词,不是动词。【短语】instead of代替:She went to school instead of staying at home. 她没有呆在家里而上学去了。/ I cant go, shell go instead of me. 我不能去,由她代替我去。instructionin5strQkFn n.说明;须知:Read the instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine. 先看瓶子上的说明再吃药。/ Read the list of instructions below. 读下表中的须知。interest5intrEst n. 兴趣:She has much interest in music. 她对音乐很感兴趣。/ The book caused great interest and argument. 这本书引起了人们极大的兴趣和争论。interested5intrEstid adj. 感兴趣的:Id be interested to hear your opinion about this. 我倒很想听听你对这件事的意见。【短语】be interested in 对感兴趣:I am very interested in music. 我对音乐很有兴趣。/ Are you interested in football? 你对足球有兴趣吗?interesting5intrEstiN adj.有趣的:Hes kind and interesting. 他很友好也很有趣。【辨析】interested 和interesting:一般说来,表示使人感兴趣,用 interesting;表示人对感兴趣,用interested。如:The book is interesting, so every one of us is interested in it. 这本书有趣,所以我们每个人对它都感兴趣。Internet5intEnet n. 因特网,互联网络:Internet brings a great convenience to our life. 互联网给我们的生活带来很多方便。into5intE prep. 到里;向内:Tears came into her eyes. 泪水涌上了她的眼睛。/ He worked far into the night. 他工作到深夜。inventin5vent v. 发明;创造:People are inventing new sports or games all the time. 人们不断地创造着新的运动和比赛。/ Who invented airplanes? 飞机是谁发明的?inventorin5ventE n. 发明者;创造者:Thomas Edison was a great inventor. 爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家。/ Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. 亚格贝尔是电话的发明人。invitein5vait v. 邀请;招待:I invited him to my house. 我请他到我家去。/ They invited her to go for a walk. 他们请她一起去散步。/ We invited him to take part in the celebration. 我们邀请他一起参加庆祝会。island5ailEnd n. 岛;岛状物:Taiwan is the largest island of China. 台湾是中国最大的岛。/ Japan is an island country. 日本是一个岛国。itit pron. 它:Whats that? It is a radio. 那是什么?那是一台收音机。/ My pen is missing. I cant find it anywhere. 我的钢笔丢了,哪儿也找不到。itsits pron. 它的:The horse broke its leg. 马把腿摔断了。/ What has a clock on its face? 表盘上有什么?Italiani5tAljEn adj. 意大利(人)的;意大利语的:French and Italian cheeses are famous. 法国干酪和意大利干酪都是很有名的。n. 意大利人;意大利语:An Italian speaks Italian. 意大利人讲意大利语。Italy5itEli n. 意大利:He has lived in Italy since he was five years old. 他自从5岁就住在意大利。/ Modern music was first developed in Italy. 现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(J)jacket5dVAkit n. 夹克衫:This new jacket of yours looks nice. 你这件新上衣很漂亮。/ It was such a warm day that I took off my jacket. 天气这样暖和,我把短上衣脱掉了。January5dVAnjuEri n. 一月:January is the first month of a year. 一月是一年中的第一个月。JapandVE5pAn n. 日本:Japan is an island country. 日本是个岛国。/ Japan is a developed country. 日本是发达国家。JapanesedVApE5nI:z adj. 日本的;日本人的:Japanese customs are strange to us. 日本的风俗对我们来说很陌生。n. 日本人;日语:I have ever seen a Japanese. 我曾见过一个日本人。/ Do you speak Japanese? 你讲日语吗?jobdVCb n. 工作:He has a job as a teacher. 他担任教师的工作。/ That looks nice youve done a good job. 这东西很好看你干了件漂亮的活。【辨析】job和work:两者均指“工作”,但job主要指雇佣有报酬的工作,有时也可指零工、散工等,是可数名词;而work指“工作”、“劳动”,是一个含义极广的常用词,可指脑力劳动或体力劳动,也可指为了谋生而工作或劳动,是不可数名词。如:He has a good job in the bank. 他在银行有份不错的工作。/ They stop work at five. 他们5点钟下班。joindVCin v. 加入;参加:He joined us for a walk. 他同我们一起去散步。/ He joined the army when he was 16. 他参军时刚16岁。【说明】表示参加或加入某团体、党派、组织等,并成为其中的一个成员。如:join the Party 入党 / join the League 入团 / join the Army参军 / join the Trade Union 参加工会等,join是终止性动词,不能与一段时间连用。