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牛津初中英语7A期末测试卷大家好,我是孙悟空。学完unit 1 and unit 2了吧。让我来考考你们吧!第I卷(共55分). Hello, boys and girls晃晃脑袋热热身,竖起耳朵,来攻克难关吧。(共分)听听下面的句子,按顺序将序号写在括号内。一定要开动脑筋哟!(听一遍)( ) ( )( )( )( )聪明的你会根据所听问题选择正确应答的句子吗?来试试吧!(听二遍)( )1. A. Yes, its wonderful. B. Thats wonderful. C. Yes, it is. D. I dont think so.( )2. A. At about six thirty. B. Yes, I do . C. At home. D. In the evening( )3. A. Yes, Im late. B. Excuse me. C. Im very sorry. D. Never mind.( )4. A. No, I dont know. B. I go to school in the afternoon . C. I usually go to the cinema. D. Id love to( )5. A. At seven in the evening. B. At school. C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesnt.根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。爱学习的你一定能帮我的!(听二遍)( )1. A. Amy is in the tree. B. Lucy is in the tree. C. Lily is in the tree. D. They are all in the tree.( )2. A. Nancy . B. Mike. C. Bob. D. Jim( )3. A. In the office. B. In the school. C. In the classroom. D. At Mr Greens home.( )4. A. She wants Jim to help her. B. She can send her e-mail. C. Jim wants to help her. D. Jim cant help her.( )5. A. A writer and a teacher. B. A worker and a writer. C. A student and a teacher. D. A writer and a student.根据所听内容,将下面的文章补全。孙悟空相信你一定行的!(听三遍) Hello, everyone! My name is Lou Ying. You can _1_ me Amy. My _2_ come from Shanghai. I was _3_there but we live in Beijing now. I like _4_ very much and Im also good at English. I have a _5_ , her name is Lucy. 下面有一些单项选择,看看谁做得最好,要认真考虑啊!(每小题一分,共15分)( ) 1. What time is it? Its 11:30 am. Its time _ lunch.A. have B. to have C. having ( ) 2. Amy likes _ books, but I enjoy _ basketball after school.?A. read; play B. reading; playing C. reading; play ( ) 3. They go to the park once _ .A. week B. a week C. weeks ( ) 4. Daniel _ a flat in Shanghai.A. lives in B. lives C. live on( ) 5. Do you have a PE lesson today?No, we dont. We have _ English lesson today.A. a B. an C. the( ) 6. We often chat _ each other _ lunchtime.A. to; in B. for; at C. with; at( ) 7. My brother is good at _ in his class.A. run B. swim C. Maths( ) 8. _ do you go to school ?A. How B. Where C. Why ( ) 9. What time _ you get up in the morning ?A. are B. do C. dont ( ) 10. - Do you like your school ? -_A. I like . B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.( ) 11. I wear a swimsuit _ I swim .A. but B. when C. and ( ) 12. Sorry. I _ think I _ help you.A. dont; cant B /; cant C. dont; can ( ) 13. There are _ things in the shop ?A. lots of B. many of C. a lot ( ) 14. I want _ the classroom . Could you _ me, please?A. clean; help B. to clean; help C. to clean; to help ( ) 15. The shop is _ today.A. to close B. close C. closed . 今天上午,Tom正在和他的同学Kate走在上学的路上,他们在谈论他们的学校生活呢,请同学们从方框中选出最佳答案,把他们的对话补全。把序号填在横线上。(每空一分,共5分)Tom: Oh, our new school is very big.Kate: _1_Tom: Our Principal is Mr Wang. _2_Kate: Its Miss Zhao. She is our English teacher, too. _3_Tom: No, he is our Maths teacher. Do you like swimming?Kate:_4_ Im a member of the Swimming Club in our school.Tom: Oh, listen to the bell. Its time for class.Kate: _5_A: Lets go.B: Yes, it is.C: Is Mr Wang your English teacher, too.D: Who s your Principal?E: Yes, I do. 想和我的火眼金睛比试一下吗?大家快来吧!选出最佳答案。(每空一分,共10分)Mr Wu is a new teacher. He 1 us English. He 2 a tall man. He likes _3 . a white coat and black trousers. He can 4 very good English. We all like him very much. He 5 know our names 6 he is new. He has all the names 7 a piece of paper. In the 8 . lesson, he says,” Now let me 9 your names, Li Shan.” “Im 10 .”