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2014高考英语夯实基础课后复习题26.单词拼写1these days, he was very annoyed, because his wife decided to _ (离婚) him.2we all have great _ (同情) for the victims of the earthquake.3to my _ (满意), my son passed the examination.4mr. smith, do me the _ (帮忙) to open the window.5there is nothing to get _ (惊恐的) about.6children under 14 must be _ (陪同) by an adult.7youll have to _ (遵守) the rules if you want to live there.8dont lie to her. shes _ (注定) to find out about it.9the president _ (希望) that you should visit him next week.10the _ (员工) at this company wear uniform clothing.答案:1.divorce2.sympathy3.satisfaction/content4.favour5.alarmed6.accompanied7.obey/observe8.bound9.desired10.staff.完成句子1the room_ _ _ _ _(留给客人用)(set)2_ _(转过身来)and let me look at your face.(turn)3please stay and_ _(陪我)for a while. (accompany)4these problems_ _ _ _(注定会出现)(bound)5please_ _ _ _(帮我忙)to arrange these flowers.(favour)答案:1.was set aside for visitors2.turn around3.accompany me4.were bound to arise5.do me the favour.单项填空1you hate lee, dont you?_i just think hes a bit annoying. thats all.acertainly.b not exactly. cof course. dwhy not?答案:b考查交际用语。由答语“i just think hes a bit annoying. thats all.”可知,选not exactly,意为“不尽然”。再如:“not exactly, fred,”replied the imperturbable richard, continuing to write with a businesslike air.“不完全是那么回事,福来德,”沉住气的理查德边说边一本正经地继续写着。 2(2012台州模拟)are you getting a new car this year?you must be joking! i cant afford to pay my bills, _ buy a new car.alet alone bor rathercleave alone dother than答案:a句意:你今年要买新车吗?开玩笑吧!我连账单都付不起,更别提买辆新车了。let alone“更不用说,更别提”;or rather“更确切地说”;leave alone“不管;让一个人待着”;other than“除了”。3it was when asimov was eleven years old _ his talent for writing became obvious.athat bhowcwhich dwhen答案:a考查强调句型。强调句型结构为:“it is/was被强调成分that/who其他成分”。本句强调when asimov was eleven years old这个时间状语从句,所以选择a。4i have two tickets for the theatre on saturday evening. would you like to _ me?id like to, but im afraid i have no time.ainvite baccompanycconduct dattend答案:baccompany sb.“陪同/伴某人”。5those who are _ the proposal are expected to discuss it in detail after the meeting.ain favour of bin memory ofcin honour of din search of答案:a句意:那些支持这个建议的人被要求会后详细讨论一下该建议。in favour of“支持,赞成”,符合语境。in memory of“纪念,怀念”;in honour of“为纪念,为庆祝”;in search of“寻找,搜寻”。6we have to stop talking here outside. listen, _!hurry up, or well be late.athere goes the bell bthere does the bell gocthere the bell goes dgoes the bell there答案:a考查倒装结构。句意:我们必须停止在外面谈话了。听,铃响了!快点,要不我们就迟到了。there位于句首,谓语动词为go,且主语是名词时,用完全倒装。故正确答案为a项。7helen, we are taking a boat trip to hainan this weekend. would you like to go with us?that sounds exciting. id like to, but i cant. _!agoodbye bvery sorrychave a nice trip di envy you答案:c考查交际用语。have a nice trip“祝你旅途愉快”。8(2012黄冈模拟)think hard and you wont have the puzzle _ you.apuzzling bpuzzlecto puzzle dpuzzled答案:b考查非谓语动词。本句用了“have sth. do sth.”结构。句中的the puzzle(难题,令人费解的人或事)与puzzle(为难,使迷惑)之间是主谓关系。9(2012聊城模拟)_ down the radio a littlethe baby is sleeping.aturning bturncto turn dturned答案:b考查祈使句。破折号后面表示的是解释说明,是相对独立的句子成分,由此可判断前半句是祈使句,故用动词原形。10(2012黄州模拟)an old lady came _ to the bus stop only _ the bus had gone.ato run; to find brunning; to findcand ran; finding drunning; finding答案:b考查非谓语动词。第一空用现在分词作方式状语;第二空用不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。11(2013盐城市摸底)lots of campaigns have occurred in china to defend the diaoyu islands recently. what is your _ of the situation?aintention bassessmentcattitude danswer答案:b考查名词。句意:最近,中国的很多活动的目的是保卫钓鱼岛。你对此作何评价?由句意可知选assessment,意为“评价”;该题易误选c项,但是attitude后应该接to或towards。12peter _ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.aset out bset offcset in dset aside答案:d考查动词短语的应用。set out“开始,出发”;set off“出发,引起”;set in“插入,嵌入”;set aside“把放在一边”。13many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _.ato pick up bpicking upcto be picked up dbeing picked up答案:c考查不定式的语态。此处pick up和many people之间是被动关系。句意:许多人站在车站附近,焦急地等着被搭载。14the new congress finally _ a state of war against germany.apronounced bdeclaredcannounced dlaunched答案:b考查动词词义辨析。句意:新国会终于向德国宣战了。pronounce“发音”;declare“对宣布”,多指宣布战争、和平、中立、意见等;announce“宣布,宣告”,含有预告的意思;通报(某人/某物的)出席或到来;launch“发动;发射”。15they are_to fail if they continue at the risk of all these dangers.aconnected bfastenedcbound dstuck答案:cbe bound to do“注定;一定”。句意:如果他们继续冒着一切危险,一定会失败。.