【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Two Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 3 Virtual Reality课时精练 北师大版必修2(1).doc_第1页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Two Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 3 Virtual Reality课时精练 北师大版必修2(1).doc_第2页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Two Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 3 Virtual Reality课时精练 北师大版必修2(1).doc_第3页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Two Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 3 Virtual Reality课时精练 北师大版必修2(1).doc_第4页
【创新设计】(新课标)高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Two Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 3 Virtual Reality课时精练 北师大版必修2(1).doc_第5页




unit 4 cyberspace period two lesson 2websites & lesson 3 virtual reality 课时精练(北师大版必修2,课标通用)时间:30分钟.短语填空at all;get in touch;hang on;be up to;how about;go on;in the flesh;whats more;get out of trouble;take part in;work as;depend on;be popular with;by email;say goodbye to1. before i leave,i will come here_you.2_taking a walk along the river after supper? 3please_a second.ill look for the manager and tell him you are on the line for him.4whether you learn or not_you.5by watching tv we can know whats_in the world.6he managed to_with his english teacher,who now lives in hawaii.7with the introduction of the internet,we can write to our friends_.8these kinds of vegetables_housewives because they are high in vitamin c.9we can_william he always keeps his promises.10. its a useful book,and_,not an expensive one.11ive seen her performance on television,but never_.12everyone there_the fight against the floods,including the children and the old.13i_sales manager in the company for three years.14im not_satisfied with his report.15you have to help yourself to_,no one can give you a hand here.答案1.to say goodbye to2.how about 3.hang on4is up to5.going on6.get in touch 7.by email8are popular with9.depend on10.whats more11in the flesh12.took part in13.have worked as14at all15.get out of trouble.完成句子1. 到昨天我才知道这消息。it was_that i got the news.2. 我一得到消息就给你打电话。ill call you up_i get any information.3. 我们到达时,电影已经开演十分钟了。the film_for ten minutes when we arrived.4. 喂!我是mandy。让lucy接电话好吗?hello! this is mandy._lucy,please?5. 我在他们的网站上发现了这一信息。i found this information_.6. 生词过多使得这本书很难懂。too many new words make the book_.7我们花了近一个月时间为总统的到来做准备。we_about a month_ the coming of the president.8汤姆偷偷地溜出教室而没被老师看见。tom slipped out of the classroom_by his teacher.答案1.not until yesterday 2.as soon as 3.had been on4can i speak to5.on their website 6.hard/difficult to understand7.spentpreparing for8.without being seen.单项填空1the volleyball match will be put off if it_.arained brains cwill rain dis rained 答案b句意:如果明天下雨,排球比赛将被推迟。主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时 。 这里需要主动形式。2if she_harder,she would have succeeded.aworked bworkschas worked dhad worked 答案d 句意: 如果她当初更努力的话,她已经成功了。对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时。3my friend bought a dress_fashion yesterday and she told me about it_email.aon;in bin;bycby;through din;in答案b 句意:我的朋友昨天买了件时髦的衣服,并且通过电子邮件告诉了我。 in fashion 时髦的;by email 通过电子邮件。4without water or air there_no life in the world.ais bwill becwould have been dwould be答案d 句意:没有水和空气,世界上将没有生命。 无论是对现在还是将来的虚拟,主句都可用would动词原形。5 have you ever been to the great wall? no,but i wish i_.ahave bwill have cdo dhad答案d句意:你去过长城吗?没有,但我希望去过。对过去的虚拟,wish 从句后要用过去完成时。此处是省略, 补全的应该是: i wish i had been there。6he called me up several times this morning._was obvious that there was something urgent.ait bthat cwhich dwhat答案a 句意:他今天早晨打了好几遍电话给我。 很明显有急事。 it 作形式主语,that 引导主语从句。 形式主语只有it可以引导。7she behaves as if she_still a child.awould be bischad been dwere答案d 句意:她的行为就像还是一个小孩。对现在的虚拟,从句用一般过去时。8we did not expect our offer _so quickly.arejected bto rejectcto be rejected drejecting答案c句意:没想到我们的报价很快会被拒绝。固定搭配:expect sb to do sth,而这里有被动的意思,所以选c。9im trying to _my friends because ill have a party next weekend.aget off bget on cget in trouble dget in touch 答案d 句意:我正在努力联系我的一些朋友,因为下个周末我要举行派对。get off 下车;get on 上车;get in trouble惹麻烦; get in touch取得联系。10. use your head,and you_a way out.afind bfound cwill find dwould find答案c句意: 动动脑筋,你就会想出办法的。 祈使句and一般将来时。11. he did not regret saying what he did but felt that he_it differently.acould express bwould expressccould have expressed dmust have expressed 答案c 句意:他并不后悔他所说的话,但是他认为可以用不同的表达方法。 对过去的虚拟,主句用would/ should/could/mighthave done。12 we could invite john and barbara to the friday night party. yes,_? ill give them a call right now.awhy not bwhat for cwhy dwhat答案a 句意:我们可以邀请john和barbara 参加星期五晚上的派对。为什么不呢?我马上就打电话给他们。根据句意只有why not 最为合适。 13 sorry,i have to_now.its time for class. ok,ill call back later.ahang up bbreak upcgive up dhold up 答案a 句意:抱歉,我不得不挂电话了。该上课了。 好的。过会再打给你。 hang up 挂断电话;break up 分手;结束;give up 放弃;hold up 举起。14do you enjoy your present job?