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弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧Remember to give some instances when you want to keep those in your mind說出你認為對你最有用的一本書,並解釋原因. the autobiography of Hilary Clinton *learn how to face the difficulties and how to plan my future*the style of writing is excellent*a successful woman as I see電視對於現代社會有正面作用還是負面作用,選擇其中之一並解釋原因。 Positive influence of the television*our life more colorful and interesting, have things to do in our leisure time*keep us informed of the current news in the world*chances for family to get togetherDescribe the most important decision that you made in your life. Taking part in a top 10 singers competition in our school*I won the forth place in the competition, gain honor for our class*I became confident from then on, finding one of my strong suits*develop the friendship with my classmates, they cheer up for meDo you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? yes*life filled with tenseness because of rivalship, to relax*it will help them to make friends with others in the future life*develop their temperament空閒時間用來做什麼? Listening to music *like to listening to music, make me feel relaxed and placid*I can learn to sing some songs by listening to music while I am good at singing*give me some topics to talk with my friend, share the good albums with them打手機該不該在一些地方禁止? yep*hospital, cause some medical accidents*cinema, talk loudly, make others feel irksome*plane, dangerous to use cell phones描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。 Spring festival*set off fireworks, beautiful and flowery*everybody get together, no matter how busy he is at he usual time, family reunions mean a lot to every Chinese*delicious food, palatable eatable made by the best cook in our familyWhich one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV or teachers? Teachers*we have interaction, he will give me the direction according to my own personalities*teach me the professional knowledge which is significant for me*friends, give me pertinent suggestion to help me in the careerDescribe a social or politics celebration events in your culture. Spring festival*set off fireworks, beautiful and flowery*everybody get together, no matter how busy he is at he usual time, family reunions mean a lot to every Chinese*delicious food, palatable eatable made by the best cook in our family政府是否應該資助建博物館和劇院。說出你的觀點和理由。 Yes *represent the culture and the history of the city*provide the residents with a wonderful place to go in their leisure time*make profits for the government說出你所居住的城市中你最喜歡的地方,給出原因。 Seaside *newly built harbor there, demonstrate the development of our city, make me feel proud*beautiful place, pure sky, fresh air, clear water, far way from the high-polluted city*eat my favorite seafood there and they are very cheap but delicious你和朋友在一起的時候喜歡去哪個地方?為什麼? Seaside *newly built harbor there, demonstrate the development of our city, make us feel proud*beautiful place, pure sky, fresh air, clear water, far way from the high-polluted city*eat my favorite seafood there and they are very cheap but delicious你是喜歡自己在家裏吃還是去外面餐館吃?為什麼? At home*cheap, you have to spend at least 200 yuan to eat in a restaurant but 50 at home*do it ourselves will make the food more delicious*the processes of making food together will hence the relationship with your family members你通常喜歡去什麼park或者public area。 Park *don not like a place which is too crowded while most public areas are congested, frustrated*ordinarily, there are trees, flowers and rivers in a park, beautiful*some park is cost-free, save money for me, spending a lot such as in cinemas, pubs喜歡到大城市讀書還是小城市讀書。 Big city*many professors with profound knowledge and excellent establishment in school*many chances to approach some high-level competitions or lectures, enriching ourselves *we may find a job after we graduate because companies in city雜誌,小說,詩歌,喜歡哪個 Magazines*get information more than poems and novels*cheap than novels and poems, update frequently*tragic novels and dolorous poem make mel uncomfortable, want to be happy, enjoyments喜歡一個人住還是和室友住 Living alone *keep the privacy secret *daily habits I can not stand, stay up late, loud music *good at communicate with others, make me upset if any problems occur between us和朋友在一起,喜歡在restaurant,caf還是在家 At home *cheap, pay money if go to caf or restaurant *in a caf or restaurant will make us feel prim and restrained *develop our relationship if we make food together at homeComputer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problems Improve our lives *make it convenient to communicate with others *get information quickly *based on everyones self-control, about the problems老師的character Tolerant *students have different personalities, shortcoming, direct them, some are not so intelligent *make mistakes, should not tax with him, teaching them without any impatience *a teacher who is very tolerant make student feel comfortable, promote the interaction是說願意在辦公室工作還是在家工作,為什麼。 