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unit 24society.完形填空there are a lot of situations in life where we need help.i dont believe that there are many people who have not been _1_ by someone else at some point in their lives.it may be _2_ through verbal support,or help to overcome a _3_ that one faces in a personal or professional way.some years ago,i was _4_ an employee assistance program and had a number of my own clients(客户)it was a(n) _5_ position involving not only the daytoday issues but the assigned additional duties.helping people in _6_ was part of my responsibilities.they met me in the hallway near my work area and asked _7_ i could talk to them for a few minutes.and i will never _8_ their names or positions because i respect their privacy.as with all clients,once the issue has been _9_,there is little of any continuing _10_,and there is absolutely no intention to form a lasting friendship.how _11_ i was!because of my work location being near to a(n) _12_ client,i occasionally ran into this person.what was _13_ was that this person continued to say how i had helped him gain a level of _14_and,the beauty of this belief in himself _15_ to his family,colleagues and friends.i was very _16_ that this confidence wasnt a onetime event but was appearing _17_ his daily life.and,what had started out as a client turned out to be a lifelong _18_this close relationship continues to this day _19_ we live thousands of miles away but it takes only a few seconds of conversation to restart the relationship.as the old saying goes,what goes around _20_ around.【语篇解读】 帮助别人是一种美德,它能带给别人完美和幸福,也能给自己带来意想不到的收获。1a.refused bassisted clearned dpersuaded答案b根据前句中we need help可知,此句意思是每个人都曾经受到过别人的帮助。2a.already balways chardly dsimply答案d根据句中through verbal support可知,这里强调帮助的简单性,即帮助别人并不是要做惊天动地的事情。3a.danger bmistake cdifficulty dhabit答案c既然是帮助别人,就是要帮助别人克服他面对的困难。4a.managing bmonitoringcadapting dreflecting答案a根据句中had a number of my own clients可知,这里指管理一个项目。5a.exciting bextra cboring dbusy答案d根据句中not only the daytoday issues but the assigned additional duties可知,作者的工作非常忙。6a.debt bneed cadvance dbrief答案b这里强调作者把帮助有困难的人看作是自己的职责。7a.why bwhen cwhether dwhat答案c根据语境可知,这个客户问作者是否愿意和他谈几分钟。8a.check bremember cbelieve dcall答案a根据句中because i respect their privacy可知,作者不去核实这些客户的名字或者职位。9a.found bexplained cexpressed dsolved答案d因为作者要帮助客户,因此要解决问题。10a.teaching bdialogue cargument dunderstanding答案b根据后半句中no intention to form a lasting friendship可知,解决问题之后就很少有联系了,也就没有谈话了。11a.great bimpatient cfortunate dwrong答案d根据下文可知,此句是对上段最后一句的否定,作者认为自己的观点是错误的。12a.elegant bpotentialcformer dpresent答案c根据句中being near和后句中how i had helped him可知,这是作者原先的客户。13a.unexpected buncertaincunclear dunreasonable答案a作者认为和客户的业务完成后就不会有联系了,因此对于此事他很意外。14a.bravery bconfidence chonesty dleadership答案b根据后句中this belief in himself可知,这里强调的是自信。15a.connected bappliedcreffered dspread答案d作者首先使这个客户获得了自信,然后这种自信又传递到他的家人、同事和朋友。16a.afraid bdisappointed cpleased dcurious答案c作者帮助了别人,使客户的自信得到很大的传播,因此作者感到非常高兴。17a.beyond bthrough cbeneath dbeside答案bthrough指“贯穿”或者“穿过”。这里指贯穿他们的生活。18a.professor bteacherccolleague dfriend答案d根据下一段中this close relationship可知,这个客户成为了作者终生的朋友。19a.even though bnow thatcas if dever since答案athis friendship continues to this day和we live thousands of miles away是转折关系,故用even though。20a.turns bplays ccomes dmoves答案c这里用comes与句中的goes相对应,表示“一报还一报”。.阅读理解体裁题材词数难度建议用时议论文社会生活3316.5分钟in a recent news report,atlantas city officials announced plans to carry out a longstanding teen curfew(宵禁)“i want everyone in the city of atlanta,especially our young people,to enjoy the summer months,”mayor kasim reed said in the statement.“at the same time,it is vital that we keep everyone safe.”but mike males,a researcher with the center on juvenile and criminal justice,said,“theres pretty much(几乎)no question that the laws arent effective in either reducing crime or preventing harm to young people.”curfews have been around for a long time.by the mid1990s,the us conference of mayors found 70 percent of nearly 350 cities surveyed had some sort of nighttime curfew.the vast majority of cities considered the curfew effective.males is one of the leading researchers in the effectiveness of teen curfews.in a widely referenced 1998 paper on the effect of curfews in california,males and coauthor dan macallair found curfews“had no obvious effect on youth crime”based on a statistical analysis of cities carrying out the laws.males research is supported by a popular survey of studies on curfews published in 2003 by criminal justice researcher kenneth adams,who also found scant evidence that the laws accomplished what most people believed they did.but a more recent attempt to measure the effectiveness of curfews comes from university of california at berkley economist patrick kline.with curfews,kline said the punishments for curfewbreakers result in a decline in youth crime of up to 10 percent.klines paper has been picked up across the country by curfew advocates,but males said the study has significant shortcomings.for example,kline does not compare cities that have curfews with similar cities without curfews to see whether crime is declining generally.while males and other researchers agree that curfews do not lower youth crime,they also admit their conclusions rest on relatively few studies.【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章讨论了对青少年实行宵禁是否有效。1what may mike males agree with?ateen curfews help reduce crime.bcurfewbreakers should be punished.cteen curfews arent as effective as expected.dmore studies should be carried out on teen curfews.答案c细节理解题。根据第二段的theres pretty much no question that the laws arent effective in either reducing crime or preventing harm to young people可知。2the underlined word “scant” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _adirect bclear clittle dgood答案c词义猜测题。由本段的supported和also可判断,adams的研究结论和males是一致的。由上文可知,males认为青少年宵禁令对降低青少年犯罪率作用不大,故可推断scant的意思是“不足的”。3according to the text,males findings about teen curfews _awere published in 2003bwere based on limited studiesccame after klinesdreceived wide recognition答案b细节理解题。由最后一段. admit their conclusions rest on relatively few studies可知,males承认自己的研究比较有限。4the text is mainly about _ahow to lower youth crimebwhether teen curfews are effectivecthe importance of curfewsdrecent studies about teen curfews答案b主旨大意题。本文从美国亚特兰大市即将实施的青少年宵禁令谈起,列出了males,adams和kline等几位专家对青少年宵禁令的研究结论,重点讨论该禁令是否有效。.书面表达假设你是李华,你的英语老师mr. black要求你们周六下午去听一场关于英国历史的讲


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