_.i just do it for a living.aof course bnot reallycnot likely dnot a little 答案b句意:你喜欢现在的工作吗?不怎么喜欢。我只是为了谋生而已。not really事实上不是;of course当然;not likely绝不可能,绝对不会;not a little非常。根据句意选b。15. but for their help,we_the program in time.acan not finish bwill not finishchad not finished dcould not have finished答案d 句意:要不是有他们的帮助,我们不可能及时完成这项工程。“but for”要不是,表示对过去的虚拟。.阅读理解ascientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need.they say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day.they are:(1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds;(2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes;(3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables;(4) meat of all kinds,fish and eggs;(5) milk and foods made from milk;(6) bread or cereal(谷类),rice is also in this kind of food;(7) butter,or something like butter.people in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things.foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways.people in different countries eat at different times of the day.in some places people eat once or twice a day;in other countries people eat three or four times a day.scientists say that none of the differences is really important.it doesnt matter whether foods are eaten raw(生的) or cooked,canned or frozen.it doesnt matter if a person eats dinner at 4 oclock in the afternoon or at eleven oclock at night.the important thing is what you eat every day.there are two problems,then,in feeding the large number of people on earth.the first is to find some ways to feed the worlds population so that no one is hungry.the second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.【解题导语】 文章第1段叙述人们每天必需的七类食品;第2段说明了最重要的是吃的是什么;最后一段介绍了要解决的两个问题。1. according to the scientists,which of the following groups of food is the healthiest for your lunch?achicken,apples,cereal,cabbages.bpotatoes,carrots,rice,bread.coranges,bananas,fish,tomatoes.dbeef,pork,fish,milk.答案a细节判断题。根据文章中科学家所提供的人们每天必须的7类食品,可知作中餐食品的 a 类最佳。2. it is important for people to eat _.athree times a daybdinner at twelve oclockccooked food all the daydsomething from each of the seven kinds of food every day答案d细节题。根据paragraph 2可知人们每天吃几餐不重要;在哪个时间进食不重要;吃生的或熟的、罐装的或冷冻的食品不重要,重要的是人们必须吃到这七类食品的每一种。3. which of the following is not true?apeople in some places dont have enough to eat.bthere are too many people in the world.cone of the problems is that no one is hungry.dthe scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy.答案c细节题。在 paragraph 3里要解决的二个问题之一就是 find some ways to feed the worlds population so that no one is hungry(找到解决饥饿问题的方法)。所以c项说法是错误的。4. if there is paragraph 4,what do you think is going to be talked about?awhen people eat their lunch.bwhat to do with the two problems.chow to cook food in different ways.dwhy people eat different kinds of food.答案b推断题。在 paragraph 3里提到要解决的两个问题,如果有 paragraph 4,那么应该就是议论如何来解决这两个问题。bmost people around the world are righthanded.this also seems to be true in history.in 1799,scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1500 bc.to the 1950s.most of the people shown in these works are righthanded,so the scientists guessed that righthandedness has always been common through history.today,only about 10% to 15% of the worlds population is lefthanded.why are there more righthanded people than lefthanded ones? scientists now know that a persons two hands each have their own jobs.for most people,the hand is used to find things or hold things.the right hand is used to work with things.this is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain.the right side of the brain,which makes a persons hands and eyes work together,controls the left hand.the leftside of the brain,which controls the right hand,is the centre for thinking and doing problems.these findings show that more artists should be lefthanded,and studies have found that lefthandedness is twice as common among artists as among people in other jobs.no one really knows what makes a person become righthanded instead of lefthanded.scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become lefthanded because their main brain is damaged when they are born.however,this doesnt happen to everyone,so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become lefthanded.one idea is that people usually get righthanded from their parents.if a person does not receive the gene(基因) for righthandedness,he/she may become either righthanded or lefthanded according to the chance and the people they work or live with.though righthandedness is more common than lefthandedness,people no longer think lefthanded people are strange or unusual.a long time ago,lefthanded children were made to use their right hands like other children,but today they dont have to.【解题导语】 本文主要说明了为什么有的人习惯用右手,有的人习惯用左手。5. after studying works of art made at different times in history,the scientists found _.athe art began from 1500 bc.bthe works of art ended in the 1950scmost people


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