Office *staying at home make me slouching, an office lady, makes up everyday, invigorative *friends, go out with them after work spend my leisure time *do not need to set the equipment in my own house, it is troublesome說一個你敬佩的人的好性格 Tolerant *a man deals in micrograms will be unpopular. My grandma, everyone respects her *be tolerant will not make others feel embarrassed, take them out from the quandary *if you do not treat others with tolerance, they will do the same, it will be a vicious circle大學是應該向所有人開放還是只對一部分學生開放 Partially *graduating from a university means nothing, be all one to the employers *it will burden the government with the problem of the money for education *they have to work hard to compete with others, make the education effectiveWhether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose Parents should lead *really something ill transmits through TV, will cast a blight on children*lacking self-control, children will see something unfit for them*parents, something amusing or educational, comprehensive development of childrenThe most efficient transportation in your country。 Bicycles *traffic condition is not so well, give it some breathing space *private cars are expensive, most families can not afford, cheap, befitting them *convenient, looking for a parking space說近100年最important的invention之一 Computer *promote the evolution of technology, facilitate the developing all kinds of industries *convenient for human beings to communicate, enhance the relationship between people *get information ASAP, creating a era of informationattend college 是否比不讀college容易successful in career ,why? No *success based on emotion quality, aggressive quality, not only the academic education *without suffering the painful trial in the society, they could not take the heat *there are many people, bill gatesCharacteristics of friends; Aggressive, tolerant, unselfish *(tolerant as the counts above) *he can hearten me to work hard, compete with each other *selfish person cares nothing about others, thinks only of himself will make me upsetSomeone suggests school to cut the Recycling 你是願意當leader還是當follower Follower *do not have a strong desire for power, being a leader is too demanding *leader is often a easy target, be begrudged by others *being a follower, you still have scope for your ability and talentWhich one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Internet *those academic books usually involved in the internet *interaction, get assistance from some net friends *out of date, keep abreast of the times人是被電視,報紙,廣播上的資訊影響得多,還是家人朋友得影響多 Family members and friends *are usually the most reliable people in the world for a person, believe them *spend all the time with them, during office hour, friends, after work, family members *infant, with family members being ignorant of these media, important period in one life理想的職業 A business teacher *good at present my ideas and communicate with others, patient enough *I worked as a tutor, satisfied with my work, the job fits me well *summer holiday and winter holiday, more time to enjoy myselfTake a long vacation or several short vacations in a year? Several short vacations *work for a too long time will make me frustrated, bored, efficient, keep interested *travel to more scenic spots, make the hard choices when we have one vacation *since it is not lengthy, make full use of every minute, wonderful tourWhat do you think are the characteristics of a good parent? Instructional, considerate *children are undiscerning, most significant period in ones life*the most influencing person in the world, decide the values, outlook of life *make the infant healthy and strong to face the challenges in the futureDo you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group? Study along *waste time because they keep discussing without any summing-up *your own idea may be covered up, hard for you to exploit your talents *someone is disoperative, make my brain hurt, achieve a production satisfying everyone你的目標是什麼 ( be same as one above, being a business teacher)描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解決這個challenge Taking part in a Top 10 singers competition *persuaded by my classmates, a chance to surpass myself, without professional direction *practice for three hours per day; learn from the original tape of the singer *rank the forth place in the end, make me more confident應該選擇工作好找的專業還是應該選擇自己感興趣的專業 Interested in *encourage you to work hard, gain more achievements and have pleasure *be tedious and unpleasant after long time, depressed, your life will be boring *will not be pop for ever, some day your field will be popular喜歡看那種電影,為什麼:Comedy, drama Drama *I will laugh out loud, make me light-hearted, delighted, after high-pressure job *profound meaning, learn something *handsome guys and beauties in the movieWhat will you do to relax yourself? Listening to music *found of music, jazz, pop music, light music, make me relaxed after high-pressure job *good at singing, learn some songs through listening to music *have some topics, latest album or singer of the momentIs it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself? Attend class regularly *communication