( ) 1 . A. teaches B. teach C. to teach D. teaching( ) 2 . A. has B. be C. is D. was( ) 3 . A. putting on B. wearing C. puts D. wears( ) 4 . A. say B. says C. speak D. speaks( ) 5 . A. doesnt B. isnt C. dont D. arent( ) 6 . A. but B. when C. and D. because( ) 7 . A. in B. at C. on D. with ( ) 8 . A. one B. a C. first D./ ( ) 9 . A. call B. ask C. speak D. say( )10. A. yes B. in C. here D. OK. 下面是关于Tony的一段话,和我一起读读吧! (每题一分,共5分)Tony lives in New York. His father has a shop there and his mother is a worker. Hes seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn. Because his school is far from their shop, his father drives a car to take him to school every day. So hes not late for class and his teacher s like him. Its Monday today. Miss Zhao is teaching them to count from 1 to 10. Tony is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Zhao is happy and asks,“How many people are there in your family, Tony?” Tony stands up and begins to count with his fingers (手指). Then he says, ”Two, Miss Zhao.”“Who are they?” “ My father and mother.” “Oh?” Miss Zhao is surprised(惊奇的), “Two people in your family?” “Because now Im not at home, you know.”根据短文判断下列句子正误。(正确的写T, 错误的写F)( ) 1. Tony lives in the USA.( ) 2. Tony is in Grade Two now.( ) 3. Tony usually goes to school by car.( ) 4.The teachers like Tony because hes very tall in his class.( ) 5. The children are listening to her, so Miss Zhao is happy today.第二卷(共45分)。词汇(每小题一分,共10分)同学们,你们能根据汉语提示帮助孙悟空补全单词吗?(每小题一分,共分)1. 马尾辫 po_ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 羽毛球 b_ _ _ _ _ ton3. 苗条的 s_ _ m 4. 祖父母 p_ _ _ _ _ s 5. 最喜欢的 fa_ _ _ _ _ te)你一定能把下面的单词写成适当形式的,加油吧:(每空一分,共分)1. She has long hail in _ ( bunch).2. That boy is polite and _(help) .3. Our English teacher is very _ (fun).4. We are in the _ (read) Club.5. You can call _ ( I ) Lisa.VII。爱学习的你一定会用所给的词的正确时态的填空吧!(每小题一分,共10分)1. My mother often _( see) the films .2. Mike sometimes forgets _ (bring) his books to school .3. He would like _ (go) to school by bike. ?4. Mr. Zhang _ ( teach) us English.5. May I _ ( swim) here ?6. Mary enjoy (go) shopping on Sandays.7. I want _ ( have) lunch at home .8. we (be) in the same class.9. I can_ ( wash ) my clothes .10. Julia is busy _ (do) her homework.VIII。句子汉译英, 看看谁比我聪明。(每小题1分,共5分)1. 我的表妹也有一双足球鞋。My cousin _ has a pair of football _.2. 这是一张我全家人的照片。This is a picture _ my _.3. 汤姆是我们班游泳最好的人。 Tom is the _ _ in our class.4. 每张成人票10美元。The ticket for _ _ is $ 10.5. 篮球运动员看起来高大健壮。The football players look _ and _ . IX、想学我的七十二变吗?那就先来做个游戏,把下面的句子换个样子吧!(每小题一分,共分)1. Daniel and Sam are in Grade Seven. (对划线部分提问) 1 2 are Daniel and Sam in?2. Sandy plays football once a week. (对划线部分提问) 3 4 does Sandy play football?3. My mother has supper at 6 pm. (改成一般疑问句) 5 your mother 6 supper at 6 pm?4. Climb the tree in the park. (改成否定句) 7 8 the tree in the park.5. Simon is from England. (同义转换)Simon 9 10 England.X。 孙悟空看不出这几句话错在那里了,快帮帮我吧!(每题一分,共5分)1. Is he often go to school by bus?. ( )_A B C 2. Millie, wake up! Its time to school. ( ) _A B C 3. I love listening music very much. ( ) _ A B C 4. There are a lots of books in the boys schoolbag. ( ) _ A B C5. My brother spends two hours to go to school by bike every day? ( )_ A B CXI。还记得我们学过的文章中的小伙伴吗?首字母填空,看谁记得最准确。(共5分) Sandy is tall. She has black hair in a p_1_. She likes l_2_ to m_3_. She wears g_4_.Kitty is 11 y_5_ old. She loves d_6_. She has long hair in b_7_. She works h_8_. Daniel is p_9_ and helpful. He likes playing c_10_ games.XII、作文。