【步步高】(江苏专用)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The environment练习题 牛津译林版必修5(1).doc_第1页
【步步高】(江苏专用)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The environment练习题 牛津译林版必修5(1).doc_第2页
【步步高】(江苏专用)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The environment练习题 牛津译林版必修5(1).doc_第3页
【步步高】(江苏专用)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The environment练习题 牛津译林版必修5(1).doc_第4页




unit 2the environment.单项填空1the bag _on the table is brought in the shop _in the east of the city.alaid;lying blying;laidclies;lay dlaying;lain答案a考查词义辨析。lay(laid,laid,laying)放置;产卵;lie(lay,lain,lying)躺着,位于;lie(lied,lied,lying)撒谎。句意:放在桌子上的包是从位于本市东部的一家商店买的。2i _him to take the train,but he wouldnt.amanaged to persuade btried to persuadecfailed to persuade dpersuaded答案btry to persuade sb意为“试图说服某人,结果他就是不听”;manage to persuade意为“成功说服了”。根据句意,选b。3my money _.could you please lend me some?ahas run out of bhas run outcwas run out of dhas been run out答案brun out用光,耗尽,是不及物动词短语,所以无被动语态,主语一般是物,而run out of虽然也表达相同的意思,但是它是及物动词短语,主语一般是人。4kathy _ a lot of spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.apicked up btook upcmade up dturned up答案a考查短语辨析。pick up学到;获得;take up从事;占据(时间,空间);make up虚构;化妆;turn up调高;出现。5tom felt that he himself,rather than the girls,_for the failure of the football match.awere to blame bwas to blamecwere to blamed dwas to be blamed答案b考查blame的用法。句意:汤姆感觉到是他自己而不是那些女孩们应该为足球比赛的失败受到谴责。to blame for为而受到责备、谴责,归咎于。故选b。6when he came back,his _look on his face,he failed in the interview.adisappointed bdisappointingcencouraged dencouraging答案a考查v.ing形式的形容词与v.ed形式的形容词的辨析。句意:当他回来时,脸上满是失望的表情,他面试失败了。这种表情是主语自己产生的,故选a。7please go on trying.im sure the efforts you are_will pay off.adoing bgivingcmaking dsparing答案c考查定语从句和动宾搭配。句意:请继续努力,我相信你付出的努力一定会有回报。efforts后是定语从句,根据搭配make efforts就可判断选择c。8there is still a long way to go to solve all the problems _conservation of natural resources.aconcerning bconcernedcconcerning about dconcerned about答案aconcerning是介词,相当于about,意为“与有关,关于”。9you should have prepared your speech for the meeting,mrs smith.yes,i know.but how could i_the meeting date fixed so soon?awhile bascafter dwith答案d考查句式。在所给的选项当中,只有as与with有“由于、因为”之意,而as是连词,其后必须跟从句,所以不能用。只有with符合这一用法,构成复合结构,用作表示原因的状语,代词i之后省略了动词prepare。答语后句句意为:因为会议日期确定得太快了,我如何能准备好呢?10as these new products are not selling well,the members of the board have decided to _production.acut down bcut down toccut down on dcut off答案ccut down on 和cut back on可以互换,意为“削减,减少”。符合句意“由于这些新产品销量不佳,董事会成员决定削减产量”。11the top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly _.aatmosphere bstatecsituation dphenomenon答案ain a friendly atmosphere在友好的氛围中。state状态;situation情况,形势;phenomenon现象。12in those days,our _concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snowstorm with food and health care.anormal bconstant cpermanent dprimary答案dprimary主要的,第一位的;primary concern 意为“主要关心的”。其他选项均与句意不符。13look,heavy clouds are gathering.a terrible storm is_.aunder way bin the waycby the way din a way答案a考查介词短语。句意:看,乌云在聚集。一场可怕的暴风雨就要来了。under way正在进行,展开;in the way挡路;by the way顺便说一声;in a way在某种程度上。故选a。14id appreciate_if you would turn out the lights.im sleepy.aone bthatcthis dit答案d考查appreciate的用法。句意:如果你能把灯关上我将不胜感激。我困了。appreciate/like/hate/need等 it从句,该句型中只有it才可以作形式宾语。其中的从句为真正的宾语。故选d。15at minus 130c,a living cell can be _for a thousand years.aspared bprotectedcpreserved ddeveloped答案cpreserve意为“保存,贮存”。句意:在零下一百三十摄氏度下,一个活细胞可以保存一千年。.阅读理解looking at chinas history over the past 60 years,it is apparent that,despite much suffering,the country has achieved huge political,economic and social success,especially during the past three decades.the press center for the celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of new china was officially opened on the morning of september 22. zha shouchen,deputy director of the press center introduced that,during the national day,there would be 3,200 domestic reporters,and more than 1,300 foreign journalists to come to beijing to make the covering work.the press center provided many services for domestic and foreign reporters,such as issuing the press cards to reporters,accepting the interview application,organizing press