【志鸿全优设计】高中英语 Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢ目标导学 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
【志鸿全优设计】高中英语 Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢ目标导学 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
【志鸿全优设计】高中英语 Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢ目标导学 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
【志鸿全优设计】高中英语 Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢ目标导学 新人教版必修1.doc_第4页




unit 1friendshipsection learning about language & using language导学互动1she found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.(p4)她发现在躲藏地很难安顿、平静下来settle vi. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决after graduation he settled in america.毕业后他定居在美国。the teachers eyes settled on the naughty boy.老师的目光停留在那调皮的男孩身上。after the manager settled the affairs of the company,he left for america by air.经理安排完公司的事务以后,乘飞机去了美国。联想拓展settle in 安顿下来;定居在settle down 安静下来;定居下来settle down to 开始专注于某事settler n定居者;殖民者settlement n解决;处理;协议;殖民地词汇辨析settle指“解决;处理;对某事达成一致意见;终于或满意地安排好某事物”等。其宾语通常是argument,dispute,affair,matter,quarrel等。solve指“解决,解答(问题等);解释,揭示(秘密等);解决困难等”。其宾语通常是equation(等式),problem,puzzle,riddle等。(1)介副词填空nowadays more and more foreigners have settled _ china.the noisy children settled _ and went to sleep.after a short rest,they settled down _ the discussion of main issues.(2)用settle 的正确形式完成句子a lot of british _ came to north america in the 16th century,and they _ there and helped the indians _ some farming problems.their _ was the beginning of american development in a way.(3)单项填空the government moved the local people and _ them in another place.ahelpedbsettledcarranged dswappedyou are no longer a child.its time for you to learn to _ differences with your parents.aupset bsettlecignore dsolve2she suffered from loneliness.(p4)她非常孤独suffer vt.& vi. 遭受;忍受;经历people suffered a lot during the civil war.内战期间人们遭受巨大的苦难。i will never suffer your rudeness like this.我再也无法忍受你这样粗暴无礼了。词汇辨析suffer表示“遭遇”时,后面常接一些表示不愉快或损失的名词,例如 pain,defeat,loss,poverty,hunger,hardship等。suffer from后面接表示伤痛、疾病等引起痛苦的原因的词。they suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。his health suffered terribly from overwork.他的健康因过度操劳而受到严重损害。for some reason,my son often suffers from headaches.不知何故,我儿子常常头疼。单项填空_ heart trouble for years,he has to get retired at the age of forty.ahaving sufferedbsufferingcsuffered dhaving suffered from3how can linda recover from her illness in this room when its so dirty and dusty?(p4)既然房间这么脏,沾满灰尘,琳达怎么能恢复健康?recover vi.&vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得the doctor said that it was not serious;he would recover soon.医生说病情不是很严重;他会很快痊愈的。it took him a long time to recover from a bad cold.他患了重感冒,很长时间才恢复了健康。the police recovered the stolen jewellery.警察追回了失窃的珠宝。联想拓展recover from 从中恢复recover oneself 清醒过来;镇定下来recovery n恢复,痊愈make a recovery from 从中恢复(1)完成句子two days later _(他的伤口痊愈了)it is said that mary has _(找回丢失的钱包)(2)单项填空with good treatment,he unbelievably _ from lung cancer.aremainedbreturnedcretireddrecovered4ive got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.(p5)我已经厌倦了透过脏兮兮的窗帘和沾满灰尘的窗户观看大自然了get/be tired of 厌倦;对厌烦;讨厌im tired of the endless quarrels between my mother and father.我厌倦了父母之间无休止的争吵。the famous actress is tired of being asked the private affairs.那个女明星讨厌被问及私人问题。联想拓展be/get tired from/with 因而疲劳be tired out 疲惫不堪;精疲力竭一语中的you may get tired from studying,but you shouldnt be tired of it.学习可能会使你疲劳,但你不应该对学习感到厌烦。(1)介词填空i am tired _ doing the same job day after day.she was tired _ the whole days work without stop.(2)单项填空every evening after dinner,if not _ from work,i will spend some time walking my dog.abeing tiredbtiringctired dto be tired5im getting along well with a boy in my class.(p6)我跟班上的一个男孩相处得很好。get along/on(with) 与相处;取得进展we should get along well with our neighbours and be good friends with them.我们应与邻为善,与邻为伴。she is getting along badly with her neighbours.她与邻居之间相处不融洽。im not getting on very fast with this job.我这个工作进展不太快。温馨提示get along with中的along可用on来代替;在with前加well,nicely,badly等。get along/on可单独使用。she and her partner have never really got on.她与她的同桌一直合不来。how is the work getting along?工作进展如何?联想拓展get in 收割get up 起床get through通过考试;用完;完成;接通get off下车get to抵达;到达get across 使理解(接受)单项填空i used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we _ fine.alook out bstay upccarry on dget alongwe all find the newcomer in our office is not easy to _.aget along bget oncget away with dget along with6they say that this boy and i have fallen in love.(p6)他们说我和这个男孩恋爱了。fall in love(with sb) (与某人)相爱they fell in love with each other two years ago.他们两年前彼此相爱了。i fell in love with the house at first sight.我第一眼看见这所房子,就喜欢上了它。短语辨析be in love(with),fall in love(with)be in love(with)的意思是“与相爱”,表示状态,可以与表一段时间的状语连用。而fall in love(with)表示动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。(1) 完成句子it was said that our english teacher _(爱上了语文老师)the couple _(相爱八年)before they got married.(2)单项填空they met on a train on a journey to beijing and _ each other at first sight.afell in love bfall in love withcfell in love with dfall in love答案:1(1)indownto(2)settlers;settled;settle;settlement(3)b提示:句意:政府搬迁当地居民,并把他们安置在另外一个地方。help“帮助”;settle“安家,定居”;arrange“安排”;swap“交换”。由句意可知,b项正确。b提示:句意:你已经不是个孩子了,到了学会解决与父母分歧的时候了。upset“使不安,使心烦”;settle“解决(纷争,争端等)”;ignore“忽视,不理睬”;solve“解决(答案,困难等)”由句中的differences可知b项正确。2d提示:suffer “遭遇”,后面常接pain,defeat,loss等名词作宾语;而在表示“患病”时应用suffer from。由于suffer from和 he之间为主动关系,且suffer from这一动作发生在谓语动词has to之前,故用动词ing的完成式形式。3(1)he recovered from the woundrecovered her lost wallet(2)d提示:句意:在精心的治疗下,他奇迹般地从肺癌中康复过来。recover from“从恢复过来”。4(1)ofwith/from(2)c提示:句意:每天晚饭后,如果工作不是很累,我会遛一下狗。此处考查状语从句的省略,补充完整为:if i am not tired from work,故c项正确。5d提示:句意:我过去常与父母争吵,但是现在我们相处很好。look out“当心”;stay up“熬夜”;carry on“继续,进行”;get along“相处”。由句意可知d项正确。d提示:句意:我们都发现办公室新来的那个人不好相处。get


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