九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第2页
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第4页
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第5页
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unit1bodypartsandfeelinglesson2avisittothedentist 九年级上册 学习目标 1学习的任务和目标1 graspthewords dentist refuse toothache rotten fortunately headset aching german wolf2 graspthephrases gotothedentist havenochoicebuttodosth rightaway haveatoothache takecareof beafraidofdoing wantsbtodosth oneofmyteeth dressinstrangeclothing tellsbnottodosth getuponthechair listentomusic not atall smileatsb onthewayhome 3 keystructures 1 idon tknowwhybutihavehadthisfearsinceiwasveryyoung 2 shethoughtthatoneofmyteethwasprobablyrottenandthatineededtogotoadentist 3 beforeiknewit myachingtoothwasfixed 4 fearmakesthewolfbiggerthanheis 新课导入 brown haveyoueverbeentothedentist iwillbestronger 新课导入 adentistispullingatooth letmeprotectmyteeth 一 单词 word 1 原谅 2 x光 x射线 3 牙医 4 拒绝 回绝 5 牙痛 pardon x ray refuse dentist 自主反馈 toothache 二 短语 阅读课文找出下列短语1 你牙痛过吗 2 你怎样照顾你的牙齿 3 我很害怕去看牙医 4 我醒来时牙痛得厉害 5 我别无选择 只能和她一起去 haveyoueverhadatoothache ihadnochoicebuttogowithher iwoke upwithaterribletoothache i mreallyafraidofgoingtothedentist howdoyoutakecareofyourteeth 自主反馈 自主反馈 试着把以下句子译成汉语并想一想这些句型的用法 1 imaginehowscarediwas 2 mylegsfeltsoheavy anditwasdiffculttostand 3 shehelpdmegetuponthechair 4 beforeiknewit myachingtoothwasfixed 想象一下我有多害怕 我的腿感觉很重 很难站立 她帮助我爬上椅子 在我知道之前 我疼痛的牙齿是固定的 新课学习 howdoyoufeel it snotbad 新课学习 see whatacomfortableenvironment ifonlyicouldpullatoothouthere 1 ilikedonutsbest like best意为 最喜欢 like better意为 较喜欢 like verymuch意为 很喜欢 don t doesn t like atall意为 根本不喜欢 一点儿也不喜欢 知识探究 2 either too also也either用于否定句句尾too用于肯定句句尾also用于肯定句句中 be动词后实义动词前 examples sheisastudent idon tlikerain heis intheclassroom they watchtvintheevening 知识探究 too either also also 3 iplaytheviolin play后面跟 乐器 时要加冠词 eg playtheviolin 拉小提琴 playtheguitar 弹吉他 play后面跟 球类 时 不加冠词 eg playbasketball 打篮球 playfootball 踢足球 知识探究 分组活动 let sdoit readthelessonandwritetrue t orfalse f 分组活动 matcheachparagraphwithitsmainidea thenretellthestory 分组活动 findthewordsinthislessonthathavethesamemeaningasthecircledwords 分组活动 workinpairsandtalkaboutyourexperiencesatadoctor soffice 单项选择1 hisfamily thezoolastweek a visitbamvisitingc visitedd willvisit2 where yougoonvacation a doesb didc ared were3shedidn t meaboutit a toldb telc tellingd tells 随堂检测 c b b 4 iwenttonewyorkcity a whereareyougoingb howwasyourvacationc didyougotonewyorkcityd wheredidyougo5 didyoulikeyourvacation no i a didb didn tc wasn td don t d b 随堂检测 作业布置 1 reviewtoday


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