江苏省宿迁市现代实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.DOC_第1页
江苏省宿迁市现代实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.DOC_第2页
江苏省宿迁市现代实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.DOC_第3页
江苏省宿迁市现代实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.DOC_第4页




unit 4 a good read课题8下 unit 4 a good read-grammar学习目标1. 学会正确使用“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”的结构2. 学会正确使用must和have to学习内容四会内容词汇:hand review return词组:hand in write about and so on ask for help with writing on time导 学 过 程感悟1、 预习 在英语中,有一些动词或动词短语后面可以接“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,疑问词包括疑问代词what, which, who和疑问副词 how,when,where等。如: he does not know how to open the safe(保险箱). i find out where to buy fruit cheaply. she has decided which topic to choose.提醒:1. 可用于这种结构的动词及动词短语有:know,learn,see,hear,ask,tell,advise,decide,explain,forget,remember,think,understand,wonder,discover,consider,guess,find out等。2. 此结构可以改写成由该疑问词引导的宾语从句。i do not know what to do. =i do not know what i should do.3.有些动词,如ask,show,tell,advise,inform,teach等,其后可以接双宾语。please show us how to do that.please tell me how to get there.4. 有些疑问词,如what,which,whose,how many,how much等,其后可以先接一个名词,再接动词不定式。she wondered how many subject to choose.5. 此结构在句子中还可以作主语和宾语。how to deal with the problem is most important to us.the problem is when to leave the place.6. why 不可以用于此结构。must 和 have to 的用法must1. 侧重主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思是“必须,得,要”,没有人称、时态、数的变化。 i must finish my homework today.2. must的否定形式must not表示禁止,意为“不能,不许” you must not smoke here.3. must还可以表示推测,意为“一定,必定” you must be very tired.4. 在回答带有must的问句时,否定式常用need not或dont have to,而不用must not.-must i do my homework now?-yes,you must./no,you neednt./no,you dont have to.have to1. 侧重一种客观的需要,意为“不得不”。have to 有人称和数的变化。 mum is out, so i have to look after my younger brother. its getting dark. he has to go home now.2.否定形式是do not have to.展示交流return1.及物动词,意为“归还”,相当于give back。they have returned the bike to me.=they have given the bike back to me. (不与back连用)2. 不及物动词,意为“返回”,相当于go back/get back/come back.ann will visit you when she returns to london.三、反馈练习:i. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。1. the exam is over. the students are_(上交)in their papers.2. after reading the book, you can write_(评论)in your notebooks.3. remember to_(归还)the books to the library on time.4. -where is the parrot now? -ah.its on my_(肩膀).5. -where can we borrow books? -my mother_(建议)us to borrow from the school library.ii. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. many people_never_(see)most of the pop stars. so there will be many people at the concert.2. i dont know what made him laugh so_(excite).3. john_(write)something when i went to see him.4. this dictionary mustnt_(take)away from the library.5. his father asked him_(not play)football in the street.6. the teacher said to us,“your homework must_(hand)in on time.”7. they have no idea about what_(do)with the old books.8. i taught_(i)how to search for information on the internet.9. fish sleep with the eyes open. thats_(amaze).10. remember_(close)the door when you leave.iii.单项选择。( ) 1. - i like the party so much, but i_go home. its too late.- what a pity! a. mustnt b. have to c. may d. cant ( ) 2. - must i come at four oclock?- oh,no,you_ a. dont b. mustnt c. dont have to d. cant( )3. - must i finish my homework tonight? -_ a. yes, you can b. no, you neednt c. yes, you need d. no, you mustnt( ) 4. johnny, you _play with the knife ,for you may hurt yourself. a. wont b. cant c. mustnt d. neednt( ) 5. -_i wash the clothes now? -no,you_. you _clean the room first. a. must;neednt; may b. must; mustnt;can c. must;must; can d. shall; may; mayiv. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我忘了下一步应该


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