conferences and activities of group interviews,providing the means of communication and information services for reporters.and the following was the scene.a grand parade in beijing on oct.1,led by the peoples liberation army and the peoples armed police force,showed some of chinas latest achievements in defense modernization.about 8,000 military officers,along with tanks and other vehicles,formed a straight line stretching 3 kms.the military parade was followed by a civilian parade featuring six massive performing groups and 36 formations of about 100,000 people.in addition,60 floats(彩车)represented everything from the countrys geographic areas to the previous years beijing olympics.everyday life in china is a parade on a grand scale,with citizens now being able to enjoy things their ancestors did not dare to contemplate 100 years ago,things their grandparents took for luxury 60 years ago,and things their parents did not even know how to attempt 30 years ago.【语篇解读】 本文简要介绍了中华人民共和国60周年国庆的庆祝活动以及60年来中国的巨变。16of the following achievements,which one is not listed in paragraph 1?apolitics. beconomy. ceducation. dsociety.答案c细节理解题。由文章第一段可以推知我们国家在过去的30多年中,政治、经济和社会地位方面已经取得了很大的成功。只有c项“教育”文中并未提及。故答案为c。17which of the following led the parade according to paragraph 4?athe peoples liberation army.bthe peoples liberation army and the peoples armed police force.cthe peoples police force and the peoples army.dthe peoples armed police force.答案b细节理解题。由文章第四段首句可知b项是符合题意的。故答案为b。18which of the following statements is not true according to the text?athe civilian parade is after the military parade.bthere are 60 floats representing everything from the countrys geographic areas.ceveryday life in china is a parade on a grand scale.dthe parade on oct.1 showed some of chinas latest achievements in automotive modernization,such as tanks and other vehicles.答案d推理判断题。d项由文章第四段中“.showed some of chinas latest achievements in defense modernization.”可知仪式上展示的是我国国防现代化方面的最新成果,而d项中automotive modernization与文意表述不符,故说法错误。19whats the subject discussed in the text?athe celebration of 60th anniversary of the founding of new china.bthe grand parade in the ceremony.cthe defense modernization in china.dthe economic development during recent years.答案a主旨大意题。由文章题目再结合文章大意可知a项是最具概括性的表述,体现了文章主旨。b项和c项均为仪式的表现形式,而非主旨;d项文章中未提及。故答案为a。.任务型读写if you can find a tree which has been cut down,you will see many rings,or circles,on the base of the trunk.by learning to read these rings,you can find out about the trees life.the number of rings tells you how old the tree is.each year,new wood is formed on the outside of the tree.this new wood is light in color when the tree is growing in spring and summer,and dark in winter when the tree is not growing much.so,if you count the rings of darkorlight colored wood,you can often find out how old the tree is.you can also tell which years have been good years and which years have been bad years.when the lightcolored rings are very wide,it means that the tree has been growing quickly that year.if the rings are narrow,it has been growing slowly.if the rings on a tree trunk were greatly magnified,you would be able to see why the rings are lightcolored when the tree is growing quickly and darkcolored when the tree is growing slowly.the tree trunk is made up of microscopic tubes,like some pipes,carrying water from the soil,through the trunk,and up to the leaves.they are wide and thinwalled when the tree is growing quickly and they are carrying a lot of water.they are narrow and stuck together when the tree is not growing so quickly.when a tree is old,the tubes in the centre of the tree dont carry water.the walls of the tubes have become thick with materials which have stuck along them over the years,forming a kind of wood called“heartwood”this kind of wood is darker in color than the young,growing wood on the outside of the tree.you dont very often see whole tree trunks which have been cut across.but once you learn to read a cross section of the wood,you can see much more in wood which has been used to make boxes,houses and other things.in most wood,instead of


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