山东省济南市长清区双泉中学八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
山东省济南市长清区双泉中学八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
山东省济南市长清区双泉中学八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
山东省济南市长清区双泉中学八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页




can you come to my party学习目标:1. 熟练 运用本单元词汇和句型做出邀请2. 复习一些常用的委婉地表达拒绝的方式。知识链接:练一练: 补全对话a: hey, dave, _ you go to the movies on saturday?b: im _ i cant. i have too _ homework this weekend.a: thats too _. maybe _ time.b: sure, joe. thanks _ asking.完成短文hi henry, thank you _ your invitation. im sorry i _ visit you this week. i _ really busy. this evening im _ to my cousins birthday party. and tomorrow, i _ to go to the dentist. (yuck!) on wednesday, i have tennis _ with the school team. and i have to _ for my math test on thursday. on friday evening, im going to the movies _ some friends. _ you come to the movies with us on friday?write soon.sonia一、示标自学. 词汇速记1. 流行性感冒; 流感(n. ) 2. 有空的; 可获得的(adj. ) 3. 直到为止(conj. & prep. ) 4. 及时赶上; 抓住(v. ) 5. 接受(v. ) 6. 拒绝(v. ) _- 7. 回答; 答复(v. ) 8. 音乐会; 演奏会(n. ) _ 9. 日历; 日程表(n. ) 10. 大事; 公开活动; 比赛项目(n. ) 11. invite(v. )(n. )邀请; 请柬12. prepare(v. )(n. )准备; 准备工作13. surprise(v. )(adj. )惊奇的; 感觉意外的14. open(v. )(n. )开幕式; 落成典礼15. with(prep. )(反义词)没有; 不(做某事). 短语互译1. 为做准备 prepare 2. 闲逛; 常去某处out3. 照料; 照顾 look_ 4. 盼望; 期待 lookto5. 接到(某人的)信 hear 6. another time 7. not. . . until. . . 8. the day after tomorrow 9. turn down 10. take a trip . 句型攻关1. 露西, 周五你能来参加我的聚会吗? lucy, you my party on friday? 当然, 我很愿意。sure, . 2. 周六下午他能去看足球赛吗? he go and watch the soccer game on saturday afternoon? 不, 他没空。他得去看医生。no, hes . he go to the doctor. 3. 谢谢你邀请我参加新年聚会。 me to the new years party. 4. 昨天晚上直到11点他才回到家。heget back home11: 00pm last night. 5. 这个周末你打算做什么? whatyou planning this weekend? 练一练: 译句子1.你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(2种) _ _2.当然,愿意来。 _3./报歉,不能。我要去听音乐会。 _4.今天是什么日子?_ 3号,周三。_ 今天星期几?_ 今天几号? _5.它是在什么时候?_ 10月1号周六,4点40分。 _6.为什么不去看篮球赛?_7.不,他不能。_ 他不得不为化学考试而学习。 _8.这周末我有太多的作业要做。 _9.太糟了,也许下次吧。 _10.当然,谢谢邀请。_11.它是生日聚会。_12.来加入我们吧。_13.非常感谢你的邀请。_14.赶快给我写信。_15.直到晚上10点我都有空。_练一练: 1.can you my house wednesday evening to discuss the report?2.please ! im trying to study.3.i cant join you because i help my mom on weekdays.4. for the invitation.5.i am busy. i have to my chemistry test on thursday.6. , but i have to finish my homework first. 语法专练1. can sheto the movies with us? yes, she can. a. goesb. goc. goingd. to go2. can you go hiking with us this weekend? , but i have to help mum with the housework. a. id love to b. sorry, i cantc. im afraid not d. im not sure3. you turn off your radio? yes, i can. a. may b. need c. must d. can4. can you go to the park with us? sorry, i. i have to babysit my sister at home. a. mustnt b. neednt c. cant d. dont5. cathy, can you come to our art club tomorrow? . a. im sorry to hear thatb. never mindc. sure, id love to d. youre welcome. 真题体验1. (2013中考)would you like to go for a bike ride on sunday afternoon? . i havent been outdoors these days. i cant wait!a. sorry, i cant b. sure, id love toc. not at all d. forget it2. (2013中考)would you like to come to my birthday party this evening? yes, im very glad to. a. inviteb. invitedc. be invited3. (2013中考)i had too much work to do last night. i didnt go to bed11oclock. a. inb. untilc. for4. (2013中考)how old is your daughter? . we had a surprise party for herbirthday last saturday. a. twelve; twelfthb. twelfth; twelvec. twelve; twelved. twelfth; twelfth5. (2013中考)my dream hometown is an amazing placeany pollution. a. with b. without c. out d. in写一写二、感悟成功 颗粒归仓1、知识归纳:2、感悟生成:三、达标测试 巩固落实汉译英1、 星期三你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?_2、当然,我很乐意去。_3、这个周末我有太多的作业要做。_4、很抱歉,我要去看电影。_用适当的句子完成对话 a. excuse me, sir. b. i hope they will c. what should we bring? d. sure. lets go. e. that sounds like a good idea.jack: we are invited to our teachers house for dinner tomorrow. _ lucy: its not necessary to bring anything at all.jack: really? but we shouldnt go there without anything.lucy: if you really want to bring something, we could bring some candies or toys for the kids.jack: but im not sure whether theyd like the


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