



五校联考三年级下学期英语期中测试题姓名 学校 分数 听力部分 40分一, 听录音,学出你所听到的单词。10分1 ( ) A USA B UK C China 2 ( ) A man B woman C water 3 ( ) A student B brother C father 4 ( ) A grandpa B grandma C grandmother5 ( ) A small B short C thin 二,听录音根据你所听到的句子,给图片排序。10分( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) 三,听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否正确,正确的打,错误的打。10分1( ) This is my mother .2 ( ) It has a long nose .3 ( ) Is she your sister ?4 ( ) Look at that elephant .5 ( ) Where are you from ?四 ,听录音,选择合适的应答答语。10分1 ( ) A He is my father . B She is my mother .2 ( ) A I am from the USA . B I am a student .3 ( ) A Yes ,he is . B No ,she isnt.4 ( ) A He is my brother . B She is my sister .5 ( ) A Welcome . B Thank you . 笔试部分 60分一,读单词,选择不同类的一项。10分1( ) A boy B girl C teacher 2 ( ) A thin B giraffe C tall 3 ( ) A father B woman C man 4 ( ) A Canada B China C Ok 5 ( ) A this B my C that 二, 读句子,选择最佳答案.10分1 ( ) I am _ Beijing .A from B for C of 2 ( ) I am John , I am a _ . A panda B girl C boy 3 ( ) Who is that boy ? He is my _ . A mother B sister C brother 4 ( ) _ are you from ? I am from America . A Where B How C What 5 ( ) Look ,this is my grandpa ,_ is tall . A He B he C She 6 ( ) I _ tall , you _ short . A is am B am am C am are 7 ( ) This is _ elephant ,it _ a long nose . A an has B an is C a has 8 ( ) Look at the rabbit, it has _ ears . A small B tall C long 9 ( ) The monkey_ thin . A has B is C are 10 ( ) It is _ tall . A a B so C at 三,请拼写下列各单词。10分 四,情景对话,选出合适的句子。 10分1 ( ) 班上来了位新同学,同学们表示欢迎要说:_ 。A Goodbye B Thank you C Welcome 2 ( ) Mike 来自加拿大,作自我介绍时要说:_ 。A Hi ,I am Mike ,I am from Canada .B Hi ,I am Mike ,I am from China .C Hi ,I am Mike ,I am from Australia .3 ( ) 当你想问那个男人是谁时,应该说 :_ 。A Whos that boy ? B Whos that girl ?C Whos that man ?4 ( ) 当你对某事表示怀疑时应说 : _ ? A Good B Really C Wow 5 ( ) 当你想提问“多少”时,应说:_ 。A Who B What C How many6 ( ) 当你想问,“他是你哥哥么?”应说 :_ ? A Is she your brother ? B Is he your brother ?C Is she your sister ?7 ( ) 当你想“说我们一起玩游戏吧”, 应说:_ 。A Lets play a game . B Lets go C Lets paint .8 ( ) 当你想夸对方漂亮时,可以说:_!A How many B How about C How beautiful9 ( ) 当你想表达“ 我喜欢运动时”应说:_ 。 A I like sports . B I like the monkey . C Lets play .10 ( ) 当对方夸赞你的衣服漂亮,你表示感谢,应说:_ 。A How beautiful . B Thank you . C See you.五,连词成句,请按正确顺序排列以下各句子。10分1 1are you Where from ?_2 This my is friend ._3 has a It long nose ._4 1 Your is sister beautiful ._5 at Look that giraffe ._六 ,阅读理解, 正确的写“ T ”, 错误的写 “ F ”。(10分) Jack: Come here, Sarah! Look at the pandas. Sarah: Oh, theyre so cute! I like them. Jack: I like the monkey! It has a long tail. Sarah: Yes. And it has a big mouth. Jack: Look! The monkey is eating bananas! Its so funny! Sarah: Yes, and its cute, too.( ) 1. Sarah likes pandas.( ) 2. Jack likes pandas.( ) 3. The panda has a long tail.( ) 4. The monkey has a small mouth.( ) 5. The monkey is eating bananas. 五校联考三年级下学期英语期中测试题听力材料 一、听录音,学出你所听到的单词。10分1 USA 2 woman 3 father 4 grandma 5 short 二,听录音根据你所听到的句子,给图片排序。10分1 Look at that pig ,it is so cute . 2 Milk ,milk ,drink some milk . 3 Where are you from ? I am from the UK . 4 He is my teacher . 5 Who is that girl ? she is my sister .三, 听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否正确,正确的打,错误的打。10分1 This is my grandmother . 2 It has a long nose . 3 Is he your brother ? 4 Look at the el


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