【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global Period Four Resource Bank Reading课时精练 北师大版选修9(1).doc_第1页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global Period Four Resource Bank Reading课时精练 北师大版选修9(1).doc_第2页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global Period Four Resource Bank Reading课时精练 北师大版选修9(1).doc_第3页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global Period Four Resource Bank Reading课时精练 北师大版选修9(1).doc_第4页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global Period Four Resource Bank Reading课时精练 北师大版选修9(1).doc_第5页




unit 25 going global period four resource bank:reading 课时精练(北师大版选修9,课标通用)(时间:40分钟满分:68分).单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1shakespeare is wellknown _ a great writer _ his excellent playbooks.aas;for bfor;as cto;for dfor;to2the last one _ pays the meal.agreed!aarrived barrives cto arrive darriving3health is _ to everyone.aindependent bindispensablecinduced dindustrial4a private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and _.amobility babilitycopportunity delectricity5_,the runners raced on to the finishing line.astick in a handbwith a stick in their handscsticks in their handdsticks in hands6students are always interested in finding out _ they can go with a new teacher.ahow far bhow soonchow often dhow long7the cost of renting a house in central xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city.athat bthis cit done8with more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth _ each year.ais washing away bis being washed awaycare washing away dare being washed away9she has set a new record;that is,the sales of her latest book _ 50 million.ahave reached bhas reachedcare reaching dhad reached10whether he comes or not _ matter too much.adont bdoesnt cisnt dhasnt答案1.a2.c3.b4.a5.b6.a7.a8.d 9a10.b.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)the train shakes back and forth,its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks.outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules.the carriage is filled with cold,_11_ passengers.suddenly a little boy _12_ his way through the grownup legs and sits down by the window.he is all alone among the _13_ grownups.what a brave child,i think.his father _14_ to stay by the door behind us.the train begins to crawl a tunnel.then something very strange happens suddenly.the _15_ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee._16_,i think that he wants to _17_ me and return to his father,so i help him to stand up.but instead he leans forward and holds his _18_ up towards mine.he wants to say something to me,i think.i lower my head to receive the _19_.wrong again! what i do receive is a _20_ kiss on the cheek.the boy calmly returns to his seat,leans back and continues looking out of the window.i am _21_.what just happened? a child is kissing _22_ grownups on the train.how can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? soon enough,all of my neighbors are certainly _23_.nervous and a little surprised,we _24_ at the father.when he sees our questioning _25_ as he gets ready for his stop,he offers a clue(线索)“hes so happy to be alive,” the father says.“he has been very sick.”father and son _26_ into the crowd moving toward the exit.the doors close and the train goes on.on my cheek i can still _27_ the childs kissa kiss that has triggered(触发) some soulsearch inside me.how many _28_ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? how many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of _29_?the little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson:be careful you dont let yourself _30_ before your heart stops!【解题导语】 本文是描述作者在干冷枯燥的火车上接受了一个陌生小孩的吻,通过这个小故事使作者认识到,人一生中始终要保持快乐。11a.excited btiredcpleased dsurprised答案b根据前面的 cold 得出答案 “又冷、又疲劳”的旅客。12a.feels bfights cpushes dpicks答案c根据下文,从大人的腿间 “挤着往前走 (push ones way是固定短语)”。13a.unfriendly bfriendly cangry dkind答案a根据上文 “从大人腿间挤过去 ”和下文作者让他过去,他给作者一个吻作为谢意来判断,那些大人有些 “不友好 ”。14a.likes bpromises cchooses dagrees答案c根据四个选项和句子的意思,只有chooses符合句意。15a.impolite bserious clucky dugly答案b从上文他想从那些不友好的大人的腿间挤过去来判断,小孩的脸是 “严肃的”。16a.in no time bfor a momentcin a whiledonce in a while答案b根据下文,作者 “一下子”想起他,想从我这儿 “过去 ”并回到他爸爸跟前。17a.kick bstrike ckiss dpass答案d参考第16题解析的下半句。18a.eye bear chead dlip答案c从下文的 “他想对我说什么来看”可判断是 “头 ”倾向作者。19a.news bmessage ckiss dopinion答案b因为我以为他是想对我说什么,所以判断是 “信息”。20a.loud bfoolishcstrange dfortunate答案a根据四个选项,在脸颊上亲一个吻应该是 “响亮的”,其余选项不符句意。21a.pleased bshockedcsatisfied dinterested答案b作者对一个陌生小孩突然吻自己感到 “震惊”。22a.wellknown bsmartcunknown dfamiliar答案c从上下文得知他们都是旅客,互相都不 “认识”。23a.praised bkissedcscolded dpersuaded答案b从上文可知 “我周围的人也肯定被吻了”。24a.stare bsmile cwarn dwhisper答案b因为作者对这件事感到惊奇,又因为他是个孩子,所以向他爸爸“微笑”。25a.glances banger cmouths dfeeling答案a因为都是陌生人,所以我们带着质疑的眼光 (glance)。26a.appear bget cdisappear dfollow答案c从下文 “向出口走去 ”得出答案 “消失在人群中”。27a.touch btrust csmell dfeel答案d根据前后意思得出答案 “作者还能感觉到小孩在脸上所留下的吻”。28a.go around bcome at ckeep on dinsist on答案a从上文 “作者想象到,这孩子为了愉快地活着,到处吻别人不知多少次了”。29a.a child ba kiss cliving ddeath答案c根据上文being alive得出答案。30a.live bstop cdie dsleep答案c根据下文的 your heart stops 来得出答案。 .阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)to build a safer car,japanese automakers are trying to replace the driver.inspired by statistics blaming human error for most accidents,toyota and its competitors are designing “intelligent” cars that can almost drive themselves on the highway.the systems are designed to reduce human tiredness and the mistakes that often result.this kind of support is what drivers need most in a country with some of the most crowded roads in the world.that is why it should not be surprising that japan is leading the race to make cars smarter.to provide a safer ride,japanese automakers are turning to technologies like laser radar and machine vision to replace tired eyes and wandering minds.an infrared(红外线的) radar unit fixed on the bumper is part of a new cruise(巡航) control method that toyota introduced in august 1997.its now an optional(随意的) feature on its celsior luxury car that costs 70,000 yuan($648)the “adaptive” system tracks(尾随) the car ahead,and slows down or speeds up the car automatically to keep a safer distance in highway traffic.the same technology has also been used by some cars made by toyotas competitors.subaru,a type of its legacy wagon,made its first appearance last september with active driving assist(ada),which besides adjusting cruising speed,sounds an alarm if the car goes out of its lane(车道) or makes a turn too fast.in the latter case,it down shifts gear even before the driver starts to brake.an even smarter system is coming from honda.called honda intelligent driver support(hids),it“sees” the road through a tiny camera on the windshield and helps steer(操纵) the car down the middle of lane.a computer picks out line on the highway surface and touched the cars steering wheel in the right direction.honda got approval in march to start testing hids on the highway and says it will arrive in showrooms in the near future.31why are japanese automakers developing cars that can almost drive themselves on the highway?abecause they want to win the car competition.bbecause many accidents resulted from the mistakes made by drivers.cbecause drivers are always tired when driving the car.dbecause people dont want to drive the cars themselves.答案b事实细节题。根据第二段.human error for most accidents.可知应选b。32what is the main purpose for the automakers to design the system of the new cars?ato make them run faster so that they can sell them at higher prices.bto make them keep to the lane without being controlled.cto help drivers make fewer mistakes so that accidents can be avoided.dto use some advanced devices like laser radar and machine vision.答案c事实细节题。根据第三段的第一句话the systems are designed to reduce human tiredness and the mistakes.可知应选c。33we can infer from the passage that _.aaccidents always occur in the crowded streetsbtraffic accidents are likely to happen when drivers are tired and carelesscaccidents happen because traffic rules are not obeyeddmany accidents occur because there are no advanced systems答案b推理判断题。第四段.to replace tired eyes and wandering minds.推理可知b项正确。34if you drive the car with hids,you will find _.ayour car is always keeping the right directionbyour car is slowed down or speeded up automaticallycyour car is controlled by an infrared radardyou are always keeping a safer distance on the highway答案a事实细节题。根据倒数第二段 a computer picks out lines and touched the cars steering wheel in the right direction.可知。.任务型读写(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。tuvalu,a tiny country in the pacific ocean,has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of tuvalus nine little islands is more than five meters above sea level,salt water is already entering the countrys drinking water supply,as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetable._35_._36_.venice,a historic city in italy best known for its canals,has sunk about 24 cm over the past 100 years.experts say that it will have sunk another 2050 cm by 2050.a century ago,st.marks square,the lowest point in the city,flooded about nine times a year,nowadays,it happens more than 100 times.while venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands,tuvalus rising sea level is caused by global warming.the average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degrees over the past century; scientists expect it to rise by extra 13 degrees over the next 100 years.warmer weather makes glaciers(冰川)melt,adding more water to the ocean.the warmer temperatures also make water expand,so it takes up more space,causing the sea level to rise.the sea level has risen about 1025 cm in the last 100 years.37_.through burning coal,oil and gas,people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,such as co2.this adds to the power of the greenhouse effect,making the planet even warmer.many scientists believe that,if the warming is not stopped,there will be huge climate changes._38_.39_,the sea will swallow up millions of homes and the world will be flooded with “climate refugees” looking for somewhere to live.athe main cause of global warming is human pollutionbshould this come truecwithout urgent help,the countrys days are numbereddbut tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the seaethe sea level could rise by one meter this centuryfpeople face a lot of pollutiongmuch has been done about our planet答案35.c36.d37.a38.e39.b.短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允


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