(5分)孙悟空很想和你交朋友啊,同学们能介绍一下自己的学校生活吗?写一篇不少于5句的短文,写出你在学校的感受吧!1介绍你的学校和所在班级。2. 介绍你在学校的作息时间。3. 介绍你在学校最喜欢的课程和老师。4. 介绍你的课后活动。_牛津初中英语 7A 期中试卷听力及参考答案 、听力 A) (听一遍)1. A: where do you have dinner?B: I usually have it in a restaurant.2. A: Can I borrow your rubber? Mine is at home. B: Sure, here you are.3. A: Is Simon good at playing basketball? B: No, hes good at playing tennis.4. A: what does your father often do at the weekend? B: He likes going running in the morning. He doesnt like staying at home.5. A: What is your favourite activity after school? B: I like looking for things on the Internet.B) (听两遍)1 What about the trip to Nanjing?2 What time do you usually get up?3 You are late for school, Jack.4 What do you usually do on Sundays?5 Where does she have her lunch?C) (听两遍)1. A: Hello, Amy. Can you help us please?B: Whats wrong ,Lucy?A: Look, lily is in the tree. She cant get down.B: Dont worry. Let me help her.Q: Whos in the tree?2. A: Excuse me, Nancy. May I borrow your ruler, please?B: Sorry, Mike. Mine is lost. I think the twins have rulers.A: Thank you. Bob and Jimmy, may I borrow your ruler, please?B: Take mine, please. Bobs is at home. A: Thanks a lot. Ill give it back to you soon.Q: Who can Mike borrow the ruler from?3. A: Hello, Can I help you?B: Id like to talk to Mr Green .Where can I find him?A: His office is over there. But hes not in the office now. hes in the classroom with his students.Q: Where is Mr Green now?4. A: Hello, Jim. I cant send my e-mail , can you help me?B: Dont worry, Annie. Im coming.Q: What does Annie mean?5. A: Hello, Mr White. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: May I ask you some questions, Mr White? My classmates and I like your books very much. Can you say something to the middle school students? Q: What do they do?D) (听三遍)Hello, everyone! My name is Lou Ying. You can call me Amy. My parents come from Shanghai. I was born there but we live in Beijing now. I like Maths very much and Im also good at English. I have a cousin, her name is Lucy.参考答案. BDCAD BACCB CDCAD call parents born Maths cousin. 1-5 BBBAB 6-10 CCABC 11-15 BCABC . BDCEA. ACBCA DCCAC. TTFFFVI. A) 1. ponytail 2. badminton 3. slim 4. parents 5. favouriteB) 1. bunches 2. helpful 3. funny 4. reading 5. meVII. 1. sees 2. to bring 3. to go 4. teaches 5. swim 6. going 7.to have 8. are 9. wash 10. doing VIII. also boots 2. of family 3. best swimmer 4. each adult 5. tall strong IX. 1. Which grade 2. How often 3. Does have 4. Dont climb 5. comes fromX. 1. A Does 2. C for 3. B listening to 4. A a lot of/ lots of 5. B goingXI. 1. ponytail 2. listening 3. music 4. glasses 5. years 6. dancing 7. bunches 8. hard 9. polite 10. computer . 略牛津初中英语Starter 期末试卷听力及参考答案 、听力 A) (听一遍)A. Daniel wears glasses.B. Kitty loves dancing.C. Sometimes I eat with my parents at home in the evening.D. I like flying a kite when I am free.E. Amy rides a bike to school with her friends every day.B) (听两遍)6 Does Jim go to school by bus?7 Whose are the shoes?8 How old is your sister?9 The green light is yours, isnt it?10 Where is my football, mum?C) (听两遍)1. A: Is your bike red, Jim?B: No, my bike is green.Q: What colour is Jims bike?2. A: My toy boat is broken. Can you mend it Kate?B: Sorry, but I think Sarah can help you.Q: Who can mend the toy boat?3. A: How many students ar


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