join还可表示与某人在一起或与某人一起做某事,通常用join sb / join sb in (doing) sth。如:Hell join us in singing the song. 他将同我们一起唱歌。jokedVEuk n. 笑话,玩笑:That was a good joke. 那是个很有趣的笑话。/ I said it just as a joke. 我当它只是个玩笑来说。journalist5dVE:nElist n. 记者,新闻工作者:She is a journalist known to everyone. 她是个人人皆知的新闻工作者。journey5dVE:ni n. 旅程;旅行;路程:Have a pleasant journey! 一路顺风! / I wished him a safe journey. 我祝他一路平安。/ How did the birds find their way on that long journey? 这么远的距离,鸟儿是怎样认识路的呢?【注意】journey通常指远距离的陆地旅行,并且不一定要返回到出发地(即通常指单程)。如:I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。juicedVU:s n.(水果、蔬菜、肉等的)汁;果汁:I like fruit juice. 我喜欢喝果汁。/ Could you have another glass of orange juice? 再来一杯橙汁吧。July dVu:5lai n. 七月:Its July 1st. 今天是7月1日。/ He came to the city in July. 他是七月份到城里来的。jumpdVQmp v. 跳:Dont jump out of a window. 不要从窗口跳出。/ He jumped over the wall. 他从墙上跳了过去。jumper5dVQmpE n. 跳跃者:She is a good jumper. 她是个跳高能手。JunedVU;n n. 六月:June 1st is International Childrens Day. 6月1日是国际儿童节。justdVQst adv. 刚才,仅仅:Youre too late; the trains just left. 你来得太晚了,火车刚开走。/ Just a little more, please. 请再来一点儿。【短语】just now刚才;不久以前:I arrived here just now. 我刚到这儿。/ Tina phoned just now. 蒂娜刚来过电话。中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(K)keepki:p(kept, kept)v. 保持;留住:Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。/ Please try to keep out of the way. 请注意别挡路。/ Keep your clothes clean. 衣服要保持干净。/ The cold kept him in bed for three days. 这次感冒使他3天没起床。/ Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 对不起让你久等了。【短语】keep doing something 一直都做某事:They kept laughing for ten minutes. 他们一直笑了10分钟。/ Dont keep (on) asking such questions. 不要老问那样的问题。keyki: n. 钥匙:I turned the key and opened the door. 我转动钥匙,打开了门。/ I have a bunch of keys in my pocket. 我衣袋里有一串钥匙。【用法】表示“钥匙”,其后用介词 to, of。如 Have you got the key toof the door? 你有这门的钥匙吗?用于比喻,表示“答案”、“解答”、“秘诀”、“关键”、“图解”、“图表”等意时,一般只与介词to连用。如:This is the key to the problem. 这是问题的关键。keyboard5ki:bC:d n. 键盘:Each user needs a keyboard for input and a screen for output. 用户需要一个键盘进行输入,一个显示器进行输出。kidkid n.(口语)小孩子:Get the kids and come on. 叫上孩子,跟着来!/ How are your wife and kids? 你妻子和孩子好吗?killkil v. 杀死,弄死:We kill animals for food. 我们把牲畜杀来吃。/ This man was killed in battle. 这个人阵亡了。kilo5ki:lEu n. 千克,公斤:A ton is equal to one thousand kilos. 1吨等于1,000公斤。/ I want half a kilo sugar. 我想要1斤糖。【说明】用作kilogramme (公斤,千克)的简称;主要用于口语中;其复数形式为kilos。kilometer5kilEmi:tE n. 公里,千米:Km is a short way of writing kilometer. Km是kilometer的缩写形式。/ A kilometer is a thousand meters. 1公里等于1,000公尺。kindkaind n. 种类:What kind of game do you like to watch best? 你最喜欢观看哪种运动的比赛?adj. 和蔼的,友好的:They are kind to each other. 他们彼此间很友好。/ It was very kind of you to help me. 您真是太好了这样帮助我。kind-hearted5kaind5hB:tid adj. 好心的:The old kindhearted man saved the snake. 这位好心肠的老人救起了这条蛇。【短语】a kind of 一种,一类:The elephant is a kind of animal. 大象是一种动物。kinds of 各种各样的:I like all kinds of fruit. 我喜欢各种各样的水果。kitchen5kitFin n. 厨房:Mother is cooking lunch in the kitchen. 母亲在厨房里做午饭。kitekait n. 风筝:The kite is far up above the house. 风筝高高飘在房子上方。/ Let up a kite with the wind. 让风筝


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