阅读理解athey can run all day. they never complain and if they demand a pay rise you can just remove their batteries:many premiership managers must dream of having a robotic (机器人的)football player.in fact, robotics researchers believe that by 2050 a robotic football team will take to the field that will be able to defeat the current human world champions.its an ambitious goal which sounds more like science fiction than realitybut the plan to develop the robotic equivalent of brazil is already well on its way.this week, teams of robots from all over the world are taking part in robocup 2007the robotic football world cup.this year the event is taking place at georgia tech university in the us for the biggest ever demonstration of robotic footballing prowess.while they might not have the guile or pace of wayne rooney just yet, scorelines that stretched into double figures proves that these robosoccer stars certainly have a grasp of the games fundamentals.the groups ranged from the “humanoid league” right through to robots so small they can only be seen with a microscope in the inaugural “nanocup”for robots to play football, various technologies have been developed including artificial intelligence so the robots know who to pass to and how best to defeat an opponent as well as sophisticated robotics and sensors. after the fun and games of the robocup is over, the technologies developed for scoring winning goals is then transferred to a number of other more useful applications such as developing robots that can be used in search and rescue in large scale disaster.文章大意:机器人足球比赛的现场的情景。每年在美国的佐治亚大学都举办机器人足球大赛,来自世界各地的机器人会在这里一展身手。1the first paragraph is mainly about _.athe features of robotic football playersba part of an interesting science fictionca report on a football game in a newspaperda scene of the 2007 womens football world cup答案:a推理判断题。第一段主要介绍了机器人的特征。2the incorrect description on robotcup 2007 is _.ait will be held in georgia tech university in the usbrobots from a few countries have joined in the festivalcrobotic football players have ever achieved bestdthe sizes of robotic football players are different答案:b细节判断题。第四段的“.robots from all over the world”可知,机器人是来自世界各地的。b项所述与事实不符。3what do the scores of the robosoccer stars prove?arobosoccer stars are equal to football players in skills.brobosoccer stars will defeat the human world champions.crobosoccer stars understand the basic knowledge of the game.drobosoccer stars have the pace of the famous stars.答案:c细节理解题。从倒数第三段的最后“.these robosoccer stars certainly have a grasp of the games fundamentals”可确定正确答案。4the main idea of the last paragraph is that _.arobots can be used to search for and save victims in accidentsbthe advanced robots can defeat other players in a gamecthe robots with artificial intelligence know how to pass ballsdthe technology developed for robots can be used in other fields答案:d段落大意题。这一段主要介绍了在研制机器人的过程中所得到的技术会在社会上的其他领域得以应用。5what would be the best title for the passage?aworld cup for robots kicks offbrobots join in the world cup footballcrobotic soccer stars are populardrobots promote the popularity of football答案:a标题归纳题。本文主要介绍的是世界各地的机器人在美国参加足球比赛的情况。b项表示机器人参加世界杯,这里不是世界杯,而是专门为机器人举办的足球比赛;c项表示机器人足球运动员明星受人们欢迎;d项表示机器人促使足球的流行,均不符合主题。binstead of hitting the beach, fourteen high school students traded swimming suits for lab coats last summer and turned their attention to scientific experiments.the high school research program offers high school students guidance with researchers in texas a & ms college of agriculture and life sciences. jennifer funkhouser, academic adviser for the department of rangeland ecology and management, directs this fourweek summer program designed to increase understanding of research and its career potential.several considerations go into selecting students, including grades, school involvement and interest in science and agriculture. and many students come from poorer school districts. funkhouser says, “this is their chance to learn techniques and do experiments they would never have a chance to do in high school.” warner ervin of houston is interested in animal science and learned how to tell male from female mosquitoes. his adviser, craig coates, studies the genes of mosquitoes that allow them to fight against malaria and yellow fever. coates thought this experience would be fun and helpful to the high school students.the agricultural research at a&m differs from stereotypes. its “molecular(分子)science on the cutting edge,” funkhouser says. the program broadened students knowledge. victor garcia of rarcia of rio grande city hopes to become a biology teacher and says he learned a lot about chemistry from the program.at the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research. theyre also paid $600 for their workanother way this program differs from others, which often charges a fee.fourteen students got paid to learn that science is fun, that agriculture is a lot more than milking and plowing and that research can open many doors.文章大意:为了培养未来的科学爱好者,the high school rese


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