with classmates and teachers in the class, ask the questions immediately *friendship developed through the contact with other students, precious *chance to do the presentation, for comprehensive developmentDescribe an enjoyable event in your childhood Have a picnic with my family *charming landscape on the beach, seabirds, ocean wave laps the shore *delicious food bought from the fish men, cheap but fresh, unavailable in the town *pleasant time spending with my family members描述一個你參加過的學校 My junior high middle school- Rudong high school *elected as one of the Top 50 high schools in china mainland by a institution in Taiwan *excellent educational equipment and beautiful school environment *well read and responsible teachers, treat all the students equally學校應不應該在普通課程中加入Sport courses? Should *help students to be a person of endurance and perseverance, hard to persist in *ensure them in good shape to get excellent scholastic attainments *form a good habit of doing exercise regularly which will be wholesome in futureWhat do you miss most when you are away from home? My parents *my mothers delicious food, expensive to buy the toothsome dishes *get suggestion from them if I have some problems, they usually work *worry about them, their health condition, if they are too lonely人們往往認為應該在危急時刻幫助別人,但另一種觀點認為你首先應該看清楚情況 You should find out the condition *badmen today cheat us out of the money or other things, gain your sympathy first *sort the situation out first, you can give more effective solutions *may can solve the problem by himself, your help will be a wasted effortDescribe a special opportunity given to you (be same as one above, taking part in the Top 10 singers competition )good leader 應有哪些qualities Convincing, talented and easygoing *talented, should be directive in this field, lead them to achieve the goal *convincing, the collective will be united around him, easy to manage *make the employees feel comfortable, and dare to give suggestions同不同意People should always tell the truth . No *feel hopeless, cancer and the death of a family member in the significant period *cause some unpleasantness, A speak ill of B, dress is pretty *white lies encouraging people, you can do better in the examDescribe an object which is very important to you. An mp3 player *a birthday present from my first boy friend, *like listening to music, on the bus, on the under ground, to kill the time *use it to practice my English to take part in some tests-ibtDo you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance? No *as the saying goes, time tries all, things are changeable, evaluate after enough contact *people always tend to show their good aspects, beautiful and good manners *made significant decision, unfair to those who are really talented, lose a job or chance如果有機會你會選擇 job or career? Career *more sense of accomplishment, challenging and demanding, brave, talented, aggressive *be something I interested in from a child, feel bored by it, more free *pass it to my descendants; make a better life for them若果有一大筆錢,你會做 practise thing or happy thing? Practice things *temporary, short-lived, it is not worth expending the money *make more money through the practice things, enjoy myself securely and gain experience *helping others, donate to the charitable institution, going to school學生放假應該做些什麼? Enrich them, enjoy themselves *travel around the world, catch a vision of the culture and scenery of other countries, friends *learn some skill he is interested in, piano, violin, painting or something *visit some old friends and share the happiness and sorrow, enhance the relationship描述一件童年很 happy 的 event,然後 explain why it is memorable (Have picnic with family members on the beach, the same as one above)Communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? Telephone *talk to them directly, hard for you to express your motion through other two media *save time, cost time to conceive and write down no matter through letter or e-mail *convenient, telephone box, along the road, paper and pen, computer and internetFavorite time of a year Summer *colorful and beautiful, not only the landscape but the vivid dress of girls *ice cream and iced drink, make me feel pleasantly cool *swimming, helpful to keep fitHave a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no? No *you want to have a enjoyable and wealthy life, must pay for that *have a sense of achievements, *only after you work like a horse, relaxation and rest will make senseFavorite room Bedroom *decorated by pink curtains and opalescent furniture, feel warm and comfortable *albums of my favorite singers, enjoy the music lying in the sofa *sleep in that room, spend almost half of my time in that room在旅行時,有些人喜歡直接到達目的地,有些人卻喜歡沿途一路上觀光。 Along the trip *purpose is to enjoy the landscape, there must be some extraordinary *the scenery is the most original while in the beauty spots may be rebuilt by people *more opportunities to make friends with others當你去restaurant或cafe得時候最care about的features有那些 Food, price and altitude *significant


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