



龙凤区第五小学教师教学设计编 写 者杨洋执 教 者杨洋执教时间2013年4月15日 星期一版 本外研版学 科英语册 数一年级(下册)单 元Module5Unit2课 题Its thin .课 时教学目标Grasp the following sentences: Its fat. Its thin. Theyre big. Theyer black and white. Theyre little. Theyre pink. 新| 课 |标 |第 | 一| 网德育教学目标培养孩子对物体形状的了解。教学重点Use adj. and describe animals feature.教学难点 The same as the importance .教学准备Taperecorder word cards Teaching picture X k B 1 . c o m教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业一、 搜集一些adj二、 利用句型Its 教学过程课前3分钟内容造句大比拼Warming up and Revision1. T: Say “Hello” to the pupils. How are you?Im fine, too.2. T: Lets sing an English song. Heads, shoulders.3. Game: I do, you guess. Leadingin 新 课 标 第 一 网T: What feature are these pigs?Do you know how to say these sentences? Now lets lesrn the text the first, OK? Listening and reading Activity1. Write and teach the title: Its thin.2. Show the teaching picture and introduce the text.3. Please listen to the tape recorder.4. Listen and repeat. Teach the new words: fat thin5. Read and text6. Act the text7. Teach English song: Listen and say. Then sing. Further Development.1. Show some pictures with some fat pigs on the blackboard.Then turn back. http:/ww w.xkb1.c om2. Finish the Students Activity Books. Homework1. Listen to the tape recorder and review next module.Describe your rooms thing with “big” and “small”.板书设


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