高中英语 Module 4 Music Section 2 Everyday English and Function课件 外研版选修6.ppt_第1页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Section 2 Everyday English and Function课件 外研版选修6.ppt_第2页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Section 2 Everyday English and Function课件 外研版选修6.ppt_第3页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Section 2 Everyday English and Function课件 外研版选修6.ppt_第4页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Section 2 Everyday English and Function课件 外研版选修6.ppt_第5页
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section everydayenglishandfunction module4music 1 2 课堂巩基础固 课下强化练习 单词拼写1 afew 过路人 sawtheaccident 2 toour 放松 hisillnessprovednottobeasseriousaswehadfeared 3 attheendofeverysentence theteacherwillgiveusatwo minute 间歇 towritedownwhatwehaveheard 4 sheisa 志愿 workeratthehospital passers by relief interval voluntary 5 thereisa 空着的 placeovertherewherewecanpark 6 iconsideritagreat 荣幸 tobeinvitedtodinner 7 forgetyourworriesand 放松 8 boyasheis hehasalarge 收藏 ofstamps 9 shebecameafamousmodelonthefashion 现场 10 thecrossisthe 象征 ofchristianity vacant honor relax collection scene symbol 选词并用其正确形式填空charm collection scene voluntary therefore interval drawupon missthepoint pickup ontheotherhand1 youhavecompletely ofhisargument 2 hefirstburstontothenationalpolitical atage28 3 hefrequentlydid workduringhissparetimeatuniversity missedthepoint scene voluntary 4 wewere bythefriendlinessofthelocalpeople 5 hewasdownwiththeflu and couldn tcometotheparty 6 it sa ofchinesejade 7 differentcivilizationsandsocialsystemsshould andbenefitfromeachothertoachievecommondevelopment charmed therefore collection drawupon 8 wehadaquickdrinkforthe 9 thisisanovel but itcanbelookedasabiography 10 thetypewritercasebythehandle interval ontheotherhand pickup 短语速记1 concerts举办音乐会2 be of for与 情况相同3 givelife 赋予 生命 生命力 活力 4 bethesame 与 情况相同5 sharefeelingsandideas 与 分享感受与想法 give true to with with 6 make with与 进行来往7 allof sudden突然间8 dance themusic伴着音乐跳舞9 draw 利用 凭借 依赖10 inaddition 除此之外 contact a to upon to 单句语法填空 不多于3个单词 1 pleasepassmethenotebook coverisyellow 2 lihuawasoneofthegirls havethechancetogoabroad 3 hemustbefromafrica canbeseenfromhisskin 4 air webreatheeveryday isaroundusallthetime 5 1949wastheyear thenewchinawasborn whose who which which when 6 idon tknowthereason shelooksunhappytoday 7 thisisthevillage myfatherworkedthreeyearsago 8 istillremembertheday theoldscientisttookustothelabforthefirsttime 9 theletter ireceivedyesterdayisfro


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