福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section D课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第1页
福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section D课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第2页
福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section D课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第3页
福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section D课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第4页
福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 1 Pollution has causes too many problems Section D课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第5页
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unit2savingtheearthtopic1pollutionhascausedtoomanyproblems sectiond it be beautifulinthepast kangkang go theretwoyearsago theflowersandgrass go everything change mrs zhou be likethissincelastweek she notsee adoctoryet was went havegone haschanged hasbeen hasn tseen simplepast强调过去 presentperfect强调现在 theyarecausedbypollution therearemanykindsofpollutionaroundus airpollution lightpollution litter waterpollution soilpollution noisepollution including readthroughsectionsa candfillintheblankswiththecorrectwords grammar been were hashappened havegone went simplepast presentperfect functions shame pouring worse go harmful better harm 1 whatisthepassagemainlyabout a airpollution b lightpollution c litter d allsortsofpollution 2 destroy s thesoil a chemicalsb weatherc noised industry 3 howdopeoplefeelaftertheyworkinstronglightforalongtime a excited b happy c terrible d sad howwelldoyouknowsectionsa c nowdothefollowingtasksandcheck a d c read1aandchoosethebestanswer 1areadthepassageandcompletethetableonpage34 gas oil coal sore breathing litter chemicals dirty unhealthy workinanoisy deaf highblood strong illnesses eyes 1 theyarebadforourhealthinmanyways they toourhealthindifferentways 2 peoplemaylosetheirhearingiftheyworkinanoisyplaceforalongtime ifpeopleworkinnoisyconditionsforalongtimetheymayhave 3 noisepollutioncanmakepeopledeaf peoplemay deaf noisepollution 1breadandunderstandthefirstsentence thencompletethesecondone hearingloss doharm go becauseof areharmful therearemany ofpollutionaroundus theyare forourhealthinmanyways airpollutioncauses eyesand problems makesourenvironmentdirty soilpollution thesoiland unhealthyfood noisepollutionmakespeople andcauseshighbloodpressure lightpollutionisbadfor andcausessomekindsof withlesspollution ourplanetwillbecome andourhealthwillbebetter let sbegreenerpeople completethepassageaccordingto1a kinds sorts bad sore breathing litter destroys causes deaf eyes illnesses greener languagepoints 1 burninggas oil coalcreatesairpollution 燃烧气体 石油和煤都会造成空气污染 createv 造成 创造creativeadj 创造性的creationn 创造 创造物 2 inthefields farmersusetoomanychemicalswhichdestroythesoil 在地里 农民使用了太多对土壤起破坏作用的化肥和农药 定语从句 3 toomuchnoisecancausehighbloodpressureaswell 噪声太大也可能导致高血压 highbloodpressure高血压 aswell也 还e g we regoingtothepartytonight whydon tyoucomealongaswell languagepoints 4 withtheincreaseinpopulationandthedevelopmentofindustry litteriseverywhere 随着人口的增加和工业的发展 垃圾到处都是 5 withlesspollution ourplanetwillbecomegreenerandourhealthwillbebetter 随着污染的减少 我们的地球将变得更加环保 我们也会更健康 languagepoints moretasks phrasecollection 把 倒入 havegotapainin throwaround 对 有害 notallpeople godeaf 丧失听力 和 几乎 一样坏 disturbothers 各种各样样的 在很多方面 pour into 疼 乱扔 beharmfulto doharmto 不是所有人 变聋 havehearingloss loseone shearing nobetterthan 打扰别人 allsorts kindsof inmanyways mary excuseme ihaven tseenhimforweeks bill jim sgonetoengland mary really bill hewenttherelastweek mary bill forthreetimes mary bill hetraveledwithhisfriends mary bill hewillbeawayforabouttwoweeks mary oh thankyou i llphonehimthisevening e where sjim a whendidhegothere b howmanytimeshashebeenthere d whodidhetravelwith c howlongwillhebeaway e moretasks conversation a b d c project makingawallnewspaperaboutpollution 1 collectsomepicturesaboutpollution 2 whatkindofpollutiondoeseachpictureshow workingroupsanddiscussitsbadeffects 3 makeawallnewspaperaboutdifferentkindsofpollutionandtheharmcausedbythem exercises 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 如今 很多人患有高血压 nowadays manypeoplehave 2 动物可以在很多方面帮助人们 animalscanhelppeople 3 迈克会打篮球 他跑步也很快 mikecanplaybasketball herunsfast 4 随着工业的发展 污染越来越严重 industry pollutionhasbecome serious highbloodpressure inmanyways aswell withthedevelopmentof moreandmore exercises 单项选择 1 lindahasmanyhobbies listeningtomusic collectingcoins goingcyclingandsoon a forexampleb includingc aboutd and 2 thereis pollutionintheworld wemuststopit a muchtoob toomuchc manyd toomany 3 theincreaseinpopulation foodhasbecomeaseriousproblem a andb byc tod with 4 theenvironmentisimportantforhumanbeings a takecareofb tookcareofc takingcareofd takethecareof b d c b summary welearn 1 makeawallnewspaperinenglish 2 tellthedifferencesbetweensimplepastandpresentperfect iwenttheretwoyearsago ihavebeenlikethissincelastweek wecan 1 somewords coal create blood planet2 somephrases inmanyways highbloo


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