



Unit1A 1. 充分发挥自己的才能 2 掌握一些基本技术 3 在班上名列前茅的学生 4 不允许打断学习时间 5被指派辅导成绩差的运动员 6利用这段时间熟记生物学术语 7 先看一本书的目录 8把一张词汇表贴在盥洗室的墙上 9不停地问问题 10试用不同的方法 11就课文的要点写两三句话 12 花费的时间比预期的长B1又苦又甜的记忆 2去一所离家远的大学读书 3 正好相反 4把自己偏爱的东西强加于某人 5碰巧位于我的故乡芝加哥或其附近 6只要经济上行的通 7非常想家 8 能够转学 9来一个180度的大转弯 10财政困难Unit2A1发现了我的问题之所在 2引入一个话题 3进一步阐述这一思想 4不管你同意还是不同意 5答复你的问题或反对意见 6排队等着轮到你 7即使你了解规则 8处于较高或较低的地位 9每个轮次之间的适当停歇 10不顾轮到的该是谁 11学英语的日本学生 12请某人依次接上B1扩大词汇量的主要原因 2更好的接受和表达思想 3能讲清楚和理解复杂的思想 4甚至能影响你看世界的方式 5不能区分这两种颜色 6别无选则,只能用同样的词表达太多不同的思想 7完全不能表达意思上的细微差别 8和他们那样更善言辞的朋友们同样的思想深度和洞察力 9成功人士唯一的共同特点 10 掌握他人的思想并进行自己的思考 11对我们的日常生活有着直接的影响 12 给予你社交方面、经济方面和学业方面的力量Unit3A1一个自学过电脑操作的青年 2 伤害某人的感情 3 一场持续了差不多十年的战争 4一个生来就盲的男孩 5非常善于解决难题 6祝贺她又获得了一枚金牌 7以做中国人而自豪 8就我所知 9演奏摇滚乐 10黑人音乐得痛苦和尊严B1尽可能真实、生动 2表现很差 3取得显著进步 4不能充分发挥自己的才能 5想象你自己坐在一张的德电影银幕前 6不想过去的错误 7对失败或错误感到内疚或局促不安 8对自己期望过高 10发现“真正的”自我 11每天留出二三十分钟 12有助于消除不好的意象Unit4A1. 走路时撑着拐杖 2 逐一数出一包需要洗涤的衣服 3 积累了好几个星期 4具有某种自尊并热爱劳动 5因自己的家庭感到耻辱 6 在茶壶上捂手 7超过自己体力极限地工作 8帮某人卸下包裹 9派人去请医生 10 能够站起来了 11不能安心卧床休息 12在坚强的意志驱动下完成已经承担的任务B1 一个高个子、饱经风霜的人 2 具有极大的价值 3最喜欢的莫过于 4要求赊账 5羞耻感 6种族主义的丑恶阴影 7 开办一家公关公司 8我父母赢得的好名声 9一个守信用的正派人 10成为家中上大学的第一人 11损害某人的名誉 12保持好名声Unit 5A1 给某人一个忠告 2接受某人的劝告 3保持婚姻幸福 4采取折中办法 5在仲夏休假 6讨厌躺在海滩上 7从容地一起吃顿饭 8他家的一个传统 9猜一猜谁给了什么劝告 10非常热心于妇女解放运动 11一位自视清高的男演员 12以不同的顺序B1 只会使事情更糟 2默默忍受 3有所好转 4拿起电话 5有充分的理由抱怨 6跟难对付的人打交道 7不好却又必不可少的东西 8乘车上下班 9转移话题 10避免无益的争吵Unit 6A1 一个社会的价值体系 2最受尊敬、物质报酬最丰厚的职务 3在晚会上虚度时光 4适应我们时代的要求 5把运动员当成英雄 6从国外引进科学家和知识分子 7消除排斥知识的现象 8宁愿看书而不去踢足球 9普通的职业球员 10学业成绩和智能Unit7A1 一位40岁的女教师 2回到属于我们的地方 3情况开始改变了 4一位外表和蔼可亲的单身女士 5历史人物 6十分开朗的人 7证实我是个聪明人 8思考是教育的一部分 9形成就有一些有价值的看法 10一路奋战穿过法国Keys Unit 1A1. make the most of ones abilities2. master a few basic techniques3. the students at the top of the class4. allow no interruptions of ones study time5. be assigned to tutor underachieving athletes6. use the time to memorise biology terms7. look at a books table of contents first8. stick a vocabulary list on the bathroom wall9. keep asking questions10. try different approaches11. write two or three sentences about the lessons main points12. take longer than expectedB1. bittersweet memories2. go to a college away from home3. just the opposite4. force ones preferences on sb5. happen to be located in or near my hometown of Chicago6. as long as financially feasible7. miss ones family very much8. be able to transfer to another school9. take a 180-degree turn10. financial difficultiesunit 2A1. discovered what my problem was2. introduce a topic3. carry the idea further4. whether you agree or disagree5. answer your questions or objections6. wait in line for your turn 7. even if you know the rules8. in a senior or junior position9. a suitable pause between turns10. pay no attention to whose turn it is11. Japanese students of English12. call on someone to take a turn Unit 3A1. a youngster who taught himself to operate the computer2. hurt sb.s feelings3. a war that lasted for nearly a decade 4. a boy who was born blind5. be very good at solving difficult problems6. congratulate her on winning another gold medal 7. take pride in being Chinese8. as far as I know 9. play rock and roll music10. the pain and dignity of Black Music B1. as real and as vivid as possible2. perform poorly3. make remarkable improvement4. fail to do justice to oneself5. imagine yourself sitting before a large movie screen6. not think about past mistakes7. feel guilty or embarrassed about failures or mistakes8. expect too much of oneself9. be doomed from the start10. find the “real” self11. set aside 20-30 minutes each day12. help wipe out poor imagesunit 41. lean on a stick when one walks2. count out to sb. a bundle of laundry3. accumulate over several weeks4. be blessed with a certain pride and love of labor5. be ashamed of ones own family6. warm ones hands against the teapot7. work beyond the limits of ones power8. help sb. unload his bundle9. send for a doctor10. be able to stand on ones feet11. cannot rest easy in ones bed12. be driven by s strong will to fulfill the task one has undertakenB1. a tall, weathered man2. be of immense value4. ask for credit5. a sense of shame 6. the ugly shadow of racism7. start a public-relations firm8. the good name my parents had earned9. a decent person who keeps his word10. become the first in ones family to go to college11. compromise sb.s reputation12. keep a good nameUnit 5A1. give somebody a piece of advice2. take somebodys advice3. stay happily married4. take the middle course5. take a holiday in mid-summer6. hate the idea of lying on a beach7. eat a leisurely meal together8. a tradition in his family9. guess who gave what advice10. be very active in the Womens Liberation Movement11. an actor who had a high opinion of himself12. in a different orderB1.will only make matters worse2. suffer in silence3. change for the better4. pick up the phone5. have a good reason to complain6. deal with difficult people7. a necessary evil8. commute to work 9. direct the conversation to something else10. avoid fruitless argumentsUnit 61. the system of values in a society2. the most prestigious and materially rewarding positions3. idle away ones time at parties4. adapt to the demands of our times5.make heroes of athletes 6. import scientists and intellectuals from abroad7. do away with anti-intellectualism8. prefer to read rather than play football9. average professional ballplayers10. academic achievement and intellectual abilityUnit 71. a 40-year-


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